When on Cruz Control.....Your Thoughts?


  1. Angel Cruz had a lot of great things to say for our class today. There is something that hits a lot harder listening to someone like him speak on helping keeping people from being incarcerated than a professor, a peer, or someone who didn't experience it first hand. Coming from someone that has been on the more negative side of the criminal justice system, it makes you realize the potential many people have but are never given the chance to live up to. Angel went into detail about his past, explaining to us his struggles with addiction as well as the fact that many of the men in his family shared similar issues.This was a big takeaway for me on the psychological side of things. It is very easy to look at someone with a drug problem, who is in and out of jail and just say that they screwed it up for themselves, they chose that life 100% on their own, etcetera. Just by simply looking at someone's past, or family history, though not to be used as an excuse, can shed light on why that individual may have made the decisions they did. For example, if no one would have ever asked, would anyone have realized that a young Angel Cruz was in pain? He was hurting, abusing his own body with drugs and WANTING to be incarcerated because that is what he had seen growing up. If as a young boy all you see is the men in your life beating on your mother, beating you, and abusing substances why would it be so crazy to think that those are things you have to do to be a man? Our criminal justice system has turned into one hard set on harsh punishment, when even though it may be necessary for some, a lot of people just need help. Incarceration is definitely the answer for some offenders, but Angel's testimony is just proof that a lot of times offenders of smaller capacity crimes just need help, they need to be educated and they need rehabilitation. Anyone that is skeptical of the idea of a criminal being able to get out of jail and become a productive member of society has not met someone like Angel Cruz. Mr. Cruz took his years of incarceration, substance abuse and negativity and completely turned it all around. Not only did he get out of the cycle of incarceration and drug abuse, he started a career in helping people that he knew he could relate to, and that he knew were worth fighting for. We need more success stories like Angel's, and those start with people like us getting into the field of criminal justice and seeing that not all people that screw up deserve to spend a life in and out of prison. If we were more willing to focus on the psychology and reasoning behind crime, we would see a lot less of it, and a lot more great people like Angel Cruz integrated into our communities. -psych001

  2. The guest speaker, Angel Cruz really had a powerful impact on me. His come up story really hit home and amazes me how he dug out of the hole he did. I cannot imagine how many people would fall into the trap of being a worse criminal that what he was if they were in that situation. He claims that at the age of 15, he was a heroin addict. Granted, heroin is a very bad hard drug, but for him to be an incredibly young age while addicted is just insane. Looking in perspective, you cannot put the blame on him for being a heroin addict, because that is all he knew growing up. Like he said, his father died a heroin addict and his grandpa died an alcoholic. He says you consistently see generations of father/sons in prisons which just shows that it is all in the environment that offender grew up in. You consistently hear stories about people like him that didn’t make it out just because of how they grew up. As a result of their childhood, they grow up and become a criminal offender. You can’t put the blame on them for their actions, but you can definitely put the blame on their guardians because of the way they raised them. It is unfortunate that this is how people have to grow up. This leads to the fact that majority of these people just need help plain and simple. Cruz probably loves his job right now because he can relate to the people he talks to considering he was in some shape or form the same situation his clients are in. He told us that he was homeless and the reason he decided he wanted to turn his life around is because he was outside in the winter and he was cold. He then went into a business that promised him room and board for work. He worked for them for 7 years without pay, but got room and board. Again, respect that he went 7 years of working without pay while keeping his head on straight. This job then led him to Peoria where they offered him a job, leading up to his job today. He also brought up the fact that the result of how people grow up is a direct correlation to mass incarceration. He is helping with the community, and the corrections system. Honestly, if I was ever in a hole in my life, I would go to Cruz to help me dig myself out. -lilbaby001

  3. I learned a lot of things from the class speaker Angel Cruz. He was a very well-spoken man. I did not know that Peoria had the programs that it did to try to deter crime. It is also a very inspiring story of his past and how he has gotten to the point in his life where he is now. Some of my family members struggle with addiction so I could say I know how it feels, but the way he described his experience is nowhere near where my family is, and I am grateful that it has not gotten that bad. The work Angel does in Peoria is a great thing that is definitely needed in the community. I learned that some people want to be in jail and prison. I guess I had never really thought about that before that some people are at such rock bottom that they want to be there. To a lot of people that is a place that no one wants to go to, but some people want to go there. The weird part is that the reasons that Angel gave were not invalid reasons and that I could totally see people wanting meaning those reasons. Some of the reasons he gave were that you got three meals a day, you have a roof over your head, you did not have any taxes to pay, and the last one is because your friends had been in jail or prison and you wanted to be like your friends. Another thing that surprised me is that he has such a good relationship with the Peoria Police Department that they use him at crime scenes to help and to help the victims or the offender in those situations. That goes to show just how good of work he is doing because he has the help of the police and the police have his help. Also, when he goes around the community to talk to people it is cool he takes police officers with him because that could help people that have a mistrust of officers if they see them with Angel Cruz. He is definitely someone that seems trustworthy and is very passionate about his work. He is a great asset to the Peoria community. I think that there are probably more people that have had similar upbringings that are sitting in prison or on the street that could do such great things that we need to find. -Legion001

  4. Mr. Cruz had a very interesting viewpoint on our criminal justice system problems. The stories he had told about his life were very interesting. I wish I did not believe that stories like those were all too common especially in places like Chicago. Listening to him talk about how he was a heroin addict and that his father was to was sad to hear because as a child, most of us want to grow up in their parent's footprints. It is unfortunate when your parents are not good role models. Hearing him talk about how many times he had been through rehab but it just would not help makes wonder how effective rehab can be for people who just do not want to get better. When he had spoken how he had just wanted to go to prison is when it hit me. He had given up on life and did not want to live a free man anymore. I suppose he was tired of being in the endless cycle of rehab and scrapping to get by. I can not imagine wanting to go to prison just because all his friends were there and he wanted to fit in with the people around him. I believe that the most I had gotten out of his presentation was an inspiration. The way that he came from literally nothing to be something great is incredible. How he came from an addict that took from his family to feed his addiction to someone who never gives up on another person going through similar struggles that he went through is nothing but respectable. I think another important part of the presentation was the Cruz was very personable. He spoke and told his life story as if any other human could have gone through the same problems. Maybe that is why I believe that problems like these too common. If I ever do come in contact with people who are going through an addiction Cruz has convinced me that they are just like anyone else. I do not think putting addicts into prison or jail is always the right call. I believe that rehab should always be on a table for those who really want and need the help. I have a firm believing that there needs to be more support for those are suffering from problems similar to the problems Cruz had gone through. Jackrabbit001

  5. Mr. Cruz delivered a very powerful message to us in class. He kept it absolutely real with us and didn’t hold back the truth. He opened up to us about his life in order to teach us about where he’s come from, how he’s changed, and who he has become today. He was willing to make himself vulnerable in order for us to find success in our criminal justice fields. He told us about his childhood and how he became a heroine addict. Most people who fall victim to such heavy drugs like heroine often are in the most pain. He told us that all he wanted to do in life was to go to prison and die. However, he took the first step to getting better by asking for help. He broke free from drug abuse and was ready to become a better citizen. This part of the story hit close to home for me. Good friends of mine have fallen victim to drug addiction and have let it take over their lives. They are getting the help they need and to hear this story gives me hope for them and their futures. Many people who suffer from drug addiction feel trapped and alone and feel that they can never recover. It was heartbreaking to hear that he wasn’t allowed back in his mother’s house, even after he recovered. Even through all of this, he kept his head up and got himself a job. He turned his life around to help people just like him, and by doing so he changed lives for the better. He eventually got to Peoria and started helping people here. His story is one of success through heartbreak and is very inspiring. He gave me a lot of hope when he was talking about the criminals he helps. He made it clear that many of the offenders he helps have a lot of issues in life and just need help. Many offenders are good people just doing something dumb or see no other lifestyle for themselves. Its important for all of us going into law enforcement to see that the people we’ll be dealing with everyday aren’t the enemy. There are serious offenders of course, but the majority are just regular people making poor choices. Thank you, Mr. Cruz, for everything you’re doing in our community! sexy_in_bikini 001

  6. Angel Cruz came in to speak to our class and spoke about his life and what he does for a living. He is the president of Peoria's Don't Shoot Project where he helps people get back on the right track. He talked about how you can only help someone who wants to be helped and the hardest part of his job is when people go back to old habits and end up in prison again because they do not want to change or they just mess up. He, himself grew up going in and out of jail because he wanted to fail and wanted to go to prison someday because he didn't see any point to his life. He said that once he asked a judge to just send him to prison and lock him up for a long time, but since his crime wasn't ever severe enough, the judge legally could not do that. He also said how everyday he just wanted to die and I think it is amazing how he turned his life around and began helping people who are in similar positions. Mr. Cruz also talked about main four of the main reasons for recidivism, which were the offender's background, lack of education, lack of a driver's license, and homelessness. I thought the fact that the lack of driver's license was an interesting reason because I never thought of it before, but it makes sense. Without a driver's license someone would not be able to drive to school to get an education or get to a job as easily, so they may turn back to crime in an attempt to meet their needs. Mr. Cruz also talked about the importance of community involvement and how it would keep the more dangerous criminals off the streets. Another point he brought up was that he works with a lot of police officers and the most important thing a cop can do is to get the community to back them up and trust them. With the way the media portrays cops nowadays, it is even more important now than ever before. The way to do this is to have accountability and transparency so that the community knows you are genuine. A police officer's job is to serve and protect and if their community sees that, they will feel more inclined to help an officer if need be.

    I had no idea Peoria had a program like the Don't Shoot Project and it was really nice to hear you talk about it, Mr. Cruz. Thank you!

  7. Our speaker Angel Cruz really gave me a new mindset regarding how we view others and how we conduct ourselves. He had a life story that stuck with me and I can not get out of my mind, and to see how far he has come just shows what people really are capable of. At such a young age to be addicted to such a hard drug that had been around in the family for a very long time just shows the whole family dynamic Mr. Cruz spoke about. The family dynamic was how in his case, he saw three different generations of a family while doing his work in the jails and prisons. Once something is ingrained in a families lifestyle the future generations grow up involved in the same actions and ways of living and Cruz spoke about how that causes multiple generations to all be incarcerated at once. One of the biggest aspects I got out of the presentation was the need for involvement in the communities that police officers work in. In the current times we live in there is a vast amount in the lack of trust with law enforcement and our safety and that is something that needs to change before things get beyond repair. Cruz said that when he was growing up, the local officer who worked his beat used to get out and play basketball which is a very good thing because that allows for trust of the police and law enforcement at a young age and hopefully for a lifetime. Cruz also spoke of how being persistent can make the difference in someone trusting you, such as his story of knocking on a person for week straight to check in on them and never once gave up on them. The one thing that Mr. Cruz said that I took most to heart was how a police officers job is to protect and serve his/her communities but in this day in age the officer also has to protect and serve themselves because of the people in the communities who want to do harm to them. The thought of others wanting to do harm to me just for the job I will be working is unnerving, but through the main points Mr. Cruz spoke on, being persistent, never giving up, and having trust in the community will lead you to a successful career and successful relationships with the entire community you serve. Mr. Cruz you are doing amazing things for our community, and thank you very much for speaking with our class! -Blues001

  8. There are many things I learned about what Cruz spoke about. The organization “Don’t Shoot” is a community resource that focuses on deterrence. It provides opportunities to people for a lifestyle change like education, employment and programs for mental health. The Don’t Shoot program is a rehabilitation and probation program. Cruz talked about people that he have helped mentor in the program and have been successful. Being successful with the program is accomplished with being consistent. I personally know someone that went through the program after prison and said the same thing about consistency is the only solution. Cruz also mentioned that the only way it works it if the person going through wants change. Most people going through probation programs seems like it impossible to accomplish everything with a criminal record. Also, the community involvement is something very important when it comes to helping people rehabilitate. It helps also police officers also when wanting information around the community. Also, it wont fill up prisons with nonviolent offenders and people suffering from mental illness. He stated that most prisons are overpopulated with people like that and it something that has to do with biases against them. Cruz himself has gone through this process and has turned his life around in helping those people that also need a consistency to have a changed life. There are many people that have the potential of changing their life around but the people around them and circumstances can prevent that. taco001

  9. The work that Mr. Cruz got to share with our class was very inspiring and hopeful for the community of corrections. We really do have people out here making it their best interest in helping others with their problems because they have been in the same place, or close to it. I was suprised to hear Mr. Cruz worked with three generations of families, as well as that he beat his own demons by working through this as well. He mentioned how his problem affected his family throughout his talk, and I noticed that as he described his program he described how he came to face his demons and I thought it was interesting how he worked with that. He mentioned a story about an inmate who believed the class wouldn't work and it was a waste of time, after class Mr. Cruz confronted the man and it turns out, the man simply did not understand and just could not read or write on his own. Mr. Cruz took his own time and taught this man to read and write as well as take him through the course. That is full commitment when it comes to your job and worrying about the community. I wish there were more people like or close to similarity of Mr. Cruz because he himself is doing a great deed that should be spread 10 fold across the corrects system. It was sad to hear how he had to fight with personal problems when it came to people he couldn't help or did help and later found out they were killed or re-incarcerated. However to him it seemed he did his job they just made the wrong choice and that was life. Mr. Cruz's story of revisiting a man's house over and over without the door being answered is something that should be told to all the people looking to help others. Because that right there is commitment and trust in his work and his belief that he can help people. Mr. Cruz is very inspiring and I hope that I can continue to see his work go on so that maybe one day I can work close to his idea and help the community. -Lobster001

  10. Angel Cruz said a lot of very interesting things in our class on Thursday. He first spoke about what his job was in the Police Department. Part of his job was to help people get back on track after having been incarcerated. He told us how it can be difficult for those who have been in prison to get hired for four reasons: lack of education, criminal background, drivers license, and homelessness. Without the proper education there would be so few jobs that former inmates would be able to get. A criminal background would make employers question whether or not that person is the best person for that job. It would make it harder to get a job, but not impossible. He offers different programs to these people to help them make a better life for themselves. For example he has told us about one of the people he has helped. When Cruz first went to this man's house, the man at first did not answer the door because he did not want to hear what Cruz had to say. But just because that man didn't want to hear what it was he wanted to say, didn't mean that Cruz stopped there. He kept coming to this man's house every day until finally he opened the door. He had gotten the help he needed to get a job. Now he owns a house and a car. And it is because Angel Cruz was devoted to helping people get back on track that this man was able to get these things. Consistency. The hardest part of his job according to him was putting a lot of time and effort into helping someone and then they end up going back to their bad lifestyles again. Cruz believes that people can be helped, and he also believes in justice. By that he means that if people just keep doing bad things then they should be locked up. He then told us his personal story. He told us that he grew up in a rough household. His father was a heroin addict. Cruz also said that he had gotten into a lot of trouble when he was younger. He himself had also done drugs and by the time he was a freshman he had already become a heroin addict. But eventually he ended up getting help and he got himself back on track. It was sad to hear that even though he got himself together, his mother didn't allow him back in his house. What Mr. Cruz does to help people is really amazing. We need more people like Cruz in our community.

  11. Angel Cruz said a lot of very interesting things in our class on Thursday. He first spoke about what his job was in the Police Department. Part of his job was to help people get back on track after having been incarcerated. He told us how it can be difficult for those who have been in prison to get hired for four reasons: lack of education, criminal background, drivers license, and homelessness. Without the proper education there would be so few jobs that former inmates would be able to get. A criminal background would make employers question whether or not that person is the best person for that job. It would make it harder to get a job, but not impossible. He offers different programs to these people to help them make a better life for themselves. For example he has told us about one of the people he has helped. When Cruz first went to this man's house, the man at first did not answer the door because he did not want to hear what Cruz had to say. But just because that man didn't want to hear what it was he wanted to say, didn't mean that Cruz stopped there. He kept coming to this man's house every day until finally he opened the door. He had gotten the help he needed to get a job. Now he owns a house and a car. And it is because Angel Cruz was devoted to helping people get back on track that this man was able to get these things. Consistency. The hardest part of his job according to him was putting a lot of time and effort into helping someone and then they end up going back to their bad lifestyles again. Cruz believes that people can be helped, and he also believes in justice. By that he means that if people just keep doing bad things then they should be locked up. He then told us his personal story. He told us that he grew up in a rough household. His father was a heroin addict. Cruz also said that he had gotten into a lot of trouble when he was younger. He himself had also done drugs and by the time he was a freshman he had already become a heroin addict. But eventually he ended up getting help and he got himself back on track. It was sad to hear that even though he got himself together, his mother didn't allow him back in his house. What Mr. Cruz does to help people is really amazing. We need more people like Cruz in our community.

  12. Angel Cruz said so many great points during his presentation in class. The way a man can turn his life around for the better is amazing. I liked how he held off on his personal story until he was in the middle of the presentation. Also how he was able to make it clear that people can be helped and need help but those who deserve justice and the punishments that come with it get it. Mr.Cruz also showed that persistence and consistency is key when dealing with somebody who was not at first willing to accept help. Personally I think Mr.Cruz's job is just as hard or harder than a normal police officer. He does not have a weapon to protect himself when he is going to his first interaction with somebody. He does not have authority or power over them, he is just there to help them try to better their person. He also touched on the programs that he was able to take advantage of while in jail. And earned his spot volunteering at the facility just so he could have a place to stay at night. The man is truly a selfless man.-Purdue001


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