My City and The UCR and What This Means....


  1. I did my uniform crime report on the town I live in. I live in Tremont, which only has around 2000 people, so we aren’t policed by a single department. We are part of the Tazewell County Sheriff department which patrols all the local small towns around us. It wasn’t a surprise to me that the data collected was very scarce and lacking a lot of years. Tremont is a door unlocked kind of community, so seeing these low numbers in crime wasn’t a surprise to me. From 2010 to 2014 the most violent crime reported in a year was 29 in 2013. The most popular crime that happens in Tazewell is property crime. This makes sense because property crime is one of the easiest offenses to get and probably happens a lot with trespassing on farm land. I know a lot of people who trespass on farmland, because there’s so much of it that it really isn’t policed too heavy. If they caught every person who trespassed on farmland in Tremont then our crime would be through the roof. One crime that I was surprised to see was the motor vehicle theft. It’s crazy to think that even in a small town there are still people who steal cars. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a car burglary in Tremont, but I guess that just shows that anything can happen. There was also a lot of burglary which I also didn’t know was going on. About once a year there are a couple people who break into a lot of houses in Tremont and then they are caught shortly after. My guess is that this is where the majority of the serious burglaries came from. There are several years in which there were no robberies reported in Tazewell which is very nice to see. There is also no rape charges until 2014, where there were 6 revised rape cases. I have only heard of a few violent crimes since we moved to Tremont about 15 years ago so it isn’t a shock that these numbers are so low. I do remember hearing about one case shortly after we moved here that involved a serial killer that was killing people in Tremont and Mackinaw. I don’t think he got too many people before he was caught but he did dump the bodies in the Mackinaw river. That river was only a couple blocks from our house at the time, which is probably why I remember it so well. Other than that, I can’t remember hearing about any murders that happened while I’ve lived here. I think that this crime level should stay at about the same level unless the population goes up. I think that this website really just reassured my feelings about Tremont as being a safe spot to grow up in. It’s a small town with a lot of farm land and agriculture, and a lot of people that look pretty similar. When this happens it tends to create a safe environment such as Tremont. Celtics002

    1. It is crazy to see the difference between Tremont and where I live which is Pekin. A lot more crime happens where I live and this is so odd to me because Pekin and Tremont are not that far away from each other. It is also crazy that the population difference is so huge, I didn't realize what a big community we were until I read this. I am always interested in reading about small places like this because everyone really knows everyone and they tend to be much safer places to live with a warmer community which is always nice. Ark002

  2. The UCR Program's primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management; over the years, however, the data have become one of the country’s leading social indicators. The program has been the starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation. The city I picked was Pekin. The population between 2006 and 2014 was around 34,000 people. The most common violent crime is aggravated assault. In 2012, there was a 137 cases reported. This surprises me because I would think that there would be more cases of aggravated assault. The least common violent crime is murder, and nonnegligent manslaughter. There were multiple years where there was nothing reported. But in 2013 there were four cases reported. This surprises me, I would think that there would be more cases of murder. There are a lot more property crimes committed because they have less of an offense than what the more serious crimes do. In 2008, was the most reported property crimes. Larceny and theft are the most common for property crimes. The least amount was motor vehicle theft. This surprises me because a lot of people don’t have a garage to park in. They then leave their cars outside where the public have access too. Many people either forget to lock their cars or will even leave their keys in plain sight. People can very easily break into cars and steal what they want. This is why people are advised to not leave purses or bags inside vehicles. Crime is slowly going down. Many people seem to think it is increasing but according to these rates it shows that the crime is decreasing. This is a good thing because it proves that law enforcement is doing a good job by keeping the public under control. The public is abiding by the rules and getting less in trouble. Crime is still occurring that isn’t being reported. There is a lot of crimes that are occurring and people don’t get caught. In 2000, the violent crime total was 1,425,486. It then decreased and in 2014, the violent crime total was 1,197,987. This is a great decrease over time, we hope for it to only keep decreasing overtime. Officers are still in high demand because the more we have people patrolling on the street, the less crime we have occurring on the streets. Women officers are also high in demand because there’s not as many as there are male officers. Crime overall, is going down. If we keep patrolling the way we are then it will only get better. We will have less crime and our communities will be more safe and they will feel more safe. #notaplumber002

    1. It’s crazy that I can live in a town that’s only about 10 miles away and the crime looks totally different. I live in Tremont, and our crime is so low that sometimes it isn’t even recorded correctly on the website. I didn’t think that aggravated assault would be the most common crime in Pekin. I thought it would be some sort of drug offense because that’s all I hear about from Pekin. I think the decrease your talking about might be just a slump in the data, and might go back up. Opioids are on the rise and I predict that pekin will be the hotspot for them. Celtics003

  3. The UCR program is the Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics program, the FBI gathers and collects data from law enforcement agencies across the nation in order to get statistics. Each year the data that is collected is published for everyone to see, something I didn’t know was that it wasn’t until 1958 that they made this information available for everyone to see. The data covers violent crimes,and property crimes. Violent crimes are crimes like murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Property crimes are crimes like burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. The city I chose was Pekin. Something I found interesting was that in 1988 with a population of 30,975 three murders happened and it wasn’t until the year 2010 that as many as three murders had happened again with a population of 34,094. Later on in 2013 four murders occured . This can be seen as a good thing because a lot of other places have a much higher murder rate, and with the population as high as that it is better than what it could be. It tends to fluctuate from zero murders in a row to one murder one year and one the next and back to zero, only three years out of the seventeen listed had more than one murder. Another thing I find interesting is that in 1992 property crime was at its highest with 1,558 reported property crimes. It seems that property crimes and larceny-theft are what happen most in my city, with quite a few years reaching the thousand mark. This makes sense because the punishment for these crimes aren’t as harsh as the ones for serious crimes and these crimes are easier to commit than serious crimes. We spoke about motor vehicle crimes in class a while back and it was said that that crime is more opportunistic, like if you keep a window rolled down and have a laptop in the front seat someone who probably on a normal day wouldn’t have thought about taking it is now tempted to take it or actually commits the act of taking it. In the Uniform Crime Report it shows that motor vehicle theft for my city isn’t as common/ doesn’t happen as much as other crimes, along with robbery that also doesn’t happen as often. I am a little surprised that motor vehicle theft doesn’t happen more often because a lot of the people I know either leave their windows down or their cars unlocked when they go into someplace. I personally lock my car and make sure that nothing of interest is shown anywhere. It is nice that information like this is made available, it is especially nice if you plan to move somewhere or go somewhere on vacation and are interested in the crime there to make sure it is safe. I learned a lot about my city that I was unaware of and it is nice to know about the crime happening. Ark002

  4. The UCR (Uniform Crime Report) collected data on violent crimes such as murder, manslaughter, rape and property crimes such as burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. These offenses were chosen to be put in the report because these crimes are serious and they happen on a daily basis all over the country. The UCR was created in the 1920s. After the committee studied a different variety of criminal codes and by keeping track of records in use. This included standardized offense definitions for seven main offense classifications known as Part I crimes to gauge fluctuations in the overall volume and rate of crime. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report program is all over the united States which includes eighteen thousand cities, university and college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to their attention. The Uniform Crime Report was developed by the FBI and has continued to monitor the type crimes that are being committed in the area since 1930. The program was created to make reliable data so that law enforcement administration, operation, and management can use it. Criminologists, sociologists, legislators, municipal planners, the media, and other students of criminal justice use this info for a variety of different research and planning purposes. I did my uniform crime report on the town I live in which is Chicago.First, crime of all kinds has been down since the mid-1990s. Check the uniform crime report of the FBI in any state you like — including places with a significant Black American population such as Washington, D.C., Illinois (Chicago! ), Georgia, and so on — and you will see that all kinds of crime instances have dropped, in many cases to pre-crime-wave levels. Even all the hysteria about a "rise in crime" in some places is relative to the lows we have been enjoying. Second, blacks live in other places aside from Chicago and Baltimore (and even Chicago has its rougher spots and brighter spots). There are plenty of communities that look and feel nothing like the hellholes depicted in the old 1970s and 1980s films about crime. "Black America is all Chicago" has been a favorite trope of the right, long before Trump. Utilizing this fbi’s Uniform Crime news information, Michigan ranks 25th at murders per person, far behind cities like Jackson, Miss ; river, Ga and Kansas City, Kan.As a matter of fact, when you see around politicit’s ranking of states with these hardest weapon forces, of these 24 cities with higher homicide charges than michigan’’s, 15 of them are in states with gun laws laxer than Illinois population dwarfs most of the different cities, which is why we see more frequently about the huge amounts of deaths in this Windy City.
    The common summary of all the annual reported crimes in Chicago, IL This information has been set to make it easier to see both the total amount of reported crimes and the amount of crimes reported per 100,000 people in Michigan, Illinois.These statistics are further separated into two different categories (violent crimes and property offenses) to give more understanding to how dominant crime is in this country.You'll see that the pace of crime at Michigan, Illinois averages 78 percent higher than the part of Illinois while the rate of crime on the domestic scale is 59% higher. Batman002

  5. Uniformed Crime Reporting is defined as, generating reliable information so that law enforcement administration, operation, and management to help determine crime rates in a specific county. The data that is collected is one of the leading social indicators of crimes. The data that is collected can be used for research and planning purposes. In the 1920s the uniformed crime statistics was created by IACP. There are seven main offenses that are known as Part I crimes. The Hierarchy Rule is the main reporting procedure for all local law enforcement use, which is known as the Summary reporting system of UCR. According to the URC, the seven Part I offense are classified as violent crimes of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape (legacy & revised), robbery, and aggravated assault, and the property crimes of burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. The county I grew up in was Carroll County. It is a small farming community about two hours north of Peoria. The population is a little over 14,000 people. As I read through this information, the population has decreased in the years after 2015. And it seems like crime offenses have risen, which are alarming. In 2016, there were roughly 214 crimes committed, which is an increase from 2015 which was 190 crimes. The most popular crime in Carroll County is theft. In 2016, there was 156 thefts reported which is a small increase compared to 2015, which was 147. Murder simply is not something that happens in Carroll County. The only murder that occurred was in 2015. The second highest crime reported was burglary, with 40 in 2016 and 28 in 2015. In Carroll County, Drugs seem to be the big issue. In 2015, 85 people where arrested for the use of drugs. Marijuana seems to be the drug of choice, with a close second of Drug Paraphernalia of 28 in 2015. In 2016 drug use had been on the decline, 66 people where arrested. In 2015-2016 there were a report of zero hate crimes in Carroll County. In 2015-2016, there was a report of 1 school incident. In 2015, there were 38 reported cases of domestic violence, and 46 cases were reported in 2016. When it specifically comes to Mt. Carroll, my home town, there was 38 crimes reported in 2015, and 30 in 2016. The largest crime reported in Mt. Carroll in 2015-2016 was theft. In 2015 theft accounted for 33 crimes, and 25 in 2016. As one can see, there is nothing major happening in Mt. Carroll or Carroll County. This County is a sleepy County. When something does happen, it is traumatic. I am not sure if the County would do a good job. I am sure they would have to contact outside help, especially if a murder occurred. I am not sure if the 1 murder has even been solved. The one city in Carroll County that has the most crime is Savanna Illinois. This city always has the most crime reported, and is the least safe out of all the Counties in Carroll County. Illinigurl002

  6. I did my Uniform Crime report on Peoria. Peoria in 2012-2014 had a population of around 116,000 people. I started in the year 2012 and worked my way to the most current report the site had which was 2014. In 2012, a year of data showed that a total of 919 crimes were violent. There was 10 murders in 2012 and there was 25 rape cases. Combined there was over 5,000 thefts in Peoria. Along with the thefts there was also 5,000 cases of property crimes. It was fascinating to move forward one year into 2013 to see how things had changed. In 2013, murders increased from 10 to 16. An increase of six was interesting to see. Peoria in 2018 had 22 murders so it was interesting to see the start of the rise of murder in the city. Violent crime did fall, going to 784 violent crimes. Rape cases only fell by one which means that rape could be seen as a constant problem as well as murder. Property crimes also fell to 4,415 cases. It was then interesting to see that if you fast forward another year the stats look completely different again. The murders in 2014 dropped from 16 to 7. That was interesting to see as something must of gone on in the city that year that caused the murder rate to decrease into the single digits. Rape on the other hand jumped from 24 cases to a whopping 68. That is a major problem that the city of Peoria faced in 2014. That is a ton of rape cases in only a years time. I can get the sense from looking at these reports that a pattern occurs sometimes. One category might get a high number one year, but drop the following year, but only to come back again. These reports were really interesting to look at and I feel I have a better understanding of where Peoria was just a few years ago to where the city is at now. I feel that if more people would take a look at their own city and see where some of the problem areas are then that might make them voice their ways to change or help a certain crime area in their city or state. -CUBSFAN002

    1. These reports truly do open your eyes as to what is going on, in the towns, and cities we live in. Or the towns, and cities we live around. 5,000 thefts is a very large number, and I do not think we realize what is going on because we do not pay attention to things like this. I agree with you it is very interesting to see certain things rising, and falling. Like murder rates, theft rates, and even population rates. It really shows you how safe or dangerous a town is getting, or will be one day just by looking at percentages.

    2. That is crazy that in just one year there were 6 more murders. The city might want to put more money in why there is a constant rate of murder and rape. A good thing though is that violent crime did fall, they are doing something right but more needs to happen. Looking year by year is not a good way to look at data. There people who look at this data should report on like a 10 year basis. This will give a better look on how crime is doing. -ClarkKent002

  7. The UCR report stands for Uniformed Crime Report. The FBI has gathered crime stats from law enforcement agencies across the nation. The departments voluntarily participate in the Uniformed Crime Reporting program. The UCR has been available since 1930. The report comes out once a year for the previous year. This allows departments to see where the high crime and low crime areas are in their communities. This is able to help departments figure out where to put officers when and yep fight crime when and where needed. The city I picked was Pekin. The population between 2006 to 2014 was around 34,000. I picked Pekin because they have the most crime and drug issues. There was some pretty nice parts of Pekin but mainly Pekin has a lot of issues. In 1992, property crime was at the highest at 1,558. The penalty for these crimes isn’t as high as serious crimes. Pekin is in Tazewell county as Tazewell county sheriff’s office patrols them and all the other small towns around them. Pekin see a lot of crime as they are the head drug area for Central Illinois. Has there are drug dealers there, you see a lot of drug action. You get people that come from all over the central Illinois area to buy these drugs when the ships come in. This attracts some of the low-end type of people. If an officer sits in his car and just watches a suspected drug dealer house, you will probably see a lot of cars come and go. This coming and going, would just last to a brief second. The drug dealer will just stand at the corner and wait for the buyer to come, hand them the drugs and get the money and then they will drive off. There are other types of crime besides drug crimes. In 2008, was the most reported crime. This just counts the reported crime, not the unreported crime. In 2000, the violent crime total was 1,425,486 and in 2014 when it declined, it was, 1,197,987.

    1. It is so interesting to see how crime varies from county to county. Just because it is a small community does not mean there is no crime happening. It is a shame, that one single county can be labeled as the drug county. I also, lived in a small community, much smaller than Pekin, and drugs has always been an issue. It would be interesting to see an updated crime index. It would be great to see if drugs have declined or increased in that county since 2008. Would there be less drug dealing if the punishment was stiffer? Maybe or maybe not? I think it depends on the person. Illinigurl002

    2. I thought that it was interesting to see the population of Peoria, Illinois go up from 2012-2014 to in 2016 be at 115,009. I also found it interesting to see the numbers from 2012-2014, to the year I did, which was 2016, go up and down in certain categories through the years compared to the years that you did. Then again a lot of things have changed in the last few years that could have impacted those numbers. I have lived in Peoria, Illinois my whole life and never seen the numbers so high in these categories. –Adventureflight002

  8. I think the Uniformed Crime Report it a very interesting and good thing to have here in America. I think it can give citizens of the U.S a good gauge of crime in their area if their local agencies choose to participate in giving their information. The FBI is in control of the UCR, it gathers information, percentages, types of crimes, and the list goes on and on. All this information is compiled, then giving an accurate percentage of crimes in different areas, and agencies. I did my crime report on the City of Washington. This report was made in 2014, so it is a little outdated. I know the total population of washington is now over 16,000 people, and this report on here says it was around 15,836. That is something that I find interesting that we can see how fast the city is growing just by comparing the numbers. Washington is a really safe town in the year of 2014 we only had a total of 9 violent crimes. and 6 out of the 9 were aggravated assault. Washington also had 2 rape cases, and 1 robbery. Right there a person can see actually how safe Washington is a a city when it comes to violent crimes, and I find that very interesting. When it comes to property crimes, Washington had a total of 166 crimes reported all of those 75 percent came from larceny theft, and the other 25 percent was burglary, and car theft. It's very interesting to see all these things that you do not really hear about in the news. The violent crime rate in Washingtonis very high, it is 56.8 percent. But the only reason it is that high is because of our small population, that makes it look like Washington has a high violent crime yet. That something interesting to look at at. If a person just looks at our violent crime rate, without looking at the numbers, they will think that we are violent town. When in reality we are just a smaller town with smaller numbers that make us look violent. Our aggravated assault rate is 37.9 and we only had 6 in the year of 2014. 6 in one year is such a low number, I bet there are cities in America that have that amount in day, let alone to one year. Our property crime rate is also very high, due to our small population like I said before. Washingtons rate of property crime is 1,048.2, which aslo seems very high. A large chunk of this rate came from our larceny theft, which only happened 166 times in one year which in my opinion is a large amount. that's almost half a year in property crimes. I think this report is very interesting, because it truly does open your eyes into what is happening in these towns, but this report can very flawed. Some crime can go unreported, altering numbers to make a town or city look good.

  9. The UCR, or Uniform Crime Report, and its main purpose is to “primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management” ( This report comes from states from all across the country. It started in 1929 by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. It was design to meet the need for reliable uniform crime statistics for the nation. In 1930, the FBI was started with collecting, publishing, and archiving those statistics. To quote their website, “Today, four annual publications are produced from data received from more than 18,000 city, university and college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the program. The crime data are submitted either through a state UCR program or directly to the FBI's UCR Program” ( Where I am from the crime report is not very surprising. I am from Peoria, Illinois. Which has a population of 115,099. Many of these statistics did not come as a surprise to me because I have lived here my whole life. This report was from the year 2016. The violent crime from this year was 875 cases. Wow. I know that the violent crime here was bad, but I did not know that it was that bad. In the year 2016, as well, there were 4,429 cases of property crimes. This is a really high number if one were to really think about it. Also, in the year 2016, there were 3,116 cases of larceny-theft were accounted for in Peoria, Illinois. This number of larceny-theft is not much lower than the number of property crimes. There were 305 robberies, in the year 2016. I assume this would include houses and banks. Finally, there were 224 motor vehicle thefts, in 2016. Again, I knew that thefts were common here, but I did not know that it was that many. The UCR, Uniform Crime Report, is a very useful tool to help local police and FBI what areas of crime need to be worked on in certain areas of the country. It can help local and state officials, because this can help them set up programs and work with the community to help solve those problems. Also, it could help local and state police because they know the number of police officers that might need to be added to that specific area/city. This UCR, Uniform Crime Report, can be a useful tool for anyone who works in law enforcement. Or maybe for someone who wants to work in law enforcement in the future. This report can help communities see what might need to be worked on in their communities and how the police maybe able to help out in that community. This report is public so anyone in any state can see it. Many people do not know that this report exists, so they do not know what is going on in their communities. Hopefully, in the future, people will learn about this report, so that they can work on what is going on in their community. –Adventureflight002

  10. The Uniform Crime report or UCR for short is a gathering of all reported crime by the FBI. This is a great tool because it does show what crime is happening in an area. It is not perfect because most crime is not reported but it does have a solid foundation to it. The UCR is a collection of statistic of reported violent crime such as murder rape and aggravated assault and property crime such as burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. In 1979 arson was added to this gathering of statistic. The UCR is a nationwide project, it is statistical effort of 18,000 cities, universities and colleges, county, state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies. This whole program goal is to provide reliable data to show crime statistics. We all know that they fall short because more than half of all crime is not reported. One interesting fact is that the UCR started in the 30s. There are many years of data that the FBI has to go back on. This report is published annually by the FBI of the year prior. As stated above the UCR is not perfect, it is only statistic on reported crime but one thing that the UCR does over NCVS is that it includes homicides, arson, commercial crime and crimes against children under 12. Another thing that the UCR does different than the NCVS is that it calculates property crimes on a different basis. The UCR uses rates of per 100,000 persons as to the NCVS uses per household of 1,000 households. Since that the number of households might not grow year by year, using the number of persons is a better way to get a true statistic. One bad thing about the NCVS is that is has a margin of error. It might collect data on non-reported crime but they only have a 90 percent certainty that it actually happen. People will lie for attention even if it is anonymous. The UCR collects data on actual accounts of crime that has happened. Both of these programs have their strengths and weaknesses. The UCR provides the most reliable report of homicides that he entire country can use. The NCVS is able to gather data on non-reported crime even if they only have a 90 percent certainty on the data. In 2014 in Illinois there were almost 48,000 violent crimes reported out of 12.8 million people. The murder was 685 people, legacy rape was 3,081, revised rape was 4,159, robbery was 15,299, and Aggravated assault was 27,520. This data might be old but it is still relevant to show crime trends in Illinois. They can go back an see what works and what doesn’t work. This way they are not wasting the money that we don’t have on stuff that does not work. -ClarkKent002

  11. The UCR is crime statistics gathered by the FBI from law enforcement agencies across the United States. I first searched the UCR (uniformed crime report) for violent crimes in Peoria. Its hard to get a true understanding on the total and years affected due to most of the data not being available. It would also be beneficial to have a more up to date table. I find it shocking that there were 68 reported rapes in 2014, but nothing in this area of crime is ever reported in the news. I feel like things of this nature should get as much media attention as homicides. This would be beneficial when deciding to go out and which areas to avoid. I also would like a clearer understanding on what is “valid rapes”. The report states “Consequently, their figures for rape (legacy & revised) and violent crime (of which rape (legacy & revised) is part) are not included in this tool. The exception, however, is Rockford, Illinois. The agency has provided valid rape (legacy & revised) crime counts as of 2006.” Does this mean after investigation it was found that the rapes were consensual so the total is not accurate? Also why would they exclude statutory rape? Is it excluded and totaled into child abuse? The table has a lot of gray areas and opens the door for a lot of unanswered questions. Looking at the table on property crime, burglary and larceny it appears that even though the population rose, the crime rate fell and has stayed about the same fluctuating just a bit. You can also tell by looking into the variable searches between a smaller agency such as Peoria County compared to Peoria City the agencies differ in the amount of arrest and reported crimes. This could possibly be due to the larger area of patrol the Peoria County Sheriffs Office has compared to the inner city that the Peoria Police Patrols. Looking at the table for Cook county was shocking. The crime rate in all areas was outrageous. Understanding this is a larger city but to have 939 murder/manslaughter cases in 1992 is unbelievable. I would like to know with that large of a case load how many of those crimes were actually solved. With that high of a rate to continuously role over year after year, the amount of back logged cases has to be astronomical. Jadist002

  12. Peoria Police has had an incredibly high rising of homicide rates and violent crimes from 2000 to 2014. Peoria did not have as nearly as high of the amount of crime then as it does now and that is all combined. Peoria has a high amount of violent rapes and violent assaults and violent sexual assaults. Peoria has a larger population. Larger cities are going to report a much higher level of crime but for Peoria being the size of city it is, it still has a high rate of violence. I used to not even know the UCR was a thing. I had no idea how important it played into the role of policing and how the FBI is able to view this table and identify certain aspects from this to analyze. Majority of the public is unaware that the UCR even exists and would not be able to tell you what it even involves. The patrol rate for the city of peoria and the crime is quite high. Peoria is not a big city necessarily but it has a large amount of crime. The murder rate is not as high though as it used to be surprisingly. 2010 was actually a pretty intense year for law enforcment and the general peoria public as there were quite a few homicides and violent crimes in general to make it a pretty intense year. The UCR uses rates of per 100,000 persons as to the NCVS uses per household of 1,000 households.The UCR, Uniform Crime Report, is a very useful tool to help local police and FBI what areas of crime need to be worked on in all counties and state and general municipalities. The UCR, Uniform Crime Report, is a very useful tool to help local police and FBI what areas of crime need to be worked on. Male and female officers are highly needed and respected because these are the people serving our community and being involved in these situations. -holywaffles002


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