Jail: The Important Facts for Me for Now.....


  1. I did not know that so many people just get dumped in there and how someone can be in for murder and another just for drinking and driving. It's very surprising that the would keep the more violent ones in there and not separate them. I also knew that there was a race thing there but I did not know it was so bad that the stalls were seperated by race and if you were a different race you could not just walk through a certain part because it was there area you had to walk all the way around even if it was very inconvenient. I also did not know that they separate people and move them to different cells if they had a problem with someone like if they were gay I thought they just had to deal with it, this seems to be good cause it stays away from a future problem. I also didn't know that they are a lot over crowded some people have to sleep on floor. I also didn't know how long someone could just be sitting in jail awaiting trial.I thought it was a little bit of a faster process but they are actually can be in there for months. After learning all of these things jails to me seem a lot more intense than prison. - pizza711

  2. I believe that the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office mission, is very relevant and needed in order to pursue the greatness of the community. Their mission is to work hand in hand with the community. The more the police are involved with the community, the less that crime is going to happen. People are going to be more out to look up to the police and see them as role models. People don’t like to let people down and if the police are interacting with the public and building relationships, crime is going to be less and less. Police officers also need to build relationships with the children of the community. Children can then trust the police instead of being scared of them. Children can also go to the police in time of need or even if they need someone to listen to them talk. KIds are also more likely to talk about crimes or give information that police may be looking for, especially if they have good relationships with the officers. People have the fear of officers and some can be intimidating and hard to talk too. Once the public gets through this barrier of fearing officers, this can improve our look upon officers and be able to reduce the crime in the community. People will then follow more of the traffic rules, along with simple crimes like theft, and trespassing. It takes a lot of people to work for the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office in order to protect the community and keep in line. According to the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office website, there is 189 officers that work for the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office whether they are full time or part time. Being involved with the community is one of the biggest qualities of making the community a better and safer place. ProbdrinkingStar$’s711

  3. I did not know that no prescriptions are accepted in the jail. So if any inmate in jail needs meds, that particular inmate can not bring their medication into jail. I also did not know that books can not be accepted in the jails, but an inmate can receive a newspaper however. I did not know that commissionaires are being held either. I did not know that inmates are not separated when they are in jail. Murderers and rapists are held in the same area as a person with a non violent offense. I would have thought that they would at least separate the inmates in jail. I did not know that there are certain areas where you can and cannot walk. I thought that employees would have taken care of that inside of the jail. It seems that there would be more of a chance of fights with different races having their own territory in jail. I also did not know that each race also had their own toilets that only that particular race could use. That seems like overkill to me. It just amazes me how there is so much more of a threat to an inmate's safety in jail than in prison. I would have definitely picked prison as being the more intense and terrifying place. I can now see why most inmates would rather go straight to prison rather sit in a jail cell awaiting trial. Overall jail is the place with the most likely chance of a person getting beat up and the more intense facility is the jail. -crispychicken711

  4. I did not know in jails inmates are not separated from rapist to murders.You can go to jail for simply having a certain amount of drugs on you when you are pulled over and when to go to jail you can be with someone that just killed their granny. Everyone is put together until they are even bailed out or sent to prison until they trail. There are certain areas you can and cannot walk in. everyone is separated by religion and race. I did not know they can sit in jail for years just waiting on trail. They are treated with no respect in jail. The relationship between cops and the community isn’t how it used to be. People use to be comfortable coming to the cops with information and now in today’s world “Every men is for themselves”. Do more community activities held by the police department in every city i believe will rebuild the trust between police officers and local citizens because with all the police brutality going on today everybody look at the police as danger and not as protectors and providers. I though the police would have inside of the jail taken controlled of and in order but it seem like the prisoners run things in there more than the officers do. In some jails officers be working dirty treating the prisoners bad and making deals with them. The Peoria Police Department have a active shooter activity going on that i think would be the first step of getting the relationship back how it once was.-KenzieLand711

  5. The first interesting thing I found on the website posted for our blog was that the Peoria County Government offers free educational classes at area libraries, ICC North, and County facilities. It then goes on to say that Peoria County uses experts in certain professions/fields such as law enforcement, emergency preparedness, death investigation, recycling and resource conservation, the tax cycle, and the election process to teach the community and those who wish to participate in the free courses about their trade. The members of the classes are then given the chance to ask any questions they may have, which I found really interesting, especially being that I had never even heard of these courses. Something I didn’t know about our local jail was that inmates are not allowed to bring in any prescriptions with them at the time of admission- the only things allowed are eyeglasses, contacts and unopened contact solution. This kind of surprises me for the simple fact that now knowing this, I’m not sure how exactly inmates do receive their prescription medications, although I am sure that they must in some way (probably just through extremely closely monitored staff supervision). This leads me to wonder how long inmates may be subject to going without their medications until the jail can get their new prescriptions into the staff that work there to be distributed. The next interesting thing I learned is that commissary, which I previously knew to be a privilege, is only held once per week (on wednesdays at this jail), which I had, prior to reading about it, thought was always available at any meal time. The next thing I found that surprised me was that the website had an entire page dedicated to PREA and tons of information on how to report it and about how they have zero tolerance for any sexual abuse/harassment. What surprised me was that you can actually have a family member or friend contact the jail for you (without even leaving their name), and report any sexual abuse, provided that they give as much information as possible. The last piece of information I found on the Peoria county website was that the Peoria county jail does offer weekly jail tours with Sheriff Asbell every monday night at 6pm, which honestly surprised me being as it seemed so difficult for us to get in for a class tour due to the sheriff’s extremely busy schedule. All in all, I can firmly say I am prepared for our guest visitor to speak to us when he comes into class and can’t wait to ask the questions I have that were not answered on the website. GMan219711

  6. After reading and listening about jails there are a lot of things that I didn’t know or even really thought about. I mean when I thought of jail I didn’t think about if the people in jail are getting medical help but the jail had 24 hour medical staff on duty to assist inmates needs. I thought that that was really neat. I also didn’t know that prescription where not allow in jail. So if they need a specific prescription how are they going to get it or do they just not take their prescriptions at all. I found out that they do get commissary once a week every Wednesday but if they need money for commissary they better have it no later than sunday at 2 pm or then it is not available to them for that week. I thought it was interesting to read that the jail can not discuss inmates medical issues with the family or friends due to the HIPAA Law. I also did not know that inmates are not allowed to have books they can only have a newspaper subscription that they can get from newspaper company. I noticed while I was reading the things that inmates couldn’t have I never really thought about about how something from that idea could be used to hurt another inmate or a guard. But also since they keep the inmates all together except separating genders how it can make it an even more dangerous place. I think after reading all of these things and writing about it jail is also sounds really terrifying just like prison. - mmmChicken711

  7. In general, my personal information about jail is fairly limited. So, I was able to find several things I did not already know. Once someone is placed in a jail, they are allowed three pairs of under clothing wear. However, the clothing is unable to have wiring, or any kind of buttons on them. I was unaware of these requirements, but I believe they serve a just purpose by having this rule in place. Another thing I was unaware of, there is a restriction on prescriptions for the inmate. Although, glasses and eye contacts are allowed. I did not know the jail restricted the use of prescriptions for an individual. I can only imagine how challenging it could be, keeping prescription drugs for the intended person and not other inmates. Any and all books are not allowed to be in possession by an inmate. I did not know books are restricted for the inmates. I am surprised by this, I thought books would have been encouraged to read by the correctional officers in the jail. However, Book use is not allowed. They are allowed to purchase a phone through the jail. They have the ability to purchase minutes for personal phone calls to friends and family. I am glad to hear there is an option for the inmates to purchase a phone through the jail. However, they have to purchase it. Then if the inmate is financially stuck buying a phone could be close to impossible. Which makes for a hard situation to be in. Another thing I was unaware of, is all mail received by the inmates has already been opened but is unread by the correctional officers. Its understandable as it is a precautionary safety step. -CoalRoller711

  8. I didn't know that the Peoria jail department has become one of the top mental health-oriented facilities, For example, Peoria county jail asks every detainee about their health, physical, mental, but they do the same booking process. I also think it's crazy that detainees would rather go to prison then jail because of someone they would be roomed with... Why on earth would you put someone who has done felony charges next to someone who wanted to try smoking or just drank too much. I was not aware that inmates are only permitted to receive 3 pairs of underwear and 3 bras for women. I also didn't know that no prescription can be accepted, which I can understand to an extent but if someone has a prescription that calms their nerves or anything else. I think it is ridiculous that we put people in jail for petty crimes when if you give them a fine and it is their first time committing a crime they should learn their lesson, but if they offend the I sorta get putting them in jail. I think that our sheriff should be more aware of who we put in our prisoners, so we do not put petty crimes into jail taking more money out of society, therefore saving the criminal justice money and focus more on rehabilitating offenders so they don't recidivise. I think the peoria jail needs to continue with the mental health focus that they currently do because I bet that system is doing wonderous for the criminal justice system.
    -z33 711

  9. There were many things I didn’t know about the Peoria jail before reading in different places on their website. First, I didn’t know that prescriptions are not accepted. However, eyeglasses and contact lenses are. Another thing I did not know is that books are not accepted, but inmates can receive a newspaper subscription from the newspaper company. Also, I did not know that commissaries are held. They are held once a week, on Wednesdays. Another thing is also did not know is that a detainee must be held for at least seven days before he or she may have visitation privileges. If a visit is scheduled before the seventh day, it will be canceled by a staff member. Finally I didn’t know about the Victim Service Coordinator. The coordinator is on call for crimes of serious and violent nature when the injured party requires medical treatment; examples would include domestic violence and criminal sexual assault. The Coordinator will respond with the investigating deputy to where the victim is being treated and interview and offer support and give referrals to the victim. In cases similar in nature, but the victim not needing immediate medical treatment, the Coordinator will follow up with the victim and/or witness to gather additional information or statements. Also, the Coordinator keeps victims informed of any developments in their case and explains what to expect as the case progresses. The Coordinator will answer any questions the victim and/or witnesses have regarding their case. Also, if the victim or witness chooses so, the Coordinator will attend criminal and/or civil cases. There is so much that I did not know about the jail, but after reading the website I now know a lot more. –Adventureflight711

  10. One of the first things that I found interesting is that Sheriff Asbell offers tours of the jail to the public every Monday at 6 pm. The tours will usually last 60 to 90 minutes and citizen will be educated on how the jail is ran and hopefully be deterred from criminal behavior. This shows that the jail wants to be as transparent as they can be. They want to make public relationship better. Another thing that I found to be interesting is that inmates are not allowed to receive books. But they can receive a newspaper subscription directly from a newspaper company. The third thing that I found interesting is that prescription drugs are not excepted by the jail, But you are allowed eyeglasses and contacts plus solution that is unopened. I wonder when in the jail if they are allowed eyeglasses with a metal frame or they are given eyeglasses with a plastic frame. The fourth thing that was interesting to be is that male inmates are allowed to receive only 3 boxers and women inmates are allowed to receive 3 bras and 3 panties. These undergarments must not have buttons, snaps, wires or any hard material that could be dangerous in the jail. Also the undergarments must come in its original packaging and be unopened. The fifth thing that I found interesting in this site is that there are only two K-9 units. I would have figured due to the size of Peoria that there would be more than two K-9 units. -ClarkKent711

  11. I didn't realize how much information was on the Peoria County Sheriff website. You can literally find anything you can think off. You can find inmates, search warrants that have been served. It's just amazing, and can be very useful to me, and people. It surprised me that the prison is making prisoners pay, to use a phone, internet, or some sort of kiosk. I do no think it is right to charge prisoners, for things like that. I think it's just a way to make quick cash for a company. It's also cool how the website provides all of the divisions, in the department. Every link will provide you with any information you could think of, that is very convenient. The services tab is also quite unique, there is all kinds of information. The most interesting tab I found was the overdose awareness map. It provides you with the information of where the most overdoses are in the area that is amazing. The crime map was also very interesting, it shows where the latest crimes are happening. The crime map gives you the type of crime committed, the time, and area and street. The only thing is it has crimes from a couple days back, so it's not completely updated, but it still helpful to determine how safe an area is. You can see that most of the crimes that occured on this map have happened in the early morning hours, I find that interesting as well. I never knew that website existed, but I plan on using it more.

  12. There was a few things I didn't know that I found out by looking on the website. I did not know that Sheriff Asbell gives public jail tours at 6pm on Monday nights. This is really cool because what if you were not part of a class or school this gives anyone the opportunity to have a tour of the jail. The website says “The tours are designed to educate citizens about the role of law enforcement in Peoria County, encourage transparency of the facility, foster public engagement about the local criminal justice system, and deter criminal behavior.” Which if a younger kid goes on this tour and they dont act the best maybe the tour will help and change the way they do things. The tours last from 60-90 mins and if your 14-17 you have to have a guardian. Also all tours are by reservation. Second, I didn't know there was a program called Premise Alert Program. This program allows anyone with special needs, health challenges, or a disability to inform the police, ambulance, and fire personnel in advance in an emergency. Another thing I found out was that there is a organization for seniors in the community called triad. The organization focuses on reducing crime victimization of seniors in our community. It started in 1988 and has been going on since. Also, I didn't know inmates could not receive books but they can receive newspaper subscriptions. Which I think its weird how they can receive one but not the other. Lastly, Commissary is only once per week, on Wednesday. I think it should be more than once only to people who deserve it and who are in jail for a minor crime.

  13. The first interesting thing that I saw on the website was the crime mapping that they have. This makes crime visible to both the public and officers working. I think this is good for both the public and for the working officers (though they are told these things at their briefings and probably pick up on these things on the street) about what kinds of crimes are going on more commonly in what area. That way they can develop more strategies on to how to prevent it from happening again. Second, the Peoria County Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Board, their mission is plain and simple but also really great. “The Peoria County Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Board's (PCSCAB) mission is to provide recommendations to the Sheriff and Undersheriff’s on detainee community relations. To bring about ideas with creative problem solving, communicate information between the office and the community that is consistent, transparent and impartial.” The next thing that caught my eye was the Commitment Report, this was probably my favorite thing to catch on the sight because it shows you A picture, day and time booked to the jail, what they are in for, weather or not they have been released, etc. I feel like this, in more than one way, can help the community feel safe in knowing that these people are in BUT they can also help out those that may not know that someone they know are in jail for something. They can look at this website and may or may not see them on there. This is daily, however, so it changes day to day. It helps show what kinds of people are being locked up. This also helps bring to life what I have learned in class, that there are a lot in for drug offenses. All of the ones listed have yet to be presented to the court, those awaiting bail, or those who are awaiting sentences for violations of state and local statutes. Another cool thing that I found on the website was the Citizens Leadership Academy. This is is an annual program held each fall. Participants tour City and County facilities and talk with elected and appointed officials. Their aim “is to help citizens understand how their local governments work, the resources they offer and the challenges they face.” I have actaully done something similar to this myself with my Forensic’s class. Though this was more of a tour it had many of the same elements. Presentation, tour, time for questions and answers, and sometimes refreshments. Finally, the Division’s section. This section is cool because it gives a brief description of what each one is. Auxiliary, Corrections, Courthouse Security, Crime Scene Unit, Investigations, K-9, Patrol, Records/Clerical, and Search & Rescue. When you click on each one it gives you a good idea of each and some good information. For example with Corrections, “The Corrections Division is the largest division of the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff employees 12 Jail Techs, 53 Officers, 1 Classification Director, 3 Sergeants, 7 Deputy Correctional Superintendents, and 1 Assistant Correctional Superintendent to manage the 8th largest jail in the State of Illinois. Staff that work in this division take pride in operating a jail facility that is safe and secure for inmates, staff, contractors, and volunteers. The Sheriff's Office is committed to working with offenders to successfully bring them back into the community. Classes for GED, Substance Abuse, Jobs Partnership, and Food Sanitation are offered to all those that meet the criteria.” -Tanlion_nala711

  14. When it comes to medical, I didn't know prescriptions were not allowed. I thought that they would just distribute them when needed but I didn't know that they weren't accepted. I didn't know about they could not discuss medical issues with the family or friends because of the HIPAA law. I didn't know about the Triad. It started in 1988. They explained it as being a senior safety organization. They try to reduce crime that is being committed to the seniors. They try to focus on theft, scams, frauds, personal safety, home safety, and elder abuse. They want to make them feel safe in the Peoria County. They have two K-9 units and I thought it was interesting that both of the dogs were born and began their training in Germany. I learned some things about auxiliary. I didn't know that certain things had volunteers. I didn't know that auxiliary was involved in traffic control. I didn't know that the jail bonding fee is $60 for each case. I didn't know that in order to have visitation, the person has to be in custody for seven days. They are given one twenty minute visit session each week. The new week starts on Sunday. I didn't know about the Premise Alert Program. It lets the first responders know about the needs of people in the community. This helps people with special needs, health challenges, or disabilities. I thought to crime mapping was cool. It shows what kinds of crimes are being committed and where they were committed at. -Soccer31711

  15. I did not realize that the sheriffs office has a victims services part of the office where victims of crimes can reach out and that there is someone on call for domestics and assaults or crimes of a serious nature that may need help. The second thing I thought was very cool and interesting was the crime mapping the sheriffs office has online. I think it is absolutely amazing that we as citizens can view crimes like that within the county and see the addresses of where it has taken place. The third thing I found interesting is the fact they patrol four cities and eleven villages. When you think of this county you think of the main city within its name and not the outskirts. I think that is such a wide area but incredibly amazing that we get it done somehow. The fourth thing I found that I thought was neat is the fact they have a citizen advisory board. I have never heard of that before but I think it is so cool to have non-biased views and outsider input from the community regarding the help of what we as citizens would like to see from the county sheriff. The last thing I found interesting is you can view all the warrants within the county online. I thought that was honestly kind of humorous but never thought that was a thing. I love the amount of community relations this sheriffs office seemed to be involved in. I absolutely love the dedication and hard work put into their website as it is very committed and a lot of information to find. -notacop711

  16. I Just find it kind of weird that they put everyone in the same jail or even same room. Like its crazy that someone that have raped someone or killed one go in the same jail as if some one that was drinking and driving or missed a court date. Of course, I wouldn’t be comfortable with being in there with people that should be doing hard time but then again you broke a law just like they did. I know that in jail some medicine is not allowed in their which is crazy because some people really need to take medicine. Also, they are not allowed to share their medical history with none of their families because its apart of HIPPA which I find crazy. I feel like they should be able to keep their loves one updated if they have them. I’m pretty sure they parents or partner wants to know whats going on with their people in jail. I know that you have to be in a jail first before you start hitting the streets if you wanted to be a police officer. Which is smart because you have to know how to talk to people instead of just reaching for the gun. Your mouth is your strongest weapon in criminal justice no matter what. A lot of these they go by in jail is very good because some people actually deserve to be in their.-babyblue711

  17. The first thing that I learned from reading about the county jail was that the inmates in the jails were not allowed to accept books, but they are allowed to accept newspaper articles from the newspaper companies. Another thing that i did not know was that the inmates are not allowed to bring in any of their prescriptions in with them. If you want to send an inmate money you can not send cash in the mail it has to be a cashiers check or a money order in able for the inmate to use it. I did not know that there was a sixty dollar bong fee for each case in the jail. The last thing that I learned while reading this was that the inmate has to be there for a minimum of seven days before they can get to see any visitors. -Steel711

  18. Really everything I read and learned about I already knew. As far as inmates not being separated from more violent inmates I been knew that. Like my cousin been in jail for almost 2 years now and he in there forsomethingo serious but when my brother went to jail they seen each other and at the time I was confused as to why he seen him and was around him considering the fact his charge wasn't no where as bad as my cousin. Then I use to deal with a boy in jail so I learned how you can't send money through the mail you have to do it online or through the kosis they have in the jail. What I didn't know was about the citizen advisory board. I guess it must not be something people discuss because I have yet to hear anyone mention it that been to jail. I think its cool that they have a non biased views from outsiders. Me coming to the website made me learn that sheriff as bell give out jail tours at 6pm on Mondays. I never knew that I thought only people in schools were able to visit the jails. I think that is really neat that people get to visit the jail and learn about it because its def worth the trip and its real eye opening. I feel like the crime map is the best thing since slice bread. The crime map give you a chance to see crime on on certain streets it give you the time and it give you the ares which is pretty cool and it keep you alert. -Jollyrancher711

  19. I didn’t really know to much about jails in the first place so i found a lot of different things interesting , and learned a lot by looking around on the website. The first thing that i was shocked by was that they don’t allow prescription drugs, i completely understand why they have that rule in place because so many people would abuse it but i feel like so many people going into jail have mental health issues such as depression so taking them off of the pill that their body is use to until they are able to see the mental health staff could be a horrible idea i think. Next i learned that you are able to wear your own clothing for a jury trial but it has to be dropped off the Monday before the trial date. I also found it interesting that in jail after 7 days you can have a visitor but i thought it would be sitting next to the person face to face but it is not, you have a window in between you. I wasn’t aware that books aren’t allowed, i thought that would be something to keep them busy passing time but they are only allowed a newspaper subscription. Everything is on a very strict schedule by times and days from what i read which is a great thing but for the families dealing with a loved one in jail I’m sure that could be very hard and frustrating, such as dropping money off for commissary it has to be the sunday prior at 2. - momx3


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