There things I learned from listening to sherriff, first of which being that Peoria County will work joint operations in the city in order to help fill differnt vacianys as they occur or for example during a traffic stop or investigation where an officer may have to issue of being harmed both the city of Peoria and the county will stop and drop any tasks that are going on during the current moment in order to effective make sure the situation where the officer had gotten hurt will be quickly resolved. The second thing I had learned from listening to the Sheriff had been that of the issues within crime and within the local area had all occured due to the fact of poverty and that certain individuals were without the needs to fully efficiently provide for those who are close to them or care for themselves with any financial needs that the person would need to obtain, shelter, clothing, and other objects and ideas that most people take as a grantee that they will be provided. The third and last thing that the sheriff had said that stood out to me was that a person who is a more effective at conducting themselves properly will be more effective at dealing with individuals as crimes or even civil issues or social issues arises as they often will in this kind of career field. Another thing said stood out as well being the fact that individuals who grew up in a certain area will be more effective at handling people from the same background as they will, understand what these people had exposure too along with also knowing the person from different encounters that had been positive instead of just strictly criminal. This in turn can change the results of a conversation, and can also calm down a person instead of adding on additional charges if the officer wouldn’t have the prior encounters with the individual. eagle789
I learned a lot of good information from the tour. I learned a lot of information about the poverty side of peoria. The first thing that I learned was that most crimes come from people in poverty and this is based on the fact of them just trying to make a living for their family. Many people steal or break into things to contain materials for their family. So this is why most crime is shifted into one place. Another thing that I learned was that most sheriffs will place their officers in hot stops such as the ones with high crime. This can be a good and bad thing based on the fact that they will catch a lot of crime but most people feel that they are being targeted by police since they see them almost everyday. Which is sad because officers are just doing their job and they have to respond to the calls that are probably higher in crime. Another thing that I learned was that the most effective police officers are officers who can stay calm and use their words instead of violent sources. That is why a lot of people are gravitating towards women because they are able to calm someone down instead of using violent force. Which to me I think is pretty cool. Yes they might not be as strong but they are able to deescalate a situation quickly so violence does not occur as quick. He mentioned if you are like this at all you would be an awesome fit. It's all about character in this field. Another thing that I learned was when an officer may be having an issue of getting harmed in a situation both peoria city and peoria county cops will show up to help out and get the situation quickly resolved. Hollywood789
When listening to the sheriff speak I am well informed about Peoria county. The sheriff talks about how they can't put too many officers in an area with high crime rates because the citizens would feel targeted by the police then they will start to be unappreciative of the officers. The positive effects of putting officers in these hot spots for crime would be that they can stop crime before it happens by preventative patrol. Another thing that I learned was that the sheriff's main responsibility is the jail. He talks about how he would rather hire people who are better at talking to the inmates than someone who is stronger than the rest. He also talks about how he wants to change the test that the correctional officers take because it would be more beneficial for them to have to do a 100 yard dash than a mile and a half run. The sheriff also talks about how the areas of the county that have the highest crime rates are also the areas with the highest poverty rates. I already talked about how putting more officers in these areas would have a positive and negative effect on certain parts of the community. The last thing that I learn while listening to the sheriff is that he will not move any correctional officers to be patrol officers until he can trust that they know how to talk to people and calmly manage situations. Mazda789
When Sheriff Asbell came into class on Wednesday, he taught me a great many things about the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office and the things that are accomplished within its walls. I can see that the sheriff is very motivated and enthusiastic about all that happens with the department. I learned a lot from the las t class period about the sheriff’s office. He told us about how the city of Peoria is actually split up and that there is shared jurisdiction between the Peoria County Sheriffs and the Peoria Police Department. It really surprised me when it said that it was split, east and west, by the geographical location of the courthouse. This really surprised me because I have never heard of that before. He also told us that one of the most important things to learn when becoming a patrol officer is knowing the road and the area of the Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction. He said that if a patrol officer does not know the road and jurisdiction, Murphy’s Law could kick in. What if the GPS on the cruiser malfunctioned or shorted out. Another thing that he began to talk about was the Peoria Recovery Project and the many things that will be going on during the day long presentation. He talked about a speaker of a show who is a recovering heroin addict, about the plethora of booths, and activities to which all those affected by heroin, whether addicted or close to someone who was or still is addicted, may receive help and guidance towards the right direction. Thought I will not be able to attend, I am sure that it will be a great opportunity for the city of Peoria and Peoria County as a whole and help people learn about the dangers, effects, and steps towards fixing the problem. –TheMarshall789
Sheriff Brian Asbell has always been willing to come and speak to us and offer us tours of the country jail in order to give us his wisdom and insight into the corrections field. One of the main things that the sheriff usually talks about is how he has worked very hard in order to assure that his jail that he runs is accredited by the ACA. This accreditation did not come easy for him and took him years and millions of dollars to accomplish, it is a great honor to have and has allowed him to have one of the best jails around the state. This has also allowed him to avoid many frivolous lawsuits tat inmates have tried to bring against him. Another the Sheriff touches on when he speaks with us is the fact that he does not want to keep people in the jail for a long period of time. He often talks about the “60-40” rule, and that means that 60% or sometimes more of the people currently in the jail are good people who have made stupid mistakes. We know this to be true as we have studied in class with Dr. White that most people who are in jails currently, are people who just like you and I. The sheriff touches on this by saying if he can get you out of the jail and not serve a long sentence, he will, because he knows that most people in jails are not bad people. One last thing that sheriff Asbell touches on when we see him is the fact that he wants us to test for him and for the jail. The sheriff is all about having local people work for him in the jail and on patrol because he knows that having people who live in the community work for him will in turn help community relations. Pack789
Sheriff Asbell was a great speaker to listen to on Wednesday. You can tell when people are very passionate about what they do and he is a someone who has a lot of passion for being sheriff and helping as much as he can. He always says he does thing little different and some people do not like him for that. When he explained his way at the jail tour, I thought it was a really cool outlook on handling different aspects of the corrections system. One thing he mentioned was that they had a “Don’t Shoot” program. He had mentioned that they had some good progress when it first came out, but then it slowed down a ton. He said that what many people do not know is that they had a copyright issue with the name of it and had to stop doing this program. The thing is, they are still doing the program without the name attached. Another thing the sheriff talked about was the crime areas and how he puts more squad cars in areas with higher criminal activity. He had mentioned the problem with this, is that these are typically in high poverty areas and having a more police presence leads to more arrests, so obviously these areas are going to keep having higher criminal activity due to the more arrests. One thing Sheriff Asbell is very proud of is the accreditation from the ACA. This is an awesome thing to have. It not only shows that you go above and beyond in the jail, but it helps with stopping lawsuits against the jail. This is a very expensive accreditation, but in the end is almost alway worth the trouble of getting it. I can see why Sheriff Asbell said that his workplace happiness is very high and people love working for him. - ST789
I have really enjoyed every encounter we have had with the sheriff. He seems to be a really well spoken and professional man. This time he spoke of his experience starting out in the jail and working his way up to detective and later superintendent and finally the sheriff. His stories about being a patrol officer were entertaining and very insightful. The on that stood out the most was when he was trying to stop a drunk driver and he had his leg run over. He said that police from the surrounding areas came to his aid; which honestly I did not know was allowed for jurisdiction reasons. He also spent a lot of time explaining to us that to work for the county you must start in the jail. His reason being is so that the individual can learn how to properly communicate and deal with people before they start out on the streets. From what he told about the jail and county department it has definitely made me very interested in applying there after I finish my degree. He said that the people that work there display high levels of happiness in the work place; and I know that is very important in this line of work because law enforcement is an incredibly stressful job. Overall I really like hearing from sheriff Asbell and learning from what he has to say. I think its very important to learn from people have already made it in this career field. - Rudedog8357
I very much enjoyed the visit from Sheriff Asbell. It’s always great to listen to those who have been or are in fields of work that you’re interested in. His philosophy regarding how to treat people within the jail or people in general is very admirable. Treating people with dignity regardless of where they are or what they have done is a great way of thinking and something I will apply in my future career. I learned quite a bit from his time speaking to us. I found it very interesting that you have to learn the roads around Peoria like the back of your hand. I'm horrible with direction without gps so this is something that was good to know. It was also interesting hearing how the sheriff department works so closely with Peoria police department. I thought there would be a more distinct line in between the two. There is a split between jurisdictions as he said but they often run into each other. I enjoyed very much about how he spoke about the interview process to work for the sheriff department. This was some valuable information to hear about. To hear how he believes that you’re an investment and what makes you worth that time and money really makes you think. It is great to know that you can use your own ideas and philosophy that we believe in with the interview process. It’s also great to hear that he prefers to hire locally over someone from a different area. Another great thing to hear about was how some people from different schools may have graduate with a 4.0 but they were not able to put it all together once they came to work for him. It goes to show that working this line of work takes special people too able to do these jobs. ~pj789
The first thing I learned from the Sheriff speaking in class on Wednesday is both Peoria County and Peoria City police officers work hand in hand together. What this means is if there is a situation that arises in which an officer from either of these areas needs any form of assistance, an officer who works for Peoria County or an officer who works for Peoria City will come to help resolve the issue if they are able to at the time. I think this is a very good thing that these police officers have each other’s backs in any situation or whenever they need help. The second thing I learned is that the “Don’t Shoot” program has actually ended and is no longer still in place. At the start of this program, it was very successful. However, as time went on some issues concerning copyright began popping up and the program was shut down before any legal actions could be made. Despite the program being terminated, I still hear about it a lot today. This program is still being talked about like it is still up and running, even though it has actually been shut down for a decent amount of time now. The third thing I learned is how big of a deal the Peoria Recovery Project really is. I have heard of this event once or twice before but never really thought anything of it until the Sheriff explained to us what it is really about. The Peoria Recovery Project is where a person who was battling a heroin addiction is now completely drug free and over his addiction thanks to rehab and all of the other programs that help people with these types of issues. I think this event is an amazing experience and it is full of all kinds of knowledge that I believe people should become aware of due to its importance. -Fozz789
I have learned many things from the times that I have heard the sheriff talk. The first specific thing that I learned from when the sheriff talks is about how he starts his employees when they get hired by him. He says that he starts everyone in the jail. He starts everyone there whether they want to work in corrections or if they want to work somewhere else. He says that it helps them learn and that if they can not communicate inside the jail, they will not be able to communicate outside the jail on the streets. There are also times where people do not want to be in the jail, but they start to like it, and they end up wanting to stay in corrections. The second thing the sheriff talks about that sticks out to me is how he says he treats the inmates. He says to always treat everyone there with dignity. He says that you need to respect the people in the jail so that they will respect you. If the inmates do not respect you, then they will not listen to you, and that will make the job more difficult. The third thing that I am informed of when the sheriff talks is that he always says about 60 percent of the people in the jail are good people. The other 40 percent are the ones that belong in the jail. The 60 percent are good people that just make mistakes. It is hard to know a person’s situation and what lead them to committing the crime. Just because someone committed a crime does not make them a bad person. Someone could be put in jail because they were caught selling drugs, but they were only selling the drugs to help pay and support their families. -Dp789
It was good to know a lot of the things that the sheriff talked about. One of my questions was “Does the county sheriffs office work a lot with the city of Peoria police department?” I asked because I occasionally see a city officer back up a County officer. His reply was that they work together every day. I really didn’t know that they worked on the streets together every single day. I knew that they obviously see each other often because the city officers have to take the people that they arrested down to the county jail. I thought that was just about all the interaction they had with each other. I also came to learn that not as many county officers transition from the county sheriff’s office to the city of Peoria police department. I know a lot of city guys that came from the county. When I asked them about county, they said that they really did enjoy it but the city was their goal. I personally wouldn’t mind working for sheriff Asbell. It really made me feel good that he looks after his troops meaning his officers. Not a lot of jobs have that leader. A good majority of jobs have bosses, but I would classify the sheriff as a leader. That tells me that the sheriff has a great heart and is a great person. I do agree that there is a brotherhood within officers. i am really indecisive to which agency I want to join now. I do feel that starting out at the jail would start a good transition to get to patrol or into another agency if that was the case. Like he said, test everywhere and test often. -Chewbacca789
I learned a lot for when the sheriff of peoria county came in and talked to us. It's always good to have someone to come in and talk to us about the process it. When he comes in he bring knowledge to us and gives us the inside of the business and tell us what he is looking into when he is hiring us in the work force and that is good to us so we can go in and know excatly what to say because he told us that he wants us to be ourselve and say things that we know and dont use thhings off the internet because he will know because we would should to smart when we walk in. This is good to know so we dont do that. The big this is that we start in the jail because he wants us to treat them right before we go on the street because he wants us to look like we know what we are doing rather than making the community look bad and he doesnt want it too look bad on him. He said that he wants us t act right in his jail so he can see how we will act in public and he doesnt want us to make the the whole department look bad so he wants to see our real side before we go out. Gator789
It was a big privilege that Peoria county sheriff came to our class personally and talk to us face to face. It was really interesting and more educating more than we can read books than to listen to his lecture in front of us. I discovered a lot of things that I didn’t know about collections and criminal justice in general. Most of us who listened to him made goals on what to do in future either to be a collection officer or cop. By listening to him that day at least you understand your career on what you want to do. The most important thing I heard from his, he explained the requirement he take in the process of hiring and all qualification. Most of us we know who we are that way he helped a lot of us to choose what we will like do at the end of school. Particularly on my side I took seriously what he said that communication is the key in this industry. If you have a problem of communication it will be so had for most of us to be a good employee in criminal justice career. The second thing he advised us is that if we want to be a successful worker or employee as cop, it’s better to start from collections this means it will give you more experience on how to handle bad guys out there. I personally I think it was a good idea to start from there to gain more experience and pursue your career with no obstacles. Lastly is was a big privilege to talk to us if some of us want to look a job out there you know who the sheriff is and you won’t have any fear as in he already told us what he need or needed. GUSII 789
I have learned many things listen to the sheriff these past two times he was been kind enough to address us. I think it really shows that he is interested in hiring people from the community for the betterment of the community because he is always talking to local students and would rather hire local then go out and find people from other communities. One of the first things I learned was that we don’t shoot program is no longer actively running. It is just something that people are still saying which is it bad however the actual program is not still in effect. I also learned that the Peoria County shares department works hand-in-hand with the cities with in the county especially Peoria. The story about him and the DUI case where he got his leg run over obviously something never stood out to me and I liked how he talked about the sense of brotherhood and Comrade or he goes along with the job because when officers injured it is always all hands on deck. I warned this on the tour but it is still worth mentioning, his philosophy is that you start in the jail no matter what. And some departments they put you into the field however sheriff Asbell believes that you have to prove yourself in the jail prove that you’re able to communicate with people in order to go out on patrol or whatever you’re wanting to do on the streets. It is also good when you need help with investing crimes and you have many people on the inside who would be willing to give you information if they have any. -RHB789
I liked the commentary. Mr. Asbell kind of spoke a lot and threw a lot of information. One of the things that stood with me is that he treats others with respect, and he was talking about the inmates. He also believes that half of those inmates should not really be in there and they are. Not to mention, he loves to come to ICC only because its local, he tries to keep the new recruits from around Peoria. He believes in making a change, not just in our community but to help us as well. He mentioned that being a Correctional Office is a good job, and if you can make a good officer in the jails, you can make a good officer anywhere. Also, he mentioned that now people are more likely to stay working in the jails because of the promotions and tend to like it a lot more, so they stay. What I thought was kind of funny is that he mentioned that in the oral interview, he can read through each and one of the individuals because where thought to say the same thing. He prefers individuals on who wants to make a change also who stand out from the crowd as he mentioned. Although, I got to say that he is very clear on what he says because he is direct and spoke about the drug epidemic going on so far, how it’s a rising problem going on in recent few occurrences. I can tell he loves what he does, and he said he values his work a lot and especially other individuals. - LILPUMP789
I always enjoy listening to Sheriff Asbell speak because he is a very intellectual, down to earth kind of guy, and has no problems sharing his thoughts on issues in our community and how we need to fix them. It’s also very generous of him to make time to go out of his way to come speak to the students at ICC and also give us personal tours of the jail. One of the most important things that I took out of Sheriff Asbell’s speeches is that in his opinion the best way to starting your career in law enforcement is to start in the jails as a correction officer so you can experience what’s going to be on the outside before you go to the streets. I think that this is very important because I believe that it really will prepare you to go work on patrol by giving you better communication skills and better knowledge of what to expect as a police officer working on patrol. The Peoria Police Department also gives a great opportunity to the law enforcement and criminal justice fields by “always looking for new people to work in the jail.” (Asbell) I think that it would be a honor for anyone that is looking for a job in the criminal justice field to work for Sheriff Asbell because of the opportunities that he gives to everyone and the knowledge that he spreads when he speaks. There is never a dull moment when listening to the Sheriff. -redman789
There things I learned from listening to sherriff, first of which being that Peoria County will work joint operations in the city in order to help fill differnt vacianys as they occur or for example during a traffic stop or investigation where an officer may have to issue of being harmed both the city of Peoria and the county will stop and drop any tasks that are going on during the current moment in order to effective make sure the situation where the officer had gotten hurt will be quickly resolved. The second thing I had learned from listening to the Sheriff had been that of the issues within crime and within the local area had all occured due to the fact of poverty and that certain individuals were without the needs to fully efficiently provide for those who are close to them or care for themselves with any financial needs that the person would need to obtain, shelter, clothing, and other objects and ideas that most people take as a grantee that they will be provided. The third and last thing that the sheriff had said that stood out to me was that a person who is a more effective at conducting themselves properly will be more effective at dealing with individuals as crimes or even civil issues or social issues arises as they often will in this kind of career field. Another thing said stood out as well being the fact that individuals who grew up in a certain area will be more effective at handling people from the same background as they will, understand what these people had exposure too along with also knowing the person from different encounters that had been positive instead of just strictly criminal. This in turn can change the results of a conversation, and can also calm down a person instead of adding on additional charges if the officer wouldn’t have the prior encounters with the individual. eagle789
ReplyDeleteNice. Am hearing you. Culturally sensitive Sheriff.
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot of good information from the tour. I learned a lot of information about the poverty side of peoria. The first thing that I learned was that most crimes come from people in poverty and this is based on the fact of them just trying to make a living for their family. Many people steal or break into things to contain materials for their family. So this is why most crime is shifted into one place. Another thing that I learned was that most sheriffs will place their officers in hot stops such as the ones with high crime. This can be a good and bad thing based on the fact that they will catch a lot of crime but most people feel that they are being targeted by police since they see them almost everyday. Which is sad because officers are just doing their job and they have to respond to the calls that are probably higher in crime. Another thing that I learned was that the most effective police officers are officers who can stay calm and use their words instead of violent sources. That is why a lot of people are gravitating towards women because they are able to calm someone down instead of using violent force. Which to me I think is pretty cool. Yes they might not be as strong but they are able to deescalate a situation quickly so violence does not occur as quick. He mentioned if you are like this at all you would be an awesome fit. It's all about character in this field. Another thing that I learned was when an officer may be having an issue of getting harmed in a situation both peoria city and peoria county cops will show up to help out and get the situation quickly resolved.
When listening to the sheriff speak I am well informed about Peoria county. The sheriff talks about how they can't put too many officers in an area with high crime rates because the citizens would feel targeted by the police then they will start to be unappreciative of the officers. The positive effects of putting officers in these hot spots for crime would be that they can stop crime before it happens by preventative patrol. Another thing that I learned was that the sheriff's main responsibility is the jail. He talks about how he would rather hire people who are better at talking to the inmates than someone who is stronger than the rest. He also talks about how he wants to change the test that the correctional officers take because it would be more beneficial for them to have to do a 100 yard dash than a mile and a half run. The sheriff also talks about how the areas of the county that have the highest crime rates are also the areas with the highest poverty rates. I already talked about how putting more officers in these areas would have a positive and negative effect on certain parts of the community. The last thing that I learn while listening to the sheriff is that he will not move any correctional officers to be patrol officers until he can trust that they know how to talk to people and calmly manage situations.
When Sheriff Asbell came into class on Wednesday, he taught me a great many things about the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office and the things that are accomplished within its walls. I can see that the sheriff is very motivated and enthusiastic about all that happens with the department. I learned a lot from the las t class period about the sheriff’s office. He told us about how the city of Peoria is actually split up and that there is shared jurisdiction between the Peoria County Sheriffs and the Peoria Police Department. It really surprised me when it said that it was split, east and west, by the geographical location of the courthouse. This really surprised me because I have never heard of that before. He also told us that one of the most important things to learn when becoming a patrol officer is knowing the road and the area of the Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction. He said that if a patrol officer does not know the road and jurisdiction, Murphy’s Law could kick in. What if the GPS on the cruiser malfunctioned or shorted out. Another thing that he began to talk about was the Peoria Recovery Project and the many things that will be going on during the day long presentation. He talked about a speaker of a show who is a recovering heroin addict, about the plethora of booths, and activities to which all those affected by heroin, whether addicted or close to someone who was or still is addicted, may receive help and guidance towards the right direction. Thought I will not be able to attend, I am sure that it will be a great opportunity for the city of Peoria and Peoria County as a whole and help people learn about the dangers, effects, and steps towards fixing the problem. –TheMarshall789
ReplyDeleteSheriff Brian Asbell has always been willing to come and speak to us and offer us tours of the country jail in order to give us his wisdom and insight into the corrections field. One of the main things that the sheriff usually talks about is how he has worked very hard in order to assure that his jail that he runs is accredited by the ACA. This accreditation did not come easy for him and took him years and millions of dollars to accomplish, it is a great honor to have and has allowed him to have one of the best jails around the state. This has also allowed him to avoid many frivolous lawsuits tat inmates have tried to bring against him. Another the Sheriff touches on when he speaks with us is the fact that he does not want to keep people in the jail for a long period of time. He often talks about the “60-40” rule, and that means that 60% or sometimes more of the people currently in the jail are good people who have made stupid mistakes. We know this to be true as we have studied in class with Dr. White that most people who are in jails currently, are people who just like you and I. The sheriff touches on this by saying if he can get you out of the jail and not serve a long sentence, he will, because he knows that most people in jails are not bad people. One last thing that sheriff Asbell touches on when we see him is the fact that he wants us to test for him and for the jail. The sheriff is all about having local people work for him in the jail and on patrol because he knows that having people who live in the community work for him will in turn help community relations. Pack789
ReplyDeleteSheriff Asbell was a great speaker to listen to on Wednesday. You can tell when people are very passionate about what they do and he is a someone who has a lot of passion for being sheriff and helping as much as he can. He always says he does thing little different and some people do not like him for that. When he explained his way at the jail tour, I thought it was a really cool outlook on handling different aspects of the corrections system. One thing he mentioned was that they had a “Don’t Shoot” program. He had mentioned that they had some good progress when it first came out, but then it slowed down a ton. He said that what many people do not know is that they had a copyright issue with the name of it and had to stop doing this program. The thing is, they are still doing the program without the name attached. Another thing the sheriff talked about was the crime areas and how he puts more squad cars in areas with higher criminal activity. He had mentioned the problem with this, is that these are typically in high poverty areas and having a more police presence leads to more arrests, so obviously these areas are going to keep having higher criminal activity due to the more arrests. One thing Sheriff Asbell is very proud of is the accreditation from the ACA. This is an awesome thing to have. It not only shows that you go above and beyond in the jail, but it helps with stopping lawsuits against the jail. This is a very expensive accreditation, but in the end is almost alway worth the trouble of getting it. I can see why Sheriff Asbell said that his workplace happiness is very high and people love working for him.
ReplyDelete- ST789
I have really enjoyed every encounter we have had with the sheriff. He seems to be a really well spoken and professional man. This time he spoke of his experience starting out in the jail and working his way up to detective and later superintendent and finally the sheriff. His stories about being a patrol officer were entertaining and very insightful. The on that stood out the most was when he was trying to stop a drunk driver and he had his leg run over. He said that police from the surrounding areas came to his aid; which honestly I did not know was allowed for jurisdiction reasons. He also spent a lot of time explaining to us that to work for the county you must start in the jail. His reason being is so that the individual can learn how to properly communicate and deal with people before they start out on the streets. From what he told about the jail and county department it has definitely made me very interested in applying there after I finish my degree. He said that the people that work there display high levels of happiness in the work place; and I know that is very important in this line of work because law enforcement is an incredibly stressful job. Overall I really like hearing from sheriff Asbell and learning from what he has to say. I think its very important to learn from people have already made it in this career field. - Rudedog8357
ReplyDeleteI very much enjoyed the visit from Sheriff Asbell. It’s always great to listen to those who have been or are in fields of work that you’re interested in. His philosophy regarding how to treat people within the jail or people in general is very admirable. Treating people with dignity regardless of where they are or what they have done is a great way of thinking and something I will apply in my future career. I learned quite a bit from his time speaking to us. I found it very interesting that you have to learn the roads around Peoria like the back of your hand. I'm horrible with direction without gps so this is something that was good to know. It was also interesting hearing how the sheriff department works so closely with Peoria police department. I thought there would be a more distinct line in between the two. There is a split between jurisdictions as he said but they often run into each other. I enjoyed very much about how he spoke about the interview process to work for the sheriff department. This was some valuable information to hear about. To hear how he believes that you’re an investment and what makes you worth that time and money really makes you think. It is great to know that you can use your own ideas and philosophy that we believe in with the interview process. It’s also great to hear that he prefers to hire locally over someone from a different area. Another great thing to hear about was how some people from different schools may have graduate with a 4.0 but they were not able to put it all together once they came to work for him. It goes to show that working this line of work takes special people too able to do these jobs. ~pj789
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I learned from the Sheriff speaking in class on Wednesday is both Peoria County and Peoria City police officers work hand in hand together. What this means is if there is a situation that arises in which an officer from either of these areas needs any form of assistance, an officer who works for Peoria County or an officer who works for Peoria City will come to help resolve the issue if they are able to at the time. I think this is a very good thing that these police officers have each other’s backs in any situation or whenever they need help. The second thing I learned is that the “Don’t Shoot” program has actually ended and is no longer still in place. At the start of this program, it was very successful. However, as time went on some issues concerning copyright began popping up and the program was shut down before any legal actions could be made. Despite the program being terminated, I still hear about it a lot today. This program is still being talked about like it is still up and running, even though it has actually been shut down for a decent amount of time now. The third thing I learned is how big of a deal the Peoria Recovery Project really is. I have heard of this event once or twice before but never really thought anything of it until the Sheriff explained to us what it is really about. The Peoria Recovery Project is where a person who was battling a heroin addiction is now completely drug free and over his addiction thanks to rehab and all of the other programs that help people with these types of issues. I think this event is an amazing experience and it is full of all kinds of knowledge that I believe people should become aware of due to its importance.
I have learned many things from the times that I have heard the sheriff talk. The first specific thing that I learned from when the sheriff talks is about how he starts his employees when they get hired by him. He says that he starts everyone in the jail. He starts everyone there whether they want to work in corrections or if they want to work somewhere else. He says that it helps them learn and that if they can not communicate inside the jail, they will not be able to communicate outside the jail on the streets. There are also times where people do not want to be in the jail, but they start to like it, and they end up wanting to stay in corrections. The second thing the sheriff talks about that sticks out to me is how he says he treats the inmates. He says to always treat everyone there with dignity. He says that you need to respect the people in the jail so that they will respect you. If the inmates do not respect you, then they will not listen to you, and that will make the job more difficult. The third thing that I am informed of when the sheriff talks is that he always says about 60 percent of the people in the jail are good people. The other 40 percent are the ones that belong in the jail. The 60 percent are good people that just make mistakes. It is hard to know a person’s situation and what lead them to committing the crime. Just because someone committed a crime does not make them a bad person. Someone could be put in jail because they were caught selling drugs, but they were only selling the drugs to help pay and support their families. -Dp789
ReplyDeleteIt was good to know a lot of the things that the sheriff talked about. One of my questions was “Does the county sheriffs office work a lot with the city of Peoria police department?” I asked because I occasionally see a city officer back up a County officer. His reply was that they work together every day. I really didn’t know that they worked on the streets together every single day. I knew that they obviously see each other often because the city officers have to take the people that they arrested down to the county jail. I thought that was just about all the interaction they had with each other. I also came to learn that not as many county officers transition from the county sheriff’s office to the city of Peoria police department. I know a lot of city guys that came from the county. When I asked them about county, they said that they really did enjoy it but the city was their goal. I personally wouldn’t mind working for sheriff Asbell. It really made me feel good that he looks after his troops meaning his officers. Not a lot of jobs have that leader. A good majority of jobs have bosses, but I would classify the sheriff as a leader. That tells me that the sheriff has a great heart and is a great person. I do agree that there is a brotherhood within officers. i am really indecisive to which agency I want to join now. I do feel that starting out at the jail would start a good transition to get to patrol or into another agency if that was the case. Like he said, test everywhere and test often.
I learned a lot for when the sheriff of peoria county came in and talked to us. It's always good to have someone to come in and talk to us about the process it. When he comes in he bring knowledge to us and gives us the inside of the business and tell us what he is looking into when he is hiring us in the work force and that is good to us so we can go in and know excatly what to say because he told us that he wants us to be ourselve and say things that we know and dont use thhings off the internet because he will know because we would should to smart when we walk in. This is good to know so we dont do that. The big this is that we start in the jail because he wants us to treat them right before we go on the street because he wants us to look like we know what we are doing rather than making the community look bad and he doesnt want it too look bad on him. He said that he wants us t act right in his jail so he can see how we will act in public and he doesnt want us to make the the whole department look bad so he wants to see our real side before we go out. Gator789
ReplyDeleteIt was a big privilege that Peoria county sheriff came to our class personally and talk to us face to face. It was really interesting and more educating more than we can read books than to listen to his lecture in front of us. I discovered a lot of things that I didn’t know about collections and criminal justice in general. Most of us who listened to him made goals on what to do in future either to be a collection officer or cop. By listening to him that day at least you understand your career on what you want to do. The most important thing I heard from his, he explained the requirement he take in the process of hiring and all qualification. Most of us we know who we are that way he helped a lot of us to choose what we will like do at the end of school. Particularly on my side I took seriously what he said that communication is the key in this industry. If you have a problem of communication it will be so had for most of us to be a good employee in criminal justice career. The second thing he advised us is that if we want to be a successful worker or employee as cop, it’s better to start from collections this means it will give you more experience on how to handle bad guys out there. I personally I think it was a good idea to start from there to gain more experience and pursue your career with no obstacles. Lastly is was a big privilege to talk to us if some of us want to look a job out there you know who the sheriff is and you won’t have any fear as in he already told us what he need or needed. GUSII 789
ReplyDeleteI have learned many things listen to the sheriff these past two times he was been kind enough to address us. I think it really shows that he is interested in hiring people from the community for the betterment of the community because he is always talking to local students and would rather hire local then go out and find people from other communities. One of the first things I learned was that we don’t shoot program is no longer actively running. It is just something that people are still saying which is it bad however the actual program is not still in effect. I also learned that the Peoria County shares department works hand-in-hand with the cities with in the county especially Peoria. The story about him and the DUI case where he got his leg run over obviously something never stood out to me and I liked how he talked about the sense of brotherhood and Comrade or he goes along with the job because when officers injured it is always all hands on deck. I warned this on the tour but it is still worth mentioning, his philosophy is that you start in the jail no matter what. And some departments they put you into the field however sheriff Asbell believes that you have to prove yourself in the jail prove that you’re able to communicate with people in order to go out on patrol or whatever you’re wanting to do on the streets. It is also good when you need help with investing crimes and you have many people on the inside who would be willing to give you information if they have any.
I liked the commentary. Mr. Asbell kind of spoke a lot and threw a lot of information. One of the things that stood with me is that he treats others with respect, and he was talking about the inmates. He also believes that half of those inmates should not really be in there and they are. Not to mention, he loves to come to ICC only because its local, he tries to keep the new recruits from around Peoria. He believes in making a change, not just in our community but to help us as well. He mentioned that being a Correctional Office is a good job, and if you can make a good officer in the jails, you can make a good officer anywhere. Also, he mentioned that now people are more likely to stay working in the jails because of the promotions and tend to like it a lot more, so they stay. What I thought was kind of funny is that he mentioned that in the oral interview, he can read through each and one of the individuals because where thought to say the same thing. He prefers individuals on who wants to make a change also who stand out from the crowd as he mentioned. Although, I got to say that he is very clear on what he says because he is direct and spoke about the drug epidemic going on so far, how it’s a rising problem going on in recent few occurrences. I can tell he loves what he does, and he said he values his work a lot and especially other individuals. - LILPUMP789
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy listening to Sheriff Asbell speak because he is a very intellectual, down to earth kind of guy, and has no problems sharing his thoughts on issues in our community and how we need to fix them. It’s also very generous of him to make time to go out of his way to come speak to the students at ICC and also give us personal tours of the jail. One of the most important things that I took out of Sheriff Asbell’s speeches is that in his opinion the best way to starting your career in law enforcement is to start in the jails as a correction officer so you can experience what’s going to be on the outside before you go to the streets. I think that this is very important because I believe that it really will prepare you to go work on patrol by giving you better communication skills and better knowledge of what to expect as a police officer working on patrol. The Peoria Police Department also gives a great opportunity to the law enforcement and criminal justice fields by “always looking for new people to work in the jail.” (Asbell) I think that it would be a honor for anyone that is looking for a job in the criminal justice field to work for Sheriff Asbell because of the opportunities that he gives to everyone and the knowledge that he spreads when he speaks. There is never a dull moment when listening to the Sheriff. -redman789