The person I interviewed said that the two people influenced them the most and helped them get to where they are today were two of their former sports coaches. They continued to say that they said these two people because they taught him the importance of attention to detail and today, that is why he is so detail-oriented at everything he does on a daily basis. This makes perfect since, as previous topics we have discussed are involved with this. For example, these coaches served and still serve as buffers today for the person I interviewed. I am not saying that this person was or is in a bad place. However, with the help of these coaches acting as buffers, they crafted this person into a very disciplined individual who may not have truly been pushed to their limits. Another example of something we have previously discussed would be the idea of social interaction between the individual I interviewed and the coaches. For a decent amount of time, this person was almost constantly around these two coaches, watching and learning how they speak, interact, etc. By interacting with the coaches for this given amount of time, he began to consciously/unconsciously start acting and speaking somewhat like what they did, due to him being around them for so long and him looking up to them as role models as well. -Fozz007
The person I interviewed said that the two people that influenced them the most and helped them get to where they are today was their father and a NBA basketball player that they grew up watching. The person's father instilled on him his core values and beliefs that he still carries till this very day. The values of working for what you want and putting the time into what you want. These values carried over into marriage and a career. This person's father was what you could call a road map. This person learned right from wrong from them and found himself to a successful employee and a great husband to a family. The NBA player this person grew up watching had values and beliefs that left and impression on him. This NBA player wasn't into the money life or the drugs. He was at first a loving father to his family. This person grew attached to this player not only for their work ethic, but just the general way they carried themselves through life. This person tried their best to put a little bit of that NBA player into their life. -CUBSFAN007
The person I interviewed said that they had two people that influenced their life and helped them change. This person said they were doing some wrong things when they were younger but their grandma and aunt helped influence them to change their life around. The grandma was described as having a heart of gold. She has a loving heart and a great amount of compassion. She always helped this person when they needed help and she was always there for them. The aunt was always there to take care of this person. The aunt was kind of a second mom to this person. The person that I interviewed said that they changed because he had really good people to help them. These two people were a really good support system. The person I interviewed said things might be different if they did not have these two people in their life. Because of these two people, the person wants to achieve things that they did not think about achieving in the past. This person is working on their health, going back to school, getting a good job, having a nice house, and starting on family. The person explained that they might not of been working on these goals today if they did not have the two influences in their life. -Soccer31007
I interviewed my mom and there are two people in her life that have influenced her in a positive way physically and mentally. One person is her youth center mentor from when she was a teenager. My mom was not the greatest child. She was always fighting and getting kicked out of school, but her mentor influenced her to change her behavior for the better. He got her on the right track and always gave her positive feedback to keep her going. He helped prepare and develop her for the skills needed to go into the work force including work ethic, how to prepare for an interview, and write a resume. He was the first to educate her financially. He showed her how to set up a savings account, budgeting, etc. The mentor also signed her up for a boxing class once to let out all her anger and stress, although it kept her busy and out of trouble. Another person who positively impacted her life was her best friend, which is still her best friend to this day. She is a great example to show how to juggle the many demands of the family and business life. Her friend was the one to introduce her entrepreneurship as well to help her add an income and create a better and easier life. My mom’s friend was the first out of her group of friends to be married and have a big family. My mom is now married and has a big family. She showed her that it is doable to manage a big household, marriage, and work. Them being friends since high school has showed her what a real friendship should look like. -pieface007
The man that I interviewed has made a life for himself even though he came from a tough background. He came from a tough school where you weren’t supposed to be great. He told me that he got a 14 on his ACT and knew that he would not go to college or get that “dream job”. He defied the odds and is now living like a King. I asked him if he had a person that set him straight, he told me that a bodybuilder at his gym told him that he had potential and he could make it far if he worked for it. He packed up his stuff and went to California to train in bodybuilding with the best. He ended up winning some low level shows and meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger a couple of times but he really never made it big out there. He ended up coming back to Illinois where he worked as a tile layer. He worked hard at that ended up making a lot of money doing that. In the last 10 years though he had been working for a company that sells Fitness supplements. He is now making over 600k a year selling their supplements. He told me that he would have not have been in the situation that he is in now if it wasn’t for that bodybuilder telling him that he has potential to be great. No one in his life had ever told him that he could be great or had the potential to be, so he kept that close to his heart and worked hard to be the best.-ClarkKent007
The man I interviewed said he got to where he is in life because of his wife and through the mental connection with his deceased father. His father passed away when he was six years old and said he remembers small bits and details but ultimately formed those memories into his life in the best way he could and has formed his parenting ways around what he remembers of his father and believes his actions model what his father would want in life for him and for his children. He says the remembrance of his father gives him motivation daily while at work and for his home life. His wife he says is his best friend and brought him from his lowest point in life to where he is now as they have been together over 30 years and their lives have completely flipped for the better from where they were at. He said there were man times his wife could have left him and chose someone easier to love but because of her, he is still alive and in the best possible mental state he will ever be in. He said without these two things in life, waking up daily, he would not truly be here without them. He said he knows what love is and is beyond happy because of this. -notacop007
The person I interviewed had two people that influenced them to clean up their act and get back on path to the better person that they were. Those two people that influenced them was their dad(stepfather) and the other was their younger brother. Their father was a good man that served in the marines and would do anything to serve his country. Their father truly influenced them on that aspect and made an even bigger impact when they were always supporting them and doing anything and everything for them when he entered his life as a young child when their single mother and them had nothing left. That truly made them want to be the best person that they could be because a man entered his life and gave him everything when he didn't have to. The second influence was their younger brother and this person influenced them to become a good person because they didn't want to let his younger brother down. They didn't want his younger brother to be disappointed and angry at them anymore. They wanted to be there and show what a good person they really were. The person I interviewed said they would have never gotten back on track if it wasn't for these two people in their life. -hollywood007
I interviewed my husband and he said the two people that influence him was God and his Angel's. The reason why because he always have to give credit and thanks to God. "He made me in my mother's wound before anyone knew about me. I had to make him my first influence because by him all things happen and he is the truth no lie. Thru out my life I couldn't tell you how many times he got me thru and I am only alive today because of God. I thank God for giving me all I need every day and thru out my days. His ways influenced me in the spirt and the spirt guides me. He is my father and loves more than my wife, myself or anyone else could. I trust him more than myself even unto death because he is the resurrection. He said that he sometimes did not have no one there but God and he was my comforter, comforts me when I am in need. God made the angels and they do stuff that God wants them to do. That's why Angel's would be my second influenced, I never seen angel but faith comes from the evidence of the the things not seen but the hearing of the Word of God. In Gods word he gives the angel charged over us I might not see it go done but I know that God's Angel's are working and it's not a battle between flesh and blood but a spiritually battle. I depend on them and the help me with the best also hope,faith and love. Most of all I have meet my wife by God. Smiles007
The woman I interviewed started going down a bad path when she was younger and she started neglecting the things she loved the most. Luckily, her four boys got her through the hard times and always stood by her side. This woman is the strongest person know and that her kids know. She started really young being a single parent and she was not good at it at first but her boys taught her as well as she taught them and they got through it together. Her mother passed away at a young age so she didn't have anyone to really go to. Knowing that she did all of this and got back on track to give her four boys the life they deserved inspires me everyday that even going through your lowest you can always get back up and start again. -freckles007
The person I interviewed was a friend of mine. She says that the two people that influence her were her mother and her grandma Kathy. Her mother never finished high school. She was expelled from her high school and ended up dropping out what would of been her senior year due to getting pregnant. With what her mother did when she was younger drove my friend to finish her education, go to college, enlist in the military and not have children at a young age. She does however want children just not right not so she can continue school. Her grandmother Kathy influenced her to do what she is doing now. Growing up her grandmother was not ever in a stable home she jumped around foster families. Her grandma used to help out in the neighborhood that she lived in by taking care of the other children of the neighborhood. When her grandmother was older she ended up being a ironworker only after she was told she could not do it. She is also a strong independent German women. My friend’s grandmother inspired her to be independent women and does not need anyone to take care of her. Two things that she really strives to do is make something out of her self. Both her mother and her grandmother did not have the best opportunities to make it in life and she wants to turn it around. -jw007
This weekend I talked with my mom about who her buffers were and I especially wanted to talk with her since she had the worst upbringing among anybody in my family. Her father was an abusive drunk who cheated on his wife and raised his family in trailer homes and so in much of my mom's youth she would go out of her way to spend time with her grandmothers. Having just recently realized this it really puts those funerals that I had attended a few years ago into perspective though ultimately my mom said that the major buffers of her teenage years was my father and his parents. For a bit more context there my dad's side of the family lost a daughter to hypothermia when she was 14 and so they always seemed to be missing a place in their family. Well they welcomed my mother and even her siblings and essentially raised them in their own home when they learned of the state of their homelife. My aunt lived with my father's parents when she became a teen mother and it goes without saying that they acted as parents for my mother for many years. My dad on the other hand did get into minor trouble with my mom like kids do but really it's because of him that she got away from a much worse scenario. -TaxSeason007
The person I interviewed said that the two people influenced them the most and helped them get to where they are today were two of their former sports coaches. They continued to say that they said these two people because they taught him the importance of attention to detail and today, that is why he is so detail-oriented at everything he does on a daily basis. This makes perfect since, as previous topics we have discussed are involved with this. For example, these coaches served and still serve as buffers today for the person I interviewed. I am not saying that this person was or is in a bad place. However, with the help of these coaches acting as buffers, they crafted this person into a very disciplined individual who may not have truly been pushed to their limits. Another example of something we have previously discussed would be the idea of social interaction between the individual I interviewed and the coaches. For a decent amount of time, this person was almost constantly around these two coaches, watching and learning how they speak, interact, etc. By interacting with the coaches for this given amount of time, he began to consciously/unconsciously start acting and speaking somewhat like what they did, due to him being around them for so long and him looking up to them as role models as well.
The person I interviewed said that the two people that influenced them the most and helped them get to where they are today was their father and a NBA basketball player that they grew up watching. The person's father instilled on him his core values and beliefs that he still carries till this very day. The values of working for what you want and putting the time into what you want. These values carried over into marriage and a career. This person's father was what you could call a road map. This person learned right from wrong from them and found himself to a successful employee and a great husband to a family. The NBA player this person grew up watching had values and beliefs that left and impression on him. This NBA player wasn't into the money life or the drugs. He was at first a loving father to his family. This person grew attached to this player not only for their work ethic, but just the general way they carried themselves through life. This person tried their best to put a little bit of that NBA player into their life. -CUBSFAN007
ReplyDeleteThe person I interviewed said that they had two people that influenced their life and helped them change. This person said they were doing some wrong things when they were younger but their grandma and aunt helped influence them to change their life around. The grandma was described as having a heart of gold. She has a loving heart and a great amount of compassion. She always helped this person when they needed help and she was always there for them. The aunt was always there to take care of this person. The aunt was kind of a second mom to this person. The person that I interviewed said that they changed because he had really good people to help them. These two people were a really good support system. The person I interviewed said things might be different if they did not have these two people in their life. Because of these two people, the person wants to achieve things that they did not think about achieving in the past. This person is working on their health, going back to school, getting a good job, having a nice house, and starting on family. The person explained that they might not of been working on these goals today if they did not have the two influences in their life. -Soccer31007
ReplyDeleteI interviewed my mom and there are two people in her life that have influenced her in a positive way physically and mentally. One person is her youth center mentor from when she was a teenager. My mom was not the greatest child. She was always fighting and getting kicked out of school, but her mentor influenced her to change her behavior for the better. He got her on the right track and always gave her positive feedback to keep her going. He helped prepare and develop her for the skills needed to go into the work force including work ethic, how to prepare for an interview, and write a resume. He was the first to educate her financially. He showed her how to set up a savings account, budgeting, etc. The mentor also signed her up for a boxing class once to let out all her anger and stress, although it kept her busy and out of trouble. Another person who positively impacted her life was her best friend, which is still her best friend to this day. She is a great example to show how to juggle the many demands of the family and business life. Her friend was the one to introduce her entrepreneurship as well to help her add an income and create a better and easier life. My mom’s friend was the first out of her group of friends to be married and have a big family. My mom is now married and has a big family. She showed her that it is doable to manage a big household, marriage, and work. Them being friends since high school has showed her what a real friendship should look like. -pieface007
ReplyDeleteThe man that I interviewed has made a life for himself even though he came from a tough background. He came from a tough school where you weren’t supposed to be great. He told me that he got a 14 on his ACT and knew that he would not go to college or get that “dream job”. He defied the odds and is now living like a King. I asked him if he had a person that set him straight, he told me that a bodybuilder at his gym told him that he had potential and he could make it far if he worked for it. He packed up his stuff and went to California to train in bodybuilding with the best. He ended up winning some low level shows and meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger a couple of times but he really never made it big out there. He ended up coming back to Illinois where he worked as a tile layer. He worked hard at that ended up making a lot of money doing that. In the last 10 years though he had been working for a company that sells Fitness supplements. He is now making over 600k a year selling their supplements. He told me that he would have not have been in the situation that he is in now if it wasn’t for that bodybuilder telling him that he has potential to be great. No one in his life had ever told him that he could be great or had the potential to be, so he kept that close to his heart and worked hard to be the best.-ClarkKent007
ReplyDeleteThe man I interviewed said he got to where he is in life because of his wife and through the mental connection with his deceased father. His father passed away when he was six years old and said he remembers small bits and details but ultimately formed those memories into his life in the best way he could and has formed his parenting ways around what he remembers of his father and believes his actions model what his father would want in life for him and for his children. He says the remembrance of his father gives him motivation daily while at work and for his home life. His wife he says is his best friend and brought him from his lowest point in life to where he is now as they have been together over 30 years and their lives have completely flipped for the better from where they were at. He said there were man times his wife could have left him and chose someone easier to love but because of her, he is still alive and in the best possible mental state he will ever be in. He said without these two things in life, waking up daily, he would not truly be here without them. He said he knows what love is and is beyond happy because of this. -notacop007
ReplyDeleteThe person I interviewed had two people that influenced them to clean up their act and get back on path to the better person that they were. Those two people that influenced them was their dad(stepfather) and the other was their younger brother. Their father was a good man that served in the marines and would do anything to serve his country. Their father truly influenced them on that aspect and made an even bigger impact when they were always supporting them and doing anything and everything for them when he entered his life as a young child when their single mother and them had nothing left. That truly made them want to be the best person that they could be because a man entered his life and gave him everything when he didn't have to. The second influence was their younger brother and this person influenced them to become a good person because they didn't want to let his younger brother down. They didn't want his younger brother to be disappointed and angry at them anymore. They wanted to be there and show what a good person they really were. The person I interviewed said they would have never gotten back on track if it wasn't for these two people in their life.
I interviewed my husband and he said the two people that influence him was God and his Angel's. The reason why because he always have to give credit and thanks to God. "He made me in my mother's wound before anyone knew about me. I had to make him my first influence because by him all things happen and he is the truth no lie. Thru out my life I couldn't tell you how many times he got me thru and I am only alive today because of God. I thank God for giving me all I need every day and thru out my days. His ways influenced me in the spirt and the spirt guides me. He is my father and loves more than my wife, myself or anyone else could. I trust him more than myself even unto death because he is the resurrection. He said that he sometimes did not have no one there but God and he was my comforter, comforts me when I am in need. God made the angels and they do stuff that God wants them to do. That's why Angel's would be my second influenced, I never seen angel but faith comes from the evidence of the the things not seen but the hearing of the Word of God. In Gods word he gives the angel charged over us I might not see it go done but I know that God's Angel's are working and it's not a battle between flesh and blood but a spiritually battle. I depend on them and the help me with the best also hope,faith and love. Most of all I have meet my wife by God. Smiles007
ReplyDeleteThe woman I interviewed started going down a bad path when she was younger and she started neglecting the things she loved the most. Luckily, her four boys got her through the hard times and always stood by her side. This woman is the strongest person know and that her kids know. She started really young being a single parent and she was not good at it at first but her boys taught her as well as she taught them and they got through it together. Her mother passed away at a young age so she didn't have anyone to really go to. Knowing that she did all of this and got back on track to give her four boys the life they deserved inspires me everyday that even going through your lowest you can always get back up and start again. -freckles007
ReplyDeleteThe person I interviewed was a friend of mine. She says that the two people that influence her were her mother and her grandma Kathy. Her mother never finished high school. She was expelled from her high school and ended up dropping out what would of been her senior year due to getting pregnant. With what her mother did when she was younger drove my friend to finish her education, go to college, enlist in the military and not have children at a young age. She does however want children just not right not so she can continue school. Her grandmother Kathy influenced her to do what she is doing now. Growing up her grandmother was not ever in a stable home she jumped around foster families. Her grandma used to help out in the neighborhood that she lived in by taking care of the other children of the neighborhood. When her grandmother was older she ended up being a ironworker only after she was told she could not do it. She is also a strong independent German women. My friend’s grandmother inspired her to be independent women and does not need anyone to take care of her. Two things that she really strives to do is make something out of her self. Both her mother and her grandmother did not have the best opportunities to make it in life and she wants to turn it around. -jw007
ReplyDeleteThis weekend I talked with my mom about who her buffers were and I especially wanted to talk with her since she had the worst upbringing among anybody in my family. Her father was an abusive drunk who cheated on his wife and raised his family in trailer homes and so in much of my mom's youth she would go out of her way to spend time with her grandmothers. Having just recently realized this it really puts those funerals that I had attended a few years ago into perspective though ultimately my mom said that the major buffers of her teenage years was my father and his parents. For a bit more context there my dad's side of the family lost a daughter to hypothermia when she was 14 and so they always seemed to be missing a place in their family. Well they welcomed my mother and even her siblings and essentially raised them in their own home when they learned of the state of their homelife. My aunt lived with my father's parents when she became a teen mother and it goes without saying that they acted as parents for my mother for many years. My dad on the other hand did get into minor trouble with my mom like kids do but really it's because of him that she got away from a much worse scenario.