My Informed Thoughts.....


  1. What I learned from the officers that was advanced and even the newer officers, when they mentioned the thing about being yourself and don’t let the job take over them that really stuck out to me because I've seen several officers where they let the job take over them mentally and that really play a big part in your life once you retire from being a cop you will have all these flashbacks of what happened during your career and you will keep dwelling on the things that happened in the past. Another thing that was mentioned was about how long it took for them to become a cop which is clearly a long process definitely more than I expected. They also talked about respect which is a very big thing when you’re a cop even when you aren’t in uniform. Another thing was also mentioned was can women do the same things men do at work and one thing the sergeant talked about was that it was really more a “if you know how to do the job better” which some females are more dominant then men in some aspects. For instance one was mentioned about the females can communicate with others in certain situations better than males. Overall the officers seem to take the jobs very serious but they don’t take their problems homes to their family. Whatever is done at work it is left at work.

    1. I agree with you. As an officer, you have to find something you enjoy to do during your days off. Finding something you enjoy can reduce the mental and physical stress the job can put on you. I do believe the officer when she said that female officers tend to be more out going and more interested in getting out and meeting new people. That isn’t always true but most of the time it is. -chicubs002

    2. I definitely agree with what you are saying. Police officers really do need to be able to separate the job and there personal life. You can not bring whatever happened at work home with you because it will cause a lot of problems in the home. Plus if there are problems going on in the home there most likely going to bring it back to work. So its always best for them to take a little time away and do something that takes their mind off things like working out, hanging out with friends and family, playing video games. Whatever works best for them. Batman002

  2. Four officers from the Peoria Police Department came to talk to us today. I already knew two of them before today. I was a Police Explorer when Officer Klein was also going through the Program. Officer Watkins has served as one of the advisors for the Police Explorer program for the city of Peoria. I have been part of the City of Peoria Police Explorer Program for the past 5 years. I have currently stepped down from my responsibilities in the Police Explorer program and I have taken a role in the Peoria Park Police Explorers. I have been a Park Police Explorer for about 3 months. All together I’ve been part of the Explorers program for just about 6 years and have learned a lot about policing and ways of which the departments run. As a Police Explorer I’ve received all the training that officers on the job have received. I have been able to go on a lot of ride along’s and being able to have conversations with officers about things in Law Enforcement. I was not really surprised about anything they were talking about. I have seen on the streets on how officers can help people in some of their worst parts of their life’s. Being able to help someone everyday is the thing that I’m really excited about becoming an officer. I think the biggest thing right now I have to worry about is to get into better shape. Being able to listen to these officers speak about their experiences as officers is good information for us. I did find the hiring process and academy to be very long. I believe that the academy is structured like the military but the academy has more class and paper work type atmosphere. I would just like to thank the four officers for coming to speak with us today. -chicubs002

    1. I think that it is cool that you knew at least two of the police officers. It is also cool that you have all this experience with the Police Explorer program. You have all this inside knowledge of the police department and stuff. Many of us in the class probably might not have any, or have little experience, in law enforcement. Yeah, I find it really cool that you have all this experience in law enforcement through the police explorer program. – Adventurefligh002

  3. Today I have a new out look on policing. I learned new things from how someone becomes a police officer to how a police officer can be moved up in ranks to get a higher position. To be a police officer at Peoria Police Department you have to go through a test examination, a physical test, psych evaluation, background check, and then proceed to the academy. All these tests and evaluations take up to six months or more depending on what area you decide to police in. You must be twenty one or at least be turning twenty one when the process is over in order to be a police officer. A person who wants to be a police officer can not have a felony on there background except for in Detroit, but they can have a misdemeanor only if it does not have anything to do with drugs and it wasnt recent. To be a detective/investigator you have to be a police officer for two years before you can even apply for that position. Many police officers have different ways of dealing with stress from the job. Most of them take vacations with there friends and family. Many police officers can handle the job really well and know how to separate the job from home life. We were told that one of the ways police officers are trying to make a better connection with the community is by the police department or the communities hold special events to get to know people and to make connections with new people that could potentially help them in the future. To be able to get the best out of a situation the police officer treats the victim or the people involved in the situation like there family and treats the people with respect no matter who it may be. A women in the police department can be challenging but if you confront the issue in the beginning in most cases the problem gets solved. In all things considered it takes more than you think to be a police officer. Batman.002

  4. Overall, I thought it was very interesting and informative to have the officers come in and talk to us. I was very intrigued and interested the whole time. I took a lot from when the officers said they leave work at work and they make sure they don’t let their job take over their lives. Even with the job I have right now, I still try to leave my bad days at work and not bring it home with me. But I know being an officer and dealing with crappy people and scarring situations can leave a big impact on your attitude and how you act and treat others. Knowing this in advance you can prepare yourself and be more aware of to not make those mistakes. Another thing the officers mentioned were how some female officers almost have an advantage on male officers because they are more susceptible to being able to start a conversation and can talk to almost anyone. Some people see female officers as not being able to do their job correctly because being a police officer is a more male dominated job. But if women want to succeed than they will try 110% to be better than the males and to prove people wrong. The officers talked about how the hiring process is long and drawn out. But they acted like it was pretty simple if you were very serious in pursuing a career in the police force. Also, having a degree puts you at an advantage because it shows you have put in the time to study about the importance of being an officer and the history. Many people talk about the negatives about policing and how it takes the right person to become an officer. Very rarely do people talk about the good that officers do. For example, helping someone, or saving someone’s life. This then makes you feel good and that you have fulfilled your job successfully. Being a police officer is also about helping others in need and protecting. Learning about the different ranks, and how the police academy works, along with patrolling out on the streets was very informative. #notaplumber002

    1. I agree that a big part of being a police officer is your attitude. I think the detective had a model attitude that more cops should try. He had a very laid back attitude and one that was inviting for all types of people. As a cop you are always going to have people who give you a hard time and aren’t the nicest, but you can’t let that affect how you treat the next person. Every person that a cop runs into should be given the same attitude and tolerance because as humans we are all equal and deserve equal opportunities. -Celtics002

    2. I agree that work needs to stay at work, and home life stays at home. That is how you stay successful and focused when you are on the job as a police officer. You also need to learn to care about what matters, and what doesn't. Officer Watkins is a perfect example of that, he said you cant care about somethings that are out of your control. You should only care about things that you cant control, things are going to get hard in this profession, and you have to be a mentally tough person to be successful in this career.

    3. I agree that keeping work at work is good thing to do. I think its good for your health and your familes that you don't bring the stress of the job back home with you. When you leave work at work, I think you would be more happy and look forward to getting home and spending time with your family and not having to worry about your day at work. -CUBSFAN002

  5. it was privilege for us these four officers came this morning to speak to us about their experience in policing. A lot of us didn't know exactly what is required to be a successful police officers. For them to speak to us, it was a very special moment to get to know more about this field. Personally i thought after school it will be quicker to apply for this job and get one right away. As we have had from this police officers, there are a lot training you go through in order to become a successful police officer. Some agencies have to collect quit number of applications to get one viable hire. Some of those hire wont make it through the police academy. So its a lot of determination you can put in and pass multiple test as well in order to become a police officer. They also gave us heads up about how we supposed to act while in the streets. There are crappy people out there and most violent. As a cop, you have to know how to handle such people. Treating people in the community with respect is most important same way the community will treat you with respect as well. There are a lot of things we should watch to keep up with our career while on duty. The examples that one of them said is to watch what you say in public either on duty or off duty. Nowadays we have high technology standards, every police has a body camera that record everything you say when interrogating someone. Like they said make a good report and be fair and respectful when doing these. Again it was a good moment and sure i learned a lot out of it. GUSII 002

    1. I also am thankful that these four officers came to speak to our class. In law enforcement, you have to respect your coworkers. For one, if you were in a situation where you needed back up, you would want the other officer to have your back. Maybe if there was no respect between the two of you, you maybe on your own. And I also think that trust is another big thing that needs to be addressed. The communities that you are patrolling, you need to make sure you are getting to know those who live their. One reason why, is to build their trust. If that is gained, then there is a good chance that they will come to the police more often, instead of resolving things themselves. Illinoisgurl002

  6. The four police officers that came and spoke to us in class today taught me a lot. They talked about the academy and what it takes to get through it. The one officer was brand new and had only been on his own for a couple days, so he knew a lot about what the academy expects. I think that I can pass the written portion of the test without to much of a problem but I know I’m not in good enough physical shape yet to pass the physical portion. One thing that the woman cop said that stuck with me is that everyday is something new. She said that the reason she went to law enforcement is because she didn’t want a desk job. I feel the same way because I don’t want to do anything that confines me to a desk for multiple years. I have to be moving and can’t even sit through two straight classes without getting up and doing something. I like how more woman are going into law enforcement because they give a better representation of the public and can do lots of things that guys can’t. One cop said that the voice is the best weapon any cop has and I agree. If you can diffuse a situation before it gets physical then you already solved the problem better than a gun ever would. The detective that talked to us not only looked like every detective I’ve seen in movies, but he also acted like every detective that I’ve ever seen in movies. He had this attitude that he was just a normal guy that really understood how to get into the criminal mind and knows how the criminal system works. He said that he doesn’t like arresting people, which is how all cops should be. If your goal as a cop is to arrest a lot of people in a day then you aren’t policing right. Relationships with the public are far more important than arresting people. I could see myself being a lot like that detective when I become a police officer, especially with how I approach situations.-Celtics002

    1. I also like how there are more women going into law enforcement. I also agree that the voice is the best weapon. The things that you say can possible diffuse a situation before it gets worse. The way a police officer talks can also prevent something bad happening before it even happens. The things a police officer says can calm someone down before things get out of control. I also liked when the detective said they did not like arresting people. No one should be arrested unless they did something terrible. I liked how you mentioned relationships with the public. Having a relationship with the community and building trust is way more important then arresting people. -Soccer002

  7. I thought there was a lot of interesting things that the speakers brought up. I learned that you have to be a police officer for two years before you can apply to be a detective. I thought it was interesting that there is no test you have to take before becoming a detective. One of the speakers talked about their time at the academy. They explained how there is a lot of classwork, firearm training, and scenarios. One of the speakers said that this is a male dominated career but they have seen more females going into this career now then they have in the past. I learned that your family background does not affect your chances of becoming a police officer. To become a police officer, you can’t have any felonies and you have to be twenty one years old. One of the speakers said “The way I talk to people makes me successful”. I agree with that statement because the way you talk to someone can determine how the situation is going to go. If you talk to someone with respect, there is a good chance that person is going to talk to you with respect. I feel like if you have good communication skills, you will have a better chance at being successful with this career. If you don’t have good communication skills, you might struggle. The ability to speak to others is a key thing. They talked about how females might have a better chance with this. The speakers also talked about how they try to stay mentally healthy. One person said that they try and not take work home. Once the day is done, they try not to think about what happened at work that day. They try to leave work at work. One of the speakers explained how we should not let it take over our life. If you let it take over your life, your mental health might be affected for the worst. The speaker also said that they do kickboxing, work out at the gym, and take fun trips with friends and family. I think those are all really good ways to stay mentally healthy. When I’m really stressed out, I go to the gym and when I leave the gym I feel a lot more calm and less stressed out. -Soccer002

    1. Yes Soccer002 I found it interesting too that you don’t have to take a test to become a detective as well because you’ll think that position will require must more than the police officer position and also agree when the officer said “The way I talk to people makes me successful” because the way you talk and treat others determine the respect you will receive well except for the people that live to give police problems for no understandable reason. I also liked how they explained how we should let the job of a police officer take over your life.KenzieLand002

  8. I really enjoyed having the 4 peoria police officers come into class and talk to us, and answer any questions we had for them. It was a really good way to have 2 newer officers, and 2 more experienced officers talk so we could see insight from both perspectives. It was very interesting to me to see how they all handled the job, by answering the questions that we asked with their different opinions. It was also very cool to see officer Klein, it was very inspiring to see that he was just like us, and that it is possible if you just work. When the officers said that you cannot take this job into your personal life, that is very important. You cannot let this job take over your life, and let it effect your mental health no matter what happens. It was also very cool that the patrol sergeant was a detective before her promotion, it was cool to see that she has had so much experience in all fields of law enforcement. I also enjoyed hearing all the information about the hiring process and the field training program. Especially from officer Klein who has just recently went through all of the training, and recently completed it. It was very interesting to really hear how intense the hiring process is, with the amount of interviews, and test that it takes to even make it to the academy. It is a lot of work, but as all the officers said that it was completely worth it and they wouldn't change it for the world. It was also interesting hearing how all 4 of the officers stayed mentally healthy, because this job can get to you and think everyone knows that. I thinking finding a way to mentally escape from this job is the key to staying focused when you are on the job. You need to have a hobby or a stable home life, and ways to get your mind of this job, because you can become very mentally unhealthy. I enjoyed these 4 officer very much, and I can't wait for more guest speakers.

    1. The four police officers that came to talk with us were very informative. It was nice that we had 2 younger cops and 2 seasoned cops come talk to us. They all had different perspectives on how they did the job. I agree with you that it was nice to see Officer Klein, He sat where we sat just a few years ago. It is proof that if you put hard work in you can achieve your goals. -ClarkKent002

  9. Four officers came and talked to our class from the Peoria Police Department. I was very intrigued for what they had to say. My dad is a captain at the department so it was interesting to hear what other officers thought about the job and how they see what they do. I liked when the officers said they try and leave their work at work. It makes coming home to family that much better because you don’t have work over your head. You can just come home and relax with your family. Another thing the officers mentioned were how some female officers almost have an advantage on male officers because they are more susceptible to being able to start a conversation and can talk to almost anyone. Some people see female officers as not being able to do their job correctly because being a police officer is a more male dominated job. I liked how officers explained that they try and do stuff outside of work to destress from the job. I think that overall is a healthy thing to do as being an officer is a very stressful job and sometimes you need to release that through an activity or just by getting away from the job. Overall I really found the talk with the officers to be very informative and a great learning experience for us who strive to go into the law enforcement field.

  10. First, it was an honor to sit and listen to four local police officers. It is not every day that you get to meet police officers and receive insight on the job duties. It was interesting to learn that sergeants make the same pay right as everybody else. I would have thought that they would get a pay bump, due to having more responsibilities. Being a police officer is a tough job. It is hard to not take your work life home with you. But it was great to hear how some of them decompress at nighttime/day when they are off the clock. If you are unable to decompress after work, you are more likely to suffer health issues and maybe commit suicide. It is sad to hear and think about this. One thing I enjoyed hearing, is how women are respected in a more dominate job. It seems as though, women are able to hold their own, and do the job just as effectively as a male can. I did not realize that the academy was a six-month program. To hear this though, is great. It really shows you if you are cut out to be a police officer or not. It really weeds out those who should not be there. I would rather have a police officer serving and protecting the city who enjoys the job, and not someone who seeing it simply as a paycheck. Women tend to have better communicate skills then men. This is a skill that most women have, and that is the gift of gab! I have encountered some police officers who are cocky and arrogant. To me, you are an unapproachable officer. You want your communities to have a good relationship with law enforcement. You want to build trust between them. In this country police officers are predominately not trusted by communities. It was encouraging to hear, about some of the programs that are offered in Peoria. Especially those that are centered around kids. If we are able to reach kids at a young age about crime/violence then there is a better chance that they will not commit crimes. Illinoisgurl002

    1. I agree. Knowing these officers did not see this as just a job but wanting to make a difference in their community and have a reason for being in this field shows that they have a passion for this career. It was amazing to here how not only did Lt. Sandoval move through the ranks to be a detective for 9 years but also as a female now holds the title of Lt. That to me is a huge accomplishment in a field that is male dominant. Jadist002

  11. Four police officers ranging from fresh off FTO all the way to 21 years on the force took time out of their busy schedules to come to the class to speak with us. I learned a lot from the Peoria Police officers, they were very informative when the class asked questions. One thing that I found interesting is how different the Training academy was from the two newer officers. The newest officer went to an academy that was just recently built and ran by a retired State Police officer. He stated that his academy was more like the State Police Academy. Compared to the female officer who had her academy in Champaign was more traditional. Another thing that I learned, which I already had an idea of, is how long it took to actually become a police officer. The younger female officer stated that she was accepted in October of 2016 but wasn’t tested till March. The younger male officer also stated that his FTO program was 6 months long. I knew it was a long process but the amount of time it took before you were on FTO was surprising. I like how all of the officers had different ways of coping mentally with this stressful job. The older cop stated that he would not go home, he worked all the time until he was forced to take vacation in December. The younger female officer stated that she would not take the problems home. If you saw her in the public you would not know that she was a cop. She also stated that she has taken up kick boxing which has taken away a lot of the stress the job gives her. The younger male officer is too new to have coping methods but he did state that he is an avid gym goer and like to keep healthy. -ClarkKent002

    1. I think staying active and having hobbies would be an important part of not taking the job home with you and being able to eliminate the stress of the job. Kickboxing and working out sound like pretty good ways of doing that. I thought it was interesting how they talked about different academies as well, you'd think it would be pretty standard but I guess it depends on who is running it.

    2. I really like how each of them had different things to say but the same end goal regarding to how they love their job and worked hard to get their job and the excitement it brings them every day. I did not realize either though for how long the program is in its entirety from the academy to going out on the streets and being with that field training officer. I did not realize either that there were that many police training institutes and I figured Peoria had one that they kind of always pick their officers to attend that way there is not much of a difference. Because what you learn in the academy is not going to be the same as what you see on the streets and you are dealing with other officers who have a heavier background and involvement with their department which I think makes it hard to teach overall. -holywaffles002

  12. I really enjoyed when the four police officers from Peoria PD came to our class the other day. I learned about what it was like to be a police officer from the perspective of all of them. What I mean is that the other day we got to learn about what it was like to be a police officer, from the perspective of actually police officers. They actually do this every day. I also learned about the academy and what it was like to be there. Basically, what I learned was that for about eight hours, I think, it is just like we do in our class every day. Except at the academy they have gun training, also to get in one goes through a polygraph test and a different test, then one would go to the academy. Another thing that I learned when the Peoria police department officers came to our class was about all the different areas of the police department. Also I learned about discrimination in the work place at the Peoria Police Department. I was glad when the two women officers said that there really is not any. They are all treated as equals. I was both surprised and not surprised. What I mean by that is that I was surprised to find out that they are all treated as equals because of what I had seen in the past in the media and television. I was also not surprised because around the country more and more women and young girls now want to be police officers. This might be because of what they see on television and in the media, they are seeing more and more of women who are strong. I learned so much from the police officers visit to our class the other day and hopefully there might be more in the future. I found their visit very interesting and gave the class a visit into what they do every day to keep Peoria safe. I really appreciated them taking time out of their day to give potential, and maybe future, officers. –Adventureflight002

  13. The information given by our visitors was very informative. I liked that we were able to get the perspective of policing from two males and two females officers. Seeing that we have two females ranging in age and time frame on the force makes me proud as a woman that not only are they doing their job to the best of their ability but making a difference in our community. Lt. Sandoval who started the force 21 years ago and previously worked as a detective for 9 years prides herself on treating others as she would want to be treated. I believe this is a true testament on what it takes to move up the ranks. By showing others that you do not have to go out and be a “warrior” to get the job done. I like that all of our speakers when asked about their purpose and why they wanted to have a career in policing, not of them stated just to have a job. All had a reason for wanting to join the force and it was mostly for the betterment of our community. Also knowing that the way police are currently viewed in the media and by the community doesn’t affect the way that they police shows that they are officers with ethics and integrity. If you are truly out serving, protecting and trying to make a positive impact on your community you should not have to worry about body cameras, or how the media portrays officers. I also feel having the group speak is beneficial to the students who are looking to enter the policing career field because it gave them a chance to see a former student not only graduate but utilize what he learned in class and is now working on the police force. Jadist002

  14. I learned quite a lot from the visitors, I learned that even though policing is a male dominated career that mostly women are extended the same respect. That even though women have to prove a little more that they are fit for the job that once the get the respect it remains in place and you aren't questioned anymore. I also learned that it's not uncommon to not have an exact hold on how to be mentally healthy when on this job but as long as you have a support and seek help you are doing the right thing. Police suicides happen more often than people are aware of. I also learned that the uniforms are unfortunately not very comfortable and that finding a gun on the street is very good police work. I appreciate the time they took out of their day to answer our questions and make us aware of all things policing. Another thing I learned is that you have to be 21 in order to be a Patrol Officer but you can apply when you are 20 as long as by the time you are done training you are 21. The visitors were very helpful and let us know that even though it is a long process to be in law enforcement it is worth it. They backed up what Prof. White always says and that is that being in college and learning about all of this stuff puts us ahead of the game and it is very useful for when we apply anywhere. The younger gentlemen and the younger gal let us know that the first half of the academy is a lot of class work. I for one am very excited about the academy because I can’t wait for the hands on portion of the learning. I have always been more of a visual learner and participating in things like practice traffic stops and ride-along's sounds super exciting to me. Ark002

  15. It was good to hear from local police officers to hear their perspective about the job and the process you have to go through in order to become one. I especially enjoyed that they all had different levels of experience, it was good to hear from all of them. I was glad to learn that the Peoria police department makes a good effort to connect with the community. Having taken several different criminal justice classes and hearing from a variety of speakers I know how important it is to have good relationships between the community and the police. Good community/police relationships are something I will really strive for should I be fortunate enough to become a police officer. What was definitely eye opening was the length of time it takes for to actually become a police officer. Really I’ve always heard that but no one ever really laid out the process so it was interesting to hear just how long it can take. Learning a little about the academy was nice as well though having already been through basic training in the army I can’t say I’m really excited about having to go through anything similar to that again but i know it’d be worth it in the end. Plus I do like learning and training and it’ll be a good experience to learn the skills I will need to be an effective police officer. It was also good to hear about how some of the officers are able to leave work at work and not take it home. That’s something that always concerned me about getting into a field like this. I know not everyone deals with things the same way but seeing them talk about it gave me reassurance that it is possible. I hope I get the opportunity to work for a police department like Peoria that realizes the importance of community relations. Overall I’d say it was a really good experience having the police officers come to speak with us.

    1. I definitely agree with you about how good it was to hear from people in the field and there journey to get where the are now. And how they were in different levels was really interesting and the insight on how the process really works.They really did have to go through a lot and it does take along time, which i agree was a little surprising. I also liked how you put your own personal experience with the army it really gives a big picture about how well you are thinking this through. -pizza002

  16. It was a cool experience to hear the officers speak in front of our class. It was interesting to hear about each of their opinions and attitudes towards their career. I think it is a good thing that the officers don't attach themselves too closely to their work when they're off duty, mainly because its a way for them to stay healthy. One of the officers even talked about officer suicides being at an all time high, so it's good they have figured out a way to stay happy and healthy. The officers also mentioned that to advance further and faster through the chain of command it would be within our best interests to continue our schooling before we found a job, because once working full time it's hard to make time for school. The most valuable piece of information i think i learned is how long and drawn out the hiring process to be an officer can be. I didn't really have a clue that it could take an entire year to make it into an agency but i'll definitely keep that in mind in the future. Waterboy002

    1. I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the hiring questions to be asked, since they're the questions that were and are most immediately relevant to people in our position. I think that they elaborated on it at a goodly length, and I think it's enough to make some more informed decisions based on that knowledge.


  17. Four officers from the Peoria Police Department came to talk to us today. One officer name Officer Klein went to Illinois Central College just like me and now he’s a police officer and that really made me 10 times motivated because now I know it is really possible to get where I want to be as a Homicide detective. I’m interested in joining Peoria police department internship this summer to get a feel of what i’m getting myself into and committing my life to. I was always afraid that’s my family background was going to stop me from becoming a police department but I was told that it won’t stop me and that left so much weight off my shoulders I also learned more about the process of becoming a police from the hiring process to starting the academy. A classmate asked how they keep they felt mentally healthy and that was a really good question because that was another thing I was worried about because I know police officers see a lot of hurtful thing and get stressed out about the decisions they have to make and sometimes it is hard trying to leaving your work bagage at work and not mix it with your personal life. I Want to know more the Police Explorer program because i’m interested in joining that as well. Being able to help someone everyday and saving other lives is really a good feeling and that’s something I want to do for a living. That’s more than a good it’s a pasion. As a police officer you should never drag coming to work thinking “Another day another dollar. It should be more like “Another day, another life to save.” because that's really what it is. I also learned that a detective do not get paid more than a police officer. That was truly a big surprise to me because I thought since detectives have to solve cases and things like that and becoming a detective is also a promotion position so i thought it was higher pay. I really do appreciate the police officers that took the time out of their day to come and talk to us that really meant a lot to me because the information they gave us was really helpful.KenzieLand002

  18. The Peoria Police Department came and spoke with us and I think the four of them were incredibly informative and helpful. I was never really sure how the whole process worked from the time you applied to the time you were offered the job and they completely broke it down into terms we understood and very detailed as to the panel you interview with, obstacle course you undergo and how it all works. I also found it interesting that their views on the body cameras were that they initially were not fond of them but now it is like second nature and how it is super helpful. I think it is just so new that a lot of them still have to get used to it and remembering when to turn it on and off. I also think that it was neat to hear all their views when I asked about if they feel like it makes them more hesitant or act differently when they have it on and are interacting with the public. The one female officer said it does and the others said it does not really affect them. Someone asked how they feel regarding the differences in the department between male and females and on the street and the one said she will be more confrontational and addressing if there is an issue and the other female agreed but said they do not feel as if they are treated differently. I was also not aware of what the target offender unit was all about so I was pretty excited to hear about it and thought it was a very neat program they have. I think a lot of mental issues are never dealt with as they should be in first responders and I like how someone had asked the question of how they handle stressors and all said not drinking and just finding healthier habits, keeping your mind busy and off the thoughts as such. I also loved how each of them had their own little upbringing from law enforcement. It is not the type of profession you determine you want overnight. They all made that very clear as well and said that it was something they slowly discovered they knew they wanted to do. -holywaffles002

    1. I agree with you and the body cameras. They are a big controversial topic right now and many people don’t agree with them. But some people do agree with them and like them so they can protect what the officers say in court. I liked how they broke down the way you hire on and the different types of tests that they explained. I thought it was interesting on how they said the body cameras make them more hesitant about what they say to people they are talking too. I think they were very informative and interesting to listen too because they had a lot of good information. #notaplumber002

    2. I found it interesting how many officers totally disagree with body cameras but now they totally depend on them. I still wonder if the officers that don't agree with them, if there is something they want to hide with how police. It’s something that is helpful when it comes to being in court and showing what really happen. If there is an officer that doesn't do the job correctly or does not decrease the problem, then maybe they wouldn't want the cameras for that reason. dory002

  19. So the officers really gave a great insight on what I'm going into. I liked how they had different ranks of cops there so they could each tell their story and how they got there. Both the newer cops had different stories about how they got into policing like what acedomy they went to. Also it was interesting to get a personal view on how the handle stress and how the one does not take work home with her she just leaves it at work and then comes back gives 110% and then has those two days off. This really was interesting because i never really thought about how to handle stress and the one cop was still trying to figure out how to handle it. It's clear you have to be dedicated and the strength to do this job. Not just the everyday work but the process to get there is a long one and you have to put in the work that's classes and fitness the whole thing. It's also crazy to think about the uniforms they have to wear and how heavy the belt is not to mention the vest. Having to run after someone with all of that must be really hard and the sargent she said back in the day the were really bad and the vest the would pull them and steam would just come out in the summer. Also another thing is that even if you pass they might not higher you if your scores aren't high enough. Also after all that the will give you more background checks and really go into your past. It's clear that these people went through a great deal to get where they are no and then couldn't have done it without the drive and heart to complete it. -pizza002

  20. There were many topics that were mentioned that I learned in the moment and that I already knew from prior classes. It was good to know from the women officers, that they don’t let the idea of a “male” job take over how they handle situations. It was asked, what do they do to be able to cope with the job? Many of them looked for other distractions to take their mind off of things. To a certain extent I don’t think it’s healthy for people to just throw it aside if it bothers them. Then again it can work differently for many people to deal with things. I learned that if you are an officer in a community that you grew up in, it can be difficult but isn't when you are doing the job correctly. Also, they talked about the process of becoming a police officer is really long and can take up to months. They all mentioned their different tactics when handling certain situations. There was a new officer that just started his first week as on the job by himself. He said that he didn’t have an opinion because he first started so experience helps a lot when policing. Knowing how to talk to people and being able to defend yourself with your mouth is most important on the job. Being able to talk to the community and building a relationship helps when on a call. Having the Police Department come in and talk to us and answering our questions was very helpful. dory002

  21. The officers that spoke were highly informative. The mix of experienced and relatively fresh blooded officers gave a unique perspective on the more psychological aspects of law enforcement. When one of the class asked how one deals with all of the stress of the job at home, the officer on the TOU quipped that "You don't go home." Everyone laughed, of course, but avoiding their own home in favor of another area is a behavior that does sometimes surface in people who deal with high levels of stress, and it was reassuring to hear that his current job has him in a better state of mind, and allows him to spend more time with his family. The more seasoned officers were both married to my recollection, and recommended either not discussing the job and leaving it only on the job, or discussing it with a spouse who can understand the pressures. I've long noticed an odd confluence of police and nurses getting married through my experiences with them, and I attribute it to the uniquely high pressure nature of their jobs, which build strong bonds between those who share such stresses. Perhaps medical professionals are the perfect match to people who dedicate their lives to guarding, and are therefore in a good position to understand the complaints of a police officer. The younger officers were less definite, and since they were both patrol officers, both commented that they merely left the job on the job and didn't think much of it while off duty, and instead indulged in hobbies common to people their age. All in all, I thought that to be the most interesting kernel of knowledge that they provided, although the information on the hiring process may ultimately prove more fruitful in the short term. In some discussions with police over the summer, I came to the conclusion that the hiring prospects in the Peoria department were less than promising, with one officer asserting that it would be fruitless to try unless you know someone on the board. Presumably, he was referencing the initial police screening board, though a friend on the police and fire marshal board would undoubtedly be a good connection to have. While I'm unsure of the force behind those words, the city does seem to be in something of a spiral financially, so whilst I appreciate the knowledge, I do not think I shall be applying to work for them at this juncture.

    - Arsenal002

  22. When the police officers came into class the other day they really gave helpful information. This was actually confirmation for me and by that I mean one officer basically said when she was younger... she just know this was the profession that she wanted to be in. You can do whatever you set you mind to. Also, I’m a female and hearing how the females basically said how they felt working in this profession is just proving how strong us women can be. And men will have their biases probably feeling that a women can’t do their jobs but these women will check you. This is an important job that they are in and just proves to me that if you set your mind to do what you want to, you can do it. Plain and simple. Also what stood out to me is that all of the officers who came love their job. Stopping crime on the street and also building relationships with the community. I basically heard this, do not just go into law enforcement for a paycheck. If you’re just going to be lazy in this profession... that’s not a good thing. This career is too important for the laziness. Really care about your job and watch how others will look up to you and respect you. OKURRR003


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