Probation and Parole 2016


  1. In the article it starts off by saying that there are 4,537,100 people that were on community supervision by the end of Dec. 31st 2016. It was a drop of 1.1 percent compared to the beginning of the year. Now i knew that there would be a ton of people on community supervision but I never thought it would be this many people. The number of people on community supervision is nearly double the incarcerated number, which is good and makes sense to me. Imagine if we did not have all of these people on supervision and just put them all in jail. We could never afford that. 81 percent of the 4.5 million adults on community supervision were on probation. That number also does not surprise me. I think probation is a great way for people to learn their lesson and realize that they had made a mistake without sending them to prison for a few years. In December of 2015 there were about one hundred and fifty one thousand, three hundred people in the state of Illinois that were on community supervision. Once again Illinois was one of the higher states on the table. But by the end of December of 2016 that number had dropped to one hundred and forty-three thousand people. To me that seems like a pretty good drop. That is still a lot of people on community supervision but it is nothing compared to the amount of people that the state of Georgia puts on community supervision. Georgia had four hundred and fifty one thousand people on community supervision at the same time. Three hundred thousand more people than in Illinois. That is crazy! Sometimes you think that your state is messed up crime wise until you start looking at other places. This was an interesting article. I knew that there would be a lot of people on community but I did not think that it would be this many. -Steel711

    1. I agree with your statement, "Sometimes you think that your state is messed up crime wise until you start looking at other places." I did not choose this as one of my two articles to read, but your response did catch my eye. You did make a good point about probation and community supervision. The fact that we can guide them to where they need to be at least a bit so they learn their lesson rather than throwing them in jail both keeps jail and prison populations down. I do seem to criticize any state, especially ours because I live in it, for prison and probation but as said before. With the Georgia comparison, you never really know until you step outside of your circle.

  2. After reading this article I didn’t think that there was that many people under community supervision. The article states “At year-end 2016, an estimated 4,537,100 adults were under community supervision (probation or parole), down 49,800 o enders (down 1.1%) from January 1, 2016.” I thought that that number was crazy and never would of guessed it to be that high. All I can think about after seeing that number is how much it costs to keep all those adults under supervision. I looked up how much if cost for Supervision by Probation Officers on and it states that annually it costs $3,347.41. The annual ( cost may vary) cost to keep someone parole is about $2,689.20. That is couple millions of dollars just keeping them out on probation and parole. The fact that The total community supervision population in 2016 was at its lowest level since 1999 is also crazy. Not to go back to the money again but imagine we were spending even more in the past years and that means that 2016 had the lowest cost to keep them out of prison since 1999. But at least the adult probation population declined by 1.4% from January 1, 2016, to December 1, 2016, falling by 52,500 (to 3,673,100) and also the Probation exits increased from 2,043,200 in 2015 to 2,071,400 in 2016. So we are slowly decreasing the prison population and are integrating them back in to society. Also the people on parole have decreased from an estimated 463,700 in 2015 to 456,000 in 2016. So in 2016 the number for both probation and parole are both decreasing and also the lowest since 1999. If we continue this decline it can help the overcrowded prison population. -mmmChicken711

  3. At the end of 2016, there was about 4,537,100 adults that were under community supervision. I was surprised because that seems like a lot. The people that were on probation were the majority of the adults that were under community supervision and the percentage of people on probation was 81%. The amount of people that were on probation decreased by 1.4% on January 1, 2016. It was 3,725,000 and it decreased to 3,637,100 and that was at the end of 2016. Parole population is still increasing. It increased by 0.5%. The parole population was 870,500 at the end of 2015 and at the end of 2016 it was 874,800. During the years of 2000 to 2016, probation was higher than parole. Parole was always below 1,000,000 and probation was always around 4,000,000. The exits and probation entries have gone up by 1.8% in the year of 2016. It went from 4,009,300 to 4,083,600 and that was from 2015 to 2016. The entries and exits are used to determine administrative caseloads of the probation agencies. A person can enter and exit multiple times through the year or they can be serving multiple sentences for different crimes. When a person exits their probation, that means that they were successful with their supervision, or they were given treatment, or they served time in incarceration. The probation movements have gone down about 1.7% each year every since 2008. The probation agencies kind of vary with being able to provide counts with the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Some of the agencies report the amount of cases and others sometimes reports the number of people they supervise. One person can have more than one probation sentence. New Mexico has one agency that updates their estimations because they had a new case management system. Looking at all these numbers is surprising but the United States is the country that has the most people incarcerated. -Soccer31711

  4. After reading this it made me realize how many people were under community supervision. The article mentions how there is 1,811 per 100,00 u.s adults under community supervision. I think its good that a lot of people are on adult supervision because it give them another chance at life but its still bad in a way. With adult supervision going up maybe the prison population will reduce since once upon time the prison population was increasing drastically. I know it probably cost tons of money to keep all those people on adult supervision so I really think they should monitor the number better because that money could be used on something else. I didn't know the number was so high for people that were on adult supervision the total number was 4,537,100. As we all know Illinois was one of the states who were higher on the data but by the end of 2016 the numbered had dropped to one hundred and forty-three thousand people. Personally, that is a good drop in my eyes. Even though our numbers dropped which was good Georgia still have very high rates of people on adult supervision. Georgia had four hundred and fifty one thousand people on adult supervision at one Time which is crazy if you ask me. We all think where we live at have horrible crime reports or jail reports until we dig and look at other states and we learn ours is bad but it could be worse like other states. I feel like this article was really interesting because it gave me information I never knew about and it also let me compare the information I learned today with other states and I was able to compare and contrast the different data they gave me and discuss how i felt about it. -Jollyranchers711

  5. I found a lot of interesting things in this article. One point I found that was interesting was that the parole population had increased in 2016, which would be for the third consecutive year. Also for the eighth time in a single decade. In the year 2016, parole had increased about 0.5%, which is the smallest was the smallest increase since the year 2010, which was at 0.3%. But the federal system has decreased by less than 100 parolees in the year 2016. From the years 2015 to 2016, the number of offenders who went on parole declined. It declined from 475,200 offenders to 475, 100, which is down by 18,000. Also the exits from parole fell from 463,700 to 456,000, which are down by 7,700 or 1.7%. The number of parole entries, as well as exits, had decreased for the seventh time in eight years. The number of people who both fell onto and off parole fell to about 913,100 offenders in 2016, which is a decrease from 2015 which had 938,900 offenders. Also what I found interesting is how the Bureau of Justice Statistics (or BJS) survey is constructed. The BJS began the Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey in 1980. The surveys are set up to collect data from the US probation and parole agencies that supervise adults. They start in January of each calendar year. The two surveys collect data on the number of adults that are supervised in the community on both January 1 and December 31 of the previous calendar year. The surveys focus on the number of entries and exits to supervision during that reported year and characteristics of the population at the years end. Both surveys cover all 50 states, including the District of Columbia. As well as, the federal system. The Bureau of Justice Statistics will depend on the voluntary participation of state central reporters and separate state, county, and court agencies for this data. –Adventureflight711

  6. At the end of the 2016 year there was another decline in adults under supervision. Starting in January 1 2016 there was 4,586,900 adults under supervision by the end of the year on December 31 there was 4,537,100 adults under supervision. This might not seem like a big change, which it is not, it is only a 1 percent difference. Still being a 1 percent decline is heading in the right direction and keeping on its decline. The probation population had a decline of 1.4 percent starting off the year with 3,725,600 people on probation and ended the year with 3,673,100 people on probation. As the number of people on probation decreased the number of paroles increased. The number of people on parole increased by half a percent. That half a percent was one of the smallest increase of paroles that we have seen since 2010, which was .3 percent. This is a good sign, even though this means more offenders will be put under adult supervision. With more people are getting out of prison on parole, they can hopefully contribute in society instead of spending time in prison doing nothing. Another plus is that our taxes are not going to that person in prison. In 2016 we saw the lowest numbers of adults under supervision, since the year 1999. When we look back through the years we saw the decease in adult supervision start in 2008. From 2008 to 2016 we saw a decrease by 11 percent, even though the number of people on parole increased. The number of people on parole had a big increase from 2000 to 2016, it had grown by 20 percent. The reason that we didn’t see and increase in adult supervision from more people getting out on parole is that people on parole only make up about 19 percent of the population under supervision. Hopefully we can see more people get out on parole and contribute to society but also see more decline in adults under supervision. -ClarkKent711

  7. After reading this article i’ve found many things interesting that i didn’t know. I believe adult supervision was a good idea because it gives people a second chance to live their life and make better decisions based on their past. Even though they’re still being watched a monitored for certain activities im pretty sure they learned their lesson and would do anything to take back whatever got them on supervision and better life choices. By the numbers that is recorded i can tell that people have been making better life choices and not being put on parole rather it was because somebody else they knew and received parole of from them being in previous trouble and was threatened to get put on parole. 2016, parole had increased about 0.5%, which is the smallest was the smallest increase since the year 2010.The surveys are set up to collect data from the US probation and parole agencies that supervise adults. I read that they start in January of each year and compare January 1st to December 31st with each other to keep track of the data and how much percent it went up or down.Illinois was one of the higher states on the table. But by the end of December of 2016 that number had dropped to one hundred and forty-three thousand people. To me that was great! Reading other states number really make me look at illinois different. Thinking your state is the highest in the parole and probation bracket and seeing that there are actually other states that has higher number than Illinois is crazy. Leave it up to the news you’ll think illinois can’t get out numbered. This article was very informative it gave me information i would never have guessed. From the number of people that’s under community supervision to the states listed in order. -KenzieLand711

  8. What immediately strikes me in this article is the staggeringly low number of people on parole compared to that of those in prison. I am extremely skeptical that there are that many people sitting in prison that couldn’t be serving the rest of their time on parole. That being said, I am glad to see the number of people on parole rising and the amount of people actually in prison declining. That suggests that we are starting to let some out on parole. I’d like to see both numbers go down but I suspect that we’ll see those on parole increase in the future due to hopefully releasing those currently in prison for nonviolent crimes, assuming we stay on track. Which, again, I’m skeptical we will, at least for the next couple of years. I’d like to see the United States focus on community based corrections in the future. I think that we could do a lot better for our community if we have people working to fix the mistakes they made and continue to be productive members of society rather than sit in a cell and be a drain for however many years. Along with adult community supervision I think we should put focus on making sure people aren’t put back into situations where they will offend again. Focusing on rehab, education, and training I think will be vital in reforming our criminal justice system. I found the state by state stats to be interesting, I’m not really sure what I expected out of them but I know for sure I didn’t expect Georgia to have such a high number of people under community supervision, my goodness that was surprising. Especially considering they are comparable in size to us in Illinois but we have significantly less community supervision program but more people.

  9. One thing I found interesting in the article, was Approximately 1 in 55 adults in the United States were under community supervision at year-end 2016. Which I feel is true because some people need supervision. Just like when someone get out of prison they need all the supervision they can get because some of them go back out and commit another crime to go right back. But, with a little supervision you can help them get back on the right track and get them on their feet. In the article, they mention that that in comparison to probation, the parole population has increased by more than 20% since 2000. With the exception of 2008, 2009, and 2013, there was an increase each year from 2000 to 2016 in the number of individuals supervised on parole. Which may mean that the prisoners are possibly getting out for good behavior, or possibly just doing their time in prison. I feel like parole is good for long term because sometimes people that have a long sentence or life have the opportunity to get some type of parole. Even with them getting out temporarily for special events, that give some people in prison to be able to go to a funeral or like a family event when having some type of good believer. A lot of the different states in the article had a lot of increases with parole and probation in the states. According to the article, the BJS whats the agencies to start reporting the number of people under supervision. Which is a good idea because it will give people the opportunity to know whats going on. But, some agencies tend to report some type of decrease from the data. Probation and parole are good for the law enforcement because it helps us know whats going on and keep track of these criminals. -babyblue711


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