Active Shooter and Reaction


  1. I think that this video gave the viewer a good idea on what to do if they are ever in an active shooter situation. There are three ways to protect yourself during an active shooter situation. The first thing that you should try to do is run away and get as far away from the building as possible. If that isn’t an option then you should try to hide from the shooter, and make as little noise as possible. If both of those don’t work then you should try to fight the shooter. This is of course a last resort because it is so dangerous. I like how realistic they made this video and the time that was put into the making of each scene. I think that they should show this video in every classroom to inform all types of students, not just the criminal justice ones. More videos like this one would help limit the amount of casualties in school shootings. -Celtics002

  2. This video provided the viewer with three different ways to react during a school shooting situation. Run, hide, and fight are the three strategies that you should pursue in that order. I think that every university should have a mandatory school shooting video to be played in every class. Even though it might be repetitive, it would limit the amount of panicking during these situations. If everyone has seen this Ohio State school shooting video several times then the public itself would be more informed about what to do if they’re ever in this situation. Shootings can happen outside of school too, so it would help protect these students in other situations as well. I know that if I am ever in a school shooting situation then I will do my best to get out, and if that doesn’t work I’ll hide. I wouldn’t really want to fight the school shooter unless I had to, considering he has a gun and I don’t.- Celtics003

  3. The video is a good way to help people understand what to do when a active shooter is present. Run, hide, fight are three good ways to help protect everyone. No matter if you are scared or if you can keep calm. Those three methods will help you even if you're outside of school. When you hear there's a active shooter most people think about school shootings. But a active shooter can occur at any time or at any place.There is multiple ways to keep yourself safe until help arrives for instance make yourself unseen by hiding in a dark room, turn the volume off. Another resort is fighting back but this should always be your last resort. In most cases only last up to 5 to 10 mins. because the shooter is caught. Within this time frame you will have 10 to 15 secs. to save your life. Use anything in reach. Batman002

  4. This video was very informative. Giving viewers clear direction on how to respond when involved with an active shooter incident. This direction was given in three separate steps. Run,Hide,Fight. If you have never been involved in an active shooter incident your first instinct would normally be to panic. Your first instinct should always be to run. Remain calm and get as far away from the shooter as possible and then call for help. If you are not able to run to safety, you should hide. Lock yourself in a room and hide. If you are able, barricade the door. Once you are in an area that is out of sight, turn your phone on silent and be quiet. If all else fails, fight. Grab something that can be used as a weapon and fight for your life. If you are with others in your hiding location, team work makes the dream work, fight. This video should be used for all schools and for on the job training. It would be beneficial to everyone's safety. Jadist002

  5. For someone who has never been involved in an active shooter incident, this video was very insightful. Most people would normally panic at the sounds of gun fire. That would create chaos. This video showed us that we should remain calm and if we are able run to safety. If you are in an area where running is not an option, the next best thing to do would be to hide. They key to hiding is to be as quiet as possible and out of sight. If you are not able to run or hide, some might be afraid, but you have to fight. Find something that can be used as a weapon and fight. There could be an active shooter incident anywhere. Airport, schools, grocery stores. This video would be beneficial for everyone as a whole. By showing people you have options other than panicking could help in reducing the amount of casualties. Jadist003

  6. This is a video that explains the three main steps in protecting yourself against a threat of a school shooter. I beleive that if more citizens watch this, it could save their lifes. Having their be some full time officers on some school campuses, helps train the officers and have better respond time to the scene. The video run, hide, fight hits on the three aspects of how to train a citizen on avoid a shooter during this situtation. The first part is running. Running is the biggest part and you can avoid the other two if you can get out of that area. The second one is hiding. If you can hide in a place that cannot be seen than the perp will propably move on to the next room. Lastly, is fight. You never want to have to fight someone with a gun especially if you are unarmed. If you are in a situtation that you have to fight you will want to grab the hardest thing in the room and wait the strike the perp. One of the key things in this, is not to panick and try to stay as calm as possible in order to accomplish this. I never want to take nothing to a gun fight. chicubs002

  7. The video run, hide, fight hits on the three aspects of how to train a citizen on how avoid a shooter during this situtation. The first part is running. Running is the biggest part and you can avoid the other two if you can get out of that area. The second one is hiding. If you can hide in a place that cannot be seen than the perp will propably move on to the next room. Lastly, is fight. You never want to have to fight someone with a gun especially if you are unarmed. If you are in a situtation that you have to fight you will want to grab the hardest thing in the room and wait to strike the perp. This a video that explains the three main steps in protecting yourself against a threat of a school shooter. I beleive that if more citizens watch this, it could save their lifes. Having their be some full time officers on some school campuses, helps train the officers and have better respond time to the scene. One of the key things in this, is not to panick and try to stay as calm as possible in order to accomplish this. I never want to take nothing to a gun fight. -chicubs003

  8. The video is a quick survival guide on active shooters and what to do. Run, hide, fight are ways to keep you safe no matter what happens stay calm and run. No matter if you are scared or if you can keep calm. Those 3 methods will help you even if you're outside of school. When you hear there's a active shooter, most people think about school shooting. But a active shooter can happen at any time or at any place that there are multiple ways to keep yourself safe until help arrive. First you would need to run. You would need to turn your phone off and turn the lights off and for a last resort would be to fight the shooter. Most cases a active shooter is caught in the first 5 to 10 mins. and in that time you probably only have to fight for 10 to 15 secs can save your life and anything as a weapon for the fight. Batman002

  9. In this video, the university reenacted a live shooter on campus. The overall video was quick and easy to follow. The goal of the video was to give helpful tips for an active shooter. The three main key terms were Run, Hide, Fight. These small simple words are easy to understand and easy to remember; and could be the difference between life and death. In the video they explained that running from the shooter is the first option. If running is not the best option then hiding is the next best thing. The officer in the video told the viewers not to hide together as it is one easy target for the shooter if the group of people were found. The video continued, the last main key term was to fight the active shooter. This is given as the last resort. They demonstrated that anything can be used as a weapon for defense; chair or fire extinguisher was shown in the video. The officer wants the students to be safe and prepared for an active shooter. -CoalRoller003

  10. In this video an officer from the University of Ohio State talked about surviving a active shooter incident. He had three words to live by if you were to be in the middle of a active shooter situation. Run. Hide. Fight. These I think are simple and easy to understand. Running should always be your first option. Once outside run in different directions so you are a harder target. He then went on to explain how to hide from the shooter. Never hide together as that makes you an easy target. And lastly if you have to, fight. The 10-15 seconds you need to fight will be the most important seconds of your life. Overall, I thought this video really showed what you need to do if this incident were to happen somewhere you are. -CUBSFAN002

  11. The University of Ohio State officer in the video talked about the best ways to survive a active shooter incident. He had three words to live by if you were to be in an active shooter situation. Run. Hide. Fight. These are simple and easy to understand. Running should always be your first option. Once outside run in different directions so you are a harder target. He then went on to explain how to hide from the shooter. Never hide together as that makes you an easy target. And lastly if you have to, fight. The 10-15 seconds you need to fight will be the most important seconds of your life. Overall, this video showed what you need to do if this incident were to happen somewhere you are. -CUBSFAN003

  12. It is sad that we have to watch this video about active shooters. We as students should not fear that one day we might be a statistic in an active shooter. But this video points out three things that you should do when you are faced in this situation. The first one is Run, you should always run if you have the chance to. Get to a safe place outside and where you can get behind cover. Once you are safe then you should call 911. The second thing you should do is hide. If you are stuck in the building and you cannot get out to a safe place then you should hide. Barricade the doors, turn off the lights, and stay quiet. Make it extremely difficult to get to you. The last thing you should do as a last resort is to fight. This should always be your last resort but if it comes down to it you statistically only have to fight the shooter off for a short period of time. -ClarkKent002

  13. This video about Active shooters was very informative and should be taken seriously. The three steps that it states could mean life or death. The video points out three things that you should do when you are faced in this situation. The first one is Run, you should always run if you have the chance to. Get to a safe place outside and where you can get behind cover. Once you are safe then you should call 911. The second thing you should do is hide. If you are stuck in the building and you cannot get out to a safe place then you should hide. Barricade the doors, turn off the lights, and stay quiet. Make it extremely difficult to get to you. The last thing you should do as a last resort is to fight. This should always be your last resort but if it comes down to it you statistically only have to fight the shooter off for a short period of time. -ClarkKent003

  14. This is I think the fourth time I've watched this video, and my thoughts are largely the same as they have been the past three times: well thought out, but with an unmentioned elephant in the room. Schools in Illinois are zones in which concealed carry is forbidden on penalty of law. To carry past the stickers on the doors is a Class A Misdemeanor. It is both arbitrary and unjust to punish otherwise law abiding citizens for carrying the means to protect their persons, especially when they are mere yards from being able to do so legally. Fighting should not be a first solution, but when we are called to do so in defense of our lives, we ought to fight with the best tools that man has conceived of for the purpose of portable self defense. Hardened targets are less susceptible to the kinds of dramatic shootings that get splashed across headlines for weeks on end.

    - Arsenal002

  15. Run, Hide, Fight. This is a phrase the video we had watched in class was based off of. The Ohio State University Police made this very informative video of what one may plan to do in an unfortunate event of an active shooter. I feel as though in today’s world, it has grown increasingly important to have a course of action in an event as mentioned. The run, hide, fight portion of the video was very self-explanatory, but the information gathered is something that almost anyone needs to hear. As Dr. White had mentioned in class, not everyone has had the opportunity to have been shown this type of informative video. The video mentioned that statistically, active shooter events are over with in 5-10 minutes. While being present in this type of event might make this time frame feel eternally long, in reality it is a short time frame which makes these steps so much more important to know. -AS003

  16. This video was very useful and gives people a simple way to remember what to do. I think those keywords run, hide, fight are easy to remember and easy to follow. I think it was a very interesting and informative way to get the point across. Also it makes people more aware of their surroundings and makes sure they know exits and know their surroundings. It also makes sure that it goes through the steps and how long it usually takes for police to take down the active shooter witch is around 5 min. It stresses on the fact to avoid or run to be first, I like how they focused on avoiding the conflict first it keeps a lot more people safe this way. I think this video was a great idea because a lot of people don't think about it and dont think about ways to exit or hide. - pizza002

  17. I think this video was a great idea because a lot of people don't think about it and dont think about ways to exit or hide. I also think it was very useful and gives people a simple way to remember what to do. I think those keywords run, hide, fight are easy to remember and easy to follow. I think it was a very interesting and informative way to get the point across. Also it makes people more aware of their surroundings and makes sure they know exits and know their surroundings. It also makes sure that it goes through the steps and how long it usually takes for police to take down the active shooter witch is around 5 min. It stresses on the fact to avoid or run to be first, I like how they focused on avoiding the conflict first it keeps a lot more people safe this way. - pizza003

  18. This video gives clear understanding on how to deal with the situation when active shooter approaches the area where you are in. It gives the citizens proper ways on how to handle the situation in any attack by the active shooter. According to my understanding the three ways on how to handle active shooting is the best run hide and lastly fight. In most cases people panic and do not follow this steps instead calling 911 become their first step. I personally i agree with the video that the very first thing to do is to run. By sitting around waiting rescue from the police it might be late for you and already been killed by the shooter. We do have view examples of school shooting over the past years actually by watching the video like this it helps and educate students or people working at the banks on how to handle the situation when it becomes to this situation of active shooting. GUSII 002

  19. This video gives the citizens a good heads up on how to handle the active shooting encase it comes to your area. Be prepared and be aware about what and who is around you. Always be familiar with the place you are working or you spending most of your time. You will never know when and who have evil mind to do the deadly action at a time. The video explain the proper ways to handle yourselves at the time of active shooting. I personally i recommend the same way, first run hide and last thing fight to save your life. Since nowadays the number of shooting is increasing in schools, most of them should now conduct training and drills to prepare students and stuff for what to do if an armed intruder should enter the building. GUSII 003

  20. This video was extremely important, especially this day in age, on what to do when there is an active shooter anywhere. Whether it be at school, the mall, or any other public setting this video shows what to do. The three main points were to run, hide, fight. Each section showed what to do in each scenario. For example, in the run portion, they basically say to run if you can and get to a safe space. Then call 911. In the hide portion, which is the one that is mainly taught in schools, they say to turn all the lights, cell phone, and anything else that makes noise off. Then barricade and lock the door if possible. Then the last portion is fight. In the video they said to use this one as a last resort if you can’t do the first two. This video was very insightful as well, because they said to do other things like taking a different route to go to class every day and know where all the exits are in the building. –Adventureflight002

  21. Although I've watched this video a few times now, I still find it necessary to be shown at the beginning of every semester and wish more teachers throughout any campus/university would show it and be aware of what to do in this kind of situation. In the video, three strategies are discussed in the chronological order of which you should attempt before moving onto the next- they are run, hide, and fight, with fight being your last resort. Having seen this video a few times, I paid more attention to details of the video this time and tried noticing things I haven't before. Something that I've found bothers me is they portray the shooter as being, I guess, in a sense, what some would "expect" an active shooter to look like- kind of a crazy haircut and cynical face with an evil expression. This bothers me because as we've unfortunately come to find out, a shooter can look like anything and often times does not look or seem to be someone you would ever expect to attempt something like a school shooting. Other than that, I've always found this video to be extremely informative, well directed/filmed, and a great resource for teachers to show their students. GMan003

  22. We watch the news regarding active shooters in schools and on college campuses and we ultimately think wow, that is horrifying but are under the impression that it cannot and it wont happen to us. This is completely false because all the people on those campuses and other schools were under the same impression. There are a lot of people in this world suffering from mental illnesses and more that are behind the scenes and everyone has their own way of reacting and you do not truly know the person next to you or the person that sits in the front or back row. We deem active shooters to be the weird kids in school but it can ultimately be anyone, and it will never be obvious. People do not understand the severity and seriousness of this issue. This video is super informational in those aspects and makes everyone more self aware. -holywaffles003

  23. This video was incredibly informational regarding active shooters on college campuses and other schools because it is truthful about what you ultimately need to do; run, hide, fight. It is a very dreaded topic to discuss but the video describes what you should do if it happens and the proper way to make sure you are safe and how to protect yourself and others. Because it is very scary to think and know it can happen to us at any time. Police will respond among others, but they will take time and do not just drop out of thin air. Knowing where certain exits are, among other things and what you can use if something serious were to happen, is super important to be aware of what actions you can take. If you can run, you need to run, but if you can hide and conceal yourself you need to do that and last resort, if you need to fight you need to know how to fight. -holywaffles002

  24. This video and knowing what to do in case a situation like this ever arose is so important to know because it happens more often than we think. Being prepared is the best and most safe way to be, it will save your life to know how to handle this type of situation. Instead of freezing, you will be able to calming and quickly act on your feet depending on what type of defense you need. I believe that more teachers and even workplaces should show this video, a shooting can happen anywhere and the shooter can look like anyone. I like that the most important type of defense is run, you should never take your chances with a shooter if you don't absolutely have to, being able to get to safety and call the police will be the most helpful thing anyone can do. I also liked the fact that statistically the shooter is apprehended within the first five minutes of the incident, this is a humbling thing to know, it gives people peace of mind. I am happy that our teacher show this video because he is preparing us for anything. Ark002

  25. I liked that our teacher shows this video because it is preparing us in case anything like this ever happens. I like that the most important thing to do is run, this is good because it is the best way for you to keep safe and to help others by being able to safely call the police. It tells in the video that the chances of dealing with something like this isn't likely, but they aren't saying it's impossible. More people should see this video so they can protect themselves on the off chance that they are put in this situation. Workplaces should also show this video because shootings are not minimized to schools only. Also maybe if this was a more widely known video, it might steer shooters away from the act knowing they won't get very far. This video and practicing what to do in schools or workplaces will save lives. Ark003

  26. I think it’s a good idea for all teachers to show this video. You never know what can happen and it’s better to be prepared if a situation like this was to happen. This video can give people an idea of what to do if they were ever in a situation like this. The video said that they talked about training police officers for this type of situation and I got to see the training that the officers do. The training can give an officer an idea of what to possible expect and it can prepare them if this type of situation actually happened. I remember in the past if there was ever an intruder in a school, you had to hide in the classroom. They have come up with three other things you can do to survive. The police officer said it’s possible to survive an active shooter incident. People never expect this to happen to them but it can happen anywhere. Informing people on what to do can help save lives. Soccer002

  27. They said that the chances of this happening to you is not likely but it’s better to prepare people because it can happen. I think it was a great idea to train police officers for a situation like this. It can help them to know what to expect and how to handle the situation. I think all teachers should show this to students so that we all have an idea on what to do if this were happen. Giving this advice can help save more lives. An active shooter could also happen at stores and I think it would be good idea for bosses to show this to staff. I got to watch police officers train and it’s nice to know how seriously they take this. After watching the video I thought it was informative and helpful. Some people might not know what to do if this happens to them. If a person was ever in this situation and they remember the video, it can help save their life or someone else's. Soccer003

  28. This video is really eye opening. Before this class, I had never watched a video like this. I never had to worry about or think about this. I've always lived in a small community where you know everybody in town. Since moving to a bigger city, this video has shown me three good ways to protect myself. The first helpful tip is to run away from the attacker. Once you are at a safe distance, call the police. Ultimately, never take a chance. I'm thankful that our teacher made us watch this video. Now I am prepared in case this happens. Illinigurl002

  29. This video is very eye opening. After watching this video, I still believe you can be prepared for something like this. I do agree with their plan of Run, Hide, Fight. Your safety is the biggest priority. While getting to safety is key, I’d say make sure to have a back-up plan if running isn’t an option. Having active shooter drills is definitely something that is necessary to practice for the unknown future. Keeping of with the drills would help officers, faculty and students remain vigilant and prepared for when the time comes. When I did an active shooter drill with the local Police department, I learned a lot about what goes in and out of training to make sure this is done with precise measures. -MrWadeWilson002

  30. The run, hide, and fight video is a really good way to get students prepared for for what could really happen in an active shooter situation. It is a pretty unlikely that you will be put into a situation like this but everyone should be ready and it does happen quite a bit throughout the country. More than there should be. The run hide fight message is the best way for the most people to survive this kind of situation in my opinion. If you can run and get away from the school or building and protect yourself safely, that is the best option that you could take until help arrives. If you are unable to run away from the situation your next best option would be to hide from the gunman and wait it out if you can without putting yourself in a situation to get hurt, but if you are unable to hide from the man or woman your only other option is to fight. If it is between you and the shooter you will need to fight to save your life. -Steel003

  31. While the officer in the video made strong valid points about our safety is the biggest priority. While getting to safety is key, I’d say make sure to have a back-up plan of where to go when there are no other ways to getting to safety. Having, active shooter drills is definitely something that is necessary to practice for the unknown future. I do like the fact that we watched this video because no matter what it can happen at any moment. This had opened my eyes to the world even more and making sure I am ready for it. Given the fact that I’ve seen other parts of the world its always best to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. When it comes down to the last step of run, hide, fight. Try not to be a hero because that doesn’t only put you at risk but it puts others as well. -MrWadeWilson003

  32. In my opinion, the Active Shooter and Reaction video was very helpful. It is a good and short video to prepare any teacher or student that can come into contact with a school shooter what to do. I think the director and the characters in the short video did a great job. Not only did they tell us the steps we should take when there is an active shooter, but they showed the audience different ways you could take down the shooter when you have no choice but to fight back. The phrase “RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.” is also an easy catch phrase to remember since those are the first three reactions any human being would do. I think every school should show students the Active Shooter and Reaction video to be on the safe side because anything can happen. Everyone thinks it could never happen at their school but it can. -pieface003

  33. Everyone thinks it could never happen at their school but it can. In my opinion, I think every school should show students the Active Shooter and Reaction video to be on the safe side because anything can happen. I think the director and the characters in the short video did a great job. Not only did they tell us the steps we should take when there is an active shooter, but they showed the audience different ways you could take down the shooter when you have no choice but to fight back. The phrase “RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.” is also an easy catch phrase to remember since those are the first three reactions any human being would do. The Active Shooter and Reaction video was very helpful. It is a good and short video to prepare any teacher or student that can come into contact with a school shooter what to do. -pieface002

  34. The video was very informative, giving three options for survival in the event of an active school shooter. The best option being to run and get away from the danger as quickly as possible, it can make your chances of surviving the best out of all of the options. The next option being to hide, hiding can be a bit more risky than running because the shooter might still be in the area. The last thing to do is to fight the attacker. This is obviously the most dangerous option but with the element of surprise it can make chances of survival go up.-Waterboy002

  35. The video was very informative and provided useful survival information in the event of an active school shooter situation. It's sad to say that school shootings are becoming a more common occurrence in our country but it is the case, because of this its good to have a plan of action. Most people never have to worry about an actual event like this but that isn't a good reason to go without a plan. The video discusses three options, run, hide and, fight. To run would be the safest option, getting an individual furthest away from danger. Hiding is the next option, when hiding an individual should be as quiet as possible to avoid being detected. The last option is to fight, the element of surprise will go a long way in a fight and could save your life.-waterboy003

  36. I think that this video has the potential to be one of the most important video clips that we might watch in all of our lives. I know that might sound crazy however God for bid anything like this would happen there’s a good chance we would go back to this video in our minds and remember what to do whether that is run, hide, or fight. I believe that this video or videos like this should be shown in every class the first day here at Illinois Central college. I know us as criminal justice students might already know what to do or at least we have seen this video many times however other students and staff at ICC may not be properly equipped with the same knowledge as we are in this class. I know from first-hand account that my other professors do discuss what to do in case of emergency however it is not in great detail and often times students will not listen and completely disregarded. This being a video that Ohio State University put time into is very detailed and I believe that students are more apt to listen to a video like this rather than a professor reading over it as he or she is reading a class syllabus.

  37. I think all students at any college need to practice and be trained on how to survive a school shooting. I think it's crucial to practice those three key actions. Run, hide, fight, those three words could potentially save your life. I don't think enough universities teach students how to survive a school shooting if it does happen at their university. Shootings are becoming more and more common, these days and I think that we should be more prepared as students. I personally feel like I would have a decent chance of survival in a school shooting, just because I have seen these videos, and I feel more prepared. I also feel like we should prepare, and train our teachers more to help save the students lives. When a school shooting happens, the news broadcast it all over the news, and makes that shooter basically go down in history for their actions. I think the media needs to control, what is broadcasted, and what is not.

  38. School shootings are becoming more and more prevalent in today's society. I think we need to be more prepared, by training students, staff, and law enforcement. I think annually videos or or exercises need to be held, in order to allow students, staff, and law enforcement to be more prepared, and more likely to survive. I think the video we saw was very important. The run, hide, fight method is the key to survival, in a school shooting. You need to be aware of your surroundings, and exits. You need to know the rooms around you, and possible escape routes. The key to survival in an event like this is having a plan and knowing what to do, and when to do it. You can survive events like this if you know what to do. Also know the people in your classroom, know the people who are in the military or who have some sort of fighting experience incase you have to fight.

  39. I think the activity video was very helpful because not all people know what do do in that. Even though some think it’s common sense some people really freeze up and get stuck and not know what to do for real and will end up getting killed. I think all schools should show their students this video rather it’s a grammar school. High school, or a college. It was very nice of Ohio State University to take the time out of their day and make this video for not only their school safety but for others as well that was really nice.-KenzieLand002

  40. School shooting are real and for the past two years more have been happening. I think the activity video was very helpful because not all people know what do do in that. Even though some think it’s common sense some people really freeze up and get stuck and not know what to do for real and will end up getting killed. I think all schools should show their students this video rather it’s a grammar school. High school, or a college. It was very nice of Ohio State University to take the time out of their day and make this video for not only their school safety but for others as well that was really nice.-KenzieLand003

  41. Every semester that I watch this video in my Criminal Justice classes, it makes me feel more prepared for an active shooter type of situation. Every college class should show this video so students would know what to do in this sport of situation. Most people would want to run and try to find their way out of the building as fast as they could. Which in some cases could work and be beneficial. But little do they know that, you should always be observant and aware when needed to hide, or fight to be prepared in all sorts of circumstances. According to the video, the first five minutes of an active shooter starting their horrific act, they get defeated. But five minutes is still a long time for a person to be able to do damage and ruin others lives. We always need to be prepared for the worse circumstances, and as being a criminal justice major, this will soon be our everyday lives. To be prepared for the worse but be willing to help others and improve ourselves to do even better in the long run. #notaplumber002

  42. As a criminal justice major, watching this video every semester makes me feel more prepared to not only help others but also to prepare for advancement in the long run. Last semester I had the chance to help the local police department with their active shooting training. I played a victim as the officers came in looking for the suspect to try and take him down. This situation is truly hard to role play as it is hard someone would actually put others in this sort of risk for their life. It was even hard for the officers to take it serious because only a few people really know what it is like to be in an active shooter incident. As a victim in an active shooter incident, once the police arrive you want to be able to drive them in the direction of the suspect so they can stop them from creating more hurt and harm to others. This video is very informative and I wish every teacher at a college campus or a school environment would show this video. #notaplumber003

  43. The video that was shown is very important in today society. The reason being is because there has been several school shootings in the year of 2018. The run,hide, fight procedure is something that students and also teachers should take seriously. I think this clip should be something that is required for all classes and not just criminal justice classes. This clip gave out great examples of things to do if you was to ever be in a situation. Students and teachers should also get to know the facilities that they work or attend every day it is important to know all areas of the building because eventually you have to run but you need to know where you are running and hiding. If students and teachers pay attention to these clips so that if they was ever in a situation like this they will be well aware of what they have to do.

    1. I believe what this video is saying is a good way to help students and adults understand what to do in active shooter situation. The 3 simple steps that can save your life is Run from where you are to a safe location. Hide in a dark room where the shooter can not see you and silence any device that you have. Fight this is your last resort may help you survive. Use anything in your grasp to save your life. These simple steps can save your life and the people around you. It was a good idea for a active police officer to explain how they are trained in this scenario and how long it takes to apprehend a shooter this video may help save thousands of lives. Batman.002

  44. The run,hide, fight procedure is something that students and also teachers should take seriously. I think this clip should be something that is required for all classes and not just criminal justice classes. This clip gave out great examples of things to do if you was to ever be in a situation. Students and teachers should also get to know the facilities that they work or attend every day it is important to know all areas of the building because eventually you have to run but you need to know where you are running and hiding. If students and teachers pay attention to these clips so that if they was ever in a situation like this they will be well aware of what they have to do. This clip will protect you and others as well. It is very important that students and teachers take this clip very serious. This clip will have you well prepared if something like this was to happen.

    1. I agree with your first point, everyone should be required to watch this video or something similar. Mass shootings are becoming all too common, and public training needs to be available to help keep the most amount of people safe. You've also correct that more people need to be better acquainted with the layouts of buildings that they're in every day. -Stark001

  45. The active shooter video did a fantastic job at letting people know what they need to do if an active shooter incident were to occur. In the video they said that there were three different reactions. The first reaction is to run if given the option to do so. If you hear that there is an active shooting in the school and you can exit the building quickly then that is the best option available for you. If the shooter is in the school and you are nowhere near any exits, it may be best for you to turn off the lights and barricade the door and hide so that the shooter is not able to see you. Hiding is the second reaction to choose from. The third option is to fight. Now you do not want to ever seek out fighting and make that your first reaction. Only fight if it is necessary for your survival. Fighting is the last and final option. Hopefully you will not ever be put in a situation like this. -Anchorman002

  46. When it comes to an active shooter incident, the video tells you everything that you need to know to help you survive. There are three reactions that one must be willing to take when a situation like this one arises. Those three reactions are run, hide, and fight. Running should always be the first thing you should try to do. If you know a way out of the building, then you need to get out as quickly as possible. If you cannot get out because you are far from any exits, then the next best thing would be hiding. Making sure that all the doors are locked so the shooter cannot enter the room. Also you would need to hide so the shooter is not able to see you or anyone else. Fighting is only to be used as a last resort. Hopefully you are never in a situation like this one so that you don’t have to worry about any of these reactions. Most likely you will not ever be in a situation involving an active shooter, but it is good to always be on guard and know what to do in case this situation were to occur. -Anchorman003

  47. Something that I learned in the Active Shooter video is how important it is to know your exits. Also, taking different routes to class or after to be familiar with your building. Learning the quickest ways out the building is something that can lower the risk of anything happening. It’s important to look for hiding spots or items to defend yourself with incase of having to fight. Being observant about the things around you is something people shouldn’t take lightly. The reason being is that it could increase the risk of someone being hurt instead of them trying to get away. A lot of people’s first reaction would be to hide but that isn't necessarily is the best thing if there is a chance of getting out. That being said, I learned that the order of Run, Hide and Fight makes perfect sense. dory 002

  48. There is a lot of things that is important when trying to escape an active shooter but somethings that I learned were learning exits and taking different routes. That can help you become for familiar with the building. If anything happens, there is a greater chance of you escaping instead of being stuck and learn found by the shooter. Also, being familiar with places that are able to hide in because running isn’t always available. Hiding when in a big group, there shouldn't be and huddling because it can create an easy target for the shooter. yellow003

  49. This video can really help someone who’s in a situation with an active shooter. From the start of this video an officer named Adam Tabor is informing students or individuals how to improve their risk of surviving an active shooter incident. At Ohio State University they have multiple officers who train countless hours of the day to prepare for any emergency situations. The offier states how there are three important steps during an active shooter incident. Those three steps are to run, hide, and to fight. The officer brings up how they send out buckeye alerts to those on the campus of the active shooting incident to warn others about the situation. Quickly and safely you want to evacuate the area that you are in to get yourself away from any harm that could be caused to you or others. Once in a safe area make a call to 911 or any emergency number available. I thought this video was very effective in having a police officer inform his audience on how to survive an active shooting incident. The video overall was very informative and helpful for the intended audience to learn and understand the right choices to make during a serious emergency. - brooklyn003

    1. I agree with what you are saying.This video is a good way to help students and adults as well. If there is a scenario where there is a a active shooter in the building or wherever that person may be. The three steps run, hide, shoot are really great ways to help protect yourself as well as others. It was good that a active police officer explained how they are trained in situations like this and how long it would take them to find and arrest the shooter which normally isn't long. This video may just help save thousands of lives. Batman.002

  50. In this video it talks about very important procedures in the case of the incident of an active shooting. I believe it is extremely important for us to go over this scenario and to learn about it so we are prepared if it were to ever happen to us. The steps we need to remember are: run, hide, and fight. The first thing you should attempt to do in this situation is to run to safety. If running isn't an option, you should try to hide somewhere out of view and remain as quiet as possible. If both running and hiding are not options, your last available option is to fight. It is important to be familiar with your surroundings. Take different routes to your classes and get to know the layout of the building. When you are in your class, make sure to take note of all exits and possible hiding places. The video was helpful with providing information that could save our lives if we ever face this situation. -smokeybear003

  51. The video goes over what to do in the rare occurrence that you find yourself in an active shooter scenario. The three main points that were stressed are: run, hide, fight in that order. The first thing that you should do if possible is run away and get to a safe area. If running isn't an option, then your next best thing to do is to try and hide, your goal is to make whatever room you're in seem unoccupied and if possible then you should barricade the entrance. The last option is one that you should only do if you have no possible alternative, that is to fight. If you have to do this then you need to find anything that you can turn into a weapon and have no hesitation, it becomes your survival vs. the shooters. All in all, I think that this is important information to know and something that should be taught everywhere so that people can be prepared for this relatively new phenomenon. -Stark001


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