Real Crime Figures.....Not the Prime-Time Scary Ones


  1. Many crimes and America as a whole, murder rates are dropping. Overall they are about the same as the year 2015. But for some cities like Washington, D.C. and Austin they are increasing rapidly. Researchers used raw data from individual police department, which ensures the accuracy of the reported crime across America as a whole. If the crimes keep decreasing like the data shows, we will have the lowest crime rate since 1990. I believe lay enforcement officers have stopped giving out harsh punishments for offenders because of the overcrowding prisons and the fact that marijuana is becoming legal in some states, where others it is still illegal. Why would we rather have a murderer out on the streets than someone smoking pot. Yes, they are both bad, and yes both illegal. But one is a lot more punishable than the other and more safe. With today’s technology we have also been able to supply more help mentally and physically for offenders that are getting out of jail or prison. We have more research on what works to keep them out of being incarcerated and what doesn’t help. ProbdrinkingStar$’s711

  2. There has been a decrease in crime in the big cities even with the cities that use to have a lot of violent crime. It makes me wonder if the drug crimes are getting any better. I’m curious on where we stand with the war on drugs. When crime was higher, they referred to it as a crime wave. It makes me wonder what caused the crime wave. While some major cities are seeing a decrease in crimes, Washington D.C. and Austin are having an increase in crime. There was nineteen cities that gave data on crimes that happened this year and there was twenty nine cities that gave there data based on murder. There is a two point nine percent decrease in crime rates and I think that is great. It said that if it keeps going in this direction, they will have the lowest crime rate this year ever since nineteen ninety nine. -Soccer31711

  3. Authors of the report calculate that murder rates in America's 29 largest cities will drop by 7.6% over the previous year. The report projects a 35% decline in homicides in San Francisco, 23.2% in Chicago, 20.9% in Baltimore. But they do expect a 34.9% increase in Washington D.C. and a 29.9% increase in Austin. Overall authors expect a 2.9% decrease in crime rates "essentially holding stable". They say if this estimate holds, this group of cities will experience the lowest crime rates this year since 1990. I think all these calculations are cool and how they came up with them and their predictions but I firmly believe we really cannot predict crime. I feel like while reading this article, they are predicting the decrease in crime like comparing how many people this year will eat fruits v. vegetables and I think you just cannot do that. There will never be accuracy. -notacop711

  4. I’m glad this article was assigned to us for reading with a short response, just because it exposed us to something the media will likely never even acknowledge. It sickens me to know that our media sources are so desperate/willing to do whatever it takes to get the most views/concerned citizens interested, that they would intentionally avoid telling us things positive things going on, such as a significant drop in murder rates country wide. In the article, it is said that the murder rates in America's 29 largest cities will drop by 7.6% over the previous year. In Chicago alone, the murder rate has dropped by a staggering 23.2%. This is astonishing, considering all the media coverage shows us is how horrible Chicago is right now and that the murders are happening left and right. The next significant fact the article gives us is that the murder rates, if they hold steady/continue dropping, will be at their lowest since 1990. This makes me proud to be going into the field I am- it shows that law enforcement agencies are truly making an impact and that it’s not hopeless. GMan219711

  5. This article is very informing considering the media would never let anyone know about this. The crime rates are dropping even in big cities where crime was a big issue. The article states “Authors of the report calculate that murder rates in America’s 29 largest cities will drop by 7.6 percent over the previous year; falling off to levels approximately equal to 2015 rates.” This is really good and this means our communities are becoming safer. But does this also mean more criminals are getting put into jails and prisons? It is good to see the numbers drop because in so many cities the numbers were getting really high and no one knew what to do to change that. The article also says that “If this estimate holds, this group of cities will experience the lowest crime rate this year since at least 1990.” 1990 is quite a few years ago which is good that the numbers are dropping to that time frame.

  6. It is nice to see the murder rate in cities such as Chicago dropping. In this article the author states that the murder rate in Americas 29 largest cities will drop 7.6 percent from the previous year. The biggest decline in the murder rate was seen by San Francisco who saw a 35 percent drop, followed by Chicago who had a decline of 23.2 percent, then by Baltimore with a decrease of 20.9 percent. These new findings suggest that the increase in the murder rate we saw in 2015 and 2016 were just temporary. Even though some cities are seeing a decline in their murder rate that is not the case for places such as Washington D.C. who saw a increase of 34.9 percent and Austin who saw an increase of 29.9 percent. Overall this article states the crime rate should have a decrease of 2.9 percent. If this stays true, this group of cities should see the lowest crime rates since 1990. -ClarkKent711

  7. I find the article to be very interesting because it is telling us that in some cities the crime rate is starting to drop. But, is it really? Half of the crimes go unreported or unsolved and never find the person that is doing at the crime. It’s good to know the crime is dropping because some people might feel safe where ever they live. Its sad to say Washington D.C crime rate is increasing and I hope that it gets better.-babyblue711

  8. I found this article interesting because it shows how the murder rates are starting to drop in some cities in the United States. San Francisco dropped by 35 percent, Chicago dropped by 29.2 percent, and in Baltimore’s murder rate dropped by 20.9 percent. While a few cities have decreasing murder rates some cities will have an increase. Examples of this increase would be, Washington DC 34.9 percent and in Austin, Texas at 29.9 percent last year. The year-end crime and murder rates are determined from data from individual police departments, interpreting incident level data to be consistent with each cities UCR (or Uniform Crime Report) data to the FBI for the previous year. Overall, nineteen cities provided complete data on crimes that occurred this year, and in 29 cities contributed to the murder data. Author’s project that there will be a 2.9 percent decrease in crime rates. They wrote “If this estimate holds, this group of cities will experience the lowest crime rate this year since at least 1990”. The year-end data for 2017 has is forthcoming. –Adventureflight711

  9. Within our culture today we rely on social media to keep us up to date on the latest news. For the most part, that is exactly what social media does, however, the information is usually biased in some way or another. Social media makes things sound ten times worse than what it really is; it is a way to get us enticed with the drama. When people use social media, they need to keep in mind that not everything they see or read is true. However, when it spreads drama around about crime rates, and criminal justice it is aggravating. If someone only read what social media had to say about the criminal justice system they would have the theory that homicides in our country is increasing at a scary rate. But the fact is quite the reverse. Chicago homicide rates have dropped 23.2 percent this year. Shocker. I don’t think the common public is aware of this truth. Homicide rates have dropped in our country, this doesn’t grab the audience’s excitement as much as saying the homicide rates are sky high. Its sad what our country wants to believe is true. CoalRoller711

  10. After reading this article I was surprised at the percentage of how the murder rate has decreased. “Authors of the report calculate that murder rates in America’s 29 largest cities will drop by 7.6 percent over the previous year; falling off to levels approximately equal to 2015 rates. Notably, the report projects a 35 percent decline in homicides in San Francisco, 23.2 percent in Chicago, and 20.9 percent in Baltimore. If projections hold, this would mean a hard reverse in Baltimore’s murder trend, dropping to levels not seen since 2014.” Why don’t we hear this on the news instead of all the other stupid stuff that they talk about and use to make us feel unsafe. I think that it is great to read that murder rates are decreasing in some cities and states but also sad that they are increasing in other cities and states or that they are predicted to. - mmmchicken711

  11. “Why is the violent crimes rate so high?” it what a lot of social media websites and news stations around the world is constantly trying to make us think. After reading this article I have thought of it in a whole new way, Murder rates are dropping in states like, San Francisco, and in Chicago but the news is not willing to tell you that because they were the views and they want to make it seem like they know everything that there is to know in the world today. Yeah murder rates are increasing in other states and that’s because you gone always gone have them knuckleheads that want to be tough and prove their self to their peers etc. This showing that a lot people are really t starting to see that murdering people is not the way because a lot of people is starting to see that people who are getting killed is other loved ones and there are other ways to settle any type of dispute and or argument. Statechamp711

  12. I do think America is taking steps in the right direction to reduce crime, but we still haven't solved the problem of prior felons struggling to get jobs. It does make me feel good that crime rates are at an all time low is some major cities. 7.6 Percent is a pretty big chunk of people not committing murders, I think that we are on the right path. Most of those crime reductions come from some our major cities that are known for harsh and violent crime. This article really only focuses on crimes rates dropping. I do think that it is a positive direction for America to go into, but I would like to known the reduction of other crimes have they increased or decreased. Murder rates will also make cities look better in general. It will make more people feel more safe while they are visiting those cities, and bring in more money for the cities to help it's income.

  13. This article was about how there is actually an overall decline in crime. This was very shocking to me because news and social media make it seem like it's the end of the world and that crime is at an all time high but in reality it's not. Even homicides are at a declining all over the place. Even in big cities like for example 35 percent decline in San Francisco, 23.2 percent in Chicago, and 20.9 percent in Baltimore. These are major cities that the news tend to blow up and make seem very dangerous. It's crazy how much social media and news can persuade us to think that places are unsafe and that there is a huge crime wave when in fact its decreasing. -pizza 711

  14. Everyone like going to the news to look to see what’s going on in the world but for some reason the news like to make things look worse than what it really is for example if you look at the news todays it will have you believing chicago is the number one murder place in the world not knowing it actually not. To see that the murder rate is going down is very good news because the past years has been very rough due to the crime rates that has been reported, document, and put on the news from police shooting vs. men to men vs. men.-KenzieLand711

  15. I feel like if you were to go out and ask any person on the street or the people you work with if they think that the crime rates in America were going up or going down, I think a majority of the people you would ask would say that it is going up and this article shows that it just is not true. If you asked me before I started taking this class I would probably say the same things. Looking at some of the murder rates in the bigger cities like Baltimore and Chicago, these big towns murder rates are dropping which is surprising but is very good obviously. San Francisco had their murder rate drop down 35 percent. That is a huge difference is a great number to see. There are cities however the murder rates are rising like Washington D.C. where they are up almost 35 percent? What are the differences in these cities and what can these cities do to make sure that their murder rates also go down? What are they doing differently? -Steel711

  16. This article is very interesting to the point that it shows on, from 2015, there has been a great decrease in crime and murder rate in the United States and every place mentions in the article. It is a very good thing that homicides are declining through the years because it shows that we must be doing something right, either locking them up or have had them locked up. However, few cities such as Washington D.C. has had an increase in murder and crime, same as well for Austin, which is unfortunate but some this is a percentage and what is reported so not all may be true.
    -z33 711

  17. It seems we are always living in the worst of times if you asked your typical person on the street. Whether you did this in the 80s, 90s, 00s, or today I bet if you were looking you would find a plethora of people that would say something like “what is this world coming to?” I know my mom probably says it everytime she watches the news. But all I ever see from legitimate stats is that crime is decreasing and overall we are living in the best time. So why is it that if you look on social media or ask a random person they would think we are heading for the end times or are convinced that if you go to Chicago you need to wear a bulletproof vest? Well I think the answer partly lies in our desire to be scared so we tend to watch the news when something bad goes on, and news organizations make money when people watch so it’s in their interest to over report violent crime. It’s a cycle that really needs to be broken so we can start having intelligent conversations about what to do about crime instead of being scared all the time.


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