American Correctional Association


  1. The first out of ten things that surprises me from this website is that the American Correctional Association has been around for 149 years. This amazes me because it seems like a long time but in the grand scheme of things, 149 years is not that long because humankind has been locking people up for crimes since the beginning of time. Another thing that I found interesting was that the American Correctional Associations first meeting was in Cincinnati. Ohio. I do not know why this is surprising to me, but it is. I also think that it is interesting that the first president of the American Correctional Association became a future President of the United States of America. Ruther B. Hayes was also the Governor of Ohio. Another tidbit of information that I found interesting was that at their first meeting they came up with the Declaration of Principles which became a guideline for the United States and Europe. I also found out that the last revision to the Declaration of Principles was in 2002. This shocks me because that is not long ago at all. It is a good thing though that they have changed. It is good because it shows they are staying up to date on the times and going about corrections in the right mannerisms that fit the period. In 1954 the American Prison Association changed its name to what we know today as the American Correctional Association. I think that it is ironic how it says American in the title, but people in Europe also use the same guidelines. Another cool fact that I found is that in the Declaration of Principles it has a specific section for humanity. This shows that they have a standard to live up to when in regards to fairness and decency because we are all humans. I think that it is cool that the website has online training you can do. This is helpful because not everyone has a schedule that would allow them to travel to take classes. It also has workshops and certification for different things. The American Corrections Association as published twenty-five manuals on the different areas of corrections. The American Corrections Association prides itself in standards that come from the Declaration of Principles that came about in 1870. They will continue to help the corrections community come up with and implement the best ways to deal with corrections. -Legion001

  2. One thing I found interesting on this website is that ACA has thousands of members from all over the world. The number itself is a lot, but I think it is even more eye opening that they have members all around the world. One of their goals is to have diversity in their staff, leadership, and membership. I think this is interesting because we had just talked about it in class today and how important it can be. I also think it is cool that they strive for international relations and not just keep it in the United States. Another one of their goals is ethics. This is important with this field because of the level of professionalism of the ACA. Their professionals have to have a good sense of ethics in order for them to succeed. One of their beliefs for their workers is accountability. This is also something we talked about in class and discussed the importance of it in corrections. They demand that officials should be held accountable for treatment and management of all offenders, staff, and victims. Their mission statement is also important. It is to provide a professional organization for all individuals and groups that share a common goal of improving justice. Another important thing pointed out is that employees respect the opinions of others. This is important because you have to see two sides of things. You have to be able to adapt to others, rather than depending on others to adapt on you. If you adapt and respect others opinions, it will make the association run more smoothly. This also goes along with another one of their goals which is to provide opportunities for all members who wish to do so to voice their opinion. Another thing that they say is that leaders must stretch themselves and others. This is important so that you push yourself to be the best worker possible for a good cause. It is also important to stretch others because if you do, the overall work environment will go faster and smoother. With the work environment going smoother goes along with leaders enable to work with each other. Another important thing they point out is that they need to be effective at conflict resolution. There are probably many problems that come up in this association, so these leaders must be effective at resolving these problems. They may not be able to solve everything, but the skill of resolving problems is very important. -lilbaby001

  3. I learned a lot while visiting the ACA website. The ACA website basically gives you everything that you need to know about the ACA and tells you how to get involved with a membership. The corrections certification program is designed to help improve the overall knowledge of someone who is in the corrections field. I think that this would be a great website for people working in corrections because they can hopefully use this to get more knowledge and advance in their field. There are four types of certification categories for adult corrections, the first being the CCO. This is where people work directly with the offenders. The CCS is where people work with both the offenders and the staff within a correctional setting. I think that this is where I would want to work because you get a mixture of both staff and offenders. Of course, I would much rather be the highest level but this would be a good place to start for me. The CCM is where people manage big units or programs in a correctional setting, and the CCE is where the individual is at the highest level dealing with adult offenders. There are also four types of juvenile justice certification categories. The first is CCO which is where they work directly with juveniles, and the second is CCS, where they work with both individuals and juveniles. The CCM is where they are managing a unit or program and the CCE is the highest level. There are also very similar certifications for the health care certifications. This website also shows you the acceptance and examination portion for these positions and shows you how to get certified. Denise Robinson is the chairman for the commission on accreditation for corrections. One thing that I found interesting is that there are no required courses for taking the examination. You have to score a 75 or above on the examination which isn’t even that high in my opinion. I think that this profession would be a good one to get into because it’s easy to get started. They talk a lot about experience on this website and how you need it to go to different certifications and get dual certified. Celtics001

  4. I didn’t realize that prisons could get accredited like any other institution. It’s a great way to encourage prisons to do their best to run their prisons properly. Its easy to dehumanize inmates for the crimes they have committed, but they are still people and should be treated as such. Prisons must be held accountable for everything that happens within their walls. Back in the day, there wasn’t as much being done in the way of prisoner’s rights. Because of this, there were countless cases of abuse. However, associations like this provide proper training to correctional officers on how to treat inmates. It is important that guards understand what they are getting into and know how to deal with different individuals. Some situations can be danger or easy to escalate, however with proper training correctional officers can handle those situations. Something else that I found interesting is how strictly the criminal justice system follow the constitution. Though technology and society have both changed greatly, crime still infects America today. America needs people who are able and willing, to fight and prevent crime. Correction officers play a major role in preventing crime by containing criminals, and the American Correction Association helps them in their job. sexy_in_bikini 001

  5. The first thing that I found surprising was that one of our presidents, Rutherford Hayes, had been the first president of the association. That just goes to show that corrections is involved with many different people in our communities across the country. I also saw how many different committees there are in the American Correctional Association and this shows how many different key elements actually are involved and how important they really are. Something else that really stood out to me was that the last revision to the Deceleration of Principles was in 2002. The reason why this is surprising to me is due to the fact that the corrections field and the world is changing constantly and I feel like this would have been updated and been more recent due to how much can really change in 17 years. Going along with that I also found surprising was that many of the original principles that were initially followed are still being followed to this day which also shows that officers still need to carry themselves to a very high sense of professionalism. Another thing that grabbed my attention was that even though the association is "American" it still has members from all around the world who work in different correctional worlds, but still follow the same humane treatments of inmate. A very cool thing that they have on this site is also the ability to complete an online program at your pace and take a 4 hour test to become a certified professional in the corrections field. Under the accreditation tab it states that they have 25 manuals that are published for all different areas of corrections involving juveniles, adult, training programs and also admin offices. There is a lot that goes into the standards and having 25 different manuals really shows the dedication for providing a safe and efficient workplace. For a facility to become accredited it must meet at least 90% of standards but being accredited can be very beneficial. It would help in the sense of protection from lawsuits because of the standards being followed, and also improved professionalism across the board. The ACA also has awards for facilities that are going above and beyond and have the proof to show how essential these guidelines really are to a facility and how it functions. One other thing that was interesting was that the ACA is not for just any single type of correction facility, but it is for state, local and also federal as well as private facilities which makes this a broad yet complex organization.

  6. To begin, the ACA is the American Correctional Association. While browsing through the website, there were many things I found interesting under the About Us tab. First, the Association was made in 1870 and their first President was future US President Rutherford B. Hayes. It is awesome to see the Association has withstanded the test of time, and it is also interesting to see the leadership they had! What else is interesting is the revision through time, and the name change from American Prison Association to American Correctional Association. It just shows that time and society changes philosophy and everything. I find it interesting this Association has been present so long and their mission is to improve the justice system, yet the justice system is still so far from great. I am not bashing the justice system, but rather playing devil’s advocate. The goals are interesting, as one is promoting ethics, yet small scale marijuana dealers get more time than killers. It is more or less interesting, but more beneficial to uphold integrity and encourage diversity in leadership of the group. The Declaration of Principles is interesting because it does show the amount of thought and effort that goes into this. Some of these principles need to be upheld more, for example accountability. I found it interesting that was in there. Really the vast majority of it is interesting. Our justice system needs work, and if this was referred to more, sentencings would make more sense for many criminals today. Under the professional development tab, it is not quite what I expected. It is intriguing you can take online courses, do on site training, and become certified through the site. Self education is key. It is also interesting the amount of Certifications you can receive. The difference between adult and juvenile is interesting, as well as the fact anyone can do this and become more educated on the justice system. I also find both the Security Threat and Health care certifications interesting. Ultimately, you can learn about more than just Correctional information on here. You can also study nursing and other useful things. Obviously, I am sure not everyone will be accepted due to criminal history and such, but it’s interesting anyone can submit an application. Exams are also offered. Ultimately, this is an educational site which can be very useful for individuals. Lastly, certifications can be revoked. Standards and Accreditation contained much information. Prison standards were developed in the 1950’s-60’s. There are 25 Accreditation manuals published for standards. The conference results are posted online for anyone to read! PREA was interesting, as it is a known problem. More than 70 Auditors have been trained in this field to eliminate Prison rape. It’s interesting there is not a whole lot of info on this, as it is a known problem. The average auditor has worked in corrections for 18 years, so even with experience we can’t achieve perfection. There is an ACA Awards program as well. A couple of these are the Crystal Eagle Award, which is really for public safety and well being. The Dunbar and Keohane awards are awarded for professionalism, contributions, and leadership. The last interesting point is not highlighted in the text, but I interpreted it. How can these awards be determined off audits when prisons can really determine their own outcomes of this? Prisons hide outdated medications, they can really hide just about anything else! Our prison system is nowhere near perfect, but it is a work in progress and something the ACA does work towards correcting to the fullest! -freckles001

  7. The ACA website was interesting. It presented a plethora of information to read through and learn all about the organization. I was surprised to see all of the certifications and training classes they offer just through the website. I would imagine that as a new CO that would be very helpful. I also found it interesting that the superintendent of professional development has a psychological degree. I would have assumed that she would have a criminal justice or some sort of law degree. Not that a psychology degree has any bad connotation. I took notice to how much help the ACA is willing to give. It seemed every click was asking me if I would like helping enhancing my correctional knowledge. The website also seemed very open to feedback. I am a firm believer that being open to feedback is one of the most important traits to have. Especially being a professional website. I found it interesting they have a whole section for the different directors for accreditation responsibilities. They also have many rewards for accreditation. That is also an important aspect of being a successful business. One specific I didn't know was that they actually elect their leaders. This is a good idea so one person doesn't hold control for a long time. What surprised me is that they have constitution like principles. I downloaded the entire doctrine and it was 112 pages with a preamble just like the constitution. Something I also liked seeing was that they have stipulations on how members should treat each other

  8. The first thing that i found that was interesting was that the ACA has only been around for 149 years. I'm certain that policing has been around for much longer than that. Though it is called the American Correctional Association, it has thousands of members from all over the world. The ACA also has their own Declaration of Principles, which states their aims and goals. What I find later on while reading the history of the ACA is that the Ohio governor at the time, Rutherford B. Hayes was chosen to be the first President of the Association and later on became President of the United States. They provide training workshops both at their headquarters and online. There are different types of training that they can provide such as hostage negotiations, emergency planning, and correctional supervision, which I found very interesting. These programs can become very useful for someone who is working in the correctional field. Another thing that I didn't know about the corrections field is that there are so many categories of workers within it. When i think of what the staff in a correctional institution would be I only imagine the guards, medical staff, and a warden. But it turns out there are more people with important roles. With these programs and training workshops it can be easier for someone to get a job and gain more knowledge about the corrections field. Yet despite there being these types of programs that can offer people the chance to become correctional professionals there has been many instances where there is a lack of staff. According to the history of Standards and Accreditation the first attempt to create standards occurred in 1870, the same year that the ACA was founded. It wasn't until the 1940's and 50's that standards were being developed. That seemed like way too much time to try to come up with standards for prisons. Then finally in 1974 the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections was established to evaluate the standards. The problem is according to other articles I've read these standards don't appear to be met. Prisons may hide things from the public to make it seem like their standards are up to date but the truth is it's not. Another thing the ACA has is an awards program. Awards are given out to members of the ACA and organizations for deeds such as professionalism, responsibility, accreditation and PREA compliance.

  9. I learned many things that contribute to having a correctional facility. I didn’t know nor even think about correctional facilities having an association where they come up with regulations and rules, I always thought it just came from judges. It’s called the American Correctional Association (ACA), which the website publishes a lot of information regarding what they expect, standards, policies and list of staff. They also have specific training E-learning videos, which they are made to properly prepare an individual for the job as a correctional officer. There are many different situations and encounters that one might have with an inmate and there needs to be special training to handle it. I learned, that it is good for inmates to see correctional officers while they make their security rounds. For many different reasons like be able to receive information, get the feel of the facility, prevent escapes, incidents that can lead to violence and suicide. Since, it is a good thing for there to be serval security rounds, that means that 100% supervision. If there is careful supervision then that can prevent the attempts of contraband, escape, and other activities. I learned that contraband is the greatest threat of safety and security in institutions. Which is incredible because a lot people that are incarcerated have access to materials that put officers and other inmates in danger. I think a lot of corruption happens in institutions for situations like these to occur. For an officer, it is very dangerous especially going through searching procedures because an inmate can attack them at any given moment. Another important subject was officer’s communicating skills. There are two different types: non-verbal and verbal. I think learning how to speak to people is an important thing because it can prevent and minimize a violent act. It is better to know how to handle people using words rather than going straight to force, because a rule is that force is a last resort otherwise when life threatening. Not only in a correctional facility does that come in handy but also as a police officer handling people that are not incarcerated. It helps create different professional relationships with inmates that can lead to them respecting you can even helping out when in need. Learning that escorting and transporting inmates is a big challenge because of how dangerous it can be when not handled correctly. taco001

  10. I found the ACA website to be very interesting and helpful to those in the correctional field. The website has every tool that you may need to help better yourself and others that work with you, whether that be over all knowledge of your job or safety for everyone in the building. There is also so many more roles in the prison than just guards and medical staff and a warden. They also give good examples on how to resolve situations ranging from verbal and non verbal altercations all the way up to hostage situations. It can also be very beneficial to develop a professional relationship with inmates and learn to respect each other and know why they are there. This website also has a huge support system that is from all over the world. They also demand that the treatment of inmates is fair. Also they want prisons to give the best care to an inmate who is hurt or sick. I think a prison that treats the population well will run better. The place does not need to be ran with an iron fist but still have enough authority in their actions that the inmates know what can happen if they act out. The smoother a prison runs the better it is for everyone. But if you go to work everyday ready to just beat on inmates and make yourself a target then you are putting many other people besides yourself at risk. Purdue001

  11. The ACA is an important governing body for corrections in America. Founded in 1870, they provide a central group for all correctional officers to be a part of. Similar to other professional associations, they offer extensive training opportunities as well as chances for one’s career to grow through accreditation. There is training offered both online as well as hands on practical training around the world. It’s important to have a professional association that can set standards, provide training, hold conferences, and allow professional corrections officers a chance to grow their careers. They also offer a newsletter to each member every three or four weeks, this allows people to keep up to date with the news and know what could be new and important in the field of corrections. It’s good that prisons can be accredited just like any other institution, this should drive forward progress and raise health and safety levels in those prisons. The ACA website will give you everything you need, including information about the various levels of membership, and all of the certifications that the association offers. Rutherford Hayes was also the first president of the association, as well as being a president of the United States, I thought that was an interesting fact. I have been around a professional body like this most of my life due to my dad and I have seen the support that they offer and how much of an asset that they can be, it’s a great thing that this assistance can be extended to someone who works in corrections. It’s interesting that this is an international organization also, I think that this is a good thing because it allows people to see different views of corrections and how things are different around the world. -Stark001

  12. Learning of the American Correctional Association was actually really interesting for me, I was surprised that members are global and that even one of our past presidents had been part of this organization. I liked the fact they have education available in so many forms so people can choose what best works for them. They have all these spots or programs that can answer the questions people may have. A big thing that caught my eye was the PREA, or the Prison Rape Elimination Act.The ACA has come together with other organizations such as United States Department of Justice, the PREA Resource Center, and correctional entities across the United States to help this act be enforced. A very large positive thing that is happening with the ACA that I like a lot is the Accreditation of prisons. This organization helps make sure that the prisons are running smoothly, have no common problems like overcrowding, drug abuse or trade, and/or staff regulations being met. I think this is a great thing because the one of the biggest problems we see in prisons is unstable practices that violate the regulations set by the government, or the corporations that own the prisons. - Lobster001


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