Policing in a Democracy


  1. To be effective community policing needs a democratic environment to flourish in. This can only happen if the community and the police form a partnership of equality. They must also learn to trust each other with the understanding that whatever the one does will also be in the best interest of the other. The wounds caused by questionable police involvement in government suppression of the citizens of former non-democratic societies would be healed the fastest if community policing becomes a reality based on trust and cooperation. Only then will the police be able to truly serve and protect those model citizens who strive to obey the laws their own democracy creates. Something that he mentioned in the video about the police are being thankless really stood out to me and I think that is a very true statement and I think that they are not thanked enough for the things they do. Regardless of what happened or what some cops have done all cops are not bad and some should be thanked more than they are hated. It is interesting to note that they do not suggest more practical ideas for solving the crime problems in our communities. These people criticize the police for not being willing to change, but they themselves do not want to try something new for fear of the unknown, or because they just do not want any authority controlling public law and order. By taking a sufficiently critical but open minded approach, we might be able to implement community policing in those areas where it is most appropriate and needed. As we practice community policing we should strive to improve it every day. Society is dynamic; therefore, police officers should also be willing and ready to tailor their responses to crime and their interactions with the public to accommodate changes in communities.

    1. Bball003, I agree. The community needs to build a relationship with the police and vice versa. It is the only way to create a healthy and successful society. Trusting each other and working together is at the base of this noble endeavor. If we all participate the future of policing will forever be changed. -CoalRoller033

  2. Reply to bball003
    I think you have good stuff. You are correct with how people need to think in order to make this world the best it can be. I believe that the police should be thanked more also. I see all this hate against officers when they are trying to help the individual is just sickening. -chicubs003

  3. Mr. John Noakes who has a Ph.D. started the video with a simple philosophy, this concept is a social contract. He explained, we give up a little bit of our personal liberty in exchange for mutual security. We agree to not do what ever we want when ever we want to do it. In exchange others will follow the same code we live by. This kind of philosophy is not something we can see or touch, but its something we feel in the ease of every day living. We are in part simply unaware of this code that is the fabric that holds a functioning society together. This is a simple yet extremely profound way of thinking. I find this highly appealing as it addresses the fundamentals of a healthy society. I am glad the video started with this straightforward principal, as it laid great ground work for the rest of the video. He continued to explain this idea farther, we are virtually unaware of the code until someone does not follow it. He gave the example of an impatient driver running a red traffic light. The “code” has been broken. We notice it when it’s not present more than when it is present. This philosophy protects society from the bullies, bad drivers and the evil criminals by establishing a relationship between people and people in authority, stated Dr. Noakes. For those who are unable or choose to not cooperate with this philosophy there are the police. They protect us from those who do not value the social contract theory as we do. The police have the authority to enforce this mentality on the community. Their power and authority are given to them by us, the community. This approach to the system is key. I find this to be highly interesting how this all plays out in reality. We give them the power to reinforce our codes to enable them so that we may have a successful society. I had not thought of this approach in this kind of light. I found this video interesting, as it challenged my perspective of the criminal justice system. -CoalRoller003

  4. As i listened to this video, police do a great job to the community by protecting people from the bad ones. Indeed they deserve appreciation instead of hate. To my understanding if you hate police there must be a reason why is that. He also stated clearly that if you are patrolling down the street you just cant use force to citizens by beating them up wrongly using the authority you have. use of force apply in certain situation and being a trained police you must know when and how to use the force to the citizens. police authority must be used collectively and must have good reasonable cause when conducting any arrest or search. police recognize the nature and extent of their discretionary authority and must always be accountable to the people, their elected representatives, and the law for their actions, and be as transparent as possible in their decision making. Honesty and good ethical practices are essential. The mark of a good police officer who work within is that they contentiously seek to handle their business more effectively and fairly, emphasizing preventing crime and disorder and not merely responding to it , and applying research and practical knowledge, using problem solving methods towards that end. I do like too this statement professor white use in class that when you are a police and you are trying to arrest somebody, just treat the person fairly but no not shaking the person like grape tree. police officers must not only be good police officers but good citizenship in their professional and personal lives. Also to all community respect the officers because they are there to protect you. GUSII 003

  5. This video explains how policing works in the world. We as a people expect the police and or the government to protect us by any means necessary. But by the laws we can not use violence unless by self defense. Police departments train police officers how to protect their self and how to protect others around them and when to use force when necessary. Most citizens do not have the same experiences with police officers as many as others do. Which is why our communities and the police officers need to form some type of connection. We as a people should take the time to get to know the police officers in our community and get to know them on a personal level.The citizens need to be able to understand that what the police officers are doing whats best for the communities. But also what the police officers need to take in consideration are the people who are in the communities and how certain things should be handled and how it may affect the community. He mentioned in the video that the police officers don't get thanked for their jobs. Which is true because a lot of police officers lay there lives on the line trying to help others in need. A lot of people think that all police officers are terrible people who try to abuse their authority. This is because people see videos on the internet and on the news about police brutality. Even though there are cops who do bad things in would. But yet there are good officers who want to make a difference in the world and actually mean what they say by serving and protecting and we should not blame every single police officer for the horrible mistakes that other police officers have made. Batman.003

    1. I totally agree with you when you mentioned the good cops that want to make a difference in our communites. Thats very true not every officer has intentions on being a bad cop and some of us see that and just think that they are the worst people ever when they are really here to help and protect us.

    2. I do agree with the fact between officers and civilians connection. I am not sure how to take his speech though because although informational, I felt more like he was not happy with the way law enforcement is versus us. I think people do not understand that officer's deal with totally different situations than we do as civilians and they have the training to do these things. -holywaffles003

  6. “The police are the only entity in society that not only has the right to use violence, but we expect them to use violence.” This statement made by John Noakes, the speaker in the video on TEDx, is kind of chilling to say, let alone really think about. The way policing is today, this statement can and does put fear into a lot of people who don’t believe their community has a good relationship with their law enforcement agency. Although, later in the video he spoke on that as a police officer, in order to make those in the community not feel threatened if they’ve not done anything wrong, we simply can’t be using excessive force and beating up everyone you see while patrolling a street. If used correctly, the force used by police should make them feel like they’re being not only protected, but served. The moment we start using the excessive force in scenarios in which they aren’t needed in, is the moment the community has fear starting to develop and hatred for the police. Used in moderation and only when absolutely necessary, the violence/force used by the police can save lives and stop things like active shooters from taking any(more) victims and reinforce that community-based policing many police are striving to improve today. In the beginning of the video, Mr. Noakes stated his outlook on how policing really works- he says that basically, we give up a bit of our personal liberty in exchange for mutual security. But in order for this to work, the police have to not only focus on their protection arm, but their service to those people in their community as well. In addition to this, some other things that need done are that those in the community with hatred for the police because of bad/inexperienced officers making poor decisions or abusing their powers need to realize that not all cops are bad- there are many out there who seriously are striving for change and who do the right things that mostly go unnoticed every day. If there were more people like Mr. Noakes and Mr. Russell in our policing commandment, we would already be at the level of change the community desires and needs to see. GMan003

  7. John Noakee opened his Ted Talk in an interesting way. His first words were, “Taking on someone in aa fist fight.” His point was that law enforcement officers are not able to beat everyone in a fist fight. There is always going to be someone bigger or tougher than they are. Mr. Noakee then talked about the Social Contract. The Social Contract is not something you can see or touch. It’s something you can feel. Social Conflict says that everyone gives up a little liberty in order to be more productive in a safe environment. If we play by the rules than the police will protect us from bullies and criminals. Society gives the police a monopoly to protect us. Because of this, we cannot act as police and “arrest” bad people if we see them. Police officers have Use of Force Continuum to help them know when to use force or not. The most frequent use of force is actually a verbal command. We have to have some type of respect between us and the government. The government has to establish some fear in-order to protect us from the bad in our world. The police are the government body that protect us. The speaker is concerned that those who support and those who do not support law enforcement spend more time arguing about their own side of the issue than talking to each other. I believe that people don’t appreciate the job that police do 24/7, 365. Police officers are constantly working in-order to keep the peace in the streets and in people’s homes. Society is almost always changing so police need to alter their tactics in order to keep the peace. Police officers are often considered peace officers as a way to draw more attention that they are here to help and not cause unwarranted harm.-chicubs003

  8. John Noakee opened his Ted Talk talking about taking someone in a fist fight. From his perspective, law enforcement officers are not able to beat everyone they come across in a fist fight. There is always going to be someone bigger or even be outmatched by another individual. John Noakee then talked about the Social Contract and how it is used. The Social Contract is something you can’t see nor touch. He goes on to say that we all give up a little bit of liberty in exchange for mutual security. The Social Contract is something you can feel. He says you as a citizen can feel the ease of daily life when the Social Contract is working. The people who follow the Social Contract are making an agreement with the people in higher authority so long as you play along with the rules of daily life and in turn the government will protect you from the ones that choose to not follow those rules. The citizens empower the police with a monopoly over the legitimate means of violence in society. Us as citizens expect the police use violence to end threats such as the shooting in the Las Vegas. John Noakee goes on to talk about how the people on the side of law enforcement and those on the other side will continue to fight for their own sides instead of work together to find common ground. I think it's important for people to understand and step into the shoes of a police officer and understand their thinking in the situations lethal force is used. Police officers are trying to do what is best for their communities and keep them safe. Overall, I found John Noakee’s talk very informative and opened up a new area I hadn’t given much thought too. -CUBSFAN003

  9. In the video, the speaker brings up the topic of a social contract. This contract is something we as a society have generally accepted; in order to live a safe life protected from harm, we must give up a little bit of our freedom. He states that police were created because we anticipate not everyone will agree with the contract and do whatever they want. The police must protect their communities by using means that are necessary. Police officers are expected to use violence and force that regular citizens are not allowed to do. This is an idea that the majority of people recognize because it is sometimes deemed necessary for protection. Although officers are expected to use force, they sometimes abuse it. Because of this, it is important for officers to think about their actions and realize they will constantly be criticized by the public. -smokeybear003

  10. I like how he talks about this social contract between us as civilians and people of authority regarding protection with the government for us. He says this is police. We empower the police with the monopoly and the legitimacy of violence. He says we can go as far as to say that policing is defied over that monopoly of violence because they can do things we cannot. This may be true but it is the simple fact that police officers are employed to do a job that us civilians cannot. That is just like someone without a doctorate in medicine advising or diagnosing someone and an actual doctor doing so. It is two totally different things and if you have the training to do these certain things and handle violence, that is a part of these officer's jobs. He also talks about the use of force continuum. The most frequent uses of force by an officer is their presence at the scene or their verbal commands. He is talking about the police and a riot in St. Louis and how the police were chanting "Whose streets, our streets" once they were able to pack up and take control of the streets. The police ultimately do control the city though and enforce the laws. This is where we see people not understanding that officers are human as well. Police officers do not just walk around with a club and threaten people if they get out of line. He said the more legitimate the police are, the more they will be able to follow the social contract. He also discussed police officer's qualities and how they should be. I do like how he did say at the end he was not targeting police but I do not like the continuous harshness he provided throughout his speech about how police need oversight because us as the public, we cannot just oversee the police or control them by any means, we simply have to rely on them and let them do their job and put trust into them to do so. -holywaffles003

    1. This is a very good you have a lot of information that was used in the video. I liked how you connected everything and how you talked about the monopoly of violence so they can do things we cannot. I like how at the end you close it really nicely talking about how we just have to rely on them. -pizza-003

    2. I like that at the end you said as the public we have to rely on police officers to do their job and put trust into them, I can tell you respect what they do and I think a big issue now is people no longer trust the police because social media has put them on this stand that portrays them as bad people. Putting trust into them will help them connect with us which helps both parties in the end.Ark003

    3. I agree with you, police officers have to go through multiple months of training and some even years of schooling, who are then put through multiple tests to make sure they are truly qualified to fulfill the job they are about to take on. Whereas, the average person or civilian is not certified or did not go through the testing to be qualified to take on the proper role. #notaplumber003

  11. This video started out with John noakes who started out talking about the social contract. This contract is basically saying we can not do whatever we want when we want to and it makes sure others cant. It gives you an ease through daily live. If you agree to play the rules of government it agrees to protect you from the people who cant or wont make the commitment. So for this the government has to have a force to protect us all this would be the police. And how police have the right to use violence and we expect them to use violence. How we expect them to do anything they can to stop someone especially if it was a shooter. He then talks about how police are trained only to use enough force to subdue the uncooperative person. He really goes over how much the police officer is needed and how almost no one will refuse to follow the instructions of an officer. He also made some great points about how if out think about putting all that power in one place you would think it would be a really risky thing I also liked how he talked about how people don't experience police the same way, therefore the social contract does not work the same way for everyone. He also goes on about how we are blessed and cursed with all the videos we have access to have told us that what people have been telling us is true people of color and race are treated differently. This was very informative and really gives a different look around policing. And the importance of why both an active and effective police force and active and effective oversight of the police are necessary for a liberal democracy to thrive. -pizza003

  12. The video was a discussion about the social contract. He explained that the social contract was an agreement. It’s an agreement that we obey the rules that are established and the government will agree to protect us. The government will protect us by providing an agency and that agency is the police. The police are given permission to use violence that is justified. If there is someone that is shooting at everyone we want the police to do whatever it takes to stop that person. There is necessary force and unnecessary force. The police department is there to teach officers how much force is necessary and what types of force are unnecessary. He explained that the most frequent uses of force that are used by police officers are the verbal commands that they give and the fact that they are at the scene. He wants to save the social contract. He explained that not everyone experiences policing the same way and I agree with that. Some people have good experiences and some people have bad experiences. Some people might of had searches that were unjustified and that’s why their experiences might not of been good. Everyone has different experiences. He said that sometimes the social contract might not work for everyone and I agree with that. There are people out in the world that refuse to follow the laws whether it’s stealing or committing murder. If we follow the laws, the social contract will be more effective. If none of us followed the social contract, it won't be effective at all. He explained how the social contract is not perfect and it’s not meant to be one hundred percent perfect. We are humans and we are not perfect and we make mistakes. That’s what makes us human. He said that those that are too critical of police put us at risk. I can see what he’s saying because that’s what is going to cause problems that involve the social contract. If more and more people decide to go against the police, the social contract won't be effective. I really liked when he said that we should fight to maintain the social contract, even if the results will be imperfect. Without the social contract, we would not have anyone to protect us. Sometimes there are situations that are too big for us handle and having the police force can be a big help. -Soccer003

  13. John talks about how policing and a democracy work together to protect the people. There is a social contract that the people trust in and a democracy have to follow. People within a community expect the police to protect them when things go wrong, and for a community to function the police have to do this. One thing he said is that the police are the only people that are not only permitted to use violence, but are expected to use violence. This really stuck with me because it’s something that we see so much about in today’s media. People complain when police use violence and complain when police use force, but if you were the victim in that situation would you not expect and want the police to do that? It’s really easy to watch a Facebook video where the police are beating up a suspect while trying to handcuff him and to comment saying that this is terrible and absolutely unacceptable. But when you’re the victim in that situation and you have been assaulted and then the cops have been assaulted you almost expect the police to use force on him as well. The social contract that we live by in a democracy has to be taken into consideration when you see these police brutality videos. I’m not saying that the cops are right in this situation, but it’s more understandable when you’re at the scene and not behind your computer screen. We can’t just bash the police as a community and say all these awful things about them and then expect them to be there when we need it. Well, we can, because it’s what we’re doing as a community right now, but it’s simply not right. We need to better our relationships with the police to keep the social contract in tact and where it should be. Celtics003

  14. This video is based on the idea of a social contract. Something that I have not heard of but something that is used all the time in the everyday life. It is an interesting idea if you think about it. People will walk down the street and mind their own business and they can not just walk down the street and start frisking someone or taking them home in handcuffs to interrogate them. In the video he says that the social contract would fall apart without the police officers. He says in the video that we will not do whatever we want in exchange that they will do the same thing.The police hold the power to use violence when they need to and when they need to take someone to the station in handcuffs to interrogate them or to frisk them when they feel that they are in danger. These powers are given to these police officers so that we do not have to put ourselves in danger. These police officers are doing what they can to make sure this “social contract” is upheld. We give this power to the law enforcement trusting them to do the right thing and a majority of the time they are doing the right things, some abuse their power but for the most part they are doing what they can to serve the communities. Everyone just wants to live their life not worrying about things happening to them and that is what the police is for. To protect us from the people that break this so called social contract and to make them realize that if they do not go with this social contract, you will have some of your rights taken away and they can do things such as frisk you or take you in for interrogations and other things such as those. -Steel003

  15. The Social Contract is a mutual agreement among the members of society to give up a little bit of liberty in order for state protection. In the video John Noakes states the social contract could not be upheld without the police but that certain ideas in the contract are a malformed version due to the fact that it absolves the responsibility of citizens to oversee and review the police and how they carry out their duties. I disagree with this somewhat because the police are there to uphold the law and we are suppose to uphold our end of abiding by the law, we should trust the police and that they are doing what's best for the community but we should also call out any acts that are unlawful or that you feel didn't go with the use of force continuum. The social contract is set in place to keep people safe from people who do not want to follow the law, the presence of police is important because we can not take people into custody ourselves or make people follow the rules like the police can. In the video he also states that not everyone experiences the police the same way which is true because some are ruled by bias, even though it is not fair it happens. I believe this leaves a stain on the police name, because people tend to stick to the bad news and not that the bad news is not important because it is but the police do a lot of good for people and it sometimes tends to go unnoticed. He says that policing is often a thankless job and I agree with this, not that they feel like they need to be congratulated but if people are going to point out the bad I think it is just as important to point out all the good they are doing. Ark003

  16. Dr. John Noakes gave a very interesting speech, and thoroughly enjoyed it. His experiment at the beginning of his speech, because is gave you a better perspective on social contract. The social contract is where you give up little amounts of your freedom, to have mutual security. The social contract, is what keeps up safe. It establishes a simple relationship between us, and the law enforcement authorities. Dr. Noakes did a very good explaining the social contract as well. He gave great examples, and multiple details in order to ensure the audience understood it. A normal person, sees the job as a gun slinging, getting in shootouts and foot chases, when that really isn't what happens at all. Dr. Noakes makes a great point when he says that, citizens don't really see the police in a raw form but a potential form. The potential for violence, which paints the picture, about how people think policing is.You would never think that an armed police officer giving a command, would be considered use of force. But it is, and I find that really interesting, because in an argument, when an armed officer is involved it completely change the use of force memorandums. Dr. Noakes stated that if citizens did not follow the social contract laws, then the world we be complete chaos, and that is completely true. That's why we as citizens, are self regulators, and we know what is right, and what is wrong with the social contract. That's why when you break a law and if you abide to officers demands, you are not going outside the lines of the social contract. You go outside the lines of the social contract, if you disobey the officer, or authoritative figure giving you those demands. Before watching this video, I have never heard of the social contract, but I find it really interesting now that I know about it.

  17. This video absolutely hit all the major issues that police and the community are facing in today's democracy. He starts out by saying the two major concepts of the policing is the monopoly they run and their legitimacy. By monopoly, he is meaning that police have the ability to take away a person's freedom if they believe you are doing something wrong. No other person, besides police, have the authority to do so. The speaker talks about how the relationships between police and the community are segregated. In one portion of the video he mention that he has never been worried about police not being there when he needs help. He also mentioned that he has never thought about sitting down his kids to explain to them how to act around police. For many people, this is odd to think that people would have to think about doing these things. I certainly would not have thought about these scenarios. The next part of the concepts he mention was the legitimacy of the police. When people have the possibility in the back of their heads that they could be taken advantage of, this ultimately hurts the social contract of the police and community. This causes people to maybe not trust the police in all situation. Yet again, this makes a bigger segregation in the relationship. One of the biggest things that needs to happen is for police departments to start community policing more and changing the way they approach community relations. If they are able to build trust with the community and younger generations, they view of police and their legitimacy will be altered in a good way. Overall, I believe John Noakes made very well informed points in his TED Talk. -AS003

  18. I like how this speaker starts off his Ted Talk, he starts off by asking if you were in a fist fight do you think you would be the last one standing. It does get the crowd into the speak and get their attention but it also plays a bigger role. We give up some of our liberty for protection. We cannot do whatever we want when we want so that we can walk the streets without fear of being killed, well in most places anyway. Something that I never thought of that we give the police a Monopoly to use violence. In business we hate the word Monopoly because it gives someone way too much power, but we give that power to the police to keep us safe. While he was speaking I was still thinking of Police and the monopoly of violence, we do only give the police the right to take someone down by force. Like the speaker stated we expect in times like the Vegas shooting. I would want the police to do everything in there power to take him down, I would want them to take him down with deadly force. That is something that you really do not think about. We as citizens cannot take down a person who is doing something wrong even if we really wanted to. We would be the ones getting in trouble by the police. The only way we could take someone down is in self-defense. I like how the speaker states that the officers voice can be called use of force. For us as citizens if we yell at someone to stop what they are doing they would just look at us like we are crazy but when a police officer does it, it becomes more powerful. -ClarkKent003

  19. John Noakes, says, police officers are the only ones that are allowed to use violence when needed. But the sad part, is according to society, we expect them to use violence and force. But the normal person or civilian isn’t allowed to use force or violence, only under certain circumstances, like the Castle Doctrine or in self-defense. All the policing have to do is have a reasonable doubt to pat someone down or to even search them, whereas, the average person isn’t allowed to do that because it could be a crime. Now a police officer isn’t always allowed to use force, it only depends on the stage of the situation or if they feel threatened or if someone is not cooperating. The bigger picture is what are the police doing right and what are the police doing wrong. Should they have limitations when it comes to using force or violence. The social contract of police is handled in very many different ways. Like Noakes says, “not everyone experiences police the same way.” Some people have bad experiences, because they are having a bad or the officer is having a bad day. Some people don’t like to listen or cooperate, they prefer to push the officer’s to the limit to see how long they can handle the nonsense. Therefore, the social contract does not work the same for everyone. Some people experience bias of unneeded violence and other situations that turn out bad. The social contract is a social agreement promising protection in a state of the police or law enforcement. But as a whole police officers have gone through multiple months of training and some even years of schooling, who are then put through multiple tests to make sure they are truly qualified to fulfill the job they are about to take on. Whereas, the average person or civilian is not certified or did not go through the testing to be qualified to take on the proper role. #notaplumber003

  20. The speaker in this video name was John Noakes. Right off in the beginning of the video he speaks to the crowd of people about how as a police officer in law enforcement, you cannot just always go out swinging because sooner or later you or someone else will end up getting seriously hurt. One thing that he mentioned in the video that caught my attention was when he started speaking about social contract. It was interesting to hear how Mr. Noakes spoke about it. In the video he said that you are not able to see it or touch it, but it is necessary so that we can protect people from harm even if it means giving up a little bit of freedom. I feel that the social contract is a must and that it is what we must follow in order to keep the peace as much as possible for the well being of others. I thought it was interesting when the statement that people expect police officers to use force came up. It is sad to say and hear, but it is so very true. In this day and age, everyone expects police to use brutal force to push people around and get them to do what we want. Many people do not realize how or why police officers make the decisions that they do when it comes to situations that involve police officers using physical force. There are many situations that could cause an officer to have to use physical force in order to keep others safe from harm. There are some parts to this video that I think that a person who is not in law enforcement would completely understand. If you are not in law enforcement then you will never know how it feels to be in an officer's shoes and completely understand the decisions that an officer must make on a daily basis. -Anchorman003

  21. The most common use of force that the police use today is verbal command. proper communication goes along ways when communicated appropriately. When an officer is present in a situation trying to handle it. They are their to help resolve an issue through communicating between the party of people in a helpful civil manner. Helps break the tension at least somewhat. However what happens when the force of verbal command can't deescalate the situation. Cuffs may do the trick. However the social contract is not a fix it all solution just like sometimes verbal command does not always work in situations . A social agreement is still not a fix it all solution. Officers have there own breaking point just like every one else in this world. Can they control their actions better than others.? How many officers themselves been charged with domestic violence, murder or rape? sometimes those who are supposed to protect us do us harm as well. i feel like the social contract is not a one size fits all. Which brings me back to one of the questions that was asked. "Would you want to fight your way home" Who wouldn't do what they had to do to ensure they made it home safely. That is probably one of the reasons on why we have so many police shootings. Officers doing what they have to do to ensure that they make it home safely to their families. I can't imagine someone just waking up saying "oh im gonna shoot someone today". Well some people do. Thats why they are in prison. Social contract doesn't work because we live in an imperfect world. casket003


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