The Judge and the Mentally Ill


  1. The main problem that we are having today is trying to find a place to put the mentally ill people than putting them in jail. People that are working the jail don’t want to deal with them because they need more help than what the jail or prison can offer them. The judges want the officers to take them to a mental institution so they can get the right help and that is what they need to do. If we keep putting mental ill people in jail the number are going to keep rising and we are not going to get anywhere with any of them. One of the big things was when Jason spyers came in a talked to us about the system. Jason was in there for selling cannabis. When he went for a checkup he was declared a mental ill person. He had to sit in jail because they thought he was a real threat to the society. He was in prison for 15 years and never got the help that he need for his illness. He should have got the treatment that he needed so when he got out he was going to function in the real society today. One of the big things that stood out to me while reading this was the calls that they get on mental ill people. Police receive 250 million calls each year but only 25 percent of those calls are connected with actual crimes that are happening. The main thing that the judges are trying to do with the mental ill rather than put them in jail is to find them jobs or find the right treatment to try and help the person in every way so they can function in society. They have 2 programs that they do pre booking diversion training for law enforcement and post booking diversion to help individuals in jail and awaiting adjudication. I personally think we need to get them the right help rather than put them in jail. Gator789
    Fighting for non violent drug offenders and people with mental illnesses is one of the biggest reasons why I am so interested in the Criminal Justice system. I agree with Judge Leifman in the article when he says that the criminal justice system should be the last resort for the mentally ill, not the first. I feel this way because after hearing Mr. Spyres tell the story about the guy in the cell next to him that stole all of the shoes from his cell mates to get all of the spirits of children out of the cell. How can we allow someone in that state of mind rot in jail without special treatment? I really like the Miami-Dade method of decarceration for people with serious mental illnesses (SMI). The Criminal Mental Health Project is a great community based treatment that help lead people with serious mental illness down the right path to recovery, rather than letting someone that needs help sit in jail or prison. My favorite quote from the article is when Klineman says if he puts someone on probation, I set them up for failure, and if he lets them go they will not get the help that they need, and I think this is the philosophy that people in the Criminal justice system need to have on people with a serious mental illness. -redman789
    criminal justice system screws some individual that are not even deserve the punishment they are going through. This is where my mind tells me criminal justice need to come with the law that weighs each offender offence according to what he or she offended. The prosecutors and jury need to come with the solution with the law to decide the time type of sentence they give people when they get arrested. The law enforcement department when they arrest people from the street this police basically don’t know if this person has mental problems but it’s for the prosecutors and judge now to determine the type of punishment or treatment to offer for such people. I do agree too that criminal justice system should be the last resort not the first one for the mental illness. Police, prosecutors and judges should have proper training to handle mental healthy people instead of throwing them in prisons GUSII 789.

  2. Part1: Within our society there are many people within our own communities who have internal health issues that are not physical and cannot always be cured with physical practices. Mental illness is a serious problem within our nation and not just due to the fact that many have some sort of mental illness whether it be depression or autism or whatever it may be. While many Americans are affected by a mental illness, our nation still has a very negative stigma that follows mental illness al throughout the country. Mentally ill people are seen as weak or menaces to society because they do not know to “behave normal” as per the standards of our nation. Many times, when the police are called to handle an issue involving a mentally ill person they have no prior training ion how to deal with people who have a mental illness, therefore they have no other choice than to arrest the said individual and take them downtown. Many times, mentally ill people have done nothing wrong or if they have done something wrong it is because they are not taking their medicine or they have no other output for their frustrations because they have not had any programs for how to do deal with their illness. We can raise taxes slightly to help pay for programs for mentally ill people in order to help them and in order to pay for officers to have training to do deal with mentally ill people. However, people are very reluctant to pay for such things because they will not directly benefit them in any way, because we live in an individualistic society and people do not like to help people and spend money on people they do not know. These are the main issues as to why we have problems within our criminal justice system and why we do not know how to deal with mentally ill people. Judges have to have some individual leeway as most people tend to act out which will mostly cause a criminal offense. If the offense reframes from causing a person to create a major trauma in which a victim is created then why should we make a victim out of the person who is experiencing the manic episode. The alternative’s come from having an alternative within the communities and the families as they are the first line of defense when it comes to dealing with a person who is first experiencing issues of conducting themselves. Dealing with people on the first basis without having to take steps which can add to stress and anxiety without having to create full circle more events in their personal life’s that may lead to more manic episodes then these are the first steps to take as police often times will have there hands tided when dealing with certain issues they will have to responds to the departments procured based on the law on their agency and the laws of the state which will often times create a culture that can sometimes be seen as a revealing door as most people are ensure of how to first see someone who is having trouble handling certain emotions that they are experiencing going from just day to day events that they are handling in their lives.

  3. Part 2: In this article it talks about how it is the correctional system was the last line of defenses for the mentally ill. This would be awesome for the police to be able to have an alternative for the cases of running in to mentally ill. The reason most mentally ill are put in to the back of police cars is the fact that get out of hand with the caregiver, which most the time is a parent or relative. The state with a budget makes it difficult to be able to fund a program or find alternatives for the officer, judge, and prosecutor. The ways for the city, county, or state to help would be to provide a small amount to help fund a few of these facilities to be able to provide an alternative from the correction system. Instead of this you could also give the officer either the proper training to be able to deal with these individuals with a mental illness. Some places offer the officer a hot line to a professional to deal with these situations to prevent the said person from ending up within the correctional system. This article talks about dealing with the mentally ill, and how challenging that can be. A big issue that law enforcement faces when dealing with the mentally ill is that they can either arrest a mentally ill person or they can let them go on their way. In the first instance they just get arrested and get processed often times being thrown in jail with people that are criminally active and not in the same situation as them. On the other hand, if the officer just decides to deescalate the situation and not arrest the individual, the mentally ill individual will not be able to receive the help the so desperately need. What needs to be implemented is an alternative to jail where mentally ill people can be sent to where they can receive the treatment that they need. Pack789, eagle789, JeepGuy789, rudedog789

  4. By reading this article and knowing what is going on in today's society it has been noticeable that we as people have no idea where to put the mentally ill when arrested. It has become such a huge concern in today's society. The fact of the matter is that police officers are just unaware on what to do, so we are putting pressure on our judges to figure it out. By this we are sticking a lot of mentally ill people in jail which is causing more problems. By putting the mentally ill in jail they are not getting the appropriate treatment needed for their condition. When you lock up these type of people they have more of a chance of hurting themselves or others because you are adding on more stress to their life. In this article it is stating that judges are “the last line of defense” for protecting the mentally ill. The problem by this is that if we don't have diversion programs so the judge have to do their job and sentence them to something and that something will more than likely be jail time. The criminal justice system should be the last resort for the mentally ill but it has been starting to end up as the first place they go without any thought put into it. As stated in the article about 40% of the mentally ill will enter the criminal justice system sometime in their life. This is an unbelievable high number that needs to be changed. That is why diversion programs need to be implemented in today's society because that gives a place for people to go without putting them straight on the streets with no help at all, giving them a chance to hurt themselves or others. The mentally ill population in jails are increasing and that does need to change because jails and prisons are not properly trained or have the appropriate help for the mentally ill.

  5. This article explained how the mentally ill are in prison and how many mentally ill people are actually in prison. The first thing that stood out to me was the statement said by Leifman describing how “The criminal justice system should be the last resort for the mentally ill, not the first”. I strongly agree with this statement. I say this because being thrown into a cell for a certain period of time is probably one of the worst things to do to someone who is mentally ill. Instead, they need to be taken and put into a hospital or psychiatric facility where they can be helped and treat their illness. Another item that stood out to me was the fact that 40 percent of the individuals with a mental illness will come in contact with the criminal justice system at some point in their lives. I think that this is a very sad stat. I say this because instead of calling a hospital or mental health center, people call the police after someone who is mentally ill does something illegal. This could be part of the reason why so many mentally ill people are in prison. It’s due to the fact that people do not know to call a mental hospital instead of the police to come and bring this mentally ill person back to the facility for treatment. So, the police become involved and it becomes a lot worse for this mentally ill person than it really should be. The final thing that stood out to me was when Klineman was talking about how she saw a homeless man urinating in the street and didn’t know if she should put him on probation and deal with more problems or just release him and then he will not receive any help at all. This is a problem that occurs regularly throughout the country. If police are called and discover that the suspect may have a mental illness, they don’t know what to do for sure. It would almost be a better solution to imprison a mentally ill person for an offense they committed so they could at least receive some treatment and help while serving time compared to just letting them off and not getting them the help that they need.

  6. Part 1-All three of us do agree that mentally ill people do not belong in the criminal justice system but should be seen by a mental health professional. The sad reality of these individuals is that most the time their family members call the police because they don’t know how else to take care of the person. It states in the article that most mentally ill people run into the criminal justice system, and they do because the family members don’t know what else to do with them and have no choice but to call the police. Usually when the police show up to the scene they have do not know what to do with the mentally ill patient and end up taking them to jail and putting them into the criminal justice system. It can be hard on police officers dealing with the people because it is not always clear what to do with them.They might not receive the training that is needed to deal with the individual. In some cases it might be hard for the police officer to determine if the person is mentally ill or not. The criminal justice system should make a reform to where jails and prisons would have a mental health professional or some sort of doctor always on duty that could help diagnose or recommend that the individual be sent to a hospital for better medical treatment. While reading, our group agreed with giving the police ipads so that they could contact mental health professional whenever they were dealing with someone suspected with some form of mental illness, but there was some confusion about it. We were confused though what they used the ipads for exactly. Did they facetime the professional with them or did they just call them to set up an appointment so that they could see the patient, and if that is the case, why can't they just use their cell phones. Our group also agreed that all police officers should be required to have some kind of mental health training to be better prepared for when they encounter a mentally ill individual, also the police need somewhere else to take these individuals because hey article stated that they didn’t have much more to off than “the back seat of their car”. pj789 Something that stood out in the article was what Christina Klinemen, a Superior Court Judge in Indianapolis, said about probation in regards to someone with mental illness who was urinating in the middle of a street. She stated that if she gives this person probation that person will fail. This statement gives a view into the problems with probation. Many people have been on probation with more than likely a mental illness that is either undiagnosed or is not being properly treated by trained professionals. This brings into question how many people are currently on probation and have a mental illness. This would only keep the revolving door going back around in our correctional system.

    1. Part 2-With the focus on 24 hr surveillance when it comes to probation it's highly unlikely that someone who suffers from a mental illness could succeed. Putting a set of strict rules on someone who has difficulty already in everyday life is cruel and if it continues will only aid in feeding the mass incarceration machine we have developed. The idea of diversion programs not only helps, it is more human and shows a progression of our thoughts about unfair incarceration. While talking about this topic it got me wondering how many people with mental illnesses where incarcerated, that over 350,000 inmates with serious mental health issues are in our jails or prisons as of 2014 while only about 35,000 individuals are in state hospitals. While reading the chapter for special prisons for people who are elderly, have some diseases, are mentally ill, ex., it really caught my attention when they talked about the mentally ill hospitals. The book stated that they didn't have them fully working yet because they needed more experimental evidence to show that it actually works. I am curious, since the book could be outdated on some information, if they have all the hospitals up and running for mentally ill people. I also believe that it is important, not only for the police to get the training for the mentally ill patients, but also the judges. It might make the judges job easier, and to make better decisions while dealing with a mentally ill patient, if they get training on how to sentence them. I also like the program that Volpe was doing in the article. How he is taking participants in a nice space and just having one on ones with them to contact and make them feel safe and calm. With those programs, it might help the put the mentally ill person back into the community, and even be a contributing part of the community.

    2. I agree as well the mentally ill people do not belong in the criminal justice system. I feel that mental help options should be more accessible for those who needed it and the training with officials who come into contact with the mentally ill people. When Jason Spyers came in he talked about a majority of the people locked up in jail are there for a mental illness. The last sentence of the article stated, “The only way to treat someone with a mental illness is like a person.” I one hundred percent agree with that statement, many people do not know how to deal with people with a mental illness. Reading through the article I, as well, found it quite confusing when they mentioned the use of ipads. It was very unclear on to what police officers were planning to do with the ipads to help the mentally ill people. I agree when you mentation if the police officers were going to facetime the mental health professional, why they just could not use their phones. When Christina Klinemen talked about the probation system it was quit said because the criminal justice system is step up for the mentally ill, who does not have the help they need, to fail. A majority of homeless people have a mental illness. It is depressing how many people have a mental illness that is goes untreated because people fail to realise the issues that are happening among other things.

  7. Nowadays you don't see or hear of any mental health hospitals or asylums or things of the sort but you do often hear of mental health being a wide spread issue inside of prisons and jails. This begs the question of if these facilities replaced the others and in a sense you could say yes. As we know jails and prisons are the largest mandatory health care providers and this includes caring for mental health. We've witnessed and had speakers briefly discuss how they handle this issue when the Superintendent and Sheriff had discussed the shifts for watching for suicide among the housed people. Though they also can treat mental illness in other ways, some afflicted people may find solace in their faith or even through finding a new faith and we had learned and discussed non-denomination services within facilities but also we learned that in the juvenile facility they try to help mental health issues with pharmaceutical methods.
    - TaxSeason789


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