Law Enforcement and Community Trust


  1. It's such an honor to listen to a man who has served as a police officer for 47 years. The history of policing in the United States today, is similar to when he started his career. Today he was started a program in Philadelphia to teach young men and women the history of policing. It started in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. During this time, you may have been a watchman simply making sure everything was in order, or you could have been chasing down a slave who was running from the police. Fast forward to Civil Rights laws, who do you think was enforcing Jim Crow laws? It was the police. I did find it interesting that he said that law enforcement hasn’t always stood on the correct side of justice. Many people are afraid of law enforcement because of the history of law enforcement. We may think that only law enforcement has issues in different countries, but in reality, it is here in the United States too. Many people are scared to contact the police for fear of retaliation. I found it interesting that the police worked side by side with the soldiers during the Holocaust. I did not know that. He goes on to pose a question, “What is the role of a police officer in a democratic society”? They are to defend the constitutional rights of everybody! But I think the majority of police officers would say to enforce the laws. Which is true, but also, they are to defend our rights as citizens. If the officers would defend our constitutional rights, we would not have trust issues is law enforcement. A second issue as to why we are where we are today is because of the strategies law enforcement uses. By using some aggressive tactics, it hurt some of the communities. When this first started, law enforcement did not take that into consideration. You must continually work new strategies, because once one strategy is completed, you must think of another. You want to show the community that you have crime under control, and you want to bring the community with you. The police must have a better mind set. For instance, how we see ourselves is what really drives us. We must get rid of the Bias, and respect the people in the communities that they serve. Illinoisgurl002

    1. I agree with what you had to say. This video really spoke to me and you did a great job at hitting the key main points of the video. One of the things that I liked most about your blog was how you mentioned the part where the officer said that there would be less trust issues with law enforcement if all officers would stop believing that their main job is to enforce the law and start believing that their main job is to protect and defend the constitutional rights of all people. -Anchorman002

  2. This was a good lecture from him as police officer who has experience in many years. He mentioned the issues that are affecting police today in Philadelphia. One of the was they need to know history of policing in the country. As he said decades the police were working unpaid and most police were hired only to watch slaves in plantations. Due to this mentioned a lot of people of color were afraid to all police when the crime is committed also they were afraid to talk to any police. Now day is is important to educate the new hire about the history of policing. He also said police are not always standing on the right side of justice and believe that. There are of course recurring themes of frustration and a total breakdown of trust, yet you seldom hear of anger towards the power itself but the way in which it is applied by officers. when young people ask for explanations but do not get them, are fed lies and misinterpretations of the law, are harassed by the same officer day in out and any efforts to exercise their rights are read as cockiness. it is no Wonder they wind up feeling like the powerless victims of unstoppable bullies. working for 47 years as a police officer he should be honored very much. There are lot of things you go through as a police officer who is willing to serve all citizen's of different race. Being a good police officer takes dedication, hard work, and willingness to always be learning. its no secret that it is a tough job, if you put serving your community first, you will be off to a good start.You can also work together with your fellow officers to develop a sense of the shared values and principles you should focus in your work. then you will have a better idea of the specific skills you would like to develop to meet your goals as an officer. This become more helpful when especially you are working in a new city with different culture of people. GUSII 002

    1. It is so true, that if you choose to be a police officer you must be willing to work hard and always be willing to learn something new. The more that we are willing to listen to the community, the better the relationship we will have with them. Ultimately we want to serve them and protect them. . Ultimately, we want to serve them and protect their needs and not our own. It is not about us, it is about them. Yes, we do need to protect ourselves, but serve is the most important thing. Illinoisgurl002

  3. Mending broken trust is a very important when it comes to policing when it comes to policing and the people that live in the communities. Now a days you can turn on the tv and see a video from the internet or on the news of a police officer handling a situation in a inappropriate way. The broken trust did not just start to happen now. It even started way back then there were times the police officers came to neighborhoods where the people did not want to say what happened because they did not trust the police. Like he mentioned in the video the police officers should be help accountable for their actions but in my opinion most police officers will not because they do not want to lose their power that the badge brings.The trust of the police officers and the people have been broken for many years. Its been longer than 100 years. Like he mentioned in the video most of the police officers helped kill jews back in the day so its not uncommon to not trust police officers. In fact most police officers do not know their job if you asked them what does there job require them to do. He or she will say to enforce the law which in fact he said that they are wrong its to defend the constitutional right of all the people in the community . If the police officers follow what there job description actually requires them to do there would solve a lot of problems in the world. The way the police officers are handling crimes that are being committed are wrong. They are putting more police officers where most of the crime is being committed. But its affecting the community on how they feel about the people in that community. Batman.002

    1. I think a lot of the issues in policing comes when someone is given a badge and uses it as a tool to bully others and in a sense create their own personal laws. That's why I a a firm believer that body cameras are beneficial in policing. We should have to resort to this but it is a way of holding the officer accountable for his or her actions. Cameras don't lie and if there is case where the officer turns the camera off, you know there is more to the story that the officer his attempting to hide. It boils down to ethic and treating others how you would want to be treated. Jadist002

  4. The video was very informative and should be one that is used in training all new police officers. With being involved in policing for over 47 years Mr. Ramsey has seen all aspects of policing. The good the bad and the ugly. What I gained from the video is that as an officer you should always strive to have a good working relationship with the community. Having the mindset that you are only here to serve and protect should not be your only goal. By having a good relationship with the community and working more towards enforcing the laws of the constitution, you could change the way the community sees police and also lower the crime rate. It is also true what Mr. Ramsey said when he talked about being a product of our environment. Why would one change when all they know is violence and not getting justice when a crime is committed against you. It would also help if the community saw police more than when a crime is committed. That would show you care more and want to see the community prosper. I understand how African Americans felt during the Jim Crow era knowing that most of the policing was targeted to ensure they stayed in line or abided by the ‘laws’ of the slave owner. Looking at it from their point of view, I see why it is hard to trust that an officer has their best interest at heart or wondering if they are biased. I also feel it is about treating others as you would want to be treated. By having the mind set that this could be me or my family would allow the officer to take a different approach when responding to a call or being in the community. I also agree when he spoke about when you try and take away someone’s dignity they will fight to hold on to it. Watching the news and some of the videos that have been recorded (not saying that all were an accurate depiction of what happened) a lot of times the situation was escalated due to how the police officer responded. Jadist002

    1. I feel that officers should be more empathetic towards someone who may not trust them. Try to find the underlying issue on why a citizen may not trust an officer. i have seen a nine year old child freak out over seeing a male officer and they were the same race. I asked that child why he was afraid of the officer he. said its because of the gun he has? the child did not understand why officers had to carry guns. The officer didn't help with understanding the child's situation instead he gave the child a dirty look and walked away. i think showing empathy goes a long way. casket003

  5. This video is really interesting in the way he describes the many aspects of community policing. The speaker served on the police force of 3 different departments. In today’s environment, may of the videos that you see on the news and the internet do put law enforcement in a favorable light. Many of these videos make the police out to be the bad guys. Because of this, it is hard to build the trust of the community. It’s difficult for people to trust the police when every video they watch is negative towards the police. The speaker also touched on how cities often have the “bad side of town” and that is where much of the crime takes place. In Peoria, that would be the south side of town. In the mid 1960’s to the early 1970’s some parts of Chicago citizens would not cooperate with police. In some parts of Chicago today, it is the same way. Today, the south and west parts of Chicago are the worst. The Philadelphia Police Department is the oldest police department in the country (1798). Police around the world have not always stood on the right side on justice. Many immigrants to the US won’t call the police because the police in their home country were corrupt and they were afraid. We need to find more ways to police to reduce the amount of crime and get guns off the streets as well. He doesn’t believe in the thin blue line as he says we are threaded in between the community. I personally believe in the thin blue line. The thin blue line separates the good from the evil and helps protect the community. We have to keep our bias out of policing. I believe this video for the most part describes what police do for the community. -chicubs002

    1. I kind of did not like his approach to the thin blue line but I understood it. I think the purpose of the thin blue line is the fact that police officer's are somewhat separated from the civilian community and the blue line is just a way to express their differences and I feel like that is okay and it should not make civilians feel inferior. -holywaffles002

  6. First step that he mentioned is that the police have to hold themselves accountable, which they won’t. They do not want to lose the power that they have over individuals nor will they willingly give that power up. I’m glad that he mentioned the German SA because our police departments are making slow moving steps towards becoming that. Further, while policing in the United States is primarily a local affair, meanwhile the relationship between the police and community trust with the police are not. Police shootings, especially in the age of the Internet and viral video, echo far beyond the communities where they take place. The death of Sterling in Louisiana and Castile in Minnesota, reinforcing the perception that law enforcement too often views black men as presumptively dangerous and black lives as cheap, gave rise to protests across the country. I’m afraid that incidents will reinforce a view that violence is not only justified but appropriate.Incidents will drive police and the communities they serve further apart, dampening any interest in reconciliation.The fractured relationship between the local police and the community ultimately endangered hundreds of officers and thousands of civilians, resulting in millions of dollars of damage. This is nothing new, half of the 10 most violent and destructive riots in U.S. history were responses to perceived police abuses. One thing that was mentioned in this video about the police have not always been the the right side of justice and that is very true. I agree with that because the things that has happened has been cops killing because of what they "thought"or "seen". People didnt call the police becuase they was afraid. He also mentioned if officers if officers would tell people their role is to defened their consitutional rights of all people, he spooke and said if officers did that we wouldnt have the problems we have today.

    1. I agree that they should hold themselves accountable but I'm sure are police officers out there that do hold themselves accountable. I agree that police officers have not always been on the right side of justice. The Holocaust is one example of not being on the right side of justice. I also agree that if some of the officers would not done some of things they did, things might be different today. -Soccer002

  7. This man said he has spent 47 years in policing and 37 years with Chicago Police, where he is from. He has a lot of experience and transitions as he has not worked for the same city for all those years. He said you turn on the news and TV you will almost automatically find a video regarding a police officer in some sort of negative light. He said when he first started his policing career, there were some communities they went into where there was a lot of tension. I think that is still very relevant though because there are still riots and tension. I like how he argues the fact that we look at murder rates and if they are higher than it is more concerning but if it is lower than we are not as concerned and we should not be judged by that with our cities since crime is not just homicide. He said they are evaluation where to put officers and following this program new york is following regarding where to put police officer's and in more communities than others. He said people want the presence of justice in communities and not just the heavy police presence. He also said the aftermath after the crimes and what is going on is important as well. The reduction of crime has been noticed but the attitudes of people in the heavier area policing has changed and when they have lowered those crime rates, the aftermath of the community is not following. He says that police officers are public servants and I am glad he recognizes that and the mindset of police because he mentions the differences in the warrior and guardian mentality but says how we see ourselves is how we drive how we behave. He does say that the thin blue line is not something he really enjoys hearing because he thinks police are a part of the community too. -holywaffles002

    1. I agree with you, people have a higher attitude and are becoming less and less afraid of officers. Crime is reducing but people have the personality to deal with anything that is in there way and they’re not afraid too either. How officers see themselves is how they act. Which is a very good point. If an officer believes he is better than everyone than he is going to be a jerk. But if an officer believes he is as equal as the homeless person living behind the dumpy gas station, or the people who work fast food, than they are going to be more relatable and easier to get along with. #notaplumber002

  8. The video starts off with an officer talking about how all you have to do is turn on the t.v at night and you will see a video of an officer doing an action some people might not like. He was trying to get at that in today’s world some areas of the country don’t think very highly of the police. This has caused it to be very difficult to build trust with the communities. He has 37 years of experience with the Chicago Police and in total has 47 years of total police experience. I found it really interesting how he argues the fact that we as a society look at murder rates and if they are high, we as a community are concerned, but if it is lower we are not as concerned. He also mentioned in the video that the police have not always found or been the the right side of justice. I can agree with that because there are times when to much force was used or a situation wasn’t handled in the correct way. A Lot of these incidents occur because of what police officers thought what they say. He also mentioned that officers if officers would tell people their role is to defend their constitutional rights then wouldn’t have the problems we have today because the average citizen would understand. I am not so sure I fully agree with him on his view of the thin blue line, but I can understand his reasoning for why he thinks of it the way he does. I think the thin blue line is a symbol to show that officers are separated from the civilian community and I don’t think that's an entirely bad thing. -CUBSFAN002

    1. I think that when it comes to protecting the constitutional rights of someone, it isn't focusing so much on how to handle them to get that they deserve. I think it focuses on how to help them not to get to the point of killing them or sending them to jail. For example, people are innocent until proven guilty. Their right as a citizen is that they cant be put in jail until they have for sure evidence that its them. So, that being said if officers would just focus on being more of a guardian to the rights of people, they wouldn't focus on being a warrior to just "enforce the laws", even though it is needed sometimes. dory002

  9. This video talked about the issues with policing. Charles Ramsey was in his forty seventh year in policing. He thinks that today is more challenging then the years before. He talked about how you will see videos of police officers doing stuff they shouldn't be doing and it even surprises him. When people see those videos, it changes their views on law enforcement and police officers. It makes it harder for the police officers to build trust with the communities. He talked about how the history of policing is one of the reasons on why it’s hard to establish trust. He talked about how there was police officers that worked on plantations to find slaves that ran away. I thought that was interesting because I didn't know that there was police officers working on plantations. He talked about how it’s important to understand that police have not always stood on the right side of justice. He talked about how he went to visit the Holocaust Museum and he said he saw pictures of police officers standing by soldiers and the police officers were involved in the horrific things that took place during that time. I remember studying the Holocaust in middle school and I never knew that police officers were involved. Some of the mistrust has to do with the history. Charles talked about when he was a police chief in Washington DC there were immigrant communities and a lot of them came from Central America. They were afraid of the police in Washington DC because the police in Central America were very harsh or cruel. So another factor of mis trust could be different countries and how they police. The aggressive police tactics can be another reason of mis trust. Charles talked about changing the mindset of police. Instead of having the warrior mentality, have the guardian mentality. I agree with that because they are meant to protect us. Charles also talked about bias. Everyone has some type of bias and he said that they need to work on ways to manage it so it doesn't affect how the police officer does their job. I think this is a great idea because it doesn't matter about race or gender. What matters is that they help save people that are in danger. Everyone is a human being and you should not refuse to help someone based on their race. He thinks that some officers don't show the respect they need to show. If a police officer doesn't show a person respect, most likely that person is not going to show that officer respect and then you get into a different issue of the police officer against the person and that’s not how that should be. -Soccer002

  10. This ted talk is by Charles Ramsey who has spent 48 years in the criminal justice profession. He talks about the hardest challenge that he’s faced throughout his career, and it just so happens to be going on right now. Like he said, you can turn on the TV and see several different cases of police not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. This has to stop because the relationship with the police has plummeted to an all time low. That problem is the relationship that the public has with the police, which isn’t good. He talks about how we have to look at what policing used to be in our country to really appreciate how far we’ve come. Police used to be hired on plantation farms to hunt down runaway slaves, and now there are black cops who have the exact same rights as white cops. When we look it like this we can put it into perspective. Another thing that we should do is focus on community policing. I think the most important thing that a cop does throughout his career is working with the community. When an officer is involved in his community and liked by the people it creates a trust factor that can really impact the crime rate. We also need to look into the training of police officers. Police are trained a lot more with a gun and in arresting situations then they are in community situations and working with people. If we train our cops to be better with the community then the community won’t look at them like they’re jerks. If the police can’t please the community that they’re protecting then they simply aren’t doing their job. He talks some about the warrior and guardian mentality and how he agrees that we should switch from a warrior to a guardian. He says that we aren’t at war with anyone, instead we are here to protect our community. Celtics002

  11. This YouTube video, ted talk, was very interesting. The main purpose of the ted talk was talking about the issues today with policing in this day in age. Charles Ramsey, who has spent 48 years in the criminal justice profession, talks about the hardest challenge of his career, which is right now, in this day in age. He says that you go on social media or turn on your TV and you see several different cases about police doing what they are not supposed to be doing. Because on social media and on television people see the police as bad people not to be trusted, this has declined the relationship between the police and their communities. He also talked about how the history of policing has also caused distrust in police in communities. For example, he talked about how before the civil war the police were hired by plantation owners to hunt down runaway slaves and bring them back. As a country, we have come a long way since that period in time. Now black officers now have the same rights as white cops. Also, we as a community now need to put are focus on community policing. When an officer is trusted and liked by a community that tends to make a difference in the crime rate in the community. In the video he says that the police have not always been on the right side of justice, which is true. I think that that also has an impacted on how a community sees the police. The people of a community do not call the police because they could be afraid too. Ramsey also mentions that if officers would tell people that their role is to defend their constitutional rights of all people, he continued by saying if officers did that we would not have the problems we have today. –Adventureflight002

  12. I like how this officer first talks about the history of the police. Without history we would not be where we are at now. I like how he also trains his officers from the new to veterans in the field in the history of the police. I like that because the officers can get an understanding of how the police first started and see what works and what does not. It is also good so that they will not repeat history. A lot of the time to why people are afraid of the police is because of the history of the police. The officer states that when he was in Washington DC the immigrants where so afraid of the police that they would not report crime or even talk to the police because they were so oppressed by the police in their home country. We need to gain the trust of those people so that we can stop more crime and mend the trust of the community. The officer later in the video talks about the Warrior and Guardian mentality. He states that we are not at war anymore and need to be the protectors but we also need to go past that. He states that we are not a thin blue line but a thread that is woven through the community. We have the responsibility to protect the rights of people who have committed crimes or accused of committing crimes as the same as the people who are the victim of the crime. That hit me hard when I heard that. As a police officer you need to protect everyone’s right even if they are a criminal. Being a Guardian might help you in the future as it will help the community trust you more and helping you when they can. -ClarkKent002

  13. In the video he asks the audience what is the role of policing in a democratic society, he says if you ask the average police officer what is their role their answer would be to enforce the law, not that their role is to defend the constitutional right of all people. He believes that if police officers today had that mindset that their role was to defend the rights of people we wouldn’t have the issues we are having today. History shows that police haven’t always been on the right side of the law just like some aren’t now but that since then we have evolved and adapted strategies that helped decrease crime but also strategies that has helped mend the broken trust of communities towards the police. He talks about how he was a police chief in Washington D.C and had immigrant communities first generation come from Central America and if they were a victim of a crime or knew information about a crime they wouldn’t call the police because they were afraid. The police in their country were very oppressive and this left them with distrust towards all police. It is not only the United States that we need to be looking at but elsewhere to correct the wrongdoing of police officers. The community oriented policing was one important strategy that helped communities and police officers come closer together but he states it was a slow process towards decreasing crime. The main thing that was looked at to determine whether crime was under control was the murder rate, if the murder rate was high crime was seen as out of control, this wasn’t a good way to determine if crime was going down because there is so much more to policing than if the murder rate was high or not, so we evolved and found new ways and strategies to decrease crime and to rate crime. Our history has truly helped us become better and grow, it is important to know where we came from in order to move forward. Ark003

  14. Charles Ramsey, who has over 40 years of law enforcement experience, and has been the chief of police in two major cities in the U.S. He starts of his speech saying that our relationship between the police, and the publice is the worst it's ever been. All we have to do is turn on the news, and we can see. I think that's a problem right there in itself, the media blows everything up out of the water just to get views, and get a story. That is why there is so much inability to build trust in communities between a police department, and it's citizens. Ramsey has a great view on how to start to fix this distrust between departments. He says that police officers, and the community should know a brief history of the police, to know what they were before always being on the right side of justice. The reason people are afraid of police is because of history, it's all about the experiences that people have had with police departments, whether it was good or bad. Police officers role in society, isn't just to enforce the role in society, but it's to defend the constitution, and people's constitutional rights. To protect and serve, and Ramsey says that we wouldn't have a problems with police departments todays if we didn't just enforce the laws. That point was very powerful to me, because it's so true. If police officers didn't have such narrow vision, we would not have these problems that we are experiencing today. We need to take a walk through history, to see what has worked, and what hasn't worked. Police, and communities need to work together to repair these broken relationships between them. It's a two way street, police cannot just do it themselves, they need help from the communities as well.I

    1. -Like-Cereal002 I totally agree with you when you stated “If police officers didn't have such narrow vision, we would not have these problems that we are experiencing today. We need to take a walk through history, to see what has worked, and what hasn't worked.” many Police officers are quick to quickly jump into their warrior mindset and not look any SOME situations both sided which makes situations end way worse than it shouldn’t have.-KenzieLand003

  15. This ted talk video called “Mending broken trust: Police and the communities they serve, featuring Charles Ramsey was very touching. He served as a police officer for 47 years in philadelphia. I believe to better understand how things are today between police and communities, you have to understand the history behind policing. I like how the speaker said that law enforcement has not always stood for the right side of justice. It talks about how things need to change and how they should stop worrying so much about enforcing laws as opposed to protecting citizens rights.When protecting rights becomes the main goal, communities are safer and there is more justice. The speaker, Charles Ramsey, started a program that teaches the history of policing that more than 90,000 men and women have attended. I really enjoyed hearing from him. In his 47 years, he created police strategies, different programs, all while leading change in police departments. He had many interesting things to say about the subject. One thing that caught my attention was how years ago, police officers were unpaid and mostly they would get hired on to watch slaves. Due to this, many african american people were fearful of police officers. They were afraid to report when a crime had been committed and just overall afraid to even talk to police officers. He explained how it’s important to teach new police officers this so that this one day can change. Not only that, but police officers even helped killed jews during the holocaust. So it does make sense that the trust in police is broken, and has been broken for well over one hundred years now. Charles Ramsey had said in the video that if you were to ask a police officer what they’re job description is, they wouldn’t answer the question properly. They will say it’s to enforce the law which is very wrong. In reality it is to defend the constitutional rights of the people. Overall, I believe that the trust between police and communities is broken. I hope one day it can be mended. -pizza002

  16. In today’s society, there are many different police incidents that have gone viral because the technology we have today is so advanced. This then downgrades the trust we have with the community because many, many people see this video on Facebook, the news, and even Twitter. The community ends up trusting all officers less and less because they believe all of them are equivalent to one another. There is particularly lack of trust in a community of color. We have experienced trust issues in the past, but not in the same way. The 1968 Chicago riots were one of the biggest issues that caused policing trust issues. Another trust issue that comes into play, is history. The first “police officers” were known as watchman. They were normally not paid and did their duties by either walking down the street at night, or trying to catch the runaway slaves. I loved his connection to the Holocaust museum, and I never thought about it that way. I visited the same museum in 2016, and then this past October I went to the Holocaust museum in Skokie, Illinois. They both have similar pictures and stories. But this is one of the reasons why police officers have a negative connotation. There were multiple pictures of officers who were in charge of finding Jews and taking them to concentration camps. This then showed how officers were so called bad people, but Hitler was dictating a lot of people. There were many, many years that the Holocaust was glossed over, but a huge impact of policing in history. One of the main priorities in policing is to defend the constitutional rights of all people, not necessarily to enforce the laws. But that is what everyone assumes. #notaplumber002

  17. Hearing things like this from police officers that spent many years in the police force but is now retired really do means a lot because they aren’t on the outside looking in but they actually have been through the hard and good time and not just speaking on the outside looking in. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 was the time neighborhood watchers came about. There wasn’t any policies at this time and the community was helping each other working as a team to solve every crime that occured. When police did come around everyone was scared to contact the police because of relations they didn’t want to call the police on someone then comes to find out the criminal is the police brother or cousin. I found it interesting that the police worked side by side with the soldiers during the Holocaust. If the community doesn't trust nobody they’re suppose to trust the police because they are their to serve and protect everyone. That trust is suppose to always be their no matter what. Today there no trust between the community and the police. They both feel like they are targets and it shouldn't be like that. So much have been going on between people shooting the police and the police shooting. It seems like now day every men is for themselves and it should NOT EVER be that way because that’s not the case but so much has been happening how could you not look at it as that way.-KenzieLand0032

  18. I absolutely loved listening to what this man had to say. The officer said that he had been in the police force for fourty-seven years now. I feel very fortunate to be able to listen to such a brilliant man. Throughout the video the officer spoke about the history of policing and how it has a bad look about it in citizens eyes. One thing that he mentioned was the fact that many people these days are scared of police officers even though they most definitely should not be scared of them. After all, the police are the ones who are protecting and serving them. The officer went on to talk about the history of the holocaust and his experience that he had at the holocaust museum. He said that he spoke to a holocaust survivor and at the end of the day he had noticed that something had bothered him throughout that day. The thing that bothered him was the fact that German police officers who had most likely taken the same vows and oaths as he did, were out there participating in harming the jews. The statement that he made about the German police officers was something that has never been brought up to my attention before. Another thing that caught my interest while watching this video was the fact that the officer asked a question to the audience about how many officers right now would say that their main duty is to enforce the law. When he said that I immediately thought in my head that he was wrong. My response was going to be serve and protect, but when he went on afterwards to say that if there were more officers who were to say that their main role was to defend the constitutional rights of all people, the world would then be a better place, this really got to me. I think that if most officers were trained to believe this that there would not be any trust issues with our law enforcement to this day. -Anchorman 002

  19. In the video, Charles Ramsey gave some very important points about policing and things that affect it. For someone who has the experience and seen transitions to a new way of policing in the US. Not only here in the US but also in other countries where police officers take advantage of their professional roles. For example, immigrants usually from Central America, won’t contact the police because of past experiences with the police back home. The police in latin american countries work with the governments and are very corrupt, making citizen afraid of them. Also, Ramsey stated that most officers will say that the role of police is to “enforce the law”. They are correct, but really police is someone that “defends the rights of all constitutional people.” I think if police officers mindset focus on that instead of being warriors there would be a better relationship with the community around them. The concept of being a guardian more than a warrior should taught a lot more. So that bias that people have even the community not just officers would make the the environment easier to work with. An interesting comment made by Ramsey and also a retired police officer I know said “how we see ourselves, is how we behave”, which is very important in general not just in the police profession. dory002

  20. "Everyone born in this world is a perfect 10, we all die so deduct three, you live in a home that is dysfunctional deduct three more, if your are a minority deduct yet another three, all you are left with is one." DO they even have a chance of not being labeled? unfortunately we all live in a world full of bias. Whether it is against Fat people, skinny people, people who live in poverty, from a foreign country. 90 day fiance I've yelled over the tv on that one. lastly but not least race. One way or another we all have bias if we want to admit it or not. how do we fix it? ignore the issue.? nope We learn how to deal with it kind of like religion we ask questions about other religions we can ask questions about how people are the way they are. where do they come from? We could educate ourselves on different backgrounds people come from. People are afraid of police because the lack of empathy some officers have. we need to be empathetic towards every situation. What may be little to us is tragic to someone else. Just because some is smiling doesn't mean they are having a good day and just because some looks angry doesn't mean that they are having a bad day. If we and officers took the time to get to know each other people may not be afraid of officers. After all policing has changed over the years and they are trying to work on past mistakes as well because of bias in the 50, 60, 70,80, 90, and 2000's casket003


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