UCR and NCVS....Needed?


  1. National Crime Victimization Survey is a very good idea across the country. But how many people are actually trustworthy on what they put on their answers? Some people might not be very trustworthy because they are too scared to admit to anyone that they committed a crime. Or some people committed a crime, but because they have taught themselves to not tell anyone nor think of it, they just think they didn’t do it, but in reality they did commit a crime. Majority of people like to lie on their taxes, so how many people lie on this survey? The Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey they both highly focus on the main crimes. The National Crime Victimization Survey wants crime that has been reported to the police and the crime that hasn’t been reported. Doing this survey, can cause many false information as well. What if, someone committed a crime and they never figure out who it was. But the same person commits a different crime and gets caught. That person then goes to jail and/or prison, because they committed several crimes. But because they only got caught for some of the crimes they committed, they won’t be able to report to the National Crime Victimization Survey because they are locked up in jail or prison. The Uniform Crime Report surveys are a huge help to law enforcement officers and all across the country. The National Crime Victimization Survey are the different crimes that occur and how they occur and the number and types of crime occuring around the country and the crimes not reported to law enforcement. Both programs help us have a better understanding of the crime and can even help up to prevent it in the future, but we also need to realize that some of the information but not be totally 100% accurate. ProbdrinkingStar$’s711

    1. I agree with you in the fact that we need organizations like these out there to be able to look at and analyze crime rates in the country or world. And I agree with you in the sense that some evidence is not accurate, because people commit a certain type of crime everyday but people do not get caught. And also like you said, the person can commit several crimes but may only be charged for one when multiple crimes were committed so the information may not be 100 percent accurate. Both programs help us understand what goes on but there needs to be a better way to evaluate crime rates.-crispychicken711

    2. I also think that both the NCVS and the UCR are good to have around as well. I also agree with you that the evidence is not always accurate. Although both programs focus on different aspects of crime, they are both very useful when wanting to know what areas of crime were the highest or lowest in a specific year. –Adventureflight711

    3. I think your response was perfect. I agree completely people lie about taxes which mean they will lie on a phone call. I like how you mentioned how a person can be charged with multiple charges and sometime time they can beat some an only get charged with 1 now the information won't be accurate because they didn't report it since they didn't go to jail for it. Every system have flaws to it so I guess you can never have a system 100% flawed proof. -Jollyranchers711

  2. I knew that some crimes were not reported but I did not know how many crimes went unreported. I found it interesting because no one really ever thinks about the crimes that go without someone reporting it. It makes sense because with some of the crimes it would be almost impossible to solve or the fact the family or person just feels like it will not be solved. To me that is the big reason why I think a lot of people do not call in crimes. I also find it interesting that some people do not call in rape. That is a really bad crime that takes place that people should always get justice for but there are some that do not call it in because they feel like it will not be solved. Another thing is that the two programs define some crimes differently. For example the UCR states that burglary as an unlawful attempt/attempted invasion of a structure to commit a felony or theft. For the same crime the NCVS defines burglary as the attempted entry of a residence from a person who had no right to be there. Another point I find interesting is that the two programs calculate crime rates on two different bases, “ The UCR rates for these crimes are per capita (number of crimes per 100,000 persons), whereas the NCVS rates for these crimes are per household (number of crimes per 1,000 households)”. This is interesting because an individual can see crime rates from the both of them in two different ways. They both cover crime but at the same time they do a lot of things differently and define certain crimes different as well. Some households may not grow at same rate so sometimes the evidence may not be able to be compared. I feel like programs like these need to exist but they might need to base crime on same factors so the evidence can be comparable. -crispychicken711

    1. I agree with you that it is surprising how many crimes are not reported. Especially rape, that is a horrible crime and you would think people would want to see the offender locked up so that they could not hurt someone again. Even if it weren’t to get solved I would feel more at ease that I tried to stop that horrible person. I like the fact that you mention the two different ways that we can see crime reports. I also find It is interesting that we can see two different ways of crime rate. The UCR reports on capita and the NCVS reports on households. -ClarkKent711

    2. I agree with what you said about the article. The crimes that are not getting reported is wrong. Some of these people need some type of justice. I understand that these crimes and be difficult to figure out but I feel they can’t try a little harder. I also agree with the call-in rape statement; a lot of females don’t call in that crime because they don’t want to remember the moment but they still should get justice for what have been done to them. That also goes for little crimes like people stealing from little stores, the manger sometimes doesn’t call-in those crimes.-babyblue711

    3. I agree the article really makes you sit back and think about how many crimes really go unnoticed for what ever reason. Its also real hard to get a grasp on because people are so secretive and specially in this day in age because everyone is feeling like the police is the bad guys and is not there to help only to punish and act like they are the man/women that runs the place because they have a badge. So, with wouldn’t these programs help show there are really animals out here? And that there are people who go through something but just don’t know how to put there feeling into words.

  3. I think that both the UCR and the National Crime Victimization Survey are a good thing to have. Both help us learn about crime patterns and statistics to further our knowledge in the criminal justice field. The UCR is good because it shows actual crime that has happen. It collect reports on murder, rape, robbery, assault, theft, manslaughter, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson from law enforcement authority’s and then sends those records to the FBI. These reports are sent to the FBI so that they can be checked for accuracy, reasonableness and any deviations. Once that these reports are checked out and verified by the FBI they are published in an annual report. The downfall to the UCR is that it is only crime that is reported. This is where the National Crime Victimization Survey comes in. The National Crime Victimization Survey reports on crime that has not been reported. Two times a year they do an interview with household members. They interview about 76,000 people that are the ages 12 and older. The survey that they use collects information on the frequency and nature of the crimes of rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. The National Crime Victimization Survey does not take information on homicide and commercial crime. The bad thing that about the National Crime Victimization Survey is that it relies on people telling the truth. What is to stop someone to over dramatize and crime or even downplay a crime. Another thing that is bad about this survey is that it allows people of the ages 12 and older to take it. I think that the age limit should be raised to at least 16. I think that you will get a more reliable answer form older people, not saying that all 12 to 15 year old’s would lie and over dramatize a crime I just think that they are more likely too. Both the UCR and National Crime Victimization Survey have there good and bad things about them but I think we need them both to help further our knowledge on crime. -ClarkKent711

    1. I agree with you on saying that both the UCR and the NCVS are important and we need both to futurize the criminal justice fireld. I do also agree that the downfall to the UCR is that they don't report crime that's not reported but I also agree that the NCVS is important to pick up the slack from the UCR.
      -z33 711

  4. In the article it tells you about the Two programs. The UCR and NVS are very similar to eachother, which is stated in the article. I feel it’s a good program because it lets you know what is happening all over the world. They will be able to get more information about a crime that was reported. I know in class my professor said that some officers go to the people houses to talk to them, they even talk to kids as well. Some of the crimes don’t get reported and I feel like it’s wrong. Some crimes that people so to other people needs to get notice and get some type of justice. I believe that it is a lot of crimes that don’t get reported and sometimes these crimes get hard to find over time. The UCR states that crimes like burglary as an unlawful attempt or attempted invasion of a structure to commit a felony or theft. For NCVS they say burglary as the attempted entry of a residence from a person who had no right no rights to be there. The two programs define the crimes way different. “The UCR rates for these crimes are per capita (number of crimes per 100,000 persons), whereas the NCVS rates for these crimes are per household (number of crimes per 1,000 households)”. I find that interesting because in the UCR program they are actually calculating the numbers of people that are committing the crimes. For NCVS, they are looking at people households and who are committing the crimes the families, I believe. I feel it may be a okay program I just don’t like how some crimes don’t get reported and not solved. -BABYBLUE711

    1. I agree with you, I think there definitely needs to be a stricter law on people reporting crimes. There are too many crimes that go unreported because people are afraid they’ll get in trouble, or if they tell they’ll get harmed. Both programs are beneficial for us keeping track of crimes and how they have affected us as a country and the people as a whole. It can also help us prevent crime and to know what works and what doesn’t work to prevent crime. ProbdrinkingStar$’s711

  5. The UCR (uniform crime report) and the NCVS (national crime victimization studies) are very important to many people around the specially the criminologist and the community that always wants to know what’s going on inside of their communities or their nation, just tr try and stay ahead of the game. These systems are produced what’s actually a great thing because instead of just putting it all into one program making it a hassle to find what it is specifically you were looking for. I feel that having two different programs is more appropriate because some people are very sensitive on what it is that they went through or what they are going through but want a way of trying to bring solution to the problem without really having to take a trip down memory lane and explaining it all over again to someone.
    The UCR (uniform crime report) reports the most violate crimes, this program is very important to police and sheriff department all around the untied states because it puts of focus in specific areas that one law enforcement agencies needs to target so they can try to find a deterrence if there is one or a fix that would drop the crime rates to an amount that doesn’t looks so outrageously bad that sometime the UCR, can sometime make crime rate look.
    The NCVS (national crime victimization studies) are very suitable for like the society sake, because not every time the police is called, so not every time a police officer witness a crime so how do we report and help them victims who are too afraid to speak up because of they are being threatened by the suspect whoever that may be or they feel as if because it happened to them, they are a bad human bean and can’t look past that.
    Before reading that article, I felt that these were to important programs and after reading the article I feel that’s not only are these important, but they are also more like programs that lets you know to “keep your head on a swivel” when it comes to certain things because that month that crime has increased rapidly.

    1. I like that you mentioned how important the two reports are to those in the criminal justice field- it can significantly impact what crimes are focused on based on what's trending and help law enforcement agencies know what's currently trending and what's been decreasing in rates. It can, in a way, give us an edge in knowing what crimes are most likely to be committed and what we need to do to help prevent further crimes of the same like from occurring. GMan219711

  6. I think that both the UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting) and the NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) are both helpful tools to have. They are helpful tools to use because it helps law enforcement see what crimes are increasing in a specific area. Both programs help people in the community learn crime patterns and statistics to increase the knowledge of crime in the criminal justice field. The UCR collects information on crimes reported to law enforcement authorities. These crimes include murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. This program compiles the data from monthly reports from law enforcement or other crime records, and then the records are directly transmitted to the FBI or to state agencies that report then to the FBI. The good thing about this program is that this program examines each report it receives. They examine it for reasonableness, accuracy, and deviations that may indicate errors. This program presents the crime count for the nation as a whole. As well as, regions, states, counties, cities, towns, tribal law enforcement. This also includes colleges and universities. Annually, the FBI will publish its findings. Normally it is released in the spring of the following calendar year. This is followed by and detailed annual report, called Crime in the United States, which is issued in the fall. Apart from crime count and trends, the report includes the crimes cleared, persons arrested (based on age, race, and gender), law enforcement personnal, and characteristics of homicides (based on age, gender, race of victim and offenders, victim-offender relationship, weapons used, and the circumstances surrounding homicide). The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey provides a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims, and trends. Also, this program has been redesigned to uncover crime, update survey methods, and broaden the scope of crimes measured. Just like the UCR, this program collects information on the frequency and nature of crimes such as rape, sexual assault, personal robbery, aggravated and simple assault, household burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. Unlike the UCR, this program does not measure homicides or commercial crimes. Twice a year, the US Census Bureau personnal interview household members nationally. This program collects information on crimes suffered by individuals and households, whether or not the crimes were reported. The survey provides information about the victims, offenders, and the crimes themselves. The questions cover the experience of the victims with the criminal justice system, self-protective measures that are used by the victim, and possible substance abuse by offenders. The Bureau of Justice Statistics publication of NCVS data will include Criminal Victimization in the United States. The Criminal Victimization in the United States is an annual report that covers a broad range of detailed information collected by the NCVS, which publishes topics such as crime against women, urban crime, and gun used in crime.

  7. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), in my opinion, is needed but I do question how accurate it truly is. The fact that they call roughly 150,000 persons over the age of 12 annually and base their information off of what those called say for the entirety of the United States seems questionable to me. First of all, many unreported crimes will remain unreported, especially if the person be asked about it was involved or knows one of the suspects who committed a crime personally. However, there is no truly 100% accurate way of finding out how many crimes go unreported annually. As far as I can tell, this may be our best method of having some sort of idea what our unreported crimes do look like annually. As far as the UCR (Uniform Crime Reports) go, I believe it is much more accurate about what it reports because of how it gets the information. The FBI administer this report, and they receive their information from law enforcement agencies, making it significantly more accurate. Having access to crime trends, like what the UCR produces, can seriously help those in the criminal justice field out. It can help us see what crimes are trending, and what we need to focus more on to help prevent more from happening/warn the public what they need to do to stay safe and avoid such crimes. I do like that a lot of times the two reports are often looked at together to give us a better understanding of what the crime rates in our country are currently like. Something I don’t like is that they both cover some different crimes, and they both sometimes have different definitions of what a certain crime is defined as. For example, pulled straight from the article, “the UCR defines burglary as the unlawful entry or attempted entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The NCVS, not wanting to ask victims to ascertain offender motives, defines burglary as the entry or attempted entry of a residence by a person who had no right to be there.” To me, if we wish to look at both reports together, there needs to be some unison in how they do their reports. GMan219711

    1. I question it as well. I don't think it is as accurate as the article makes it sound. I think it is almost impossible to record all the crime in the United States of America. I do agree with you on unison between each reports there needs to be a clear correlation. I also agree with you on how the reports at looked at together to better understand the crime trends and rates.

  8. both are excellent sources of information as to crimes being commited The UCR (Uniform Crime Reports) and the NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) Are two statistical programs to measure the magnitude and impact of crimes in the nation even though they both differ in how they work they share similarities as well, I think they, both get more in depth then just keeping tabs on the crimes, they go into different aspects of the crime and work in unison, therefore the information they provide together is much beneficial and informative then one could produce alone. I believe that these reports can also help to deter crimes. The U.C.R. presents crime counts for the nation including Regions, States, Counties, Cities, Towns, Tribal Law Enforcement, Colleges and Universities. The U.C.R. has been around for a while now since 1929 both agencies have some aspects about them that everyone may not agree with such as the unreported crimes. The UCR measures the crime of rape only for woman. I don't agree with this notion at all, while the NCVS measures and reports the crime of rape for both men and woman. This standard seems more appropriate since domestic issues happen to both men and women. The NCVS does not take info on homicide and commercial crimes and it also relies on the truthfulness of the matter and at times from people starting at age 12 which may put the truth in a different light cause people at that age sometimes tend to be untruthful simply for attention not realizing the harm it causes. The NCVS came about a little later it began in 1973 but was redesigned in 1993 and it goes a bit further in it's reporting such as the characteristics of homicide including race,the weapons used as well as the circumstances surrounding the homicide. This in depth reporting is much more helpful in getting the information needed I believe that both agencies serve a very useful and valuable purpose in its role in gaining information that is useful in combatting crime. These agencies both have certain aspects that some may not agree with overall the research, data collecting, and reporting that they do along with other agencies is a very valuable resource to society. These two together or as one play a significant role in helping enlighten the public on crime statistics and the circumstances surrounding the crime, so I believe that both the UCR and NCVS are very much needed. LAWHOGG711

  9. I agree with your questioning the accuracy of the information provided by the NCVS and their technique in gathering information. To question 150,000 people some at a young age like 12 yrs. old and base what they say as speaking for the multitude is kind of questionable. The unreported crimes I also agree with you some people don't feel comfortable reporting crimes such as rape for personal reasons and this should not mean they go ignored and I also agree with the UCR being more accurate in it's reporting.

  10. I agree with your questioning the accuracy of the information provided by the NCVS and their technique in gathering information. To question 150,000 people some at a young age like 12 yrs. old and base what they say as speaking for the multitude is kind of questionable. The unreported crimes I also agree with you some people don't feel comfortable reporting crimes such as rape for personal reasons and this should not mean they go ignored and I also agree with the UCR being more accurate in it's reporting.LAWHOGG711

  11. In this article there are two forms of measuring crime, there is the UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting) and the NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey). First the UCR are involved with the state and local law agents. The UCR began by the FBI, which was started in 1929. The UCR collects info such as Murder, Rape, Robbery, Assault, and more. The UCR records all of this data from everyone and makes a detailed annual report, "Crime in the United States". The NCVS records the frequency and nature of the crimes, such as, Rape, sexual assault, motor vehicle theft, and more. The NCVS records data recorded from individuals not reported to law enforcement, it also makes a realistic number for those report and who don't report. The NCVS gets reports about victims age, status, etc. and the NCVS records the Criminal Victimization in the United Sates. I do agree with the article saying that these two programs, NCVS and the UCR, are very similar but are created for different purposes. For example the UCR was created for the reported criminality statistics and the NCVS was created unreported Criminality, Main differences between the two the UCR reports Homicide, arson, commercial crimes, and crimes against children. The only thing I have against this is it is up to the person to report crimes and shouldn't be pressured to telling the government. The article does through a good point on showing how both the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) both shows the statistics and trends currently going on in the world but each, the NCVS and the UCR has its strengths and weaknesses I think they both need each other to give a true accurate report on the crime going on in the United States. Its like a lot of things in the world one cannot succeed without the other.
    -z33 711

    1. I see where your coming from when you said how it should be up to them if they wanted to say something and they shouldn't be pressured by the government. But also if the government knew about some of the things that are not being reported, maybe they could do something to help prevent those things.

    2. I totally agree with you on the part where you were saying that people should not feel pressured to tell the police what happens to them. It is their right not to say anything if they would rather not get into anything with the police. I think the National crime victimization survey is a good way to get peoples stories out there without getting involved with the police. -steel711

  12. I think that the UCR and NCVS are good programs to have. The UCR program is a program that gets information on crimes that are reported to law enforcement. They collect information on crimes such as murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. There are also 21 additional crime categories. They then send the data to the FBI so they can examine in it. After that is done they are put out in an annual report. The report also includes data on crimes cleared, persons arrested (age, sex, and race), law enforcement personnel, and the characteristics of homicides. The only thing that is not the best about the program is that its only reported crimes and there are so many crimes that are not reported. The NCVS program is when they do reports on crimes that are not reported. They do not do the area of homicide or commercial crimes. Two times a year they go to homes and do personal interviews with the members in the household. About 43,000 households and 150,000 interviews of persons age 12 or older which are conducted annually. The people are also asked why they are/are not reporting the crimes to anyone. The report includes information victim,offenders and the crimes. Also they go over the experiences of victims with the criminal justice system, self-protective measures used by victims, and possible substance abuse by offenders. The downfall about the NCVS program is that you have no way of telling if someone is telling you the truth or if they are lying. I also think they should interview a few older people like age 18 and up so they could get different point of views. Also maybe if your older you may say more than a 12 year old would say about so situations. The UCR and NCVS lets people know more about crimes that are going on. They are great programs to have and we should continue to use them.

    1. Dear ny711, I enjoyed reading your comment and what you thought about the UCR and NCVS. I also agree that Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey are good and beneficial program. I can see why you think that the unreported crimes are a problem with the amount of crimes that are not reported by people.- mmmChicken711

    2. Yes Ny711 I strongly agree with you and all of your reasons that you think the UCR and NCVS programs are good and worth keeping because they both are truly really helpful and reliable programs especially for the FBI and any law enforcements or any criminal justice related work and investigations. KenzieLand711

  13. I think the Uniformed Crime Reporting tool is a good idea on how on to measure crime, but how accurate is it. I feel like officials of the reporting tool can manipulate the system, in order to make crime filled cities look a little safer than what they really are. I also feel like it can be as accurate as the article is saying it is. The United States of America has so many crimes daily, I think it is hard for the officials to accurately record and publish the report. Does this report include the smaller local law enforcement agencies, or does it just focus on major cities and the towns and suburbs that surround those major cities. From the reading what I understood is the Uniformed Crime Reporting tool only surrounds the major crimes, such as robbery, murder, rape, sexual predators. I would like to see numbers of other smaller crimes, such as how many drug arrest. I think the National Crime victimization Survey, is more accurate than the Uniformed Crime Reporting Tool. I like the aspects of how it reports the number of victims, and crime trends of America and its cities. I like the way they interview a large amount of people and households who suffered through crimes. I still think that it could be flawed and not all crimes are reported in the report. I know that not every crime is going to be reported it's basically impossible. But I do think officials of these reports could try get rid of these flaws in order to make the report more accurate. Both reports use different methods and both record different information in a different crime. But another thing to look is the NCVS uses information based of households but the UCR uses information based on population. Population may grow faster than households.

    1. I-Like-Cereal711, I also think Uniformed Crime Reporting is more accurate than National Crime Victimization Survey. The National Crime Victimization Survey almost feels random on how they a quire the information, in my opinion. Each reporting method is far from perfection. Even within the reporting survey, we are all human and are prone to error. So, with that being said, these two different surveys may be the best it can get. -CoalRoller117

  14. While reading this article I liked reading about the two different programs and also the similarities and differences they both share. The Uniform Crime Reports and also the National Crime Victimization Survey are both very helpful resources that allow us to tracking and following crime reports in the US but also anywhere else in the world. I also like how when you look at a crime you can also see the whole crime report in detail go back to the gender, age, race and obviously what type of crime it was committed. It makes me sad that crimes go unreported by people because they could either being threatened or don’t want to go through the steps to report it. I think that having both of these reports are good because they focus on overlapping things but also they both have specific thing that they track. The Uniform Crime Report collects information reported to the law enforcement which are mostly violent crimes such as murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Also the law enforcement agencies report arrest data for 21 additional crime categories. The Uniform Crime Report compiles data monthly from crime reports made to the law enforcement agencies. Then the National Crime Victimization Survey creates a detailed picture of crime incidents, victim and also trends. The new redesigned survey collects in detail the information on the frequency and nature of the crimes such as rape, sexual assault, personal robbery, aggravated and simple assault, household burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. The National Crime Victimization Survey does not measure homicide or commercial crimes for example burglaries of stores. The US Census Bureau will interview household members in the nationally represented sample of 43,000 households and this will occur two times a year. - mmmChicken711

  15. What I got from this article was that when the surveys come every three years in households, the unreported crimes have a higher percentage. So why not use the survey everyone year to show the actual unreported crime rate. If this truly is supposed to show how it is important to report crime this seems to me it is failing. With no luck of fixing the problem of people not reporting crime. I understand a lot of people don’t report crimes because of certain reasons that factor in that hold them back. For example, when I was interning with East Peoria Police Department we got a call for a domestic charge. The victim was brought to the station by her coworkers to make a report. She told the Officer I was with that she didn’t want to because he was financially stable and was good to the kids. She feared breaking up her family and would rather be in danger. It truly amazes me how much goes unreported though no matter what the case. With the households changing in the lines of the three years, it is hard to compare the UCR to the NCRS. In the statement how can we truly know it is factual representation of reported crimes. What should take in my opinion is that we make a better program to help make it easier and safer for people to come forward. Something along the lines of an app that you can use to help reach out to the police departments without risking your safety. This could be used to fill in the blanks for unreported crimes. So, if this truly could help maybe it is worth investing in, if not then it wasn’t meant to be. In my eyes maybe, things need to change with the UCR and NCRS. -Rollforinitiative711

    1. I agree with you saying we need to find a way to make people for more safe to come forward and report crime in their area. in my own neighborhood in my own family we have that, because it comes down to a "I Don't mess with you, you don't mess with me" ordeal. when someone calls the cops the cops come to their door to ask questions and the whole neighborhood can see when you have an officer at your door one day and then the next the guy two doors down is getting walked out in hand cuffs. That is a big problem in our own back yards. RickyBobby711

    2. I enjoyed reading your input on this and that you were able to connect with this problem since you witnessed the lady not wanting to file a report. I also agree with you that i think there is probably a better way for us to get people to come forward about a crime and not feel ashamed or scared. I think the app would be a great idea because we rely so much on technology people might be able to connect with that way better.

  16. The UCR and NCVS I think are good programs to have. The National Crime Victimization Survey
    program are crimes that don’t get reported because over the years there are many crimes that has happened but for some reason haven't been reported from women or men being beaten and scared to report it to the cops and from other getting robbed and being threatened to get killed for they tell the cops. There are many reasons that SOME crimes aren’t being reported not that they are good reason or necessarily understand reason. It always keeps a good count of the numbers of crimes. The Uniformed Crime Reporting program was a VERY good idea to come up as well because No one wants to go somewhere not knowing if it’s dangerous or safe to be there. Reporting crimes gives people an view of what they are surrounding their self around. Who wants to move in a new neighborhood not knowing they neighbor is a sex offender or killed their last 3 neighbors so i think programs like those that were invented is really good and helpful. It also helps the FBI and anything else that is related to the law enforcement or criminal justice system. Both program has a meaningful reason behind the way each of them operate. Not that everyone will agree with the National Crime Victimization Survey program because the main question everyone asks is why doesn’t the crimes get reported? What the reason behind it but reporting an unreported crimes isn’t really helpful either because where can you get the RIGHT information from about the crime if no ones wanted to report it in the first place Both program i think we should continue use because they are very beneficial and collect a lot of very important information over all. KenzieLand711

  17. While I technically do not feel as though we actually need the UCR or NCVS I do think they are very useful and could actually save time and money in the long run. Both the UCR and NCVS measure crime rates and trends, while doing that they always show where those trends happen. If we increase police presence we should see crime rights drop in those areas because most reasonable people do not and will not commit a crime right in front of a police officer. With that being said it could possible help in our mass incarceration rates, but very well could do the exact opposite as well because we can see and have seen that crime rates have gone down but prison population has increased. However looking at the UCR and decreasing crime in the areas that according to the UCR there is crime we could very well decrease the amount of people that get locked up in those areas. I think the NCVS can be effective in making people feel safe in their own community. When people are surveyed and asked about crime in their areas that alone makes them feel more safe because they have just told a member of law enforcement about crimes in their area and now that person could feel more safe knowing that. The NCVS is also useful in the fact of what crimes to look for; because the NCVS covers undocumented crimes in tells law enforcement what to look for and what is and isn’t getting passed them. One thing i do feel would make the NCVS even more useful though is if it documented drug crimes, not because we want to get the drug users and lock them but the drug dealers. Drug deals can go bad and end in gun shots as we see all the time. If we could see when and where drug deals tend to happen we could catch them and stop them maybe even mid act. I see them happening all the time around my neighborhood and sometimes i just wonder what would happen right in front of my house if one where to go south quickly. RickyBobby711

    1. I agree that the UCR and NCVS is useful. Looking at the results can help people get ideas on what to do to try and decrease the crime. I didn't think about the drug crimes with the NCVS and I really liked how you explained it. I think that’s a good idea because that can try and prevent bad situations and that can also prevent someone from getting killed or injured. I think that there could be a possibility of drug crimes being documented with the NCVS since there is a war on drugs today. -Soccer31711

  18. I think the national crime victimization is a good way to measure crime across the world. The thing about that is though, everybody don't tell the truth about things that could be a big flaw about this survey. Some people do crimes and keep it a secret and then forget and even believe that they never did such crime. People lie about everything, so who is to say they wouldn't lie about something like that. Then that can be so flawed because all you have to be is over 12 years old, a 12 year older can just make information up and they are going to think the information they just gave is accurate when in fact it wasn't. I think everyone should know about the UCR since it is reported crimes and that can be important. The UCR is based off facts and you can know whats going on around you or in your community. The UCR collects data about serious crimes like rape, man slaughter and aggravated assault meanwhile the NCVS collect data about things that are not so serious as compared to the charges I mentioned earlier. The two reports serve different purposes, the UCR objective is to provide a reliable set of criminal justice statistics while the NCVS is to provide unavailable information. Unavailable information is information that some people don't report to the police like if someone broke into your car and stole a pair of shoes some wouldn't report it so when they call on the phone you could tell them that you have encountered a crime that you didn't report. The UCR is data that got documented simply because those people either got arrest or went to court for such crime so it was easy to get the right data rather than the NCVS. -Jollyranchers711

    1. That is my hangup too. It does not necessarily prove to be accurate as well as the fact that someone could make up a petty crime to be humorous. Therefore it throws off the accuracy a little because we can clearly not expect everyone to be 100% honest with the NCVS when they call, especially if they talk to a juvenile. Speaking to a child as well, there may be stuff that they do not understand or recognize to truly be a crime and may just not say anything at all and possibly out of fear of getting into trouble because let's face it, it seems to be like everyone is slightly fearful of police and freak out over every little thing because of the possibility of getting into trouble when in reality they are not doing that at all and instead they would be helping make their communities a better place to live and thrive. -notacop711

  19. The UCR which stands for Uniformed Crime Report collects data from crimes which are submitted by law enforcement agencies. It collects data reported to the police, such as rape, robbery, assault, aggravated battery and motor vehicle theft among other crimes. It also includes homicide and crimes to deal with children under the age of 12. The NCVS shares similarities between each other but the NCVS includes reported and unreported crimes. The NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) does not include homicide or arson and crimes against children under the age of 12. Although the NCVS defines burglary as the entry or attempted entry of a residence by a person who had no right to be there. The UCR defines a burglary as the unlawful entry or attempted entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The UCR rates numbers of crimes per 100,000 persons and the NCVS rates per 1,000 households. Both share clear similarities and differ in some senses. But both of these are very valuable and useful for law enforcement as well as in the communities as it shows what is going on in your neighborhood and in your town. It also gives law enforcement a hard look at why and what and when they are having repetitive offenders and crimes. Such as if this crime is more happening when kids are out of school and they can narrow it down to the possibility of it being juveniles. The NCVS also calls homes and will speak with someone over the age of 12 and pretty much allow them to report a crime without the police coming to knock at their door. Obviously since NCVS calls they ask vague questions as well because they are not targeting an individual but more so for documentation to help improve our criminal justice and policing system.-notacop711

  20. There are two programs that are used to measure the magnitude, nature, and the impact of crime in the nation. The two programs are the UCR which stands for Uniform Crime Reporting and the NCVS which stands for National Crime Victimization Survey. The UCR gets data from from monthly law enforcement of reported crime. When I saw that it kind of made me think, what keeps keep people from making false changes when they send the reports to the UCR? I like that the UCR looks through them to check and try to make sure that it’s accurate. I also think it’s smart that they look at previous reports to determine if it is honest. The NCVS gives a detailed image of crime incidents, victims, and trends. The survey was altered and it gets more information about the frequency and nature of different crimes. Some of the crimes included rape, sexual, assault, personal robbery, assault, etc. I think altering it was a good idea because I think that these types of crimes are committed more often. I think it's a good idea that they interview people but you don't really know if the person you are interviewing is being one hundred percent honest with you. I like that the NCVS gets information on crimes of victims. It kind of lets them have a voice of what is happening to them if they didn't report it. Depending on the crime and situation, some people might be scared to report it. I also like that the survey is very detailed when the interview people. The provide information about the person, the offender, and the crime that happened. I like that the both of the programs cover rape, robbery, assault, and theft because those are things I feel like happen a lot and keeping track of what is happening is helpful because then people can figure out ways to make the statistic percentages decrease. -Soccer31711

  21. Our country uses two different techniques that help measure the magnitude, nature, and impact of crime in the Nation. Although they both give us techniques to measure certain aspects, they are also different. Yes, they are both considered as a form of crime reports, but they focus on using different methods to collect crime data, sometimes different aspects of crime, and can conduct different purposes. The UCR strictly focuses on collecting information on crimes reported to law enforcement authorities such as murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. What this crime report does is gather monthly law enforcement reports or individual crime reports and is sent to the FBI. That is then published yearly for not only for us to keep track of, but law enforcement as well. The NCVS on the other hand is the type of survey where household interviews take place. Its main focus is to provide previously unavailable information about crime, including crime that was not reported to police. It also collects information about the victims and offender. The difference between these two are also how they would go about calculating crime rates. For example, crimes such as property crime are calculated by number of crimes per 100,000 people would be represented by the UCR and the NCVS would calculate it by crimes per household. I personally think that the NCVS is a smart method to use on collecting crime rates. It allows us to speak to individuals who might not have been comfortable in the past and finally get reports on crimes that have been kept a secret and locked away. Both reports are important for not only law enforcement but for us as citizens of this country. For law enforcement, these crime reports give police the type of things to keep an eye on based on rates. For U.S. citizens, it could potentially allow us to be aware and prepared for crimes in our area or in our country in general.

  22. I feel that both the UCR and NCVS are helpful because its nice that we can track crime reports for everywhere and see if they decrease or increase, but i don’t feel like the way its being done is very accurate and that its done this way probably because of budget and to save money. I also don’t like like that someone at the age of 12 can do this because a 12 year old is a child still and i don’t think they would fully understand what they are doing but i also see that in some cases having teenagers do it is helpful. I feel like the UCR is way more important than the NCVS since its for major crimes such as rape, man slaughter, aggravated assault, these are things people need to be more aware of and crimes that definitely need to be documented. While the NCVS is just a way of tracking unreported crime and it doesn’t do much because people aren’t reporting them at the time. It’s very surprising to me how many crimes are going unreported. It is nice that NCVS can show you the crimes in your neighborhood and town to make your aware of whats going on around you but i wish there was a way of figuring out how to get more people to report it when it happens rather than later. If we could find a way to make people feel more comfortable and not scared to talk to the police i think that would help a lot.

  23. The Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey are both good sources to help keep track of crime in the united states. Though they are both good to have, The Uniform Crime Report is more accurate because it is all things “reported.” The National Crime Victimization Survey helps to keep track of both reported and unreported crime BUT because it is a survey, it could be less reliable. Based on what I learned in my statistics and political science classes in my first year here at ICC, they both taught me the same thing, telephone methods for surveys have a stronger weakness than a positive. That positive being they can call just about anyone so the participation pool is larger; they can also do follow ups for the survey again when it comes later around. The downside to it is that people may not be as truthful when calling about crime. For example, say whoever calling asked about a type of sex crime. The victim (most likely being a woman because the NCVS does not include both sexes due to females being more common) may not be one hundred percent honest with their answers because of two big reasons: The first being the fear of reliving it again and the second, simpler reason, it’s embarrassing or shameful to talk about. Though it is more likely to get an honest answer over the phone, there is still a large chance that they will not tell the truth. The same would go for the offender because maybe they just don’t want to think about it anymore. There are also those that may not even come close to telling the truth on either side because they are pretending. Now rather than just singling one kind of report out let’s look at both of them. Toward the end they began talking about how the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Uniform Crime Reports define things differently. One of the examples they gave, “the UCR defines burglary as the unlawful entry or attempted entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The NCVS, not wanting to ask victims to ascertain offender motives, defines burglary as the entry or attempted entry of a residence by a person who had no right to be there.” Though there is much more that could be said, I will simply add my response with this: “The NCVS collects information on crimes suffered by individuals and households, whether or not those crimes were reported to law enforcement. It estimates the proportion of each crime type reported to law enforcement, and it summarizes the reasons that victims give for reporting or not reporting.” While the UCR Program collects information on crimes reported to law enforcement authorities and agencies. Though both have their similarities and differences, they can be lapped on top of one another to get a more accurate view of crime in the United States. Even so, these cannot be one hundred percent perfect BUT can still help us out now and in the future.

    1. It's unfortunate but understandable why many people wouldn't want to relive crimes that happened to them, especially those of sexual nature. Hopefully more can be done in the future to more accurately keep track of crime but it's difficult to think of ways that don't invade someone's privacy.

  24. This article was helpful as it gave detailed information regarding Uniform Crime Reporting Program and the National Crime Victimization Survey. Both these programs are used in determining the crime rate nationwide. I had a slim knowledge about each of the programs. So, this article benefited me. Uniform Crime Reporting Program was created in the 1929 by the FBI. This program gathers information for the law enforcement agencies. They compile the data into a monthly report. Then at the beginning of the year, the report is released. This is a fairly accurate report as is takes all reported crime. However, there is a large amount of unreported crime in our nation that isn’t recorded in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. So, in a sense this program isn’t the most precise for overall crime in our nation. I feel that this reporting system is a good base to start when the crime rate is trying to be determined, but it should not be relied on solely. The second reporting system is, The national Crime Victimization Survey. This program was created in 1973; at a much later time than the Uniform Crime Report. The Bureau of Justice Statistics used a much different approach in gathering crime data. Instead of relying on the law enforcement records to create the report, they would interview households. They interviewed about 150,000 people above the age of 12. They asked a series of questions; do you know a crime that has been committed that has not been reported to the law officials? With this method, the unrecorded crime is also accounted for. I think this system of recording the nations crime rate is a more reliable program. However, even with this approach there are some issues; such as how they interview the people and if the people they are interviewing are being truthful. Most of the time they use land lines to make the call for the interview. However, many people are getting rid of their land lines. By getting rid of them, it makes the National Crime Victimization Survey harder to gather crime data. I think both crime reporting programs should be used together has they enrich the data. -CoalRoller117

    1. I agree that UCR and the NVCS should be used together to base statistics in further thought. They would be great assets together to create another statistic. I think it would be great if they could consider a different program where they include both statistics but you never know what some people may be working on right now, they could possibly thinking about it right now.-MyHandle

  25. The Uniform Crime Report and the National Crime Victimization Survey are both important tools in analysing crime data and trends. Obviously though there are flaws with both. The Uniform Crime Report for example only goes over reported crime. Which is good to know but think of how much crime goes unreported. This is where the National Crime Victimization Survey comes in. The NCVS surveys people from different areas and asks them about crimes that may have happened to them that happened to them. I think in theory this would be the perfect tool to measure crime in a given area, as ideally people would be honest about and remember every crime that was committed in their area. Something that surprises me about the NCVS is the number of people they survey, about 43,000 households which roughly comes out to about 76,000 people. That’s a pretty good sample size but still you’d think in a country of 320 million you might need even more data. Of course doing that would lead to extra cost due to increased manpower needed to handle taking on extra surveys, not to mention the hardware that would be needed to store extra data or reach out to these people. I think even given their flaws the UCR and NCVS are both extremely important tools to be used by politicians, law enforcement, and the general public, and should continue to be improved upon over time. It seems to me that it’s better to be more informed than less but it’s important we have good information which I'm inclined to be skeptical about but we do seem to have found enough value in both these systems to keep them going so there must be some merit to them. Hopefully we can continue to expand upon these systems and figure out better ways to improve how we look at crime as I think it’s incredibly important to be able to look at what’s going on out there so we can better decide where to allocate resources.

  26. Overall I feel like these were some pretty good ideas to invent these uniform crime reports and the national crime victimization surveys. It is a great way to every department in the nation to see how each town and state are doing. They can see what areas they need to work on in there towns and they are able to tell if they need things such as, money or more police officers. Although as we discussed in class each department is in charge of sending their own reports to the FBI so it makes me wonder how accurate it really is. There are going to be departments that lie a little on the reports that they could be sending out because they might not want to look bad. Overall though i believe it is a great tool be able to use if you want to see what is going on in your city, whether it is good or bad. The article states that you can see up to 21 different categories of crime in this report. Surely it’s not every crime out there but that is a good start and I’m sure that it has the major crimes in there. Something that stuck out to me in this article was that it states that when in terms of rape or sexual assault the UCR only measures what happens to the women and the NCVS does both sexes. Im not sure why they would just do one and not the other? What’s good about the NCVS is that you get to see stats and information that are not reported to the police so there is not way for us to otherwise see it. Plus a lot of people don’t feel comfortable talking to the police so this might be a good way for them to get their words out there other ways. Overall I think that if used correctly these are a great tool to see how all of our communities are working and what else needs to be done in order to make things better. -Steel711

  27. I am not going into details about what these agencies do but I will talk about the half true and false info they get from their “stats”. Like I know that unreported crime happens. Most of the time its just small things and people care too much about the small things. But Really want to stress about how anytype of rape or anytype of witness would probably be too scared to come up front with their experiences. Mostly men about rape, the amount of rape that is forced on a man rather than still happens at probably the same rate as a female rap victim but a much smaller normal. I have seen plenty of movies where the guy was non consensually having sex with a woman and I have seen many the other ay where a woman was having nonconsensually sex with a man. I am not saying either one is more terrible than the next all I am saying is that it is less spoken about through men because of the “man card” that comes into play with being raped. I also feel terrible when it happens for women too because it happens statistically a much larger amount with women based on committed crimes. Also the petty theft that is not controlled as well is out of the world a high number. Like the items in walmart specifically the ones that don't set off the sensors that you can walk right out of the store with and you won't get directly arrested, but why would anyone admit to something like that. Or what if you are the family that has a little kid steal a kids toy on accident. Will you really go back to pay for it? Personally I do not think little things like that should be too big of a deal but if done in a mass event and a higher prices multiple times on different occasions and you do not report it then it is a big deal.-MyHandle711

    1. I see where you are coming from when you say certain things shouldn't be that big of deal but however they are still crimes and should be reported. Even if it has some issues it is a good place to start when trying to keep record of crimes in a region.

  28. I found it very interesting that the UCR Program, administered by the FBI, began in 1929 and collects information on the following crimes reported to law enforcement authorities, I also think that it is cool that they cover crime in the Nation as a whole, as well as for regions, states, counties, cities, towns, tribal law enforcement, and colleges and universities.However when talking about the other program is to provide previously unavailable information about crime including crime not reported to police, victims, and offenders. NCVS includes both reported and unreported crime so like I think it's a good program but the UCR has crimes like homicide, arson, commercial crimes, and crimes against children under age 12. Both programs cover rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. Rape, robbery, theft, and motor vehicle theft. I feel like they should combine the two and just have a program that covers everything. But with that being said the article states that because the UCR and NCVS programs are conducted for different purposes, use different methods, and focus on somewhat different aspects of crime, the information they produce together provides a more comprehensive panorama of the Nation’s crime problem than either could produce alone. So like that would be alot for one program to do. -pizza711


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