Preparation for Prison for the Affluent?


  1. I found this article very interesting and almost amusing. Justin Paperny is really making a killing off preparing people to go into federal prison. He calms fears, gives advice, helps with money before and while they are incarcerated, he has a YouTube channel and even a company which employees five people, all for a very hefty sum. I do not blame him for charging a pretty penny at all, a lot, if not most of his clients are rich people that can afford to pay someone like Justin a lot of money to give them advice and coach them. His current list of clients are from the college admission scandal that has been talked about by every media site. It seems to be one thing that both political parties can agree that it is terrible that stuff like this is happening. In his coaching and advice giving he can give simple advice, such as how to use the bathroom and other hygiene-related topics too much more pressing issues of what about my money and will I ever be able to work again and other similar questions. Justin Paperynys company is named White Collar Advice. This is an ironic name for a company, but it seems to fit what Justin and his company do for a living. He is so popular he has spoken at the FBI Acadamy at Quantico, Va. Justin uses different steps when helping out his latest client. The first step that he uses is starting and trying to break the denial stage that people could have when first being sent to prison. This is good advice because people in this day and age are struggling to admit when they are wrong and accepting what you have done, and that also means taking the punishment. If he can get his client to show regret in front of the judge that can go a long way when being sentenced because it shows that you care about what you have done. Apparently, there is a whole industry out there that are felons that have a similar business in giving advice and to some that are controversial, but in my mind, I think that it is not controversial as long as they are being honest and actually trying to help their client and not just take their money. Justin Paperny, in my opinion, is doing a good thing helping out people that are scared to go to prison and can get help from someone that has been in their shoes and knows how to deal with it. -Legion001

  2. This is an interesting article and an even more interesting job for Justin Paperny. Paperny helps the affluent that have never been in prison deal with the fact they are going to prison and the psychological factors with it. As said in the article, he can charge up to tens of thousands of dollars to help the affluent, but all of his past clients have agreed that it is worth the money. In my opinion, if this is what the affluent can do with their money, and then why not do it. I think it is funny that the college scandal offenders used Paperny from just a Google search. It is unfortunate that these parents were doing what they needed to do to get their kids into well known colleges when they did not have to. It is really unfortunate for the kid, because they just wanted to go to a big well known school and they made a mistake by using the wrong resources. One thing I also found funny was that this guy consulted with Tim Donaghy, the former NBA referee that betted on games he refereed. As said in the article, I can see it can be hard for the affluent to face charges and be sentenced to prison. They say that usually the first day you get charged is the worst day of the whole experience because you have so many thoughts going through your head. If I was in that situation, I would feel the same way. I would worry about how the public are going to portray me, if I am ever going to get a job again, and most importantly what effect this situation is going to have on my family and if I can provide for them like I used to. According to Paporny, his goal is for the judge and others to see that one bad decision should not define someone’s whole life and that the rest of their life is taken into consideration during sentencing. This is actually funny because today I was on my phone and saw a quote that said “Your mistakes do not define you.” kI 100% whole heartedly agree with this. If Paperny can get it through the offender and judge’s mind that they just made a mistake and it does not define who they are, then it will help cope with the offender’s future problems. -lilbaby001

  3. This is quite interesting to see what a convicted felon is able to do after being incarcerated. Justin Paperny in my opinion is doing a very good thing for himself because he essentially created a business for preparing the privileged for a term behind bars. As said in the article he charges tens of thousands of dollars for his coaching services and that is a very pretty penny to him as well as the usual middle class person, but to these affluent individuals it does not hurt their pocket books at all. Justin should definitely be seen as a successful incarceration story because he learned from what he did but is now attempting to better himself and others around him who seek help. Each clients offense is different usually but for this situation of bribing a college to accept your kid does not help your child out in any way. Outside of prison there money can get them anywhere but once they get behind the bars it can not save them for the real challenges they will face. They can try to buy their way into trust with everyone on the inside but that only goes so far and that is where Justin's "White Collar Advice" company comes into play. He is so popular with his advice and knowledge he even gave a speech in Quantico Virginia at the FBI Academy, which gives clients the sense of being at ease because of how helpful he really is for them. He is doing a service for those who, without him, would be so lost behind bars and potentially land a much larger sentence or future life complications. He said many often ask if they will ever work again and that is very scary reality for these affluent people because of the lavish lifestyle they have to let go of in order to survive in prison. The roadway to prison is a very scary thing for those who have never experienced it and Justin is not only helping himself in life but he is giving advice to those who have never experienced something as hard a prison sentence. He is a very successful man now despite his past and he was very smart to find this market for a service such as his advice program because I had never actually heard of any program similar to this one and since there will always be crimes committed by "white collar" people, he will always have a market of clients. -Blues001

  4. It is amusing how people are willing to turn to somebody that they would not trust or maybe even talk to if they were out on the street and knew that they were a felon. And personally one of the people that has had a massive influence in my life is a convicted felon. The man I know had it all then lost it all and now has it all back again because he is willing to do the work that it takes to climb back to the mountain top in life again. Most people think that a felony is a death sentence when it comes to careers and outside life. You have your rights stripped from you and life as you knew it may never be the same. It is nice to read this story about how a man can use his mistakes to make money in a perfectly legal way. And that the supper upper class and high profile people are willing to go talk to him because they know that they messed up and are going to be facing punishment son. What Justin is doing is so smart. He is using the cards that life gave him and running with it. The people who paid millions of dollars to get their kids into massive colleges are now paying him very large sums of money to get tips on how to handle everyday life behind bars. Justin is a success story because he knew that he now had a tool to help change people and give them knowledge on what they are going to be experiencing. Justin was also given the opportunity to speak at the FBI academy. He was able to realize the market that he could take advantage of and make an absolute killing charging ten of thousands of dollars to people who have that money to spend to try to get a leg up on the adjustment of prison life. The market for charging people who are guilty of white collar crimes is always going to be there and almost all those people are scared of what is ahead of them. It is also an eye opener for people who have no idea what the prison system is like. He may not be able to fully prepare them but he is going to be telling them what to expect and how to handle themselves in prison. Justin is almost a genius for making this service because he knows all of his clients have money and are willing to spend it, plus the market for him will always be there as long as there is high profile white collar crimes-Purdue001

  5. Justin Paperny is a federal prison consultant and a felon who essentially prepares people for life in a prison. What he does is he meets with people who have been convicted and gives them tips and answers questions about what they need to know about prison. His work has the aspects of both an advisor and a therapist. Not only that but he can also help these people find jobs and organize their finances before they go into prison. As the article has stated, Paperny is a former felon so he knows about prison life and uses that knowledge and his personal experiences to help prepare others. His company has been a go to for wealthy criminals. He also has a Youtube channel that covers most of the advice he gives his clients. He normally charges his clients several thousands of dollars as a down payment. His total fee goes up to tens of thousands, partly because he can speak to criminals in a language that they understand. Like in the article he has several clients who are involved in the college scandal that want to hire him. The fact that many people go to him for advice must mean that he is well worth the cost. The first step to helping his clients, according to Paperny is getting them to accept responsibility for their actions. It can decrease their chance of helping reduce a sentence that they may get later on. I think it is good that Paperny is doing this for people. His services can be very handy for first time offenders. These offenders will not know what to expect in prison. They will have a lot of questions and they may be afraid. So it is good that he provides his clients with the proper knowledge. For example Mike Shelley, who was the target of an FBI criminal investigation. When Shelley found out about that he panicked. This was a guy who had never been in trouble before and now he is facing the possibility of going to prison.He even said that the thousands of dollars it cost for Prison consulting was well worth it. He was even prepared for a pre-sentence interview. Paperny has spoken in the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. Paperny even has a goal to provide the government with a different story about someones life than what they have heard from the prosecutors. I hope that at some point the types of services offered by Paperny will be offered to more people and not just to the wealthy. His knowledge helped many people cope with the idea of going to prison and helped them figure out how to make better decisions in the future.

  6. You can get a consultant for just about any career field out there. There is always someone who is going to know more than you do, who can help guide you through any future endeavors. Who ever would have thought though, that someone would need consulting before going to prison to serve time for a crime they committed? Justin Paperny is the man to talk to for many well off parents, these past couple of weeks, that were involved in college admission scandals. Paperny was once convicted, and served federal time for, conspiring to commit fraud while he was a Bear Stearns stockbroker. Because of his criminal history, he is one of the few that white collar folks can go to, to prepare for what a federal prison holds for them. People that go to Paperny have all kinds of questions. They want to know what the environment is like, what to avoid saying or doing, they ask about sexual assault, prison gangs, anything that can be scary about being in prison. According to Paperny, he has already been hired by one of the people involved in the heavily discussed college admissions scandal. Paperny believes that peoples attraction to him, as a consultant, has to do with the fact that he doesn't sugarcoat things. He doesn't try to make it seem like it won't be bad, or make any kid of promises that something bad won't happen. His down payment from his latest client was thousands of dollars, which means he is making bank off of peoples thirst for knowledge. He claims his prices can be so high because he is one of the only people that can speak to these higher class criminals, in a way that they understand. Like we have discussed in class, most criminals barely make it out of high school, but that is not the case for Paperny. He is of this higher class, white collar kind of lifestyle, just like the people that hire him. Many people that go to prison either don't come out, or find their way back in their soon after release. Justin Paperny though, took his biggest mistake in life, that ended him in prison, and upon release made a career out of his experience and his lessons learned. He has taken the opportunity to help those that have no idea what to expect, prepare for a time of their life that will stick with them forever. No one can truly be prepared for what life will be like behind the bars of a federal prison. But, with the help of Justin Paperny, a person may have the chance to recognize the learning experience that can come from time spent locked up, due to their bad decision making, or lack of considering the consequences of their actions.-psych001


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