My City and the NCVS and What This Means....


  1. According to, “The Bureau of Justice Statistics' (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization. Each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of about 135,000 household interviews, composed of nearly 225,000 interviews of persons within those households, on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The NCVS collects information on nonfatal personal crimes (i.e., rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and personal larceny) and household property crimes (i.e., burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other theft) both reported and not reported to police.” Cybercrime has become one of the biggest crimes. Because of our advanced technology is it increasing every year because people are able to find new ways to commit crimes online. We need to have more people trying to control the Internet and in charge. There are people that work for Google that monitor searches. These searchers could help us find leads to crimes that are about to be committed. In 2005, over 60% of businesses that are online were convicted on cybercrime. Cybercrime can be anything from trafficking, fraud, stealing, or even identity theft. Because the Internet is so broad it opens many doors for many different crimes to be committed. Weapon use is also increased because many more people are finding easy to get a hold of weapons that are either not theirs or are stealing them from people that they know have them. People will let others “borrow” them or even let them have them for something else in exchange. The wrong people then get a hold of the weapons and that’s when issues start to happen because they end up hurting others or themselves. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' also keeps track of the location of people that have committed serious crimes. This is helpful because people with kids are able to know their whereabouts and are able to protect their children and keep their eye out. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' also helps keep the whereabouts of the criminal online. This is useful for parents with kids who are young. They can also keep track of the communities as a whole and know where most of the criminals reside. This then flags different towns so people know what they are getting into when moving into a new area. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' is very useful because people have access to all sorts of information. Many people need to be more informed about the website because majority of people think this website is only available for people in the law enforcement. This awares people of the signs and information they need to know about in the community they are living in or thinking about living in. Having this sort of information also helps the community know if the crime rate is going down or the safeness of the community they are living in. #notaplumber002

    1. If more people seen the Bureau Justice System website and there was a large amount of crime in the area then maybe the community could come together as a unit and start a neighborhood watch or some kind of program to help stop crime. If not stop crime then it could steadily drop crime and make the area better and protect not just kids but everyone who lives there. Which is why we need to do a better job promoting it or maybe the government should promote this information. The more we stand together the easier it will be to stop crime. Batman002

  2. NCVS stands for the National Crime Victimization Survey “Each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of about 135,000 household interviews, composed of nearly 225,000 interviews of persons within those households, on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States”(BJS). This Survey collects data on what they call as “nonfatal” personal crimes such as rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault and personal larceny. I am not sure I agree with the word nonfatal but I understand what they mean by it in saying that these crimes don’t cause death but, I feel like that word could make victims feel like the crime committed against them wasn’t a big deal when it was. Rape and sexual assault should not be put under that word because some people who go through that take their own life. It also collects information about household property crimes such as burglary and motor vehicle theft. “Survey respondents provide information about themselves (e.g., age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, marital status, education level, and income)” and “collects information about the offender (e.g., age, race and Hispanic origin, sex, and victim-offender relationship), characteristics of the crime (e.g., time and place of occurrence, use of weapons, nature of injury, and economic consequences), whether the crime was reported to police, reasons the crime was or was not reported, and victim experiences with the criminal justice system” (BJS). Collecting all of this information helps give more accurate information on criminal victimization. One report I was very interested in reading was the indicators of school crime and safety. This report showed that in 2016 students between the age of 12 through 18 experienced 749,400 victimizations which include theft and nonfatal violent crimes at school which meant that twenty-nine victimizations per 1,000 students were happening at school. This to me is incredibly sad, school is where you are supposed to go to learn, a safe space to grow your knowledge. With all of the homework and studying that students have to worry about this makes it harder for students to focus on schoolwork, and it also makes it harder for students to want to come to school at all. This is one of the many reasons why this survey is so important, it helps show areas of improvement that are needed in order to make changes that make places like schools and the workplace and even places like the grocery store a safer place. The research that has gone into this survey, the questionnaires, and the collection of all this data has been extensive and for good reason, it is programs like these that will help stop crime, it will help to put laws in place that will create a safer environment no matter where you go and with access to information like this it helps to know what communities are safer to reside in. Ark002

    1. I agree that a lot of research has gone into this site. I think more needs to be done to promote websites like these so that actions can be taken to deter and even stop crime. The report statistics were kind of shocking when it came to 12-18 age groups and the amount of victimizations that age group witnessed and some of them even happening at school. -CUBSFAN002

  3. The National Crime Victimization Survey in other words the NCVS is the nations main source of data for criminal victimization. Every single year information is taken from nearly 135,000 household interviews, composed of nearly 225,000 interviews of persons within those households, on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The National Crime Victimization Survey takes data for nonfatal personal crimes (i.e., rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and personal larceny) and household property crimes (i.e., burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other theft) both reported and not reported to police. Survey respondents provide information about themselves (e.g., age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, marital status, education level, and income) and whether they experienced a victimization. Whenever there is a victimization problem the National Crime Victimization Survey takes data from the offender such as age, race and Hispanic origin, sex, and victim-offender relationship), characteristics of the crime (e.g., time and place of occurrence, use of weapons, nature of injury, and economic consequences), whether the crime was reported to police, reasons the crime was or was not reported, and victim experiences with the criminal justice system. The National Crime Victimization Survey helps find criminals and what types of crimes certain people try to commit. This survey keeps a logged data of so much info about past offender of he or she committed a crime. This data is useful to help new home buyers know if it is safe for themselves and or if they have kids safe for them to go to school. The data from the NCVS survey are particularly useful for calculating crime rates, both aggregated and disaggregated, and for determining changes in crime rates from year to year. This also helps to let people in the community know about what type of criminal activity occur in the community. The National Crime Victimization Study is conducted on an on going basis to find data on the wide collection of offences from the victims rather than the police. It is conducted for the Bureau Justice System by the United States Census office, which selects families to study through the similar structure made for this decennial census. I think that a lot of people do not even know about this website
    because I did not even know. It should be promoted more often because this is something that is very serious so people can stay safe. If more people seen this website and there was a large amount of crime in the area then maybe the community could come together and start a neighborhood watch or some kind of program to help stop crime. If not stop crime then it could steadily drop crime and make the area better and protect not just kids but everyone who lives there. Which is why we need to do a better job promoting it or maybe the government should promote this information. The more we stand together the easier it will be to stop crime. Batman002

  4. The Bureau of Justice Statistics, BJS, National Crime Victimization Survey, NCVS, is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization. Each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of about 135,000 household interviews, composed of nearly 225,000 interviews of persons within those households, on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The NCVS is administered to persons age 12 or older from a nationally representative sample of households in the United States. The NCVS defines a household as a group of persons who all reside at a sampled address. NCVS collects information on nonfatal personal crimes which includes, rape or sexual assault, robbery, and household property crimes which are burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other theft. These can be reported crimes and non reported crimes to police. Survey respondents provide information about themselves with their age, sex, race, marital status, education level, and even income. They are also asked if they have experienced a victimization. For each victimization incident, the NCVS collects information about the offender including the characteristics of the crime which consists of the time and place of occurrence, weapons, injuries, and economic consequences. They also include whether the crime was reported to police and reasons the crime was or was not reported, and victim experiences with the criminal justice system. I learned a lot of info from this site that I did not know before. I feel that many people don’t even know that this site exists. I think this site should get more done to promote it as the site is full of information to keep people safe. You can see that a lot of time and effort has gone into making these reports and website and whoever visits the site will get a hefty amount of good information on crime that can be used to keep them safe in their own lives.

  5. The National Crime Victimization Survey is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization in the United States. Each year, there is roughly 135,000 households contacted which is composed of nearly 225,000 interviews of persons who live within these households, on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) collects information from victims on nonfatal violent and property crimes, reported and not reported to the police, against persons age 12 or older from a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. It produces national rates and levels of personal and property victimization. NCVS collects information on nonfatal personal crimes such as rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and personal larceny. Household property crimes include burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other theft. All of these crimes are included and reported to local law enforcement. There is also a part that is not reported to police. There are surveys mailed out to people to help provide information about themselves, such as their age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, marital status, education level, and income. It is also important to note that whether they experienced a victimization, such as crime being committed against them. For each victimization incident reported, the NCVS will collects information about the offender. For instance, their age, race, ethnicity, time place and occurrence, nature of injury. All of this information is pertinent when trying to apprehend a criminal. Whether the crime or crimes are reported to the law enforcement, the reasons maybe unknown, but the victim has experienced an injustice with the criminal justice system. Accurate, timely, and complete criminal history records will enable states to immediately identify persons who are prohibited from firearm purchase or are ineligible to hold positions of responsibility involving children, the elderly, or the disabled. It will also help enable agencies to make major decisions on pretrial release, career criminal charging, determinate sentencing, and correctional assignments. These surveys also are critical to assist law enforcement in criminal investigations and decision making. NCVS are required when background checks for employment, licensing, and related economic purposes, are required under recent legislation. The Bureau of Justice also conducts surveys to those who are incarcerated. The surveys are conducted periodically and are nationally representative sample of inmates who are currently incarcerated in Jails or Prisons. The surveys are very broad in scope and collect a wide range of data on the personal and criminal histories of criminal offenders. Such as their childhood experiences, family structure, educational background, prior criminal activity, substance abuse experiences, mental and physical health problems, and conditions of current confinement. It is important to record this data, because if this inmate ever gets out, this data would be on file if needed to be revisited. These surveys are national and rare with some exceptions, but unfortunately, they are not available at the state or facility levels. But none the less, these are very important and should not be pushed aside. This information is definitely important to adult probation officers, and State parole supervising agencies. Illinigurl002

  6. My city and the NCVS and what this means
    The Bureau of Justice Stats produces the National Crime Victimization Survey. The Nations Crime Victimization Survey is the nations primary source of information. This is reported yearly for the previous year. The Nation Victimization Survey collects information on non fatal personal crimes. This includes rape or sexual assult, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and personal larceny. The NCVS also collect data on household property crimes such as burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other types of thefts. Cybercrime has become one of the biggest crimes. Advanced technology has made it easier to spot cybercrime but it’s still hard to trace the individual causing it. With advanced technology, it has made it easier for people to commit cyber crimes. Cybercrime can be anything from human trafficking, fraud, stealing, or even identity theft. Every year they interview roughly 225,000 within 1350,000 homes. The Bureau of Justice Statistics also keeps track of where the crimes against persons are committed. This can help the police forces know where to patrol move heavily at what time during the night/day. Also this can help police educate the parents on where they can most safely allow their parents to let their kids play outside (supervised/unsupervised). The public needs to know that this site exists to help them. They can know to go to this site when they are planning on moving so they know they are moving into a side place for their kids to grow up and to know they can live their life’s to the fullest. Allowing the public to see this can also put the public at ease knowing that their police departments are doing their jobs and keeping it the safest as possible. I believe that if the community can see the crime stats in their area they can come up with a way to fight the crime that happens the most frequent in their area. This can help make sure that the community knows that if they ever need any help, the police are out their roaming the streets and can help. -chicubs002

  7. The NCVS, otherwise known as the National Victimization Crime Survey is a report created to show the statistics and numbers of criminal victimization. Around 135,000 household families are interviews, and nearly 225,000 people within those households were interviewed as well. They interviewed on multiple topics such as on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The National Crime Victimization survey collects information on rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and personal larceny, some of these crimes are reported to police some of the crimes are not reported. That is why they go into the homes to interview people that have been victim of one of those crimes. I think that is what makes this survey more accurate, and applicable. The interviewers go into the homes, to get information that goes unreported, they get the information from people who are too scared to go to police, and report the crime. During the interviews the victim can give information about the offender, to see if they can open a case up and arrest a suspect, if there is enough information. They also ask what was used in the crime, like weapons, objects cars, anything to get information on an offender. Some other questions asked is if they crime was reported to the police. If the answer is no they ask why this crime was not reported to the police. Was it because of intimidation, fear of something being turned on back on them. In my opinion I think people who are victims of crime like this, they are intimidated by the police. They are probably in fear that if the police come they will find something, and take the victim in. But instead the police are there to help them, and find the offender that either robbed them, rapes them, beat them the list can go on and on why the crime was not reported. The National Crime Victimzation website is a very interesting thing to explore. There is multiple ways for someone to report a crime, or a statistic. There are multiple numbers for the victim to call, and hotlines, and questionnaires to fill out if the victim chooses to do so. It is quite cool to see the efforts, and measures taken so these unreported crimes, can get reported. You can see that the people who are in charge of this organization actually do care, and want to help people who have been victimized. There is also multiple tabs to click on to see data, on crimes that have been reported. For example you can see arrest data, you can see court cases, you can see the percentage of certain crimes committed. It truly is a really cool website to explore, and it opened my eyes big time on the amount of crimes that go unreported in this country. You can also see the federal crimes that go unreported, and that are reported. You can see law enforcement, prosecution, and corrections as well.

  8. The National Crime Victimization Survey is one of the nations primary source of information on crime. This is on crime that is reported and not reported to the police . Every year 135,000 households are called and 225,000 interviews are held with people in those households. The NCVS collects personal crime stats on rape sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault and personal larceny. It also obtains stats on crimes such as burglary, motor vehicle theft, and other thief. The respondents to the survey must give there age, sex, race, and victim offender relationship. They must also give the characteristic of the crime, the time, where it took place and what kind of weapon was used if any. One thing that was interesting is gang crime. Only about 5 percent of violent crimes could the victim determine that there were in a gang or not. I would have thought that number would have been bigger. 40 percent did say that they did not know if the offender was a gang member, that still leaves 60 percent that knew that the offender wasn’t a gang member. Human trafficking is one of the fasted growing crimes in the world. There are thousands of enslaved people just within our borders. I can imagine a lot of these victims do not go to the police to report the crime. This is where the NCVS would be better than the UCR. More victims will report anonymously so because if they came out they will get seriously hurt by their captors. With how reliant the United States is on technology cybercrime will be never ending war to stop. In 2005, 7800 business were asked questions on cybercrime. 67 percent detected at least on cybercrime. 11 percent of them detected cyber thief. The majority of these business detected more than one intendent and almost half stated that they detected more than 10 incidents in one year. Worse yet the majority of these business did not even report these crimes to the police. I understand that you want to keep these incidents quiet but how are people and the government supposed to help fight this crime if it is not reported. 68 percent of these business lost 10,000 dollars to cyber theft and 34 percent of them lost more than that. Another interesting thing about this website is that it give statistics to where the crime has happen. 33 percent of violent crimes occurred in or near the victims home. I would have thought this number to be also larger due to most people spend most of their time at home. 20 percent of violent crimes took place in open areas such as playgrounds and the street. I would have thought this number would be smaller due to criminals not wanting to be caught. 10 percent of property crimes happen crimes happen in parking lots or garages. This seems like a small number for a place that is hidden. The NCVS is a tool that everyone can use. Since most crime is not reported it is better than the UCR because it shows the reported and not reported crime. -ClarkKent002

  9. NCVS also known as the National Crime Victimization Survey is the nations primary source when gathering victim statistics related to crime. The information that is collected is for non-fatal crimes such as burglary, rape, vehicle theft, aggravated assault etc. The surveys are completed by victims as well as household members of victims and is based on age, race, Hispanic origin, sex and victim offender relationship. There were a large portion of the population who completed the surveys. 135k household families and 225k people within those households. I feel like this number low and would be higher if the threat of further harm wasn’t there. A lot of the victims and families fail to come forward with info out of fear and intimidation. Or in some case this could be hard for some to relive in a sense. Some of the surveys do not ask for specifics as far as the offenders name etc. But without advanced knowledge of the questions one would assume it was a part of the questionnaire. This is why it would be beneficial to educate the community on the differences between a UCR report where and actual report is needed for the statistics compared to the NCVS report. Also with this data that is collected how is this beneficial to the victim? As a victim this would be something I would want to know before completing. By taking this survey will this is help my case or bring my the perpetrator to justice? I do feel like the NCVS is better in a sense that the UCR report being that this is a more personal survey and more of these surveys are taken compared to actual crimes that have been reported to the UCR. The only time I feel the information in the NCVS is beneficial is when relocating or deciding to purchase a home. Jadist002


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