Procedural Justice and Its Importance


  1. Policing today is completely different than what Sir Robert Peel was conducting back in 1800’s. Today we have a lot of different types of advanced equipment that is able to help the officers perform the job more accurately and to even help make their jobs easier. One of the biggest equipment's that we have today that weren’t around back then are cars. Officers spend majority of their time in their squad cars, whereas back then officers were always walking around and keeping control of the public. Officers have since lost the connection with the public because they are not having the same interactions as they were back in the day. This then gives the public a lack of trust and confidence in the officers. Officers are more trusted if they know their surrounding areas. People are less likely to commit crimes if they know the officer personally because they don’t want to let the officers down by breaking the law. Police officers have also changed their way of thinking. Many people believe that officers are bias and have a strong way of thinking what they believe is right, not what is actually right. But overall, the quality of American policing has improved and is only getting better. We may hear about the bad situations and issues that occur but that is because it gives the public something to talk about. It is also easily spread due to the issue that the Internet is at the tip of our fingers.Our number one issue is that we need to hear from the community. They need to use their voice to help us police better. If they tell us what we are doing wrong ethically and we are able to fix the problem of being so intimidating or whatever this will open doors. People would be more willing to help officers if they need help, and the public would be more out to ask the officers so help in a time of need. The less people are scared of the police, the better. That means the police department is making a relationship with the community and making a stance. Our goals is to keep improving policing. One of the best ways is to ask the public or even survey them to get their honest opinion about the difference the officers can make. Just like in Washington DC, the department was stopping several people a day to do a stop and frisk when it really wasn’t necessary. The public finally made a point and brought it the the judge in order to make it stop. #notaplumber002

  2. The video Procedural Justice and Its Importance was very informational. There are a lot of questions that arise from the perception or how Legitimacy is defined. If we use the police definition of Legitimacy one would assume that as Mr. Tyler explained according to recent studies “The objective quality of American policing has improved”. But according to the community “trust has not increase at the similar rate.” So, one would be left to wonder how can policing or legitimacy be improved if the community is still lacking trust for the police? This leads me to believe the statics that were gathered were built under the assumption that officers felt they were making a difference and relations with the community were improving. This also goes back to something that Dr. White stated in class that some officers are not aware that he or she is being scrutinized. So how do you repair relationships that are under constant scrutiny. As the video stated It would be beneficial for the police and the community to have these relationships repaired. Legitimacy lowers resistance and conflict., respect for community members rights increases, it also builds trust and integrity in officers. Without legitimacy the community will feel they do not have a voice and this would cause them to feel as though they do not want to speak with the police regarding issues they have in the community. This to me is what leads to the issues regarding the Broken Window theory. It’s not that the community doesn’t care about the area in which they live, they just have a distrust for the police and feel they will not get the help they need to better the community. This legitimacy to me goes further than just the police. The police must work with community leaders who also must help with repairing the relationships with the community. A lot of communities who have trust issues voice their concerns to these community leaders and they put trust in them that they will relay the messages and become hopeful but, in some cases, you have these leaders who put on a persona that they are for the people when in fact it’s all for votes. Jadist002

  3. Procedural justice focuses on the way police and other legal authorities interact with the public, and how the characteristics of those interaction shape the public views of the police , their willingness to obey the law and actual crime rates. mounting evidence shows that community perceptions of procedural justice can be a significant impact on public safety. procedural justice is based on principle of treating people with dignity and respect, giving citizens voice during encounters, being neutral in decision making and conveying trustworthy motives. These principles contribute to relationship between the authority and the community in which the community has trust and confidence in the police as honest unbiased and lawful. the community feels obligated to follow the law and dictates of the legal authorities, also the community feels that it shares a common set of interest and values with the police. This practice is good to development of good will between police and the community and closely linked to improving community perceptions of police legitimacy the belief that the authority have the right ti dictate proper behavior. When the community view police authority as legitimate, they are more likely to cooperate with the police and obey the law. establishing and maintaining police legitimacy promotes the acceptance of police decisions, correlates with high levels of law abindingness, and makes it more likely that police and communities will collaborate to combat crime. GUSII 002

  4. The video of procedural justice was quite interesting. We have seen in the past years, that our quality of policing has improved substantially. But what has not improved is our trusting relationships between police agencies and the communities. But for us to improve our relationships, and to get rid of our trust issues we need to use police legitimacy. We need to have quality and trust with the police, and with the community. The video also stated that another reason that we have these trust issues is because of our large racial gap in policing. Which is very true, when we have a police department that is mainly white, and they are located in a African American dominated neighborhood. Having that problem will create multiple trust issues between the police and community. 30 percent of police stops result in conflict, I think that percentage is because of the lack of trust between the community, and police. The video stated that if the police do their job legitimately, and earn the trust of the public. Then they are more likely to engage with the police, and the rates of violent crimes are more likely to go down. Which I think is very true. If people trust the police, then 99 percent of the time the stop, or engagement with police will go smoothly. Most people don't even care about the outcome of their engagement of the police, all they care about is if the police exercised their authority in the correct way, and did not violate anybody's rights in the process. The main question in a police engagement is, was the right procedural justice used. I think that it is a really important question. We as Americans, do not need power hungry police officers out there on the streets using their authority in the wrong way. Police officers need to be fair, they need to be neutral, and police must be fair, and appear to be fair. Police officers need to show the people that they are interacting with that they are being fair. But in return the citizens need to show respect to the officers, who are being fair. I think that is all a officer wants is respect in return, if a suspect does not show and officer respect, then the officer is immediately not going to want to work with that person. Fairness, and procedural justice is a very important component in policing.

  5. I found this video very interesting. After watching the rest of the video on procedural justice I learned a lot about what it is and how it works. Procedural justice has to do with, and focuses on; the way police and other legal authorities interact with the public. Also it shows how the characteristics of those interactions shape the public views of the police and their willingness to obey the law and actual crime rates. In the video they showed that tons of data showed that procedural justice can affect the safety in the public. Procedural justice has to do with what is based on principle of treating people with dignity and respect, giving citizen’s voice during encounters, being neutral in decision making and conveying trustworthy motives. These factors can have an impact on the relationship between the authorities and the community in which the authorities are working. Communities have to trust and have confidence in the police in making sure that they, the police, are honest, unbiased, and lawful. The communities must feel obligated to follow the law and dictates of the legal authorities. Also, the community has to find a common set of interest and values with police, that they both share. By doing this, it could develop a good relationship between the two. Also by doing this, it could improve the communities’ perceptions of the police legitimacy. Police legitimacy is the belief that the authority has the right to dictate proper and improper behavior. Once the community views the police as legitimate, they are more likely to cooperate with the police and obey the laws. Establishing and maintaining police legitimacy in the communities promotes the acceptance of certain police decisions. This correlates with high levels of law abidingness. This makes it more likely that police and communities will collaborate to combat crime. Respect and trust is everything in a community. If the police do not have either of those then, the communities will never trust the authorities. Many communities in this country have this problem. Once there is trust between both the community and the authorities. A lot of these problems in our communities have these problems that could easily be fixed. Once there could be trust and respect between the two, the authorities and the communities in which they work in, then the crime rates might even go down in some places. Hopefully one day this can be achieved. –Adventureflight002

  6. The video was very informational when it came to the topic of Procedural Justice and its importance. There are a lot of questions that come up from the perception of how legitimacy is defined. The police definition of legitimacy that Mr. Tyler explained according to recent studies “The objective quality of American policing has improved”. But according to the community “trust has not increase at the similar rate.”This means that the data gathered were built under the assumption that officers felt they were making a difference and relations with the community and that it was improving relations. Legitimacy lowers resistance and conflict., respect for community members rights increases, it also builds trust and integrity in officers. When the community view police authority as legitimate, they are more likely to cooperate with the police and obey the law. Because they know they are doing their job correctly. This goes back to having to appearing to be fair while also being fair. Establishing and maintaining police legitimacy promotes the acceptance of police decisions. This makes it more likely that police and communities will work together to fight crime in the community.

  7. When it comes to community policing, it is imperative to build the communities trust. It is not simply important to build community trust with the affluent neighborhoods, but it is more important to build community trust with minority groups/neighborhoods. When trust has been created, law enforcement is better equipped when it comes to fight crime. More people are willing to help law enforcement solve a crime, or offer information that would possibly lead to an arrest. Once the communities have faith in law enforcement, they seem to be more confident in law enforcement in doing their jobs correctly and effectively. When it comes to legitimacy, it does matter. When this is in place, people are more willing to obey the laws, and have full respect for law enforcement. When the communities do not trust law enforcement, the police will encounter more resistance from the people. This is important, because people may scream police brutality. This would ultimately destroy a police department. Less crimes would be reported, the communities would not be willing to work with law enforcement, and law enforcements reputation would be on the line. Procedural justice is very important when it comes to faith and trust in law enforcement. Many people constantly question whether or not law enforcement is doing their jobs correctly. First, it is good to question this, because it holds law enforcement officers accountable for their actions. If the communities are not holding law enforcement accountable, chances are they are not being held accountable at all. The quality of the officer’s decision making comes into play when making tough decisions. Ultimately, the officer should remain neutral. Law enforcement officers must be transparent. A good reason why is because, a person may say he or she was being racial profiled. When an officer remains neutral and transparent, it is very difficult to be a in the wrong when arresting someone. When an officer arrests someone, the quality of treatment comes into play. For instance, did they receive respect, if yes, then there will be no issues, people will accept the outcomes of the tickets or be arrested without incidence. When it comes to the attitude of the offender, one should not be rude but rather respectful. If one respects an officer, chances are a warning will be given instead of a ticket or even a ride downtown. Illinigurl002

  8. It is important for police have procedural justice for many reasons. Legitimacy is a big problem that police all across the nation. Legitimacy affects how people act. If the community does not trust the police then there will be more crime. Trust also affects the authority that the police have. If there is no trust then there is less authority that the police have. Trust in the community has not increased in the past 30 years, it has stayed flat. In that amount of time how has no one come up with a plan to increase it. There is a 20 percent gap between white and black in trusting the police. This is not surprising due to the sheer amount of problems that happen. What shapes legitimacy? One is did the police officer use fairness. Were they fair and did they appear to be fair. This will create more trust within the community as the officer is not picking on one certain group. People also want to have their voice to be heard. They want to be in the discussion on how the community is police. They are the first people to notice that something is wrong and will no if something will work or wont work. People also want neutrality, they want to be treated equally across all races and gender. As stated above the officer must be fair and appear to be fair. People want respect, they do not want an officer to just walk over them thinking they are not worth the time or they do not know what they are talking about. Many police officers have a cockiness to them, this can be good an bad as it may seem like they do not respect the citizens that they police. People also want to have trust in the integrity of the police officers that police them. They want officers that want to make the community better. -ClarkKent002

  9. Community policing and crime reduction go hand and hand. I believe that these two help solve so many issues in the community by working together. It’s like a cause and effect. In order for police officers to understand what is going on with community policing police officers have to take some training which can help solve issues like racial profiling, excessive use of force, and other practices that disregard civil rights, causing negative reactions from people living in already challenged communities. Yet mutual trust and cooperation, two key elements of community policing, are vital to protecting residents of these communities from the crime that plagues them. Community policing not only improves public safety but also enhances social connectivity and economic strength, which increases community resilience to crime. Community policing needs to have active positive relationships and good communication with people of the community. his can be done through assigning officers to geographic areas on a consistent basis, so that through the continuity of assignment they have the opportunity to know the members of the community. This can also be done by creating programs, organizations, local meetings and public service activities that involve police officers and members of the community trying to get to know each other. The law enforcement’s obligation is not only to reduce crime but also to do so fairly while protecting the rights of citizens. Any prevention strategy that unintentionally violates civil rights, compromises police legitimacy, or undermines trust is counterproductive from both ethical and cost-benefit perspectives. As We talked about in our lecture you can not have police legitimacy without procedural justice nor can you have procedural justice without police legitimacy. Our teacher described it as having a knife. On one side you have the blade and the other side you have the handle. Without having those two together you would just have a blade which you could potentially cut yourself or you would just have the handle and how could you use the handle it's basically useless without the blade. Just like police legitimacy and procedural justice. They both have to be together in order to get things done. Community policing is not just about the relationship between individual officers and individual neighborhood residents. It is also about the relationship between law enforcement leaders and leaders of key institutions in a community, such as churches, businesses, and schools, supporting the community’s own process to define prevention and reach goals. Police officers can not promise the community that they will be safe at all times of the day but if the community stands together to help protect their neighborhood and prevent crime it could possibly help with crime reduction. Police officers can only do so much because the only time they can help is if the crime is reported. The community is the only one who knows what is happening in the area or what drugs are being sold and who just got killed on a certain street. Batman002

  10. Procedural justice
    The motto of it is protecting health, saving lives-millions at a time. There was a speech about producedural justice and the importance of it at John Hopkins University. The speaker talked about how this could really affect a city with a lot of crime like Baltimore. The speakers name is Tracy Hamptons. Procedural Justice is the trust between Police Departments and the citizens they police. If you don’t have trust with citizens, than you cannot police. The police commissioner of New York City, Bratton, built trust with the citizens in LA during his time in patrol and that’s what got him to job as the Police Commissioner of NYDP. American policing has changed a lot in the past 15 years. Having the citizens respect, can make it easier to police. Being neutral is not the same thing as being seen as neutral. It if you give one person a ticket and the next not a ticket for the same violation can be seen as not going fair. Controlling for their likelihood of criminal conduct based upon demographics and history. The citizens that have been mistreated are more likely to make issues with officers. If they citizens have been mistreated before doubles their chances to reoffend. The more the police have to police the less the fair treatment of the officers. Some of these issues go back to surveillance like drones. People don’t necessarily like being watched a lot of the time. We strive for more cooperation and less incarceration. We use police legitimacy to do that. Law is imposed on community by sanctions. Law enforcement officials and officers work together with the community to fight crime. Law create conditions for socks solidarity and economic development. Community wants reassurance that they can trust the police but some of these accidents across the country hurt this image of law enforcement. Law enforcement cannot arrest you way out of crime. Meaning, that you cannot arrest everyone doing a crime. If we did that, our jail would be Way Way to full. And you’d be hurting citizens from those who made small infractions to those who are killers and robbers and rapists. Police needs to figure out a way for the people who commit smaller crimes to stay out of jail. Probation and parole are two great examples of this act. Some neighbors get together a neighborhood watch team so they can assist the officers in making their jobs either. These groups walk around in groups of 2 in order to reduce crime. Whenever they see someone wrong, they will notify the officers so they can come to deal with the situation. This can also help the police-community aspect so they would be working to meet her to reduce crime. -chicubs002

  11. "What is it that hath been? the same thing that shall be. What is it that hath been done? the same that shall be done. Nothing under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new: for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us." - Ecclesiastes 1:9-10
    Thus saith the Good Book, and we see it even now, in our every day lives. The precepts of police legitimacy have been enumerated for as long as the modern policing system, and truly, even now we are merely revivifying this old idea. But even older than this is the concept of governmental legitimacy, exemplified now by the agents of government that we call police, but once, they were known as tax collectors and legionaries. The concept of illegitimacy and revolt against an unjust government is at least as old as human literature, where in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the people cry out to the gods themselves against Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, who takes their sons for soldiers, uses their daughters, and demands their crops for taxes. The gods answer the people of Uruk by sending to them the wild man called Enkidu, who battles Gilgamesh to a standstill, and through the bonds of friendship, reforms him, and restores freedom to the people. Were it only so easy now.
    Alas, we must make do with mortal means. The central thrust of this video, in my mind, regards the eternal tension surrounding the question of legitimacy between the police (who, it bears repeating, are and must always be civilians) and the general population that they police. This is in some sense a dispiriting question, since there is no straightforward answer that has made itself apparent to me, except the weak appeal to every police officer to bond with their community in ways that are respectful, and to appear fair in their interactions with the community. Hiring decisions cannot fix bullies on the police force: they never have, and never will. Bullies, as far as I can tell, are the axis around which the conversation revolves, and they are always a danger in any career with the merest hint of power about it. Bureaucrats can exploit their measly paper-based powers as well as any boxer, and it is perhaps the more invidious of the two. What it may ultimately boil down to is limiting the power of the police so that the career makes itself less appealing.


  12. The talk about police legitimacy is about how police carry out their duties and how they appear to carry out their duties. Police not only need to follow the rules of policing, go above and beyond to keep people safe and not abuse their power but they have to show that they do all of those things. One of the reasons social media is putting policing in a bad light is because none of the good things are being shown but they only show the mistakes the officers make that do abuse their power and let the power and authority they do have go to their head. Officers are not allowed to have biases and they are not allowed to show biases, this is how it becomes hard for anyone in the community to trust police officers and trust that the way they all carry out their job is completely objective and that their only intention is to keep people safe. One bad experience with an officer and it will put a stop in building trust. Having trust with the community that officers are in is so important just like we have all heard and talked about before, it makes everyone feel better and makes the officers job a lot easier when there is cooperation with the people they come into contact with. The people in the community just like stated in the video are also less likely to commit crimes if they know the police are legitimate. The key to legitimacy is transparency and accountability. Be completely honest in the work they do, transparent, having nothing to hide because nothing was done incorrectly and if they are questioned about how they handled a situation they can give an honest answer and be held accountable for the outcome and whether it was legitimate or not. Ark002

  13. Police legitimacy is probably the most important aspect of criminal justice as it affects everything else within the system. One of the best ways to gain police legitimacy is through procedural justice. In the video they talk about how people are more likely to have a more favorable view of the police when they feel like they have been treated fairly. Even more so than if they had gotten a favorable outcome such as not getting a ticket. I think this makes sense because most people know when they are doing wrong and will accept a punishment if they are treated fairly and with respect. Procedural justice comes into play here because if you have that you are treating everyone the same way and that is vital in criminal justice. It’s also important that everyone believe they are treated equally because without that perception it doesn’t really matter how the police act. If the police and community are working together we can expect more people to report crimes and cooperate with police. Whereas if the community doesn’t trust the police they are probably going to commit more crimes and since they probably won’t be reporting them either they’ll just continue to go on unpunished. The community and police not working together would lead to a dangerous environment in which law enforcement would be rendered practically useless.

  14. Procedural justice concerns the fairness and the transparency of the processes by which decisions are made, and may be contrasted with distributive justice, and retributive justice. Hearing all parties before a decision is made is one step which would be considered appropriate to be taken in order that a process may then be characterised as procedurally fair. Some theories of procedural justice hold that fair procedure leads to equitable outcomes, even if the requirements of distributive or restorative justice are not met. It has been suggested that this is the outcome of the higher quality interpersonal interactions often found in the procedural justice process, which has shown to be stronger in affecting the perception of fairness during conflict resolution. This is really the police and other agencies interact with the public and mainly how they are perceived by their community. Trust is a really big thing, the public's perceptions about the lawfulness and legitimacy of law enforcement are an important criterion for judging policing in a democratic society. Lawfulness means that police comply with constitutional, statutory and professional norms. Legitimacy is linked to the public's belief about the police and its willingness to recognize police authority.Racial and ethnic minority perceptions that the police lack lawfulness and legitimacy, based largely on their interactions with the police, can lead to distrust of the police. Distrust of police has serious consequences. It undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement, and without legitimacy police lose their ability and authority to function effectively. So with all that being said it's clear we need to focus on rebuilding trust to not just help the community but help policing and make things a whole lot easier. -pizza002

  15. Police Legitimacy is important when it comes to law enforcement. The way that the community perceives the police is a result of what the behavior is the community. The legitimacy that police should have comes with building trust and confidence between the community and the police. With that comes being fair and unbiased, being open to change in the community because it is always evolving. There is not one ideal way to police because there are different departments with different people in the community. Yet, it starts with having trust in the community. An example that shows how to rebuild confidence and trust is having programs open to the community to show that law enforcement cares for the well being of the community and not just locking people up. Once, the community sees that the police is able to have order, appropriate behavior, authority, and know how to deal with conflict. The behavior of the community will be more of help to law enforcement than a problem. They will be able to call the police when they need help and not be afraid of what they might do. If there is an investigation going on in the community and an officer needs help with information, people in the community will be more willing to help. Police officers should be taken seriously because if they were not, the people in society would not be afraid to commit crime. Yet, they should not be afraid of the cop itself and what they might do to a civilian, but the consequences for the actions of their offense. That all follows and works with procedural justice. There has to be both elements in order for a police department to be effective in the community. With legitimacy, the procedural justice comes from the police officer to the civilian and there is fairness. Where the community wont question if whether the police are legitimate or not. The community knows that the police follows the police and feel as they are doing their job, but also making them feel like they are doing it correctly with good attitude towards anyone in the community. If this is not taken seriously, then the police themselves are creating the criminals in the community with the actions of no fairness. dory002

  16. When it comes to procedural justice for today’s standards it is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. With that being said this video makes very good points on procedural justice and law enforcement. This does play in with public safety and how this is affected by local law enforcements. The police officers need to keep in mind of that fact that how they act towards someone of their community will have repercussions good or bad. The video stated after a certain amount of years in procedural justice area recidivism was less likely to happen due to the change of attitudes and outlooks in officers. This video had opened my eyes even further with how outcomes are affected by doing the right thing for our communities as police officers. Given that statement this video covers a wide variety of procedural justice and police legitimacy. Local police departments have to build that trust and bond with their communities like how it was when police officers patrolled on foot. With policing being an evolutionary workforce we have to keep our eyes open that won’t affect us negatively. There will be a time when we are individually held responsible for our actions and we need to be sure we are doing the right thing. This is an important subject in the justice system it is not as touchy as certain issues but it is up there with best of em. As future individuals in the criminal justice system we are going to be the major factor in keeping procedural justice and police legitimacy are kept to standards.-MrWadeWilson002


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