I think there is way more to being a detective than most people know. We see T.V. shows about detectives, and the struggles that come along with being a detective. But I personally do not think T.V. show represent detectives or police officers well at all. These T.V. shows make it look like detectives are out busting terrorist every single day, and basically saving the world. Sure detectives do bust big major crimes like that sometimes, but it doesn't happen every single day. It was very interesting how the officer explained the office side of the detective job. How the have a secretary that helps them with anything they need, how they have their own little office for just the detective division. Also how the officer stated that there will always be work to do, and cases to investigate. You will always be a little behind no matter the circumstances. It was also very interesting how he explained how cases get up to the investigation level. If the case is big enough, and seems like it is worth investigating the detectives will begin to investigate. I didn't know that if a certain item was stolen from a store or a pawn shop, if a detective wants that item, the store legally has to hold that item for them for up to 30 days. I found that very interesting. I don't really agree with that because that is costing the store or pawn shop, they will be losing money depending on the price. If people want to purchase that item, they can't because the police have a hold on it. A good detective needs to have organization, they need to be efficient, and detailed. The officer made a good point, you need to have a good rhythm, you need to know the ways to be successful. I-Like-Cereal002
I liked what you had to say about how there is more to detective work than what tv shows depict, and I don't think the tv show represent detective, police officers, ect well at all either. I also liked how the speaker discussed the office / paperwork side of detective work. It really opened my eyes to that side of criminal justice.I also didn't know they had assistant like people who will help them with anything they need and thought it was interesting how he described her as the backbone to the office. I feel like being a detective would be overwhelming. Especially because of all the paperwork and how you're never truly caught up. So in other words your work is never done. Overall, I liked the video. I also liked what you had to say about the video and how a good detective has to have organization, and I agree with you on that. -pizza002
Everyday is different for a detective. Some days are boring and other days you are working 12+ hours trying to figure out a crime. There is so much unpredictability when it comes to being a detective. Being a detective there is never going to be a time when you have nothing to do. You will always be busy and will always have something to do. No matter what you’re more than likely always going to be a little behind on your work due to the excess amount. Patrol officers don’t have the time that detectives do. Detectives focus on one thing and that is getting enough evidence to find the criminal and be able to arrest them. When the detectives find their suspect or the known criminal, they do hours of research making sure they know them inside and out. Your goal is to get a good detailed idea of what their life entails and who they are. You never want to attack the suspect, talk to them like a normal conversation. You never know, they might have a justifiable reason on why they did what they did. If the suspect starts to lie and say they have no idea what is going on or what the detective is talking about. That is when the detective makes their next move to get a warrant. That moves to the court so the judge can sign off on it and then you are able to arrest the suspect. Even the simplest of cases are going to take days to either resolve or to even confront your suspect. Common sense is one of the biggest keys to being a good detective. Common sense will tell you what you have to do the more experience you have as a detective. Multitasking is one of the biggest keys to being a good detective because while you wait, you have to have the responsibility of being able to do other tasks. The biggest tip I learned from this video was to have a specific folder for each specific case. Because just from a simple case, you are still going to have fifty to one-hundred pieces of paper in your file. This video was very intriguing because being a detective is my end goal. #notaplumber002
There are a lot of things in a detective’s day that they do that doesn’t involve investigating. Detectives have to sometimes work 13-14 hour shifts depending on who’s on vacation or depending on how much crime has happened in that time. Detectives could spend every second catching up on paper work or finishing up warrants at their desks. The next day the detective could spend a lot of time driving around on an investigation. They could also be processing crimes scenes and logging evidence into evidence boxes. Detectives could be sleeping at home and then one phone call happens and then next 8-12 hours could be them working on a homicide case or investigating a crime. This detective has, like a secretary, who does a lot of the paper work type stuff. Being a detective, you will always have something to do. If you really have nothing to do, you can always drive the streets and help the patrol officers. Detectives will never respond to take the first report. Patrol officers will respond to the call and then make a report. Then the officer will let the chain of command know and then the case be handed over to the detective bureau for them to investigate farther. After the case has been handed to the detectives bureau, the next morning the bureau lead man will take a look at all them. And if they think there will need to be an investigation than the lead man will assign it to detectives. After it’s been handed off, they have to interview the complaintee. Try and get a verbal statement, a physical page showing the items missing and anything that can go in the folder about the incident. -chicubs002
This detective talks about his experience becoming a detective. He talks about how his week was absolutely chaotic he had been working up to 14 hours a day. He also talks about how every day can be different and you can't really expect each day to be the same as before, an example he gives his one day he spent all day at his desk doing paperwork and the next day he was at his desk for 5 minutes and he spent all day at a crime scene. He talks about how it's completely unpredictable and he can't expect his schedule to stay intact because he gets called in all the time. He also talks about how there's more to being a detective because of these qualities of the job that people don't really see frequently and isn't depicted in shows that we see regularly. The detective also talks about how it's important to manage time as a detective so that cases don't get backed up and that things are done efficiently. Detectives will never be the first to respond to a scene, patrol does. The reports written by patrol are given to investigators if it's deemed necessary. Detectives should try to get as much information from the victim as they can about the stuff stolen from them and who might have taken the stuff. Pawn shops are required to hold items that might be stolen for at least 30 days if requested by police. By the end of the case it's common for a detective to have 50 to 100 pieces of paper in their folder about that specific case.-waterboy002
I thought that this video was really interesting because it talks about being a detective. I want to be a detective when i finish school and some of the things that he said shocked me. For example he said that in the video that detectives don’t really have a schedule and they often work up to fourteen hours a day. And also that not everyday that you will be out on the streets trying to solve crimes most of the time you will be filling out paperwork on different cases. What we see on shows like law and order and criminal minds are not the same things that will happen when your out on the street. Batman002
Being a detective is not as easy as people make it seem. It’s not what you see on csi and criminal minds it’s more paperwork then what tv make it look like. television shows make it look like you come in look around the evidence is already found bagged and tagged and then you just investigate. Being a detective is not for everyone because there is no set schedule for a detective as there is for patrols detective. Detectives not only just work on one case they work on multiple case at once and it goes by how organized you are and how good you work. The example he gave in the video was that a store owner employee was stealing tools and he called 911. The detective are not the first ones on the scene that’s done by patrol then a cid supervisor will go through the report and if they think an investigation is needed then a detective will be put on that case. From there the detective interviews the victim and gets their statement. You can get anything that he/she has to prove that it’s any money missing you need to get a written statement or recorded statement or anything you can get from the victim. Then like in the video for example you would call all the pawn shops and tell them to put a hold on the item which means they can’t throw it away or steal the item then they would check the suspect and get information on the suspect like what he is doing on Facebook. They learn everything about that person from there work schedule to where they went to school. Once you can prove that he/she did the crime you will go get the warrant wrote up what he/she did and there information and all that you need and have the judge sign the warrant but this process isn’t a one day thing it can take a while. Batman002
Detectives are the investigators, usually of law enforcement agency. from the auricle we see that they often collect information to solve crime by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting or searching records in databases. this leads them to arrest criminals and enable them to be convicted in court. The detective mentioned how his day are rough and been working long hours a day. normally detectives work on serious cases like bank robbery murder and so on most of their time are spent in collecting evidence from various source in order to come up with a final report or investigation to be used to convict the victim. police detective unlike police officers don't wear a uniform, drive patrol cars instead they spent much of their time compiling information and evidence for the cases they are assigned. they wear plain clothes that and drive unmarked vehicles, the reason for this for them to get the target they want because if they wear uniforms they get recognized so a lot of people fear to talk to them some may run away. police detectives is is higher racking and higher paid position than police officer, it require more experience and knowledge. much of detectives time is spent on investigation and paperwork, but they are expected to maintain a certain level of physical fitness. GUSII 002
The video “What’s the day to day life of a detective” I feel did not do justice to what is involved in not only being a detective but also what there life is like in being in this line of work. Being a detective there is no such thing as being caught up on work. As the showed you are literally on call 24/7 and work longer hours than normal due to the case load. This particular position to me is more stressful than a patrol position. Yes there is a higher risk of death in patrol but that risk is still a factor in being a detective. You also have the added stress when dealing with cases to be a “super hero” in a sense and solve the cases that you are assigned. As the detective in the video explained there is a lot of detail that goes into this position from receiving the initial report, fact checking, investigation, evidence collection, logging evidence, report writing etc. Then you have to think about the follow up from every case. Meaning once a case is “solved” then there is court that you have to attend to testify to all of the work that was done. So you are then basically critiqued in court. This to me would also be stressful, being questioned on everything that I did during the investigations process. I feel this is were some detectives that lack integrity fail. They don’t want to do the amount of work that’s involved or deal with the stress of being wrong or being overly questioned in court so this is where they start to lie and falsify documentation. Jadist002
Being a detective is very stressful. The TV shows that portray cops, is no where near what it takes to be a detective. The video did say one of the perks of being a detective is that they have a lacked schedule. The detective is able to make their own schedule, when it comes to lunch breaks etc. I think the hardest part about being a detective is that your on call 24/7, and you have absolutely no structure at all in your life. Being a detective is not for everybody. You will have to make sacrifices, are you willing to make them? Illinigurl002
Being a detective has its challenges. Some days may be filled with paperwork, writing up arrest warrants, or out in the field investigating a crime. Every day is different, and never the same. Many days are long, and seem like there is no end in sight. Many times, a detective will get a call on their days off. It is hard being a detective when he or she is married with kids. Being a detective, one has to be willing to roll with the punches. And that means, one has to be ready for anything. Many people like a structured work schedule, but as a detective his or her schedule is very random. When thinking about detectives and their duties, many of us think of the T.V. programs like Law Order or Criminal Minds. It is completely different. Nothing is complete (evidence is not collected), the detective has to come in and do the work. During this time, a detective typically has to work more than one case at time. The case load can be overwhelming at times, and being a detective is not for everyone. Many times, detectives will get behind on their cases loads, due to too many cases. This is normal. Criminal Investigation Division is really important. These guys are the ones who decide whether a case will be solved if there is an investigation. Even before a case hits a detective’s desk, the CID will review all cases and choose which ones to peruse. A patrol officer is the one who writes the reports and turn them into a CID officer. When a crime is committed, patrol will always respond to a scene first before a detective. When a detective is pursuing a case, he or she must collect as much information as possible. Once all the evidence is collected, it is like putting a puzzle together. The detective tries to figure out who is all involved, how the crime was committed, and why the crime was committed. In final, the detective spoke of two important responsibilities. First is integrity, and secondly organization. These are key when it comes to being an effective detective. Illinoisgulr002
In the video the speaker discusses what it's actually like to be a detective. In the video the speaker claims that it's actually quite different than what we’ve all seen on tv shows. He said he can't give an exact description of what every single day is like because everyday is a little different. Some days they spend the entire day sitting at their desk, writing warrants, or catching up on paperwork and reports. Then there's other days where you might not even spend five minutes at your desk because you're out “in the field” the whole day processing a crime scene. He described detective work as unpredictable at times, and said he prefers a set schedule. Which I agree. I think having a set schedule would be easier. But i also think it's all just part of the job. Moving forward into the video, he talks about his morning routine, and his caffeine addiction. He talks about the lady that works in his office and how she helps with everything from getting supplies for the detectives desk, to getting criminal records on a suspect, and how she is their back bone. He also said that as a detective that there is never a time when there is nothing to do. He also said that if someone files a police report, that the patrol will respond to the initial report and then CID supervisor will go through those reports that were submitted the day before, and if they think that an investigation will solve that particular case, they will assign it out to an investigator. The investigator then will interview the victim. Get the statement, any pictures, paperwork, written and verbal statements, or any other type of evidence. After the statements and all the paperwork is together this investigator will do his research on the suspect and learns everything about him. Once you learn everything about this person, you find them. The speaker said that normally the suspects actions determine what you do because you want to hear their side of the story. Overall, being a detective sounds interesting and using your mind to solve a case would be cool. But also there is a lot of pressure to it as well. -pizza002
That is one thing that I hate about watching TV shows about cops or anything like that. I understand that if they actually made a show about the real day to day of a police officer it would be pretty boring. Like this detective stated most of the time he is doing paper work. The one simple case example that the detective gave was a simple theft and that could take days to solve. If it is a more serious crime such as a murder than times that number by 10. Just interviewing one person it could take as long as an hour. -ClarkKent002
This video gives a good insight into what a detective has to do in a day's work. One of the first thing that this detective talked about is that the way we perceive Detectives on TV is way different than what they are in real life. Most of the time the detective is doing paperwork at their desk. He later does state that somes cases do take a long time to complete. Just in the simplest case that he talked about it would take days. That case only had someone selling stolen items. For a case that someone got shot and not killed the time frame will be even longer. One of the most time consuming things that the detective talked about is interviewing the witnesses. In the case of someone getting shot in the arm, there could be as many as 10 witnesses. You need to interview all of the witnesses and write down the complete narrative. This could take hours for one person, now times that by 10. Add all the other work that the detective has to do with with the interviews, this job can get stressful. Even though being a detective is stressful, you still have a lot of freedom. One of the examples that the detective gave is that If you are not on a case you can go to lunch whenever you want. Patrol Officers like to think that most of the detectives are just goofing off. In reality though most of the time the detective is doing a mass amount of paperwork. Patrol Officers also like to complain about the amount of paperwork that they have to do. They have no idea what a lot of paperwork is according the detective. The detective did say that with all the freedom a detective has, they get in trouble a lot. You have enough rope to hang yourself. -ClarkKent002
I feel like I hear about paperwork all the time in criminal justice and most of the time I kind of just brush aside what that really means for a detective. This guy does a pretty good job at explaining the reality of being a detective and truly how much work goes into it just with the paperwork aspect of it. I feel like I’m more worried about that than I am about dangerous aspects of the job. Paperwork is important though, as we have learned without proper documentation it would be pretty much impossible to be able to get anyone convicted of a crime. For one you’d have to rely on memory which is extremely fallible and two a defense attorney would rip your case to shreds if you didn’t provide the proper documentation of your case. I definitely get the feeling that in order to be a good detective you have to be rather meticulous in your work as little details are often time what adds up to help solve a case. It was cool hearing him discuss how that hypothetical case would work and really helped shine a light on what kind of work is involved in even a basic case. You can hear something a thousand times and still not really get it until you hear it explained a certain way and I think this guy did a pretty good job with that for me. I like that he talked about the importance of integrity in the video as well. Detectives are given a lot of freedom which is great but I feel like for some people that could also be detrimental as they may rely on having someone telling them what to do. But a detective wouldn’t have that as much so it’s kind of just on them to make sure they are actually doing work and not just wasting time. Avatar002
I like how he explained what detectives really do, in the real world, inside of what I have seen on television. Yes, I do believe that there is a lot of paper work involved and that is not what they show on television. On television, it is really getting to see the catching bad guys kind of part of their work, instead of what happens in the real world of detective work. In the years that I have taken Criminal Justice type classes at ICC I, and my family, have noticed that when we are watching those kinds of shows I point out all the inconsistatsies that are portrayed on television. –Adventureflight002
Everyday is seen as different for when it comes to being a detective. Some days are boring and other days they are working 12+ hours trying to figure out a case. There a lot of unpredictability of the job when it comes to being a detective. There is never going to be a time when you have nothing to do. You will always be busy and will always have something to do. No matter what you’re more than likely always going to be a little behind on your work due to the excess amount. The next day the detective could spend a lot of time driving around on an investigation. They could also be processing crimes scenes and logging evidence into evidence boxes. Detectives could be sleeping at home and then one phone call happens and then next 8-12 hours could be them working on a homicide case or investigating a crime. Patrol officers don’t have the time that detectives do. Detectives focus on one thing and that is getting enough evidence to find the criminal and be able to arrest them. When the detectives find their suspect or the known criminal, they do even more hours of research making sure they know them inside and out. They learn everything about that person from there work schedule to where they went to school. The goal is to get a good detailed idea of what their life entails and who they are. You never want to attack the suspect, talk to them like a normal conversation. You never know, they might have a justifiable reason on why they did what they did. If the suspect starts to lie and say they have no idea what is going on or what the detective is talking about. That is when the detective makes their next move to get a warrant. That moves to the court so the judge can sign off on it and then you are able to arrest the suspect. Everyday is a different one for when it comes to being a detective and everyday is going to be different from yesterday. -CUBSFAN002
I learned a lot about detective work in this video than I have ever knew before. In the video the detective says that every day is different. Some days you’re sitting at your desk catching up on paper work, writing warrants, etc. Other days you’re at your desk for maybe five minutes, if at all, before you’re out in the field and processing a major crime scene if something major had happened. You never know what your day is going to be like. It is always unpredictable. He talked about his first day working at CID, or Criminal Investigation Division. For him it was mostly orientation stuff. He set up his desk at the station, and switched his stuff from his patrol car to his CID car. You know easy stuff. Then he went home and working on editing a video for his YouTube channel that he has. So he is working on editing his video and then he gets a phone call. As soon as he left he was leaving the house, he was gone for another eight and a half hours. I think he said that he did not get back home till about four thirty in the morning. Wow that is a long time to be gone. Especially you have a new family and kids at home. He said that some like the unpredictability of the day. He does not like that part of the job, he said he was not too crazy about it. He mentioned that he had to new family at home, so it is really hard, but it’s part of the job. He talked about what it is really like to be a detective, and not the kinds you see on social media or television. I found this video very informative about what it’s really like to be a detective in the real world. –Adventureflight002
I'm glad that you pointed out that everyday is different as a detective, I think some people think that being a detective can be easy (probably because of the way it is depicted in movies and shows. Even minor crimes can be some of the toughest to solve, it takes brilliant minds to carry out the job and solve cases, processing a major scene already has it's down falls because they can be so gruesome and it would be easy to become biased because they want to solve the case so bad. Not only are the hours but the job itself is so unpredictable. Ark002
This video is a detective talking about what it’s like being a detective. The first thing he said that really caught my attention was the hours. I remember that in class we talked about how many hours police officers and detectives work and how they can work back to back shifts, and he just confirmed it. He said that he could work a 8 hour shift and then come home and be called back in for another 8 hour shift. Being a detective is a very unpredictable job and requires a lot of time and long nights. The main thing about being a detective is that you are always going to have something to do. He said that there will never be a time when you’re a detective that you’ll be empty handed at work. He said that a big part about being a detective is being able to multitask. A rookie detective might want to finish things one thing at a time, which is fine, but it will take a lot longer. A veteran detective learns to do multiple things at once to save time and operate efficiently. I think that this has to be the hardest part of the job because it has to be rigorous on the brain. Doing multiple things at once at complete random every day of the week has to be exhausting from a mental and physical standpoint. I think that if I ever become a detective I will have to have a good way to relieve stress. It seems like there just isn’t enough time in the day for a detective, so I would definitely have to have a way to relax and get my mind off of the job. I think that will be playing basketball or playing video games because they come the easiest to me. Celtics002
I can only imagine the amount of stress a detective might have to deal with. From trying to get all of their paperwork done to having the pressure of solving a case all the while trying to maintain a private life. I imagine it can be quite difficult. It definitely says something about people who know this stuff going in and still want to do it...I'm not sure exactly what it says but it's definitely something. Hopefully a good thing. Avatar002
Not having a set schedule is definitely something some should prefer when going through with this career. Not having a set schedule is not for everyone. I agree that multitasking is one of the difficult things about this career but I also think being able to solve puzzles and put pieces together is also another difficult thing. You might have all of these pieces in front of you but if you have a hard time making connections or trying to figure out how things fit, this job can become a lot more difficult. I think everyone that is involved in law enforcement should have a stress reliever. I think everyone gets stress out at some point. -Soccer002
When people watch tv shows that involve detectives and investigators, they might automatically think that’s what they are going to be doing but that’s not always true. CID is abbreviated for Criminal Investigation Division. There might be days where you’re sitting at your desk all day and there might be days where you’ll only be sitting at your desk for a few minutes and then you're out in the field at a crime scene for the rest of the day. Everyday will not be the same. You might work shifts that are twelve to fourteen hours long and you might develop a caffeine addiction if you don’t already have one. You don’t really have a set schedule when you’re a detective. You might not always get off at the time you’re scheduled off. Some people like having an unpredictable schedule but some people might like having a set schedule. Detectives aren't called in to get the initial report, that’s done by patrol. If the initial report has been opened up for investigation, that’s when a detective jumps in. As a detective, there is always something to do and you might always be a little behind in work. Being a detective doesn't always mean that you’re going to be out in the field all the time. There is going to be times where you might be filling out paperwork for hours at a time. This career can be extremely time consuming, very stressful, and time sensitive. Working on these cases is like trying to figure out a puzzle. There will be times where you might be trying to figure out multiple puzzles at once. When you’re a detective, you’re not really being watched. You’re kind of independent. Integrity is very important with this career. You need to make sure that you’re doing the right thing when no one is watching. As a detective you need to be organized, have a lot of training and experience, and strong self discipline. A detective needs to use ethical and legally approved methods, systematic methods of inquiry, and both deductive and inductive reasoning. A detective should also have compassion and remain objective all the time. The biggest thing is that the detective knows what they’re doing. -Soccer002
This video gave insight on what the day to day life is like being a detective, the thing that he first talked about was the hours he would work and how unpredictable they can be, we discussed this in class about how even as a police officer you almost never leave when it says your shift is over and that if you choose to be something like a detective the hours will be even worse. I could only imagine how tiring this would be, some people are very involved in their work and he even states in the video some people like not have a set schedule and the unpredictable of it all. The next thing that really grabbed my attention was what he said about the paperwork, and how interviews alone can take up to an hour of paperwork because you have to give a detailed report about what was said, he also said it's not all glamorous. He states that the job can be mundane and boring, but that even with that the part of solving cases and the puzzles within the cases can be challenging and fun. I want to be a criminal profiler and I look forward to having to use my mind to the best of my ability to solve a case, I looked forward to the puzzles and thinking outside of the box and thinking of things that wouldn't normally be thought. That sounds exciting to me and like any job I'm sure it will have it's downfalls (such as the paperwork and the hours) but a good days work can help keep people safe and bring someone to justice. I like that detectives can pretty much do what they want without being micromanaged because that can help people keep a clear and open mind. It is sad that some people can't be trusted and abuse that power. It was nice watching this video because it was real, it gives the ups and downs of working in law enforcement and people who want to go into the field should be aware of them. Ark002
Being a detective you don’t know what you are going to have to deal with because everyday you wake up there’s a different murder to solve crazy but it’s true. Being a detective is differently a stressful job and you have to have a strong heart and be sure to never mix business with your personal life because coming home after seeing a dead family shot multiple times with no cares in the word is very hard. You have to master the art of being able to leave your work bagage at work and put on a different suit coming home. People think because you are out of uniform then your job has gotten easy but no it’s the total opposite. The TV make a detective job seem easy but only lords knows what’s going through every detective head after seeing dead bodies for so many years. Like he said in the video a detective job is never done. New day and just a new part of a case. As long as there’s detectives there’s a case to solve. To solve a case you have to have A LOT of evidence and getting that evidence isn’t easy at all. . The detective are not the first ones on the scene that’s done by patrol then a cid supervisor will go through the report and if they think an investigation is needed then a detective will be put on that case.The detective mentioned how his day are rough and been working long hours a day. normally detectives work on serious cases like bank robbery murder and so on most of their time are spent in collecting evidence from various source in order to come up with a final report or investigation to be used to convict the victim.-KenzieLand002
This should be required viewing for anyone who’s interested in detective work beyond the cinematic stereotype of a detective that the presenter decries in the first minute. Though it’s never really mentioned in movies or TV except in passing, paperwork is the defining factor of any case. Hundreds, if not thousands of cases, have lived and died on the power of the forms and reports that a jury must use to decide the outcome of a case. His estimate, that the most basic case he could imagine would take a minimum of 50 pages of paperwork to close, is pretty astounding, even to me. I’ve seen all of the paperwork that a patrol officer is likely to be confronted with in day to day work, and even that seems somewhat excessive to me. Fifty pages and several day’s work to prove that a man stole and pawned some pool supplies sounds utterly ridiculous. What’s worse is that the charges would amount to two measly misdemeanors, with a maximum of two years in prison, the likelihood of a maximum sentence being near zero for such an offense, especially if it’s a first-time offender involved. That has to be utterly disheartening if it’s a regular occurrence. Especially when combined with the irregular hours that he discusses in passing, that has to place stresses on a person, and on a marriage. It’s really no wonder that police officers have such a high divorce rate, when the work has such a high probability of being, if not trivial, then at least very close to it. It must come back to the major cases that make the job seem to be worth it, where one is doing all of the things that they show on TV and the blood is pounding through your veins, knowing that ultimately justice will be served on one of the rabid dogs of society. Otherwise, I can’t picture taking fulfillment from the job that he’s describing. - Arsenal002
I agree, the amount of hours this job takes and what all it entails is way more than people understand. A lot of people who want to be police officer's and eventually leading into being a detective, your ways of work and life changes. You cannot simply talk to people necessarily the same way as a patrol officer does. Your way of policing is different as well. You go from talking to people on the streets for initial understanding and taking the report and then as a detective you go and investigate into detail and you are pretty much digging into people's lives to understand on a deeper level. -holywaffles002
I think that this job sounds great. Yeah I mean the paperwork doesn't sound too fun because there is a lot of it, but detectives are able to do so many different things which were not mentioned on the video. He just gave a very simple case which was small. Detectives work on large cases as well and they are often times very exciting. -Anchorman002
Watching the video about how a detective manage their day is interesting. From past lectures from detectives, they explain how they do their job. The detective mentioned that they have to have good time managing and organized about their work. He said new detective want to consecutively do each task when finished, which can take longer than it should. Also, there is no set schedule when working as a detective. It isn’t for everyone because it can take up most of your day and become long shifts after another. Which leads to be available 24/7 for calls that might need a detective to process. Its an unpredictable life that can not be describes in details what they do every day at a certain time. The work can be all field work one day or all desk work another day. I think that it would be exciting because you never know what to expect and could help one be more open minded to possibilities and opportunities each day. When dealing with a case a detective is always give an initial report from a patrol officer. Detective never respond to calls where they have to write the initial report. The first thing thing they do after reading the report is record verbal and written statements from the victim and then witnesses if there is any. There must be evidence gathered that will help with the case. Later, if there is a suspect, a statement must be written as well to hear their side of the story. Detective work with judges in order to get warrants approved. In a detective’s work there should always be integrity because there is no supervision and they should always be able to do the job correctly. Also, there should be organization within their work because any evidence or a any statement can break or make a case. dory002
People do not understand that being a police officer and investigator is not as easy and fun as it may be portrayed on TV, you do not just always go from call to call with non stop excitement. There is so much work done behind the scenes and I love how the CID detective in this shows and says that. I like how he started off with some humor regarding a lot of coffee. I did not realize that in order for these reports to be investigated and how the detectives begin their investigations, start with submitted reports by patrol officers. The begin with interviewing the victims, pushing paperwork, processing evidence and obtaining statements from witnesses and other people. They also partake in writing warrants and finding the reasonings to do so. He said it can be incredibly boring as well. He said the two most important values a detective should have is integrity and organization. He said being a detective is almost a constant puzzle and figuring things out and analyzing it all as a whole. It is pretty simple if you think about it. Being a law enforcement officer in any capacity is not the same as the image in someone's head may be. You have to possess qualities that the normal human mind cannot always process. The things you see as a detective and law enforcement officer is not normal and very intense. Your sens of reasoning and understanding has to be very high considering you are constantly analyzing situations. -holywaffles002
Being a detective is not like what you see on television. Some days a detective will be out in the field and some days they will be sitting behind a desk and reading over and doing paperwork. In the video, it mentioned that people in this field do not get to see their family as much as they want. He mentioned in this video that he does not have an everyday schedule which bothers him a little bit. In the video he mentioned how a detective might handle a case. The case he made up was one involving a pawn shop. What you have to do is interview the owner of the business which called and made a report. You must gather all the information possible. Then you have to call all the pawn shops and stop the selling of all the object. Then the detective will take all of the items which he called about. Then you go back to the station and do your research. You research the person front and back like a book. Then you interview the suspect. You see this person’s story. Once you find out if the person is guilty, you go to the courthouse and get a warrant for his or her arrest and go and pick up your convict. Although it sounds easy, it most definitely is not. Being a good detective is very difficult but if you follow common sense then you can knock out the detective career. Even though this case was a more simple case, this case would take multiple days. It is crazy awesome what a detective gets to do on a day to day basis. I love the fact that you don’t know what your day will consist of. -Anchorman002
I think there is way more to being a detective than most people know. We see T.V. shows about detectives, and the struggles that come along with being a detective. But I personally do not think T.V. show represent detectives or police officers well at all. These T.V. shows make it look like detectives are out busting terrorist every single day, and basically saving the world. Sure detectives do bust big major crimes like that sometimes, but it doesn't happen every single day. It was very interesting how the officer explained the office side of the detective job. How the have a secretary that helps them with anything they need, how they have their own little office for just the detective division. Also how the officer stated that there will always be work to do, and cases to investigate. You will always be a little behind no matter the circumstances. It was also very interesting how he explained how cases get up to the investigation level. If the case is big enough, and seems like it is worth investigating the detectives will begin to investigate. I didn't know that if a certain item was stolen from a store or a pawn shop, if a detective wants that item, the store legally has to hold that item for them for up to 30 days. I found that very interesting. I don't really agree with that because that is costing the store or pawn shop, they will be losing money depending on the price. If people want to purchase that item, they can't because the police have a hold on it. A good detective needs to have organization, they need to be efficient, and detailed. The officer made a good point, you need to have a good rhythm, you need to know the ways to be successful.
I liked what you had to say about how there is more to detective work than what tv shows depict, and I don't think the tv show represent detective, police officers, ect well at all either. I also liked how the speaker discussed the office / paperwork side of detective work. It really opened my eyes to that side of criminal justice.I also didn't know they had assistant like people who will help them with anything they need and thought it was interesting how he described her as the backbone to the office. I feel like being a detective would be overwhelming. Especially because of all the paperwork and how you're never truly caught up. So in other words your work is never done. Overall, I liked the video. I also liked what you had to say about the video and how a good detective has to have organization, and I agree with you on that. -pizza002
DeleteEveryday is different for a detective. Some days are boring and other days you are working 12+ hours trying to figure out a crime. There is so much unpredictability when it comes to being a detective. Being a detective there is never going to be a time when you have nothing to do. You will always be busy and will always have something to do. No matter what you’re more than likely always going to be a little behind on your work due to the excess amount. Patrol officers don’t have the time that detectives do. Detectives focus on one thing and that is getting enough evidence to find the criminal and be able to arrest them. When the detectives find their suspect or the known criminal, they do hours of research making sure they know them inside and out. Your goal is to get a good detailed idea of what their life entails and who they are. You never want to attack the suspect, talk to them like a normal conversation. You never know, they might have a justifiable reason on why they did what they did. If the suspect starts to lie and say they have no idea what is going on or what the detective is talking about. That is when the detective makes their next move to get a warrant. That moves to the court so the judge can sign off on it and then you are able to arrest the suspect. Even the simplest of cases are going to take days to either resolve or to even confront your suspect. Common sense is one of the biggest keys to being a good detective. Common sense will tell you what you have to do the more experience you have as a detective. Multitasking is one of the biggest keys to being a good detective because while you wait, you have to have the responsibility of being able to do other tasks. The biggest tip I learned from this video was to have a specific folder for each specific case. Because just from a simple case, you are still going to have fifty to one-hundred pieces of paper in your file. This video was very intriguing because being a detective is my end goal. #notaplumber002
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things in a detective’s day that they do that doesn’t involve investigating. Detectives have to sometimes work 13-14 hour shifts depending on who’s on vacation or depending on how much crime has happened in that time. Detectives could spend every second catching up on paper work or finishing up warrants at their desks. The next day the detective could spend a lot of time driving around on an investigation. They could also be processing crimes scenes and logging evidence into evidence boxes. Detectives could be sleeping at home and then one phone call happens and then next 8-12 hours could be them working on a homicide case or investigating a crime. This detective has, like a secretary, who does a lot of the paper work type stuff. Being a detective, you will always have something to do. If you really have nothing to do, you can always drive the streets and help the patrol officers. Detectives will never respond to take the first report. Patrol officers will respond to the call and then make a report. Then the officer will let the chain of command know and then the case be handed over to the detective bureau for them to investigate farther. After the case has been handed to the detectives bureau, the next morning the bureau lead man will take a look at all them. And if they think there will need to be an investigation than the lead man will assign it to detectives. After it’s been handed off, they have to interview the complaintee. Try and get a verbal statement, a physical page showing the items missing and anything that can go in the folder about the incident. -chicubs002
ReplyDeleteThis detective talks about his experience becoming a detective. He talks about how his week was absolutely chaotic he had been working up to 14 hours a day. He also talks about how every day can be different and you can't really expect each day to be the same as before, an example he gives his one day he spent all day at his desk doing paperwork and the next day he was at his desk for 5 minutes and he spent all day at a crime scene. He talks about how it's completely unpredictable and he can't expect his schedule to stay intact because he gets called in all the time. He also talks about how there's more to being a detective because of these qualities of the job that people don't really see frequently and isn't depicted in shows that we see regularly. The detective also talks about how it's important to manage time as a detective so that cases don't get backed up and that things are done efficiently. Detectives will never be the first to respond to a scene, patrol does. The reports written by patrol are given to investigators if it's deemed necessary. Detectives should try to get as much information from the victim as they can about the stuff stolen from them and who might have taken the stuff. Pawn shops are required to hold items that might be stolen for at least 30 days if requested by police. By the end of the case it's common for a detective to have 50 to 100 pieces of paper in their folder about that specific case.-waterboy002
ReplyDeleteI thought that this video was really interesting because it talks about being a detective. I want to be a detective when i finish school and some of the things that he said shocked me. For example he said that in the video that detectives don’t really have a schedule and they often work up to fourteen hours a day. And also that not everyday that you will be out on the streets trying to solve crimes most of the time you will be filling out paperwork on different cases. What we see on shows like law and order and criminal minds are not the same things that will happen when your out on the street. Batman002
DeleteBeing a detective is not as easy as people make it seem. It’s not what you see on csi and criminal minds it’s more paperwork then what tv make it look like. television shows make it look like you come in look around the evidence is already found bagged and tagged and then you just investigate. Being a detective is not for everyone because there is no set schedule for a detective as there is for patrols detective. Detectives not only just work on one case they work on multiple case at once and it goes by how organized you are and how good you work. The example he gave in the video was that a store owner employee was stealing tools and he called 911. The detective are not the first ones on the scene that’s done by patrol then a cid supervisor will go through the report and if they think an investigation is needed then a detective will be put on that case. From there the detective interviews the victim and gets their statement. You can get anything that he/she has to prove that it’s any money missing you need to get a written statement or recorded statement or anything you can get from the victim. Then like in the video for example you would call all the pawn shops and tell them to put a hold on the item which means they can’t throw it away or steal the item then they would check the suspect and get information on the suspect like what he is doing on Facebook. They learn everything about that person from there work schedule to where they went to school. Once you can prove that he/she did the crime you will go get the warrant wrote up what he/she did and there information and all that you need and have the judge sign the warrant but this process isn’t a one day thing it can take a while. Batman002
ReplyDeleteDetectives are the investigators, usually of law enforcement agency. from the auricle we see that they often collect information to solve crime by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting or searching records in databases. this leads them to arrest criminals and enable them to be convicted in court. The detective mentioned how his day are rough and been working long hours a day. normally detectives work on serious cases like bank robbery murder and so on most of their time are spent in collecting evidence from various source in order to come up with a final report or investigation to be used to convict the victim. police detective unlike police officers don't wear a uniform, drive patrol cars instead they spent much of their time compiling information and evidence for the cases they are assigned. they wear plain clothes that and drive unmarked vehicles, the reason for this for them to get the target they want because if they wear uniforms they get recognized so a lot of people fear to talk to them some may run away. police detectives is is higher racking and higher paid position than police officer, it require more experience and knowledge. much of detectives time is spent on investigation and paperwork, but they are expected to maintain a certain level of physical fitness. GUSII 002
ReplyDeleteThe video “What’s the day to day life of a detective” I feel did not do justice to what is involved in not only being a detective but also what there life is like in being in this line of work. Being a detective there is no such thing as being caught up on work. As the showed you are literally on call 24/7 and work longer hours than normal due to the case load. This particular position to me is more stressful than a patrol position. Yes there is a higher risk of death in patrol but that risk is still a factor in being a detective. You also have the added stress when dealing with cases to be a “super hero” in a sense and solve the cases that you are assigned. As the detective in the video explained there is a lot of detail that goes into this position from receiving the initial report, fact checking, investigation, evidence collection, logging evidence, report writing etc. Then you have to think about the follow up from every case. Meaning once a case is “solved” then there is court that you have to attend to testify to all of the work that was done. So you are then basically critiqued in court. This to me would also be stressful, being questioned on everything that I did during the investigations process. I feel this is were some detectives that lack integrity fail. They don’t want to do the amount of work that’s involved or deal with the stress of being wrong or being overly questioned in court so this is where they start to lie and falsify documentation. Jadist002
ReplyDeleteBeing a detective is very stressful. The TV shows that portray cops, is no where near what it takes to be a detective. The video did say one of the perks of being a detective is that they have a lacked schedule. The detective is able to make their own schedule, when it comes to lunch breaks etc. I think the hardest part about being a detective is that your on call 24/7, and you have absolutely no structure at all in your life. Being a detective is not for everybody. You will have to make sacrifices, are you willing to make them? Illinigurl002
DeleteBeing a detective has its challenges. Some days may be filled with paperwork, writing up arrest warrants, or out in the field investigating a crime. Every day is different, and never the same. Many days are long, and seem like there is no end in sight. Many times, a detective will get a call on their days off. It is hard being a detective when he or she is married with kids. Being a detective, one has to be willing to roll with the punches. And that means, one has to be ready for anything. Many people like a structured work schedule, but as a detective his or her schedule is very random. When thinking about detectives and their duties, many of us think of the T.V. programs like Law Order or Criminal Minds. It is completely different. Nothing is complete (evidence is not collected), the detective has to come in and do the work. During this time, a detective typically has to work more than one case at time. The case load can be overwhelming at times, and being a detective is not for everyone. Many times, detectives will get behind on their cases loads, due to too many cases. This is normal. Criminal Investigation Division is really important. These guys are the ones who decide whether a case will be solved if there is an investigation. Even before a case hits a detective’s desk, the CID will review all cases and choose which ones to peruse. A patrol officer is the one who writes the reports and turn them into a CID officer. When a crime is committed, patrol will always respond to a scene first before a detective. When a detective is pursuing a case, he or she must collect as much information as possible. Once all the evidence is collected, it is like putting a puzzle together. The detective tries to figure out who is all involved, how the crime was committed, and why the crime was committed. In final, the detective spoke of two important responsibilities. First is integrity, and secondly organization. These are key when it comes to being an effective detective. Illinoisgulr002
ReplyDeleteCorrect Handle Illinigurl002
DeleteIn the video the speaker discusses what it's actually like to be a detective. In the video the speaker claims that it's actually quite different than what we’ve all seen on tv shows. He said he can't give an exact description of what every single day is like because everyday is a little different. Some days they spend the entire day sitting at their desk, writing warrants, or catching up on paperwork and reports. Then there's other days where you might not even spend five minutes at your desk because you're out “in the field” the whole day processing a crime scene. He described detective work as unpredictable at times, and said he prefers a set schedule. Which I agree. I think having a set schedule would be easier. But i also think it's all just part of the job. Moving forward into the video, he talks about his morning routine, and his caffeine addiction. He talks about the lady that works in his office and how she helps with everything from getting supplies for the detectives desk, to getting criminal records on a suspect, and how she is their back bone. He also said that as a detective that there is never a time when there is nothing to do. He also said that if someone files a police report, that the patrol will respond to the initial report and then CID supervisor will go through those reports that were submitted the day before, and if they think that an investigation will solve that particular case, they will assign it out to an investigator. The investigator then will interview the victim. Get the statement, any pictures, paperwork, written and verbal statements, or any other type of evidence. After the statements and all the paperwork is together this investigator will do his research on the suspect and learns everything about him. Once you learn everything about this person, you find them. The speaker said that normally the suspects actions determine what you do because you want to hear their side of the story. Overall, being a detective sounds interesting and using your mind to solve a case would be cool. But also there is a lot of pressure to it as well. -pizza002
ReplyDeleteThat is one thing that I hate about watching TV shows about cops or anything like that. I understand that if they actually made a show about the real day to day of a police officer it would be pretty boring. Like this detective stated most of the time he is doing paper work. The one simple case example that the detective gave was a simple theft and that could take days to solve. If it is a more serious crime such as a murder than times that number by 10. Just interviewing one person it could take as long as an hour. -ClarkKent002
DeleteThis video gives a good insight into what a detective has to do in a day's work. One of the first thing that this detective talked about is that the way we perceive Detectives on TV is way different than what they are in real life. Most of the time the detective is doing paperwork at their desk. He later does state that somes cases do take a long time to complete. Just in the simplest case that he talked about it would take days. That case only had someone selling stolen items. For a case that someone got shot and not killed the time frame will be even longer. One of the most time consuming things that the detective talked about is interviewing the witnesses. In the case of someone getting shot in the arm, there could be as many as 10 witnesses. You need to interview all of the witnesses and write down the complete narrative. This could take hours for one person, now times that by 10. Add all the other work that the detective has to do with with the interviews, this job can get stressful. Even though being a detective is stressful, you still have a lot of freedom. One of the examples that the detective gave is that If you are not on a case you can go to lunch whenever you want. Patrol Officers like to think that most of the detectives are just goofing off. In reality though most of the time the detective is doing a mass amount of paperwork. Patrol Officers also like to complain about the amount of paperwork that they have to do. They have no idea what a lot of paperwork is according the detective. The detective did say that with all the freedom a detective has, they get in trouble a lot. You have enough rope to hang yourself. -ClarkKent002
ReplyDeleteI feel like I hear about paperwork all the time in criminal justice and most of the time I kind of just brush aside what that really means for a detective. This guy does a pretty good job at explaining the reality of being a detective and truly how much work goes into it just with the paperwork aspect of it. I feel like I’m more worried about that than I am about dangerous aspects of the job. Paperwork is important though, as we have learned without proper documentation it would be pretty much impossible to be able to get anyone convicted of a crime. For one you’d have to rely on memory which is extremely fallible and two a defense attorney would rip your case to shreds if you didn’t provide the proper documentation of your case. I definitely get the feeling that in order to be a good detective you have to be rather meticulous in your work as little details are often time what adds up to help solve a case. It was cool hearing him discuss how that hypothetical case would work and really helped shine a light on what kind of work is involved in even a basic case. You can hear something a thousand times and still not really get it until you hear it explained a certain way and I think this guy did a pretty good job with that for me. I like that he talked about the importance of integrity in the video as well. Detectives are given a lot of freedom which is great but I feel like for some people that could also be detrimental as they may rely on having someone telling them what to do. But a detective wouldn’t have that as much so it’s kind of just on them to make sure they are actually doing work and not just wasting time.
I like how he explained what detectives really do, in the real world, inside of what I have seen on television. Yes, I do believe that there is a lot of paper work involved and that is not what they show on television. On television, it is really getting to see the catching bad guys kind of part of their work, instead of what happens in the real world of detective work. In the years that I have taken Criminal Justice type classes at ICC I, and my family, have noticed that when we are watching those kinds of shows I point out all the inconsistatsies that are portrayed on television. –Adventureflight002
DeleteEveryday is seen as different for when it comes to being a detective. Some days are boring and other days they are working 12+ hours trying to figure out a case. There a lot of unpredictability of the job when it comes to being a detective. There is never going to be a time when you have nothing to do. You will always be busy and will always have something to do. No matter what you’re more than likely always going to be a little behind on your work due to the excess amount. The next day the detective could spend a lot of time driving around on an investigation. They could also be processing crimes scenes and logging evidence into evidence boxes. Detectives could be sleeping at home and then one phone call happens and then next 8-12 hours could be them working on a homicide case or investigating a crime. Patrol officers don’t have the time that detectives do. Detectives focus on one thing and that is getting enough evidence to find the criminal and be able to arrest them. When the detectives find their suspect or the known criminal, they do even more hours of research making sure they know them inside and out. They learn everything about that person from there work schedule to where they went to school. The goal is to get a good detailed idea of what their life entails and who they are. You never want to attack the suspect, talk to them like a normal conversation. You never know, they might have a justifiable reason on why they did what they did. If the suspect starts to lie and say they have no idea what is going on or what the detective is talking about. That is when the detective makes their next move to get a warrant. That moves to the court so the judge can sign off on it and then you are able to arrest the suspect. Everyday is a different one for when it comes to being a detective and everyday is going to be different from yesterday.
I learned a lot about detective work in this video than I have ever knew before. In the video the detective says that every day is different. Some days you’re sitting at your desk catching up on paper work, writing warrants, etc. Other days you’re at your desk for maybe five minutes, if at all, before you’re out in the field and processing a major crime scene if something major had happened. You never know what your day is going to be like. It is always unpredictable. He talked about his first day working at CID, or Criminal Investigation Division. For him it was mostly orientation stuff. He set up his desk at the station, and switched his stuff from his patrol car to his CID car. You know easy stuff. Then he went home and working on editing a video for his YouTube channel that he has. So he is working on editing his video and then he gets a phone call. As soon as he left he was leaving the house, he was gone for another eight and a half hours. I think he said that he did not get back home till about four thirty in the morning. Wow that is a long time to be gone. Especially you have a new family and kids at home. He said that some like the unpredictability of the day. He does not like that part of the job, he said he was not too crazy about it. He mentioned that he had to new family at home, so it is really hard, but it’s part of the job. He talked about what it is really like to be a detective, and not the kinds you see on social media or television. I found this video very informative about what it’s really like to be a detective in the real world. –Adventureflight002
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you pointed out that everyday is different as a detective, I think some people think that being a detective can be easy (probably because of the way it is depicted in movies and shows. Even minor crimes can be some of the toughest to solve, it takes brilliant minds to carry out the job and solve cases, processing a major scene already has it's down falls because they can be so gruesome and it would be easy to become biased because they want to solve the case so bad. Not only are the hours but the job itself is so unpredictable. Ark002
DeleteThis video is a detective talking about what it’s like being a detective. The first thing he said that really caught my attention was the hours. I remember that in class we talked about how many hours police officers and detectives work and how they can work back to back shifts, and he just confirmed it. He said that he could work a 8 hour shift and then come home and be called back in for another 8 hour shift. Being a detective is a very unpredictable job and requires a lot of time and long nights. The main thing about being a detective is that you are always going to have something to do. He said that there will never be a time when you’re a detective that you’ll be empty handed at work. He said that a big part about being a detective is being able to multitask. A rookie detective might want to finish things one thing at a time, which is fine, but it will take a lot longer. A veteran detective learns to do multiple things at once to save time and operate efficiently. I think that this has to be the hardest part of the job because it has to be rigorous on the brain. Doing multiple things at once at complete random every day of the week has to be exhausting from a mental and physical standpoint. I think that if I ever become a detective I will have to have a good way to relieve stress. It seems like there just isn’t enough time in the day for a detective, so I would definitely have to have a way to relax and get my mind off of the job. I think that will be playing basketball or playing video games because they come the easiest to me. Celtics002
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine the amount of stress a detective might have to deal with. From trying to get all of their paperwork done to having the pressure of solving a case all the while trying to maintain a private life. I imagine it can be quite difficult. It definitely says something about people who know this stuff going in and still want to do it...I'm not sure exactly what it says but it's definitely something. Hopefully a good thing.
Not having a set schedule is definitely something some should prefer when going through with this career. Not having a set schedule is not for everyone. I agree that multitasking is one of the difficult things about this career but I also think being able to solve puzzles and put pieces together is also another difficult thing. You might have all of these pieces in front of you but if you have a hard time making connections or trying to figure out how things fit, this job can become a lot more difficult. I think everyone that is involved in law enforcement should have a stress reliever. I think everyone gets stress out at some point. -Soccer002
DeleteWhen people watch tv shows that involve detectives and investigators, they might automatically think that’s what they are going to be doing but that’s not always true. CID is abbreviated for Criminal Investigation Division. There might be days where you’re sitting at your desk all day and there might be days where you’ll only be sitting at your desk for a few minutes and then you're out in the field at a crime scene for the rest of the day. Everyday will not be the same. You might work shifts that are twelve to fourteen hours long and you might develop a caffeine addiction if you don’t already have one. You don’t really have a set schedule when you’re a detective. You might not always get off at the time you’re scheduled off. Some people like having an unpredictable schedule but some people might like having a set schedule. Detectives aren't called in to get the initial report, that’s done by patrol. If the initial report has been opened up for investigation, that’s when a detective jumps in. As a detective, there is always something to do and you might always be a little behind in work. Being a detective doesn't always mean that you’re going to be out in the field all the time. There is going to be times where you might be filling out paperwork for hours at a time. This career can be extremely time consuming, very stressful, and time sensitive. Working on these cases is like trying to figure out a puzzle. There will be times where you might be trying to figure out multiple puzzles at once. When you’re a detective, you’re not really being watched. You’re kind of independent. Integrity is very important with this career. You need to make sure that you’re doing the right thing when no one is watching. As a detective you need to be organized, have a lot of training and experience, and strong self discipline. A detective needs to use ethical and legally approved methods, systematic methods of inquiry, and both deductive and inductive reasoning. A detective should also have compassion and remain objective all the time. The biggest thing is that the detective knows what they’re doing. -Soccer002
ReplyDeleteThis video gave insight on what the day to day life is like being a detective, the thing that he first talked about was the hours he would work and how unpredictable they can be, we discussed this in class about how even as a police officer you almost never leave when it says your shift is over and that if you choose to be something like a detective the hours will be even worse. I could only imagine how tiring this would be, some people are very involved in their work and he even states in the video some people like not have a set schedule and the unpredictable of it all. The next thing that really grabbed my attention was what he said about the paperwork, and how interviews alone can take up to an hour of paperwork because you have to give a detailed report about what was said, he also said it's not all glamorous. He states that the job can be mundane and boring, but that even with that the part of solving cases and the puzzles within the cases can be challenging and fun. I want to be a criminal profiler and I look forward to having to use my mind to the best of my ability to solve a case, I looked forward to the puzzles and thinking outside of the box and thinking of things that wouldn't normally be thought. That sounds exciting to me and like any job I'm sure it will have it's downfalls (such as the paperwork and the hours) but a good days work can help keep people safe and bring someone to justice. I like that detectives can pretty much do what they want without being micromanaged because that can help people keep a clear and open mind. It is sad that some people can't be trusted and abuse that power. It was nice watching this video because it was real, it gives the ups and downs of working in law enforcement and people who want to go into the field should be aware of them. Ark002
ReplyDeleteBeing a detective you don’t know what you are going to have to deal with because everyday you wake up there’s a different murder to solve crazy but it’s true. Being a detective is differently a stressful job and you have to have a strong heart and be sure to never mix business with your personal life because coming home after seeing a dead family shot multiple times with no cares in the word is very hard. You have to master the art of being able to leave your work bagage at work and put on a different suit coming home. People think because you are out of uniform then your job has gotten easy but no it’s the total opposite. The TV make a detective job seem easy but only lords knows what’s going through every detective head after seeing dead bodies for so many years. Like he said in the video a detective job is never done. New day and just a new part of a case. As long as there’s detectives there’s a case to solve. To solve a case you have to have A LOT of evidence and getting that evidence isn’t easy at all. . The detective are not the first ones on the scene that’s done by patrol then a cid supervisor will go through the report and if they think an investigation is needed then a detective will be put on that case.The detective mentioned how his day are rough and been working long hours a day. normally detectives work on serious cases like bank robbery murder and so on most of their time are spent in collecting evidence from various source in order to come up with a final report or investigation to be used to convict the victim.-KenzieLand002
ReplyDeleteThis should be required viewing for anyone who’s interested in detective work beyond the cinematic stereotype of a detective that the presenter decries in the first minute. Though it’s never really mentioned in movies or TV except in passing, paperwork is the defining factor of any case. Hundreds, if not thousands of cases, have lived and died on the power of the forms and reports that a jury must use to decide the outcome of a case. His estimate, that the most basic case he could imagine would take a minimum of 50 pages of paperwork to close, is pretty astounding, even to me. I’ve seen all of the paperwork that a patrol officer is likely to be confronted with in day to day work, and even that seems somewhat excessive to me. Fifty pages and several day’s work to prove that a man stole and pawned some pool supplies sounds utterly ridiculous. What’s worse is that the charges would amount to two measly misdemeanors, with a maximum of two years in prison, the likelihood of a maximum sentence being near zero for such an offense, especially if it’s a first-time offender involved. That has to be utterly disheartening if it’s a regular occurrence. Especially when combined with the irregular hours that he discusses in passing, that has to place stresses on a person, and on a marriage. It’s really no wonder that police officers have such a high divorce rate, when the work has such a high probability of being, if not trivial, then at least very close to it. It must come back to the major cases that make the job seem to be worth it, where one is doing all of the things that they show on TV and the blood is pounding through your veins, knowing that ultimately justice will be served on one of the rabid dogs of society. Otherwise, I can’t picture taking fulfillment from the job that he’s describing. - Arsenal002
ReplyDeleteI agree, the amount of hours this job takes and what all it entails is way more than people understand. A lot of people who want to be police officer's and eventually leading into being a detective, your ways of work and life changes. You cannot simply talk to people necessarily the same way as a patrol officer does. Your way of policing is different as well. You go from talking to people on the streets for initial understanding and taking the report and then as a detective you go and investigate into detail and you are pretty much digging into people's lives to understand on a deeper level. -holywaffles002
DeleteI think that this job sounds great. Yeah I mean the paperwork doesn't sound too fun because there is a lot of it, but detectives are able to do so many different things which were not mentioned on the video. He just gave a very simple case which was small. Detectives work on large cases as well and they are often times very exciting. -Anchorman002
DeleteWatching the video about how a detective manage their day is interesting. From past lectures from detectives, they explain how they do their job. The detective mentioned that they have to have good time managing and organized about their work. He said new detective want to consecutively do each task when finished, which can take longer than it should. Also, there is no set schedule when working as a detective. It isn’t for everyone because it can take up most of your day and become long shifts after another. Which leads to be available 24/7 for calls that might need a detective to process. Its an unpredictable life that can not be describes in details what they do every day at a certain time. The work can be all field work one day or all desk work another day. I think that it would be exciting because you never know what to expect and could help one be more open minded to possibilities and opportunities each day. When dealing with a case a detective is always give an initial report from a patrol officer. Detective never respond to calls where they have to write the initial report. The first thing thing they do after reading the report is record verbal and written statements from the victim and then witnesses if there is any. There must be evidence gathered that will help with the case. Later, if there is a suspect, a statement must be written as well to hear their side of the story. Detective work with judges in order to get warrants approved. In a detective’s work there should always be integrity because there is no supervision and they should always be able to do the job correctly. Also, there should be organization within their work because any evidence or a any statement can break or make a case. dory002
ReplyDeletePeople do not understand that being a police officer and investigator is not as easy and fun as it may be portrayed on TV, you do not just always go from call to call with non stop excitement. There is so much work done behind the scenes and I love how the CID detective in this shows and says that. I like how he started off with some humor regarding a lot of coffee. I did not realize that in order for these reports to be investigated and how the detectives begin their investigations, start with submitted reports by patrol officers. The begin with interviewing the victims, pushing paperwork, processing evidence and obtaining statements from witnesses and other people. They also partake in writing warrants and finding the reasonings to do so. He said it can be incredibly boring as well. He said the two most important values a detective should have is integrity and organization. He said being a detective is almost a constant puzzle and figuring things out and analyzing it all as a whole. It is pretty simple if you think about it. Being a law enforcement officer in any capacity is not the same as the image in someone's head may be. You have to possess qualities that the normal human mind cannot always process. The things you see as a detective and law enforcement officer is not normal and very intense. Your sens of reasoning and understanding has to be very high considering you are constantly analyzing situations. -holywaffles002
ReplyDeleteBeing a detective is not like what you see on television. Some days a detective will be out in the field and some days they will be sitting behind a desk and reading over and doing paperwork. In the video, it mentioned that people in this field do not get to see their family as much as they want. He mentioned in this video that he does not have an everyday schedule which bothers him a little bit. In the video he mentioned how a detective might handle a case. The case he made up was one involving a pawn shop. What you have to do is interview the owner of the business which called and made a report. You must gather all the information possible. Then you have to call all the pawn shops and stop the selling of all the object. Then the detective will take all of the items which he called about. Then you go back to the station and do your research. You research the person front and back like a book. Then you interview the suspect. You see this person’s story. Once you find out if the person is guilty, you go to the courthouse and get a warrant for his or her arrest and go and pick up your convict. Although it sounds easy, it most definitely is not. Being a good detective is very difficult but if you follow common sense then you can knock out the detective career. Even though this case was a more simple case, this case would take multiple days. It is crazy awesome what a detective gets to do on a day to day basis. I love the fact that you don’t know what your day will consist of. -Anchorman002