Incarcerated Women


  1. This article talks about the ever-increasing incarceration rate of women. According to the report the overall United States incarcerated rate is going down, the percentage that women are being imprisoned is going up and at a historic high. When looking at the world, individual states have a much higher incarceration rate than the United States as a whole and other countries. This dumbfounds me, but also at the same time, it does not astonish me. It amazes me because looking at the data that they show a lot of the states they are not even close with other countries. They make other countries incarceration rate of women look small compared to even individual states. It also does not surprise me though because we have many different laws in place that other counties do not have, and other countries have laws in place that we do not have. I have no problem locking up drug offenders; it just seems as though they are being locked up for too long. I think a reason maybe that there are not as many facilities or commodities not being given is because it has increased rapidly the number of women being incarcerated they have not had time to create commodities and programs fast enough to keep up with the growing rate of incarcerated women. -Legion001

  2. Like the overall incarceration rates, female incarceration rates in the United states are substantially higher than any other country. When all the numbers are broken down, Oklahoma is responsible for most of the increases in female incarceration rates. In Oklahoma, women get locked up, for long periods of time, for the inability to protect their children from abusive men. So, in Oklahoma, a woman who is beaten and abused in her home by a man, can get put in prison for not keeping said man away from children. Unlike men in American prisons, women do not have much, or any, access to programs of sorts used to shorten sentences. For example, Wyoming just in the most recent years gave female prisoners the option of a boot camp lasting only six months over a sentence anywhere from six to ten years long. Lack of gender inequality in this country pours over into nearly every aspect of our lives, even prison sentencing and options for female prisoners.

  3. As said in the article, women incarceration rates are increasing and at the highest they have ever been. One of the statistics that opened my eye was that 4% of the world’s female population lives in the United States, but the United States has over 30% of the incarcerated female population. This is over a third of the incarcerated female population, and it is in our country. This is an astonishingly high number, but then again it doesn’t surprise me for the sole reason of the United States having the highest incarceration rate of any other country. One thing I do not like about this situation is that the criminal justice system hasn’t kept up with the needs of incarcerated women. The fact that women don’t have the same access to programs to shorten their sentence isn’t fair. Incarcerated women should have the same opportunities as incarcerated men. The criminal justice system needs to reform this for the better of not just the women, but their families too. Another thing I found interesting is that El Salvador women routinely get jailed for miscarriages. They can’t always control whether or not they will have the baby or not, so why is this far to the women and her family. -lilbaby001

  4. This article does a fantastic job showing incarceration and women and explaining how it is often looked over due to how many are locked up. The fact that the incarceration rate of women has been rising as opposed to the male rates dropping and has now shown the world that the U.S. is leading the global female incarceration rate is absolutely crazy. Seeing that Illinois has over ten times the amount of females locked up compared to other entire countries is just absolutely insane considering Illinois has 78 locked up per 100,000 citizens and the second highest being Portugal at 15 females for every 100,000. Another great thing that this article goes on to say is that women may also have higher incarceration numbers due to a lack of programs for them to participate in to help get an earlier release. Most of the women are "bulldozed" as the article said because they are in prisons and jails that are accommodated for men and have programs exclusively for the male prisoners which gives no chance for the women to participate and aid themselves in obtaining a shorter sentence. I think it is somewhat unfair to the women to have to try to work around this and maybe there should be more accommodation the women locked up which could potentially drop the incarceration rates by a decent amount.

  5. It seems odd that despite the incarceration rate going down in the U.S., the number of women being incarcerated is going up. Not only is it going up, but it is at a historic high. According to the graph shown in the article, if every state were an individual country they would still have the highest female incarceration rates than those countries who have at least a half a million people in population. It amazed me at how much of a difference there was between the individual states and entire countries. The article mentions that women don't have access to programs that can shorten their sentences. I think the reason men have more access to programs that can shorten their sentences or even get them out of going to jail or prison is because the majority of people that have been incarcerated throughout history have been men. Over the years of having a big number of prisoners they eventually created ways in which to try to manage and shorten the prison population. But these programs have only focused their attention on men because they were the majority of the prison population throughout the country. Now that the number of women incarcerated is going up, the criminal justice system should try to find ways to create more programs that can accommodate women. With this they can not only decrease the number of women incarcerated, but drop incarceration rates even more than they are now.

  6. This article highlights the fact that incarceration rates are increasing among women although the overall incarceration rates have been declining in the U.S. I like the interactive aspect of this article that allows you to compare each state to other countries around the world. I must admit I was surprised Oklahoma was the leading state and even more caught off guard by the fact that it surpassed the average for the United States as a whole. I expected Florida or California to have higher ranks compared to the rest, but they weren't even in the top twenty. This article also articulates that Oklahoma's rates of incarcerated women can be credited at least partially to the fact that there are no "boot-camps" for these women located in the state. It was only recently that the women were allowed to travel all the way to Florida in order to attend one of these centers instead of serving time. Another staggering statistic in this article is that although the U.S. is home to but 4% of the world's population of women, it makes up about 30% of all women who reside in prison. I believe much of this is due to the "War on Drugs" which has expanded our prisons exponentially.

  7. While having the highest incarceration rate in general, the US also has the highest amount of incarcerated women. While only having about 4% of the world's female population, we have 30% of the world's incarcerated females. This stems from women not having access to the same programs that men do to avoid or reduce prison time. This inequality came from the traditional focus on male incarceration and programs to combat it. One of these programs is in Wyoming, where it was recently decided to allow women to attend a 'boot camp' instead of serving prison time, however they must travel out of state to attend as the only camp in Wyoming is an all male facility. Overall, while women in the US are incarcerated at a rate less than that of men, it is overall too high and the US needs to do something to bring its general incarceration levels down to that of the rest of the world. -Stark001

  8. It’s not surprising that the United States has a high incarceration rate however It is surprising that the incarceration rate for women is high while the incarceration population as a whole is declining. Most women who do get arrested and sent to prison are victims of abuse and, some of them suffer from drug or alcohol and being incarcerated does not help them. Unlike men who have access to different programs which can shorten their sentence and make them better equipped for life outside of prison. I think it is horrible that in EL Salvador women are getting locked up for having a miscarriage. I don't understand the reasoning behind that or how sending them to jail is going to help them. I like the idea of the “boot camp” in wyoming however, the women would have to go to other states as far as Florida because the program is for men only. I think those type of programs are great but what if the women didn't have any resources or family to leave their state and travel far that then would cause more stress for them and they would have to finish the original sentence given to them.

  9. it seems like a hard pill to swallow to think that although incarceration rates are going down, women being locked up is at an all time high. It really blows my mind not only how many women we are locking up but why did this increase so sharply after the year?I'm not familiar with the other European government systems and how they handle their offenders but it seems as if their's is safe to say working better than ours. I suppose that possibly women in America are being locked up more now due to the thankful increase in freedoms that we have made over just the past century, from voting rights to reproductive control, and the stereotypes that women can't be in the workplace quickly phasing out. Are these factors playing a role in women being locked up faster? I'm not sure but I know that something will have to change because the inherent levels of inequality between men and women being persecuted such as boot camps and probation opportunities need to change. Rock001

  10. This article shows the rates of women getting incarcerated in 2015 and the problems congruent with this. I was surprised to see that the amount of women incarcerated had grown so much. I also found it interesting that most states incarcerate more women than entire other countries do. Obviously the comparisons are shown to shock the reader. The most important statistic to me is that we have only 5% of the worlds women population but we lock up over 30%. I do not see it as fair that they do not offer programs and services to women that they would for men. We need to hold a standard of being offering equal services to both Male and female. I had no idea Oklahoma was such a prison capital, especially for women. I found it interesting that the United States incarcerates more women per 100,000 residents then almost every other allied nation added together. It seems like a entirely bad deal altogether for women. You are more likely to be convicted to start and once you are convicted you are less likely to get any help or be offered services or alternative ways to serve your sentence. Jackrabbit001

  11. this article really opened my eyes. i knew that the incarceration rate for women was up and all but i didn't quite realize how bad it is. the article states the U.S. accounts for 30% of the worlds incarcerated women. That is a very large amount. Not only was it the fact that there are so many women being sent to prison that surprised me, but also the reasoning behind some of their arrests. Such as the domestic violence case. A man who attacks a woman and her child gets off with just probation, but a woman who cant protect her daughter from a maniac gets 30 years. There is no justification for that. Something else that stood out to me was the fact that women have less access to diversion and various other programs to help shorten their sentence. my theory for this is that with women gaining more and more rights, the more that they are being recognized as equals which leads to less lenient sentencing in the courtroom. However, i think that our corrections programs haven't caught up to society thus not providing equal opportunity of prison diversion programs to both men and women. sexy_in_bikini 001

  12. When it comes to women incarceration, statistics show that we as a nation our at an all time high. The United States incarcerates more women than any other country on the planet. Only a small percent of females live in the United States. 4% to be exact. While reading this, I thought it was pretty crazy to see that of that small percent of women, a way greater percentage of these women are being incarcerated. Depending on the state, some are more strict towards women and some are more lenient especially if the woman is a single mother. In a state like Oklahoma, this would not be the case. Oklahoma is very well known for incarcerating women. When it comes to the fact that women do not have the same programs as men do to have their sentences shortened at all does not seem fair at all. In this day and age, I feel that women should have the same opportunities as men especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. The only type of program that is available to women is something similar to a boot camp where they stay for six months rather than serving years in prison. Outside the states there are countries that do some pretty unbelievable sentences towards women and still have less of an incarceration rate than the United States. For instance, the country El Salvador can imprison women for for things like a miscarriage which no female can control whether or not they miscarry. I could see maybe if the woman was doing drugs and drinking and those are what caused the baby to become miscarried, then the woman could possibly be sentenced. -Anchorman001

  13. In this article it states that the women's incarceration rate is 133 which is not a lot at all compared to a lot of other things but it's also the highest incarceration rate for women in the world. And knowing that the overall U.S. incarceration rate is falling, the woman's rate remains at an historic high. Knowing that only 4% of the world's female population lives in the U.S., but the U.S. accounts for over 30% of the worlds incarcerated women. THAT IS INSANE. It is saddening. A story in this article about Oklahoma over incarcerating their women is the most saddening story I have ever read. It stated that “a father violently abused a mother and her children, and got probation, but the mother was sentenced to 30 years for failing to protect their kids when he broke their daughter’s bones.” The other got 30 years for not protecting her child when 1. She was violently abused too and 2. How could she have possibly known that this man was going to abuse them? Incarcerating women is one thing but to falsely incarcerated anyone is absolutely crazy and beyond me. I feel as if this system needs to be checked. -freckles001

  14. Woman’s incarceration looks a lot different then I thought it would. I thought that the women in the united states would be put in jail less than in other countries because women have a lot more rights here. In several countries women are treated very unfairly and aren’t equal to men. The United States as a whole incarcerates people at a rate of 698 to every 100,000 residents which is more than any other country. The woman’s incarceration rate is 133 which might look small, but the US only accounts for four percent of the women in the world. That being said, the united states accounts for over 30% of the world’s incarcerated women. That is way higher than I thought it would be, and it really makes me think about why. I think that the US should not be proud of that number, and should probably look into the reasons of the incarcerations and look for a way to lower it. Oklahoma has the highest incarceration rate of women at 281, followed by Wyoming at 250. I think that one of the focus points of our country should be looking into the sentences rates that we give women and men. We put people in jail for too long and that needs to be looked into. -Celtics001

  15. As we gradually emerged into treating women with equal rights as men. We find ourselves noticing that the rates of women being incarcerated being pretty high, yet also decreasing. There has also been noticed that most women being incarcerated are for drugs and alcohol addictions. But there is also something wrong with the system were is doesn’t fairly sentence both women and men. For example, sentencing a women for 30 years for not properly taking care of her child and then putting a man on probation for a violent act on both of them. A lot of women in prison are victims of abuse that wasn't helped properly leading them to offend and go to jail. Not only does America have this problem but a lot of Asian and Latin American countries as well. Abuse of drugs by women have been increasing a lot which leads them to not attending their children. Which also creates a cycle of crime to continue in their community. Also creating an environment for them to continue to reoffend get sent back to jail or prison, porobally for more time because of the reoffending status. taco001

  16. In this article the main discussion in Women incarceration rates compared in the US to the rest of the world. The United States only holds a small fraction of the women in the world, yet we lead with the highest women incarceration rates, says a lot about us. Our system is having problems. Currently, the leading reason for women being arrested is drug and/or alcohol addictions. In some states women are being locked up for matters they didn't even have control of. In one state a mother was sentenced for not protecting her children against her abusive husband, he got a minor slap on the wrist, while she faces 30 years. We look at the other countries imprisonment rates for women and our states are beating our allies. We are leading over other countries just by using one state alone. This problem is not strictly the United States, some Asia/Latin countries are also having similar problems with women incarceration rates. I know we can't be picky when it comes to crime, but certainly some of these women are not where they should be. -Lobster001


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