Crime Victim Compensation and Resources in Illinois


  1. This article was a much needed read, especially coming from having just read about all the statistics on human trafficking in our state. This website, the Illinois Attorney General site, gives information on something I had never even known was a thing- “crime victim compensation.” Crime victim compensation, (I’ll call it CVC for short), is essentially an act that was established in 1973, “with the primary goal of helping to reduce the the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crimes and their families.” To know our state has such a thing as this is honestly a good feeling- it makes me feel like I should feel lucky to live in a state that is willing to have funds set aside (or more likely pulled from somewhere else), for people who have been victims to crimes that damaged property or affected their well-being/ability to work. A story that was discussed in lecture by our professor was that of a barber who made good money, but not enough to replace everything or valuables if he were to be robbed. He said that the barber was one day met by two thieves who held him at gunpoint in his own home before taking anything valuable he owned. I can’t remember the exact time length, but it was said that he was talking to our professor one day quite some time later and it was discovered that the barber had never asked for his CVC money. Once he submitted his application and proved he was as cooperative with the police on the case as possible, he received his money and was able to continue on with his business and home life. Something this story showed me (in addition to the fact that I major on the topic this CVC is categorized under and I had never heard of it) is that the CVC needs to be discussed and have knowledge spread about it significantly more across our country. This act does the American citizens no good if they don’t know about it and are made no recommendations by the investigating officers. If we have the ability to supply an individual of violent crime with up to $27,000, then we certainly should make that known. I hope in the future more people will know of this and that the future generation of law enforcers help spread the word. GMan003

    1. I as well did not know about the Crime Victim Compensation Act, but after reading the article I 100 percent support it, and think we should continue to keep using it. I think that Illinois shows by using this act that it will support, and stand by innocent victims who have been affected by violent crimes. I as well, and probably most citizens of Illinois should feel lucky knowing that we have an act in place something were to happen to us. 27,000 is a large amount of money, and you can use that too help towards your financial struggle.

  2. The Attorney General is the state's chief legal officer and is responsible for protecting the public interest of the state and its people. Illinois Attorney General is known for protecting consumers and businesses that have been victimized by fraud. They also advocate for women and an end to domestic violence, and sexual assault crimes. Illinois Attorney General work hand in hand with the law enforcement agencies in order to keep communities safe. They enforce safety and protecting the rights of the elderly. Keeping children safe, healthy and educating the parents and the kids about the internet and teen dating violence is a big priority in keeping them safe. Illinois Attorney General are committed to defend the rights of the people of Illinois. They ensure to keep the public healthy and preserve the environment. They provide multiple services to help crime victims that have been impacted and are suffering from PTSD. They want the community to feel like they have a free, open government and want to expand charities that will be able to support everyone. They have multiple hotlines to call if you are in need of help. They also have links where you are able to report a missing minor. They have several of resources that can help anyone from needing assistance with student loan debt or even an identity theft hotline for someone that has stolen your identity. This website is extremely informative for the residents of Illinois State to be informed of in case they are in need of one of the services. It is also impressive that the Illinois State is willing to have a close relation with the residents and want to have a welcoming attitude to help others that are in need. Many people need help but they don’t know where to start or to even begin on what to say. This helps people and the community to grow together and use the government for help not to hinder. #notaplumber003

  3. first of all we already know that the attorney general is the states chief officer and is responsible for protecting the public interest of the state and its people. He ensure that the state laws are followed and respected. He also provides services that cover a broad range of issues, reaching every corner of Illinois. A lot times people are jailed or prosecuted for crimes that they didn't even committed. The attorney general make sure such people are compericiated for the period wasted. Attorney general also represents the united states in legal matters like furnishing advice and opinions, formal and informal, on legal matters to the president of states and the cabinet heads of the executive departments and agencies of the government, as provided by the law. He has defended human right in the country such as civil rights. The attorney general's civil rights bureau protects the civil rights of all Illinois residents. The Bureau enforces civil rights laws that prohibits discrimination, works to and participate in in community outreach programs. The attorney general encourages all the residents of illinois and individuals to contact his office to report hate crimes and instances of discrimination or harassment. we also see that the attorney general developed a comprehensive policy including a procedure to resolve complaint, a definition of consent also providing students with a confidential advisors.This will end and prevent sexual violence around schools and residents. GUSII 003

    1. The fact that we have a program like this means a lot to me. Violent crimes are senseless and way too common. I believe that victims and their families need and deserve compensation, so I'm glad Illinois has this. I agree with the states attorneys office, that this is a priority. The states attorney's office also has other programs and services. For adults, senior citizens, children, and the whole community. They have a domestic violence fund, sexual assault nurse examination program, the automated victim notification program, and so much more. I'm glad out state has these programs and I hope they continue to get funded. I like reading what you had to say about the topic, and your vocabulary. -pizza003

  4. The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program can help a lot of people deal with different forms of violent crimes. This was established by the Illinois General Assembly in 1973 with primary goal of helping to reduce the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crimes and their families. This is a good program to help anyone who has ever been thru a violent crime and are not able to pay for there bills and or any other expenses they may have like groceries, gas money, and or anything else. This program can really help families get back on there feet. The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program can provide innocent victims and their families with up twenty seven thousand dollars in financial assistance for expenses accursed as a result of a violent crime. I can understand if people may say that twenty seven thousand is not enough money but at least it is a start back to the right direction and enough to get by with the major that you need in life. I doubt many people don’t even know about it. I never even knew about this program nor did my family. Like we talked about in class his barber was getting robbed by two robbers. He was held at gun point in his own house. This is probably the case for many other people and not knowing that our state has this program is a major problem. This won’t help anyone if there’s no way for people to know about the The Crime Prevention Program. It should be broadcasted all over the news and the radio. If we have enough money to give people when they have been involved in a violent crime we should have enough money to show it to the whole entire world. I would hope that many other states have this same rule. Batman003

    1. On a lot of these reading them not a lot of any of the people knew what the Act was for until reading it. I agree with you it is a very help act to help people that are in need for financial assistance. Yes, it made sense for the barber to use it it benefited him in his case. There is a application process for it so its not used and abused it should be brought up during the case. DirtTrack003

  5. The Illinois Attorney General website was a very interesting thing to explore, and read about certain things I didn't know until coming onto this website. I didn't really know about the Crime Victim Compensation Act, nor did I even know that it existed. But what I did learn is that it was created in 1973 by the Illinois general assembly, and the main focus of was to reduce the financial burden to victims and their families affected by violent crimes. As I stated before I didn't know that the Victim Compensation act was before reading this article, but now that I do know what it is I feel like it is an very important act. It is important because if a person who is struggling with money gets caught in the middle of some sort of violent crime, and gets hurt they won't have the money to pay for hospital bills or things like that. So that's where this act comes into play and pays for fees, an charges to help out the victim. Crime Victim Compensation Act can give innocent victims and their families up to 27,000 dollars of financial aid. That is a really large amount of money that should be used towards the recovering from a violent crime. The article states that before any money is handed out, the victim and their families case is evaluated, to determine if the severity of their case is eligible for the 27,000 dollar grant. I think that it is good that they do a thorough investigation on these families applying for the aid. You do not want people lying about their case, and getting a free 27,000 dollar loan. Once the Attorney General's office says that the family is eligible then the court of claims makes the final decision whether the family gets the money or not.

    1. I also did not know anything about this act/program until after I read the information on the website. I think that this is a great thing to have around for people who may need help with things like gas, food, toiletries and etc. There are many effects to a person or family who has been affected by a violent crime, especially since they are innocent. I also agree with you about how it is a good idea that they do an investigation on the case first instead of just handing out money to people who claim to be victims of a violent crime. This is a great idea so people can not cheat the system. -brooklyn003

    2. I came into the site not knowing anything about the act other than what we talked about in class. I think the act is very important to have for victims. It may not heal all wounds for the victim or victims, but at least they are getting some sort of help. -CUBSFAN003

  6. This article informed me of something that I had never even heard about and I think that it is great. The state has money that is set to help the innocent people that are victims of crimes. The state will provide all the way up to twenty-seven thousand dollars in order to help some of these victims. That could be an absolutely huge help to someone that needs it and it is great that the state can do that to help all of these people that I am sure they have. I am also sure that there is a lot of people here in Illinois that have had something happen to them where they have to take care of some of the things themselves and this money should definitely be able to help them with whatever they need. Of course they have to have a claim and they have to get reviewed by some people to see if they get approved, some people who may need the money may not receive it but hopefully for the most part most of the people are receiving the money that they are really needing and at least some people are getting help. Helping some in better than not helping at all and i think that it is really cool that the state will do this. The state has been able to start helping people that get approved in the court of claims since 1973. -Steel003

    1. I had no clue about this act also. I knew there was something that parents and children could receive from social security if they lost a parent or child but again this is something new to me. I think it is wonderful that there is additional money out there that could help with maybe funeral cost, medical expenses and living expenses. Some people do not realize the true affects the occur when you are a victim of a violent crime. Some people are forced to move and relocate their families. This would be something that could help offset the moving cost. Jadist003

  7. Crime victim compensation is when the victim is given money to pay for or when the expenses are automatically paid for the damages done to the property, the lawyers, and other expenses needed to be taken care of for the victim. If the victim needs therapy that can also be taken care of so the victim doesn’t have to worry about the money aspect, it’s also given so the victim time to heal from the wrongs against them. This act is mainly for violent crimes. The Crime Victim Compensation Act was established in 1973 by the Illinois General Assembly where the main goal and most important part is to help the victim by reducing the financial burden that was put on them. This is a beautiful thing, victims already go through so much and to have to deal with the financial burden of lawyers, fixing the property, and much more doesn’t make it any easier or give them any time to grieve. This act even though it doesn’t one hundred percent help the pain caused, something is at least being done for the victim. Ark003

    1. This website was extremely helpful for people who need the right services. I never knew Illinois had these types of services until I started reading the website. It makes Illinois feel more homey when others feel this welcomed that the government wants to protect the residents. They want to help people in need if they need it. There are several of different hotlines that are available to the public if they are in need of one. There is also places to report a missing minor, or to get help on your own. This would reduce crime and help raise awareness which would be beneficial in the long run. #notaplumber003

  8. The Crime Victim Compensation Act was established in by the Illinois General Assembly in 1973. This act helps with the burden that falls upon victims and or the families of victims due to the violent crimes that occurred against them. The Attorney General has the duty to decide if the victims should receive compensation or not. The applicant can be the victim, the victims legal guardian or any person the court finds entitled to compensation. These crimes must be a crime of violence. For example if you are a mother to someone that was murdered, or a victim of rape, you could possibly qualify for compensation. I feel this is very beneficial. Some people who have been a victim of a violent crime or family member (mother, father) of a victim of a violent crime you can be affected in ways that prevent you from working and having a source of income. There are some people who never recover and have a mental breakdown that would force a family member to have to care for them. This would assist with any medical or mental health care, food, and long term facility care. The applicant must apply Within 2 years of the occurrence of the crime, or within one year after a criminal charge of a person for an offense. All law enforcement agencies and medical facilities have to assist with any documentation needed for the applicant to apply for this compensations. This must be done within 15 days upon request. Some may feel like there is no amount that can truly compensate for the loss or affects of a violent crime, but I feel this can help offset some of the cost that victims gain when they are affected by violent crimes. Jadist003

  9. This article talks about Crime Victim Compensation. The Crime Victim Compensation Act was established by the Illinois General Assembly in 1973. The main goal of this act was to help reduce the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crime and their families. The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program can provide innocent victims and their families with up to $27,000 in financial assistance for expenses accrued as a result of a violent crime. The Crime Victim Compensation Act states that the office of the attorney general has the statutory duty to process all claims by investigating each claim to determine the claimants eligibility. The attorney general's office then makes a preliminary recommendation to award or deny compensation, the court of claims makes the final decision. This is a very good program to have around because it can help people who have been through violent crimes and need help paying bills, get food, get gas and etc. Some families go from having a lot but once in a violent crime they may have nothing. Which The Crime Victim Compensation Program will be able to get those families going and back on their feet again. There are many people who are innocent and they are involved in violent crimes. Personally I have never heard of this before and this is a great program to have around. I feel as though not many people have heard of this before. So it definitely should be advertised more around communities so people who have been victims of this are able to good to this for help. If people do not know about The Crime Victim Compensation Program then many people may be without many things they need because of a violent crime. -brooklyn003

  10. It is good to know that we have enacted a compensation program in our state to help victims of violent crimes gain something back from everything they had gone through. Although getting money won't fix the crime, it is definitely worth it to the person to apply for the compensation. I had no idea that we had something like this and it's great that we do. Victims should take advantage of this when they can and if police officers don't do this already they should make sure to tell victims about it. With the Crime Victim Compensation Act, victims are probably more willing to seek the help they need such as therapy and counselling to help them through traumatic events and to seek medical attention. They could also, be more encourage to report the crime that occurred. Those who are victimized by violent crime may not be able to afford the attention they need to cope with the traumatic event and getting compensation could help them majorly. -Smokeybear003

  11. Many people in Illinois are affected by violent crimes, most of the time these people think that all is lost. But what most people do not know that the government will compensate you for a crime that has happen to you. In 1973 the Crime Victim Compensation Act was established by the Illinois General Assembly. This Act will help people who have been affected by violent crimes. It is hard enough to be affected by a violent crime, it gets harder when the bills keep piling in. The program offers victims and their families up to $27,000 dollars for their assistance. These families have to be innocent though. There are many violent crimes that are eligible for compensation. Some of these crimes are First Degree Murder, Battery, Assault, Criminal Sexual Assault, Stalking and many more crimes. To be eligible to receive the compensation you must notify law enforcement. This notification must be within 72 hours of the crime or within a week for sexual assaults. You must file an application within 2 years of the date of the crime or within a year of the filling of the criminal charge. You must also cooperate with the police in the apprehension and the prosecution of the offender. It is not necessary though for the offender to be apprehended. You will need to cooperate with the Office of the Illinois Attorney General and submit and verify information about the crime victims compensation claim. You must also be innocent of the crime. You cannot be a the offender, an accomplice, or provoked the incident. You also cannot have contributed to your own injury. If you can do all of this than you will be eligible for compensation that can go to bill that needs to be paid. -ClarkKent003

  12. Established in 1973, the Crime Victim Compensation Act has a primary “goal of helping to reduce the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crime and their families.” This is the prasing stated on the Illinois Attorney General’s website. I would consider myself to know more than the average person about criminal law and compensation, due to me being a criminal justice student. And for this to come as a surprise to me is very eye opening. If someone who is majoring in criminal justice does not know about the Crime Victim Compensation Act, then most likely many people who are your average citizen do not know about it. To me, that is a scary though. The CVC can award people who are a victim of violent crime up to $27,000. Now I realize that is a rare situation to be awarded the full amount, but any little bit helps. When people who are living paycheck to paycheck end up being the victim of a crime, it may not allow them to make ends meet. Many of whom, most likely do not know they have a chance to be compensated the money they may have lost. When searching the Attorney General website, I found a link that shows what the victim must do in order to get compensation. To be honest, I can see why some of these people who know about it, may not try to get the compensation after reading the rules and guidelines. The first one is that the victim must report it to police within 72 hours of the crime. If the crime happened while you were out of town, this would make it impossible for you to be able to know with in the 72 hour time frame. One thing I found very interesting was that they will reimburse the victim if he/she were to seek counseling for the incident. I feel like this is particularly important. People and their mental health can make a big difference in how the incident affects the person in the long run of life. So to know that counseling would be paid for is very relieving. -AS003

  13. The Illinois Attorney General website was a very interesting site to read and explore. I didn't know about the Crime Victim Compensation Act, nor did I even know that it existed. But what I did learn is that it was created in 1973 by the Illinois general assembly, and the main focus of was to reduce the financial burden to victims and their families affected by violent crimes. After reading about the Act I can tell that it is indeed very important. Crime victim compensation is when the victim is given money to pay for or when the expenses are automatically paid for the damages done to the property, the lawyers, and other expenses needed to be taken care of for the victim. If the victim needs therapy that can also be taken care of so the victim doesn’t have to worry about the money aspect, it’s also given so the victim time to heal from the wrongs against them. Further reading showed that this act is mainly for violent crimes. This might not heal all wounds for a victim, but at least they are getting some kind of help. -CUBSFAN003

  14. The Illinois victim crime compensation is a wonderful program that help compensate victims of a crime that was committed against them. This will help with any hardship that they may have to endure after an incident maybe help offset any bills, they may have to pay but can’t because they had to take off work for mental health issues they may have accrued after and incident (PTSD). I do believe that there is also a program the offender has to pay restitution to the victims of their crime to help restore things back to the way if not better to what they were before. For instance, if your destroyed someone’s property. But this is actually money out of their own pocket instead of a grant. The Crime victim compensation has to be applied for and up to $27000 dollars can be donated to each family that are victims of a crime. The family will have to give details of their hardships that they have accrued and then the committee will determine the actual amount the family will get. Depending on their hardships $27000 may be enough or then it might not be enough. How can we put a dollar amount on how much some one’s life has been impacted due to the negligence of the perpetrator? We truly can’t but at least we can help them. In order for the victim to be entitled to a compensation they have to file with in two years of the crime that was committed against them and with in one year of a criminal charge. They also have to testify under oath. Over all this is a service to our victims of a crime if they know about this service. I know some people who could have filed for this if they knew about it. Casket 003

  15. This website is the Illinois attorney general’s website and talks about crime victim compensation. This is where a crime is committed on someone and then they get money as a compensation for their hard times. I think that this is a necessity for a criminal justice system to operate. If we didn’t have this then I feel like public relationships with the police would be worse because they would be mad about how the police handled the situation. But if we hand them some money then in a lot of cases they won’t feel as much hatred toward the situation. Another way that this can be a very good policy is in extremely violent cases. These would be when a family member was brutally murdered or something very bad happened as a result of a senseless crime. These families are then given money so that they can start to rebuild their lives in the best way possible. In a lot of cases these compensations are the only thing that keeps a family going because the person who made the money in the house was the victim of the crime. A friend from my church had his cousin murdered in a random act of pure hatred. The cousin was the person who made the money in the house and was the only one who had a job. His wife and kids were given victim compensation so that they could stay afloat until the mom found a job. This is crucial for a government to have because if it wasn’t for that money they would of flew through their savings and been on the street. This policy literally saves people’s lives and gives kids a fighting chance at a future right after the worst day of their lives happens. Celtics003

  16. This is a great idea that I had absolutely no idea about until we learned about it in class. Not only is it just a good idea based on a moral argument but it will help encourage people to help the police by cooperating in investigations. The crime victim compensation act was created in 1973 and all this time I had never heard of it and I’d be willing to bet if I asked a bunch of other people no one else would either. While this could be construed as a good thing because that might mean no one has been a victim of a crime I do think we should be made more aware of these types of programs. For our own sake and for the sake of others, if we know someone that has been the victim of a crime that would qualify for compensation and we don’t know about this we couldn’t point them in the right direction. However, armed with this knowledge we can inform people of their rights and do a lot to help people who are victims. I’m glad we have this in Illinois, for all the faults in our states government it’s good to see something like this in the law. It would be great if we had a better way of getting this information to the public but it’s difficult to come up with ways to encourage people to read through old laws and statutes especially since they are incredibly dry reading and there are thousands of pages to go through. It’s definitely important for us to know this since we are going into the field and if we are police officers and are on the scene we can inform the victim of what is available to them.

  17. The Crime Victim Compensation Act is a financial assistance program for victims of violent crimes and their families. It was created in 1973 by the Illinois General Assembly. The Crime Victim Compensation program can provide victims and their families with up to 27,000 dollars to help with the expenses and to help alleviate the financial burden that comes along with the assault. There are specific programs under the compensation act that are specific for women. There are traumatizing and lasting effects of sexual assault and domestic violence, and these programs help protect women. These programs include, grant funding to help victims rebuild their lives, trainings for law enforcement and first responders to help prevent and solve crimes against women and help the victims cope. The Attorney General’s office also helps apporrove sex offender management in Illinois. They also advocate for senior citizens and children as well. For senior citizens, they help with financial fraud and sexual and physical abuse. They are committed in protecting children as well. One way they do this is by having youth advocacy programs and a number of other programs as well. These programs include child support, children's product recalls, internet safety, teen dating violence, school violence, and so much more.-pizza003

  18. This website not only for us in our careers or us in class but also for people in the community and who may be or maybe know someone who may have been a victim of crime. The crime victim compensation act was established by the Illinois general some believe in 1973. Reducing the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crime in their families was the primary goal of this act. The Illinois crime victim compensation program came provide innocent victims and their families with him to $27,000 in financial assistance for expenses accrued as a result of a violent crime. The Crime Victim Compensation Act states that the Office of the Attorney General has the statutory duty to process all claims by investigating each claim to determine the claimant’s eligibility. The Attorney General’s office then makes a preliminary recommendation to award or deny compensation. Ultimately, the Court of Claims makes the final decision. I would venture a guess and say that many people are not aware that this program exists. While twenty seven thousand dollars may not always be enough to replace the item that is stolen or give peace of mind back to a victim of a more violent crime, it may make these people feel like there is someone looking out for them. Some people may have families that we’re depending I’m having them money to go to the grocery store and then week for food. Often times if it is items that can be sold very easily by the time law enforcement catches the suspects they have already gotten rid of the valuable item. Even easier if it is money they will buy some immediately and it will be extremely hard for that money to be replaced. What is program hellos individuals who are taken advantage of to keep going on with their lives.

  19. In 1973, The Crime Victim Compensation Act was created. It was created by the Illinois General Assembly. The goal of this act was to help decrease the financial weight that is imposed on people that have been victims of violent crime and help with their families as well. Victims and their families can be given $27,000 in financial help for the expenses that resulted from that violent crime. This money comes from The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program. They have a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program and that gives registered nurses and other occupations training so that they can assist and treat the sexual assault patients and help give a higher level of care and they also want to avoid re-traumatization for the victim. There is also the Illinois Victim Assistance Academy. This academy is a forty hour intensive course. This is a course for crime victim service providers and law enforcement personnel. This website has a section called Safeguarding Children. They have information on internet safety, teen dating violence, information on sex offenders, etc. There is a section on defending people's rights. There is a Military and Veterans Rights Bureau and that makes sure that veterans and active duty service members are receiving the benefits they have earned from serving the United States. There is also a Disability Rights Bureau and that protects the rights for people that have disabilities. The section on Advocating for Older Citizens is meant to help older people. Older people get contacted a lot by scam artists because older people might have retirement accounts and pensions that can get hacked into. Physical and sexual abuse can also happen to older people and this crime is often unreported. There is a Senior Citizens Consumer Fraud Hotline for people to contact. There are also phone numbers to report abuse or neglect in the community or in a long term care facilities. This website has a lot of information for people that have been victims of crimes. Even if you haven't been a victim of a crime, it can be beneficial to check it out. -Soccer003

    1. I don't think the Disability Rights Bureau and Advocating for Older Citizens is talked about enough in society, when people think of senior citizen fraud they tend to think it's not a big deal because they are older. People with disabilities are discriminated against but I don't think people know how bad it is, they target them because they have a difficult time defending themselves. They target elders because just like those with disabilities they can't defend themselves as well, they are made out to be easy targets and that's why Bureau's dedicated to help people are so important. Ark003

  20. This article provided me with a lot of information i didn’t know. They stated “crime victim compensation.” Crime victim compensation, (I’ll call it CVC for short), is essentially an act that was established in 1973, “with the primary goal of helping to reduce the the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crimes and their families.”They ensure to keep the public healthy and preserve the environment. They provide multiple services to help crime victims that have been impacted and are suffering from PTSD. The attorney general make sure such people are compericiated for the period wasted. Attorney general also represents the united states in legal matters like furnishing advice and opinions, formal and informal, on legal matters to the president of states and the cabinet heads of the executive departments and agencies of the government, as provided by the law. This program can really help families get back on there feet. The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program can provide innocent victims and their families with up twenty seven thousand dollars in financial assistance for expenses accursed as a result of a violent crime. Crime Victim Compensation Act can give innocent victims and their families up to 27,000 dollars of financial aid. In 1973 the Crime Victim Compensation Act was established by the Illinois General Assembly. The CVC can award people who are a victim of violent crime up to $27,000. -KenzieLand003

  21. The Crime Victim Compensation Act is a very helpful resource with up to 27,000 in financial assistance. Most people do not know that this resource is out there to help them so, the average person doesn’t make claim or does anything to help it in that matter. Then again going through the application process most people probably stop there, but it is in affect so know one can use and abuse the system its for actual claims not lies to get money out of the state. The average person won’t take the time to go through the Civil Liabilities to then be an applicant and go through the instructions. The Crime Victims Compensation Act is here to help but, I think it needs to be said to victim when they are going through something in this matter. I wouldn’t broadcast it out to the public but when the time is right and a judge or law enforcement or state official sees that someone or a family can be an applicant it needs to be brought up in the process of the case. The website is full of helpful links and in many different langues also, which will be very helpful for anyone in the state to use or do research on. The first two pages on the application are the instructions to help the know what they are applying for and if they meet the needs to receive the financial assistance. The toll-free numbers are for state side people which makes helpful to all be set up instead of by county etc. The Court Claims makes the final decision, with hopefully no bias is played in the courts to help the families and people in need of the assistance. Also, have downloadable resources that would help people for future problems. DirtTrack003

  22. I found this article to be very productive and helpful. It is awesome that there are websites out there to help people in need like this. The Crime Victim Compensation was established in 1973. It was created to help reduce financing for victims of violent crimes along with their families. It is nice that our state is willing to help out people like that and help them financially. It honestly would be wrong not to help them. Along with that there were also other issues which were listed and able to be helped with in this article. If people are locked up for some crime that they did not commit. The only thing that I questioned about this article was how far does twenty-seven thousand dollars actually get you. Is that really enough money? In my opinions the answer is no. I know I would want a heck of a lot more money than that. I never knew about this website before I had to do this blog for class, so I have no idea how anyone else would ever know about it unless it was posted somewhere for them to see it. If they were to find it though, I am sure a lot of people would use this hotline number to get help right away. There is so much that they can do for a person and I think that it is important for citizens to know about this website and hotline number. I think that it is important that we as individuals share this information with others so they can do the same thing for others as well.-Anchorman003


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