PIE.....Your Thoughts?


  1. The PIE legislative refers to Prison Industry Enhancement. This legislation has been passed in every state except Illinois. From what Larry Ivory discussed, this is a contributing factor to Illinois’ recidivism rates. What this legislation does is gives the prisoners more opportunities while they are in prison and out. It gives the prisoners the ability to work while in prison at a fair wage. This will give them the ability to possibly pay for child support, past fines, and maybe other expenses they have while in prison. As soon as they get out, they will get a rewarding check from this program to continue their lives out of prison, reducing their chance of re-offending. -lilbaby001

  2. PIE or Prison Industry Enhancement is a legislation that looks to decrease recidivism rates in the country. This allows for prisoners who are incarcerated to be trained and work during their sentence and get a good wage unlike some of the other wages for prisoner work programs. If the prisoner works and receives this wage then when the time comes to be released they will have a fairly decent sized check waiting for them upon release. This is beneficial in decreasing recidivism because the check allows for the returning citizen to receive a jump start on life and not fall back to criminal ways of obtaining money. -Blues001

  3. The pie policy is something that have never heard of before and it is very interesting. It gives inmates the opportunity to start to turn their life around before they get out of prison and maybe start healing relationships before they get out. It gives them a well-paying job while they are in prison so they make money. Except they do not get to keep a lot of it because it will go to any fines that they owe or any other money that is needed and if they have kids while they are in prison some of the money will go into child support.The pie policy is something that have never heard of before and it is very interesting. It gives inmates the opportunity to start to turn their life around before they get out of prison and maybe start healing relationships before they get out. It gives them a well-paying job while they are in prison so they make money. Except they do not get to keep a lot of it because it will go to any fines that they owe or any other money that is needed and if they have kids while they are in prison some of the money will go into child support. -Legion001

  4. I think having the PIE legislative set in place is a good idea. It is a good idea because while the inmate is incarcerated they can still provide for their family and, when they get released they will have money to help them get started. Not only will the money help provide for their family, the money can go towards fines that they have to pay. The money that they will have when they get released can go for housing, food, transportation and, any other necessities they need for survival. This will take some stress off of them because they don't have to worry or ask people for money they can focus on one thing at a time. PIE is also a good idea because when the inmate gets released they can focus on getting a job and will already have some job ready skills, that they have obtained while being incarcerated. it was interesting to know this legislation has passed in all 49 states except Illinois.


  5. The PIE or Private Industry Enhancement was created to allow prisoners to work in private companies and earn a fair wage. I think it is good that this program is offered to prisoners so that when they are released they have money to live off of and to help pay for expenses. Whether that money would go towards things like child support, restitution, or alimony. Currently there are not many prisons with this program offered. I think if this program was available more then there would be a smaller recidivism rate. The PIE program can help former inmates keep a steady job once they are out of prison.

  6. The PIE legislation would make the kind of difference that we need to see in our prisons. PIE, or Private Industry Enhancement, would allow prisoners to work while incarcerated, earning a wage that will save them enough money to propel them into civilian life, upon getting released. Part of their wages earned would go toward fees, tickets, child support, or anything else they owe, outside of the prison, that they would be expected to pay once they got out. If this program is properly proposed and seen through, prisoners would get out and potentially have upwards of 4-5,000 dollars that they had earned, and saved, to help them pay rent for an apartment, get transportation, etcetera. This program would most certainly help in lowering recidivism rates, and give offenders a fighting chance once they get out. -psych001

  7. PIE or Private Industry Enhancement is what should have been in prisons systems for a long time. It is going to allow current inmates to make a wage larger than what is the usual now, allowing them to pay some kind of child support, restitution and a wage that helps shoot them into civilian life. Even if the inmate only get to keep a dollar or two from what he or she has made then that is better than what they are earning now. The money can also be taxed back into the prison for future improvements. It can also be used as a motivator for inmates who do not want to work. It will also help with the recidivism rates by lowering repeat offenders who may have zero money on the outside.-Purdue001

  8. The P.I.E Legislative is something that I've never heard about but as I read into it, it’s a really good program for prisoners to earn money while locked up. It’s a good deed to prisoners because they’ll have a way to keep their family good plus themselves. It gives them a decent paying job, although they can’t get all of it because they have to pay back fines etc. It still gives them a chance to save up money while incarcerated. Not only is this a good program for them it’s also a good program for the family because they can use it for child support, food, kids supplies. Also, prisoners can save so much while they're locked up, by the time they get out they’ll be on a fresh start with a decent amount of money so they won't have trouble with food, clothing, transportation, unpaid fees. Djay001

  9. The Private Industry Enhancement Industry or PIE as it may be called is probably one of the best improvements they have added to prisons in recent years. Before this idea, Groups dealt with problems and beliefs that the world was blind to what seemed like slavery to the inmates themselves. Inmate wages would falter or change drastically and cause inmates to be distraught and upset, but now with P.I.E, it will allow inmates to make more than previously allowed. It even allows for amounts of their pay check to be deposited into required areas like paying their child support, helping family on the outside, or gradually helping to settle payments overdue for the government. - Lobster001


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