Warriors or Guardians?


  1. This Ted Talk video describes what a police officer can really do for the community. The speaker, a police officer for over 30 years and a Police Chief for 17 years, spoke about the difference mindsets of officers today. The two mindsets are Guardian vs. Warrior. First let’s start with Guardian. The phrase “Guardian” is used, as more of a defensive term to protect and make sure the community is safe. Guardians will protect those around them, in this case the community, as a shield or protector. The Warriors mindset is used to describe tracking down all the bad people and putting them in jail. His point was that neither mindset is necessarily bad. Both mindsets will help to keep the community safe. But in today’s environment policing has changed so these two mindsets need to evolve as well. Back in the early 2000’s, protecting and being a “guardian” received more attention while being a warrior was not. Sometimes, police need to have more warrior type actions. Such as terrorism, shooting, etc. The officer’s main job is to protect the community against threats. Threats can come in many different shapes and sizes. Citizens can be partners with law enforcement in finding out who did what crimes. Organizational accountability means keeping officers accountable for their actions and letting them know what will and what won’t be tolerated. The officer in the video refers to See Something, Say Something. This means if you see a crime than report it. Accountability breeds responsibility meaning that if officers are held to high expectations than they will be more diligence in finding the best way to do there job. I think this video, does a good job of explaining different parts of the job. -chicubs003

    1. I agree with you -chicubs003 how you described what which one means. Each one has they own meaning and they both have they pros and cons and both can be used at the same time in any situations. You just have to know when and where to be a warrior and a guardian and know when to be a warrior and when to be a guardian.-Kenzie003

  2. This is an interesting read. The article talks about “warriors or guardians”, which means the officers are either “First responders or first line of defense.” For me as I process that, that is hard to stomach. You wonder if the officer who responds to your call is either save a life or take a life. I do agree though, that if the officer is responding to a scene that requires medical attention, they should have gear on board to render first aid. When I think if a guardian, I think of a person who is there to protect and serve. It is encouraging to read that Philadelphia officers are willing to take people to the hospital in their police vehicles if it is life threating. In my opinion, that is an officer who has the mindset of a guardian. An officer who has the mind set of a warrior, is an officer who thinks he or she has to always catch the bad guys. An officer may pull his gun quickly, because he may be in fear for his life. Or he may be fearful of being humiliated by his peers for because, the suspect does not comply to his commands. It is mind boggling to see how we as a society do not hold officers accountable for their actions. As the article talks about how an officer was not help responsible for the death of an unarmed citizen. How can things get better if we do not hold people accountable for their actions? It is inevitable, that we must slow things down. We must work with the officers, and teach them to slow their response down. Do not be so quick to pull their guns out unless they are fearful for their lives. When officers are dealing with dangerous people, they must slow themselves down and have patience with them. At the end of the day, would you rather have a guardian (someone who is a first responder) or a warrior (First line of Defense) show up and assist you on a call? Illinoisgurl002

    1. I agree with what you are saying when it comes to police officers should come to the scene with first aid. Police officers should be trained in what to do. The officer should always remember that this is someones life in there hands. But also think about what if it was them. Batman.002

    2. I have thought about some of these things before but in my job I work with police officers and i am friends with quite a few. There is way more to it than just being fearful of their lives and having a gun out. In today's world, you do not know who you are dealing with and what this person's intentions are and there are so many concerning situations for officer's it is hard to judge especially since we are civilians and have 0 training unlike them. -holywaffles003

  3. If the police change their mindset from warriors to guardians in the community there mindset wold be in a better place than what it is now. Instead of the police provided first aid or medical care to the individuals they shoot no matter the reason for the shooting this can help the hostility towards law enforcement in america. Some ideas help do help change people views of the police by having all the patrol cars to carry Hemostatic bandages often used by the Milton the battlefield that can prevent shooting victims from bleeding to death before they get medical help. In my opinion this is a helpful thinking since most officers are shooting to be shooting and this can help save their lives and better training in where to shoot the criminals or victim. In some cases cops drive victims including those they have been shot to the hospital. I think people would trust police more if they actually cared about the people. A gun should be the last resort and use a taser to stop the criminal then killing them, they are just as you in most cases. Sherman said a lot of shooting can also be explained by officers feeling the urgency to resolve a confratation quickly so they can be somewhere else where they are needed. The solution is to slow down take your time this is someone life. If the shoe was on the other foot you wouldnt want someone to shoot you because they feel like they dont want to be there. Slowing down and handling situations with patience can help in almost every scenario. They need to try to get to the bottom of the problem or trying to talk them out of what they are trying to do or continuing can help from shooting or killing someone who is lost and scared or just messed lead in situations. Batman.002

    1. I agree with what you mentioned about them changing their mindset to a guardian because the communites would be much better if we feel like they can protect us instead of us getting scared to even call them when something wrong becuase we dont feel that is the safest thing to do.

  4. The guardian operates as part of the community, demonstrating empathy and employing procedural justice principles during interactions. The behavior of the warrior cop, on the other hand, leads to the perception of an occupying force, detached and separated from the community, missing opportunities to build trust and confidence based on positive interactions.If officers have that warrior mindset the trust with the community will be at its all time low. If the officers had a guardian mindset the officers woul dbe the protectors of the community and the communities will be better than they are now. The officers have to hold themselves accountable, if an officer connects with a person from the community you nor he will never forget that because he most likely did something good or something to protect you. Officers also have to serve people, every encounter matters. There are also 3 levels of survival significant would be the one that our communities would love for the officers to take in.The police officer’s missionis that of a guardian: to protect. The rules ofengagement evolve as the incident unfolds. In war, collateral damage is expected and accepted.Not so in policing. On the battlefield, the soldier acts on orders from a superior. In the community,the officer is the leader, rarely operating with the luxury of direct supervision. a primary warrior mindset actually make officers less safe by creating avoidable violence. Because violence is rare in police-citizen contacts, a constant warrior mindset and tactics can also trigger a negative or violent reaction that was avoidable. And not just in that incident. Treating every encounter with a warrior mindset and every citizen as a potential enemy doesn’t build cooperation and trust in the community. If the community doesn’t cooperate with the police, their job is more dangerous.Guardian mindset proponents believe that officers can be trained to be tactically safe without approaching every citizen as a potential enemy combatant.

  5. In the video he said that the role of policing has changed over the years and that we are training more officers with a warrior mindset rather than guardian. While I believe that this is somewhat true, I think there is a war on police and there is much more hatred and higher levels of violent crimes that police have to be much more aware than they used to be. More people are killing police officers and pre-meditating ways to do so. He also said there are three levels of service, those include: Survival, Successful and Significant. I completely agree with this. I think being a police officer, you always need to go above and beyond service and what is asked of you. People will remember those experiences forever and it will impact them and when they see another officer, it will continue their impression. In the video he also said how accountability breeds responsibility. I think that this needs to be taught a little harder because once you take that accountability and hold yourself to it, you are noticed. Especially being a police officer, you need to be held to that standard. You are in the public's eye constantly. One small hiccup, you will forever face it and it will never go away. In situations, police officer's have seconds to figure out what to do but lawyers have months to tear it apart. There really is an upcoming generation watching police officer's more than ever because police are always on the news and something is always going on and these children are witnessing it. I think this generation will either absolutely not want anything to do with law enforcement or recognize that they can help and be a change. We, as students trying to get into these professions, really need to recognize all of these. -holywaffles003

  6. By having more of a Guardian mind set in policing your more likely to respond to an incident in a manner that is less threatening. You would be eager to handle the situation with a use of force that is lethal and more willing to take your time and talk through a situation. Yes there are some instances where we have no choice but to use our firearm but in those cases officers who show compassion by tending to the individual that was shot, the community would see that it in a different light and not that the officer was just looking to kill the suspect. In the same sense the community must also understand when the officer has used there weapon as a last resort. If an officer only has a “Warrior” mindset he/she is more like to have numerous issues with the community because this shows they only have one way of thinking. They are not able to think outside the box and find other ways to handle the situation in a less threatening manner. One must also know that levels of use of force and know when to use hands on tactics, taser and their firearm. Sometimes this is hard when one only has seconds to decide. It is also is hard to decide when a suspect is not cooperating with verbal commands and is acting as if they have a weapon. I find that newer “Rookie” officers have the Warrior mindset. They feel as though they have something to prove being the new man/women on the force. So there more eager to prove that they can handle themselves. I feel the older more seasoned officers have the Guardian mindset being that that have dealt with the community more, they are more familiar with the citizens and they have more experience. Jadist003

  7. The article talks about police officers having a warrior or guardian mindset and the difference both ideologies work. The guardian officer operates as part of the community, and shows an empathy and justice principles during interactions with the people they come across. The behavior of the warrior cop, rather, leads to the perception of an occupying force, detached and separated from the community. Their actions usually caused missed opportunities to build trust and confidence within the community. If the officers police with the guardian mindset the officers would be the protectors of the community and the communities will be better than they are now while also having the trust of the police department to do their jobs fairly. If police officers police with the warrior mindset then the community wouldn’t have much trust for them and encounters with them might not be as kind to those that don’t have the guardian mindset. The article states in the guardian mindset that the solution is to slow down and create space so that there is an option to be patient. I like this because it shows how a situation could go better if everyone including the officer just took things slow so that everyone involved can make the right decision. After reading the article I think it is important as a community to understand where police come from when they are faced with very tough situations. I think it's important that officers try and adopt the guardian mindset as it will only help them police their communities, but also gain trust with them as well. Overall, the article was very informative and showed the different mindsets that police officers have while they are on the streets. -CUBSFAN003

  8. Overall, I think officers would have a better reputation if they did change their mindset to being Guardians. Many people see an officer and automatically think they are a bad person. There are many stories where a mother and a child will see an officer out in public. And if that child is misbehaving the mother and or parent will say to the child, “if you don’t behave or listen than the police officer will arrest you and take you away from me.” Than many children seem to see officers as a threat or are even scared of them. Police officers should be trained to provide first aid to individuals who have been injured in police actions. Not only would this save many people from dying after they’ve been shot by an officer for unknown reasons. But many people would survive gunshot wounds and we could then question them and lock them up if needed too. If officers were trained in first aid, many people would see them more as a guardian and willing to help the public instead of a warrior fighting against the public in efforts to see the negative and not the positive. I loved the quote in the article, “little changes can cause huge impacts.” This is so true, just carrying more medical equipment, would be beneficial in the long run because more people would end up living from their injuries than dying. If more officers take their time, and slow down when confronting someone they think might be dangerous, they can then make a connection with them in proving that they are in no need of a threat. Many people would change their mind about lawn enforcement and police officers in general, and they wouldn’t be so afraid of them. When in reality, most of them want to help but have been trained to help themselves first and make sure they are safe. #notaplumber002

    1. I agree with you police officers, need to switch their mindset to guardians, they need to be protectors. Instead a of gunslinging crime stopper, community policing is how you become a good police officer. Its essential for our police officers to protect our citizens, and to not try and find crime.

  9. This article is about weather or not police should have a warrior mindset or a guardian mindset. I think that the perfect cop has a little bit of both, and knows when the appropriate time to use them are. If a cop has a mindset of a guardian and doesn’t have a warrior mindset at all then it will cause problems. For example, a cop needs to think quickly in certain situations and make the one that will save the most lives. Sometimes this means tackling the gunman or shooting the gunman instead of protecting and shielding the people that he’s shooting at. A warrior mindset can save lives, but can also cause a cop to get into trouble. That’s why a cop needs to have a balance between the two. If a cop is too much of a warrior then they might get aggressive with individuals and this leads to police brutality. If a cop has a guardian mindset too, then they can comfort kids and be a real impact in the community. Being a tough guy is only going to get you so far as a police officer, and won’t get you very far in the community. This article talks a lot about patience in relation to police officers. I think that police need the warrior mentality to take the shot when needed and not to hesitate, but also to have the guardian mindset to put the gun down and stop shooting. I think when we see these cases of offenders being shot 10+ times by police it’s because they have too much of a warrior mindset. If more cops had the perfect balance of the guardian and warrior mindset then I think the police brutality would go down and the relationship with the public would go up. -Celtics002

    1. I totally agree with you. I think that if someone combines both the guardian and the warrior then that would be the perfect police officer. Sadly, there is no such thing as perfect, due to the image that they have in the eyes of social media. Many do not know that there are only a few bad officers and that makes people think that all officers are bad again due to social media. –Adventureflight002

  10. In this video he talked about the warrior and guardian mentality. A warrior is a person that is at war with something. A person with a warrior mentality might take extreme actions that are not needed. They might take the situation and blow it out of proportion. Law enforcement might see this with a lot of new police officers and I’m not saying that all new police officers have this mentality because some of them don't. A guardian is a protector of the community. They see the calls of policing, not just the action that might have to be taken. They look out for the community and they are partners with the community. He talked about wanting to expand the mindset. I think having the guardian mentality is better because police officers are meant to protect the community. A warrior mentally might automatically think about what action to take but the guardian is gonna think about how to come about the situation and how to handle it without unnecessary force. I thought it was interesting how he talked about the three levels of service. You got survival, successful, and significant. Police officers want to try and help the best they can. He used an example of someone being stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. Law enforcement wants the police officers to help to the best of their ability. Law enforcement wants the police officers to give the people the best services that they can. Law enforcement wants the police officers to show that they truly care. Whether it’s stopping to see if they are ok or calling someone to come help or even changing the tire if they know how to do it. I liked when he said that accountability breeds responsibility. Police officers should try to give the highest performance that they can. -Soccer003

    1. Overall, I enjoyed reading your discussion. I really liked how you explained how a warrior is a person that is at war with something and how a guardian is someone who is there to protect the community. I agree that the guardian mentality is better because that's what police officers are there to do. Good job!-pizza002

  11. In this article, the writer talks about whether the police should have a guardian mind set or a warrior mind set. If a police officer has a guardian mind set, it means that they are a part of the community, they show empathy and justice principles with interactions with the people they come across. If a police officer has a warrior mind set, it means that they are more likely to use force, and are separated from the community. I do not see why they cannot be both. I mean on one hand, yeah, it is good to be part of a community and have empathy to those people they come across. It is good to get to know everyone in one’s community because once you get to know them they tend to trust someone more. Same with the police and the community. Once the police gain the communities trust, there tends to be less fear of police. Also, the crime rate might go down. On the other hand, sometimes force is necessary to save one’s self or others. The warrior detaches themselves from the community. Once a police officer does not want to get to know people in their community there tends to be less trust in the police. Also, the crime rate might go up. But, if you put the two together, you get something that is almost perfect. You would get a police officer that knows the community, but uses force when it is necessary. They still have the communities trust, but also will use what is, again, necessary to protect that community. I feel that most officers are like this today, but there is just that few who give to police a bad image in the media. I learned a lot from this article and hope that we can di better. –Adventureflight002

    1. I agree with you that most of the officers going in to the field now seem to have the warrior mentality. There needs to be more training in the Guardian part of the mentality. In the video it states that the training consist of 90 percent of warrior training. It should be an almost even split in my opinion. -ClarkKent002

  12. One of the first things that the speaker talked about is that police officers need to change their mind set. They need to change from a warrior mind set to a Guardian mind set. A warrior is a person who enforces the law like a robot, they still have the mentality of protect and serve, and it is a Us Vs. Them situation when they get into confrontation. A guardian is the type of person who is the protector of the people. This officer treats all people with respect law abiding citizen or not. They are partners with the people in the community. In this day and age there are more warriors than there are guardians. One of the reasons to why there are more Warrior officers than there are Guardians is because officers have lost the compassion for people. They have become desensitized, callous, and dehumanized with the training they are given. It is stated in the video that the training consist of 90 percent of the training is warrior training but in the field it really only accounts for 7 percent of what the police actually do. Most of the time the officer is doing a service call not in a shootout with a criminal. There needs to be a change in the training that we give police officers to reflect the reality of what they will face in the field. The training also depends on what type of neighbor hood that you are police. If you are police a high crime neighborhood that has a lot of gun violence then you should be getting more Warrior training than Guardian training. Vice versa if you live in a low crime area where it is mostly just service calls then you should be given more Guardian training then warrior training. -ClarkKent002

  13. This article was very interesting and made lots of valid points. “Can Police Change Their mindset from Warriors to Guardians” by Stephen Handelman discusses “warriors or guardians”, which refers to how police officers can either be “first responders or first life of defense” after a shooting. Whatever the reason for the shooting may be. When they’re talking about someone who is a guardian I took that as someone who protects, where as a warrior is a fighter. In my opinion, I don't believe that either type of policing is wrong. However, society is changing, so they should too. The new idea is that police should be able to, and are encouraged to, save lives as opposed to taking them. Suggestions have been made by professionals such as Lawrence Sherman, a criminologist. Things like requiring patrol vehicles to carry hemostatic bandages, which could help prevent a shooting victim from bleeding to death before the ambulances could get there. Because making even little changes can cause a huge impact. Another example is that in Philadelphia, police officers will actually drive victims to the hospital. Even ones they had shot themselves. Another important change is to just figure out what makes a police officer use their weapon in the first place. Whether it because they think they needed to act fast to save themselves or others, or to save themselves from embarrassment if a suspect didn't follow orders. “Sometimes it’s not when to start shooting, it’s when to stop shooting”. Overall, i think it’s important to have a police officer who is trained to be both a warrior and a gaurdian. -pizza002

  14. I think all police officers should provide first aid to any individual hurt, whether they had just been hurt by someone else or the officer himself. Usually you see an officer shoot an individual, and handcuff this person who is shot and wait for emergency services to arrive. I think officers should administer first aid to try and save that individuals life, other than waiting. The article states that we need to re engineer police procedures to save lives and not take people's lives, no matter the situation. I think that is very important, because most people see cops as killers, and not as human beings. If we just give the officers the right tools, and equipment to at least preserve a person's life while waiting for the paramedics to arrive, could be the difference between life and death. The article states the hemostatic bags, a aid to stop a bleeding gunshot wound. If we just trained officers on how to use them, they could carry them in their patrol cars, and have them if they need them in certain situations. I also like the idea of police officer driving the victim to the hospital, other than waiting for the paramedics. I think that is a good idea, because the officer could stabilize the wound, and drive them to emergency room to get the vitim their quicker. Officers also need to be trained to not always resort to their firearm, they need to be trained to only use it when necessary. I feel like nowadays police officers automatically resort to their firearm to deter a situation. We need to create new methods, and ways to deter situations, so we can start rebuilding that broken trust between law enforcement, and communities. Officers need to learn to not shoot, instead when to shoot.

    1. I like that you brought up that people see cops as killers instead as human beings, I think people sometimes forget that they are taught to use their firearm as a last resort and that when they do shoot someone it's not because they wanted to but because they were protecting themselves and those around them. Ark002

  15. The article and video are about being a warrior or guardian, the article is about officers being required to give first aid to anyone they have shot regardless of the reason they used that course of action. Requiring patrol cars to carry hemostatic bandages that are used by the military on the battlefield gives the victim a chance to be saved because it helps stop them from bleeding to death. In Philadelphia, cops drive those they shot to the nearest emergency center in order to be helped. This forward way of thinking as a guardian after they had to be a warrior encourages cops to save lives instead of take them. Using a firearm is always a last resort but when it is needed these tiny changes will help cops feel like they did everything they could to save a life, instead of feeling the emotional turmoil of taking a life they didn’t want to take. It is important for law enforcement to have procedures and training on how to be a guardian and diffuse a situation instead of being a warrior which can sometimes escalate an issue and then they are forced to use a firearm to protect themselves or those who are in danger. The video talks about how having the warrior mindset can affect you in your daily life and it can take ahold of you, it can lead to a quick temper or anger, action without thought, protection without connecting or trying to diffuse or calm a situation. He talks about how a guardian is a partner with the community, and looks out for the community instead of being separate from them. Being a warrior keeps you from connecting with people, it is important to be trained on how to have both mindsets and to know which one to have in certain situations. Ark002

  16. As a police officer you have to know the proper time and event to be a warrior and/or a guardian. Ted was a police officer for over 30 years and a Police Chief for 17 years and he spoke about how the officers todays have a different mindset then they did when he was a officer and I can actually see the different because 9 years ago there was no Police vs. the community crime like it was today. People was actually working WITH the police back in 2010 but now it seems like they are against each other. Yes police suppose to “Serve and protect” but many people don’t think the protect part is in full effect. Guardians protect and make sure the community is a safe place for EVERYONE to be at any time and if not make it that way the best way possible but in some way acting as a guardian someone out there will try to take advantage of you thinking your a “sweet” cop as they will call it and that's when your warrior ways will have to kick in. Warriors are the ones that fight the bad people and put the away. Like those that steal cars, crack cards, and terrorist. Those people deserve the warriors side because they are doing nothing but negative things.-Kenzie002

  17. After reading about this article topic, I feel as though I have a broadened mind towards the field that I am pursuing. I feel as though I am one step ahead of many officers out their and I haven’t even started my career yet. When it comes to guardians or warriors, I think that it is important to have the best of both qualities. A guardian is one whose main purpose is to serve the community and protect the people. Where as the main purpose in a warriors eyes is to rush in and stop the bad guys from causing harm. One thing that I think needs to be brought up more often in police training and needs to be engraved in police officers minds is that your gun is your last and final defense. You do not immediately pull your gun and start shooting unless it is absolutely necessary. An officer’s gun should by far be the last resort. An officer needs to know when they should and should not pull a gun on someone. There is a right time and a wrong time and often times, they pull their guns out in the wrong situations because they may feel fearful for their life or for another person’s life. It seems to be that the newer incoming officers tend to have less of a guardian mindset than older officers. Older officers know how to handle situations a heck of a lot better and use the guardian mindset to their advantage. Young new officers seem to want to take the warrior path because they want to go out and enforce the law and be the top dogs and whatever they say must go. In my opinion, having the warrior quality only is not good for you as an officer, nor is it good for the community. It could cause more harm than good in many cases. It is better to take your time and make smart decisions that are going to keep everyone safe. The guardian qualities will help you do this. -Anchorman002

  18. I think that a lot of the problems with police officers taking advantage of their guns is the lack being able to communicate with people. Maybe it is easy for them to communicate with someone they work with or a loved one, but it is difficult to communicate with someone that they are confronting with the mindset of their tunnel vision. In some police departments, they only hire you to be a cop if you work corrections first. For the reason being that they can learn how to use their intellect to stop something instead of using excessive force on someone. It was mentioned in the article that being able to talk with the perpetrator before using your gun to create space and being able to prevent the use of force. Is better to create a relationship better with the community. Also, to help anyone who gets shot, so they can save lives instead of taking them. I think it is a good idea to have the hemostatic bandages so it help someone from bleeding out. Which it helps create a guardian experience for both officer and community. Being able to have a servant's heart instead of just being a warrior killing “bad people” or locking them up. dory002


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