Reefer Madness and Investigations.....


  1. This video on reefer madness really makes you see how they make marijuana out to be this drug that makes you do crazy things. The way they make weed to seem is that it is this over powering drug that make you cant control yourself but that's not the case.liquor and crack does this too people in fact doctors give their patients weed to help with weed and some cases weed have been giving to cancers patient to help with the pain and other people with depression. Olivia Newton John uses cannabidiol oil along with conventional medicine to fight her metastatic breast cancer, the actress’s daughter recently revealed. Studies have shown that the oil may hit the growth of cancer cells outside of the human body, but there haven’t been any real-life trials to back up these findings. Gregory Gerdeman, PhD, assistant professor of biology at Eckerd College, old Time That there have also been anecdotal patient reports and “increasing numbers of legitimate clinical case studies … that all indicate tumor fighting activities of cannabinoids.” It’s still unknown, however, whether traditional forms of marijuana would be an effective cancer therapy, or what cancer types it might actually work against. As I have talked about in my other classes there are people that say that marijuana is at the top of the list for the most dangerous drug. When in fact how is this possible when there are people dying from crack, heroin, pills, and etc. I have seen people who do marijuana and they are still here today living there life. Yes it is true that doing marijuana can affect everybody differently. Some people may laugh at everything sme may just be relaxed the whole time till the high comes down or I have seen people who eats the whole time they are high until they come down. I have never seen anyone who has done marijuana act the way the actors did in the reefer madness video. Which is why I will never understand why people are so against weed. I’m not saying everybody should just do marijuana all day everyday but I am saying that the drug has improved some peoples life if not it has cured some of there issues. Especially people who have cancer it has be said that when they use marijuana they don't feel the pain of the cancer or once again had a part in help curing it. Batman003

    1. Batman003, the war on drugs has been going on for many years. For some the war on drugs has been in action longer than some generations have been alive. For me personally, I do not know what the mentality was like before the theory of the war on drugs started. I think the philosophy has slightly changed over the years as the generations have a different out look on particular drug use. This is the same for officers as well; with different generations they have a more independent theory of drug use than the generation before. Through these contrasting view points we can understand the values and create a stronger future. I do agree that officers need to understand the actual drug ingredients, this would make them more aware when approaching a crime scene. -CoalRoller003

  2. This video was quite entertaining to watch- personally, I think it’s funny there were ever people who tried to portray marijuana as having such strong, crazy effects on people. It is also interesting to see how our view on the drug has shifted since the time this video was produced. In the video, you can see a few different instances in which an individual smoked marijuana and afterward, practically went insane. I have seen and been around many people who were frequent marijuana smokers, some for medicinal and some just for fun- never have I ever seen anyone act as how the video portrays it to make you act. Typically, most people have similar behaviors/effects from smoking marijuana- they often eat a lot (it’s known to speed up metabolism and make you hungry), they sleep, or more often than not they just become incredibly mellow and sit on a couch and play games or do something else that involves no physical strain. Having said this, it is also well known that marijuana affects everyone differently, but there aren’t stories of people smoking weed and going out and shooting people or doing any of this other crazy nonsense it was once believed to cause. Alternatively, if you look at this video compared to the last blog we were assigned (the crack production video), marijuana is known to have tons of health and medicinal values- after all, it is just a plant whereas crack is a volatile mix of various chemicals and other substances. It is truly amazing to see how marijuana is being used today in the treatment of epileptic children or cancer patients going through chemotherapy. I have seen quite a few recent documentaries over the recent past from states where it has been legalized for recreational or medicinal use in which children or very sick adults make such a dramatic turn around from some sort of illness or pain, that it really makes you wonder why it isn’t being legalized across the country and especially by the federal government. Although if you look at some of the downsides of marijuana, it certainly has some but not nearly that of other drugs in and around the same drug schedule it’s categorized in. For example, I have had friends and a family member who have lost their jobs and have become lazy, non-contributing individuals of society due to loving smoking weed so much. If you have the willpower and self-control, you can easily maintain a job and use it as needed for medicinal purposes, but those who I have witnessed go down this path had no interest in being functioning members of society- they were those who want to just party all the time with desires of making their living off of playing video games. All in all, marijuana should never have been portrayed as it was in this video, being as none of it was true, and it should be recognized for the medicinal values it has. GMan003

    1. I like that part of the video as well when the people were trying to portray marijuana as such an overpowering drug. I agree with you when you say that it should be recognized for the medicinal values that marijuana has been found to have. Hopefully, in five to ten years people won't be so scared to talk about marijuana and maybe more medicinal laws might be put in place. -CUBSFAN003

  3. I didn’t know what I was getting into when the title is Reefer Madness. From watching the film there was a very big and known hatred for the use of marijuana in teenagers in the 1930s. It amazes me how different times have gotten and how different the drug has changed in the world today. I am a big supporter on the medical use of marijuana because it has been proven to help and aid people with certain things. Now with that being said I am not a fan of anyone just doing it for fun, the drug has changed and been tampered with over the years to where now you have no idea about it. Marijuana is so known and easy to get now of days with the different names and types how do you know its not laced with another drug or tampered with to hurt you. K2 for a example is a deadly form of it that has been proving to cause death. My opinion is I could careless if you do smoke marijuana, I don’t want to smell it or be around it. Legalization of marijuana has been legal in a handful of states for the past couple of years now, with it being taxed it has helped the states out in a very big tax form. Now, there is a problem somewhere if it takes a drug to get states out of debt I do see a problem with that. I would rather not have everyone and their families high 24/7. Just depending on a drug as a nation just seems wrong to me in many forms because, then what do you do when many of the incarcerated people have a marijuana charge on them. There is many pros and cons when it comes to this marijuana talk it comes to the point where it might never be ending any time soon. Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to everything and anything in this world but, when it comes to marijuana people seem to get offended very quickly rather then listen to someone and hear them out about what there saying DirtTrack003

    1. I really like how you brought in the synthetic form of marijuana into the discussion. I too believe that K2 is an a horrible thing to be using. Many times people who are on probation and get drug tested, start to use K2 due to it not showing up. K2 can do horrible things not only to a persons personality, but their mental state. K2 and marijuana are very different animals. -AS003

  4. In the first few minutes of the film they gave some back ground into Marijuana. They had made several strong actuations against this drug. They claimed that Marijuana was stealing the souls of the youth in America. What a grabber for the beginning of a film. The producer of the film said that Marijuana was a real public enemy. Before the film even had begun, the producer was trying to manipulate the viewers opinion of the drug; painting it in the worst possible light. He continued with explaining the drug effects. Sudden violence, uncontrollable laughter and then dangerous hallucinations. Some who take the drug experience disturbing emotions; usually the emotion that is felt is extreme grief. Once someone takes the drug, their thoughts are indirect which then leads into a lack of effective decision making. Extended used of Marijuana will cause insanity or so claimed the producer of the film. More towards the end of the prelude, the producer wished his film would make the public at large more aware of the ghastly menace of Marijuana. He truly believes the drug Marijuana had negative effects on society but more directed towards the youth within the communities. Then he stated a warning to the viewer, your sons and daughters could be next. His goal was to display the dangers of the use of drugs. At the beginning of the film, there was an elderly gentleman who rallied a congregation of middle class to upper middle-class parents and other citizens to unite against the awful drug Marijuana. He had suggested using education to enlighten the youth of risks of drug use. I found this highly interesting as today we have tried using this approach to drug usage in general. This gentleman was campaigning for the government to enact a law in which drug use would be illegal and would have criminal charges once convicted in court. His goal was to unite America against such foul drugs. He proceeded to tell his captivated audience that Marijuana was a disease taking the innocent of the youth and preying on the weak. He called the small group to action, saying we cannot sit back and watch Marijuana take over our country. This film has to be one of the first films to discuss the hot topic of drug use in America. Within the past years, the perception of drugs has changed nationwide. Through research and technology, we have more drugs available to an individual than when the film was created. As a whole I think our opinion of drugs has been more excepting as there is research and evidence that shows how different drugs can help people. Through this film, I was able to understand the history of Marijuana in our country and how its changed over the years. -CoalRoller003

    1. I completely agree with you on that before the film even started, you could tell that the producer was trying to manipulate the viewers view on marijuana, and drugs in general. I also agree with you that this video made it seem like marijuana was one of the worst things a person could smoke. The filmmaker made it seem like marijuana was a drug sent straight from hell that if you smoked it you would never be the same person ever again. I also found the use of education very interesting, it was interesting to see how they taught their youths about marijuana in those times.

  5. In the beginning of this film, they made marijuana sound like a thing that came straight from hell. They claimed that marijuana was destroying, and ruing the young people in America, and the also made many more very strong accusations about marijuana. I don't really agree with this video because it made marijuana sound like it was completely destroying America. When obviously, a drug like marijuana is not. But back in those times people did not know much about marijuana. I'm assuming the idea of the film was to influence teeneagers, and young adults to stay away from the drug, or it will hurt you mentally and physically. The video also explained the side effects of the drugs which I also did not like. They made it seem like if you put this drug into your system, you will turn into a an enraged monster, and not be able to control yourself, and your actions. At times the video was giving decent information about marijuana, and then on the other hand the video was trying to portray marijuana as a life destroying thing, that once you get hooked you will never be the same anymore. For example one scene is this video of the man driving a car, and he took a puff of what i'm assuming was weed. He started drving like an absolute wild man. Speeding and basically drifting around corners, running stop signs and even running someone over. Weed would do the exact opposite to you, it will slow you down, you may be swerving all over the road when you are high, but you are not going to be going 100 mph while you are high on weed. Drugs like LSD, and Meth, Cocaine will speed you up, and make you drive like animal not weed. You never hear about people dying from marijuana in a year. But heroine, crack, meth cocaine, all take a number of human lifes in a year. But like I stated before that at the time this video was made people did not know much marijuana or any drugs at all for that matter. Weed today is being legalized, it's just interesting to see how people actually thought of marijuana. This video shows that law enforcement officials, and political figures thought that is one of the worst drugs you can take. Times have definitely changed, from back then until now, and things are only going to change more.

  6. In the beginning of the film they gave some background on Marijuana. They had made several strong actuations against it as a drug. The video claimed that Marijuana was stealing the souls of the youth in America. The producer of the film said that Marijuana was a real public enemy. Before the film even had even started the producer was trying to manipulate the viewers opinion of the drug. They were painting Marijuana as the worst possible drug imaginable. The video went onto explain the side effects of the drug. They made it seem like if you put this drug into your system, you will turn into a an enraged monster, and not be able to control your actions. The video was giving information about marijuana, but then would talk about marijuana as a life destroying thing. The video appeared to say that once you get hooked you will never be the same. The guy in the video was campaigning for a government position and was trying to enact a law in which drug use would be illegal. Also would have criminal charges once convicted in court. His goal was to unite America against drugs as a whole. He said that Marijuana was a disease taking the innocent of the youth and preying on the weak. He called the small group to action, saying we cannot sit back and watch Marijuana take over our country. Within the past years, the perception of drugs has changed nationwide. Many advancements have been made in the technology field and we are starting to see the advantages that marijuana might have for people that are sick. This video definitely showed how far we have come when we look at marijuana and how we see it in our society today. -CUBSFAN003

  7. Drugs back then were extremely frowned upon. There was not a War on Drugs back then. Today this a lot of research on drugs. There is research on what they can do to your body and how they can alter you mind. Back then there wasn't a lot of research. There wasn't a lot of technology back then to study the different kinds of drugs. I’m against every drug except for medical marijuana. A lot of research has been done on it and they can conducted enough research to figure out that it helps people. I think the only people that should be using medical marijuana is cancer patients, terminally ill patients, or some type of illness or disease that even the doctor suggests that the person uses medical marijuana. I’ve never had cancer before but people who have had cancer have told me about it and I can’t even imagine the amount of pain that they were in or that they were currently in. There has been a lot of cancer in my family and watching them suffer in pain was absolutely heartbreaking. A few years ago one of my family members got diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was in their entire body and there was no way to cure it. They started using medical marijuana and watching them not be in pain or in as much pain was a little bit of relief. No one wants to die in pain. I have another family member that has a bone disease and that bone disease causes excruciating pain. They got the medical card and watching them not be in as much pain as they were in makes me happy. They say to live your life to fullest but living your life to the fullest can be pretty difficult in situations like these. Even though I support the use of medical marijuana, I don’t think people should use it unless they absolutely need it. I understand everyone is not going to agree on the same thing but listening to other people's points of views can make someone look at this type of thing differently and form a different type of opinion. -Soccer003

  8. The views shown in this film are a little crazy in modern society. The movie makes marijuana appear to be extremely harmful and "soul-destroying." If someone tried saying marijuana is absolutely terrible and it will do all the thing the movie said it would in today's world people would look at them like they are stupid. Today, marijuana is known to not be very harmful and to have many uses in the medical field. My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago and was always in so much pain and it was terrible seeing her like that, but eventually she started using marijuana to help with the pain and it was amazing to see her able to do normal everyday things again and not be in total pain. Knowing that marijuana was made illegal primarily to control and deport Mexican immigrants back in the day is upsetting because we have been set back so far due to discrimination. So many people could have benefited from the uses of medical marijuana in all those years and sadly there was no legal way for them to use it. Marijuana continues to be classified as a schedule 1 drug, but hopefully with more and more people accepting the medical use of it the classification can be changed. -Smokeybear003

  9. The film gave a good background about marijuana. As we can see even nowadays marijuana use is widespread among adolescents and young adults. According to the the monitoring the future survey an annual of drug use and attitudes among the nations middle and high school students most measures of marijuana use by 8th to 12th graders. Even though marijuana is now being more and more people forget to know its bad effect. pleasant experiences with marijuana are by ni means universal. Instead of relaxation and euphoria, some people experience anxiety, fear, destruct or panic. these effects are more common when a person takes too much, the marijuana has an unexpectedly high potency, or the person is inexperienced. people who have taken large doses of marijuana may experience an acute psychosis which include the person loss of the sense.These unpleasant but temporary reactions are distinct from longer lasting psycho disorders.

  10. The video really puts into perspective the views of marijuana at the time the film was made. It is very obvious that at that time, marijuana was thought of as a very terrible drug in which you would get addicted and be maniac. That is the reason it is still the same schedule drug as some seriously addictive narcotics. It really does surprise me that it has not been moved down in schedules. The video portrayed marijuana to be an evil thing that will destroy your life. While it did give good information that was true about marijuana, the majority of the film was far from the views that today's society has on the drug. This can be seen when looking at the time served for marijuana coming from even the 90’s to present. There are people who are still sitting in prisons today for marijuana charges thy got 20 years ago. When looking at today, in many states they will only give a fine for having marijuana on your person. Many states have even legalized it completely. Even though many states have legalized the drug, the federal government has yet to say it is legal to use. This means that individuals can still be charged federally for being in possession of the drg if a federal agent wanted to do so. The video also showed the man driving recklessly and going very fast in his car. While being under the influence of drugs can do this to you, I feel as thought the film portrayed it to be way out of what would be realistic. One thing that has changed about this drug is that it is now used in some cases to treat medical conditions. Many times this can be seen as a more safe alternative than being addicted to opioids as a painkiller. The opioid epidemic has come from people being prescribed too many meds for pain killers. I believe marijuana will truly come in handy when trying to defeat this cause of addiction to painkillers. -AS003

  11. Reefer Madness. This movie is from 1936 as you can definitely tell from the screen and what they used in the movie. “Police wage war on narcotic rings”. This was the first thing after the credits shown in the movie. They had a meeting at the Truman high school auditorium. Dr. Alfredo Carroll was hosting the meeting. The slogan from the meeting was Come! Hear! Learn! The Dr. wanted the parents to unite and bring their kids to come together. The purpose of the meeting was to lay the stepping stones for the rest of the country to unite. They are to demand by law to want farther education. This education exist in almost every city in the country. It is important to know what kind of drugs they are bringing into the country. This meeting was also about showing the different ways drugs are brought into the country. The war on drugs has always and will be affecting this country. We got to come together and figure a way to reduce the amount of drug brought into America. Some drugs have been approved more by this society in the last 10 years than 100 years ago. As a world/country we will never be able to get rid of drugs but we can reduce it. In order to reduce the amount of drugs that are manufactured/sold we need law enforcement and the judges to come down harder in people in that profession.-chicubs003

  12. This video is really almost humorous to watch with how dangerous they thought that this drug “marijuana” is. They thought that it was so bad of a drug that when they found shipments in the Olive oil containers they actually threw them inside of these incinerators to get rid of them and they were saying that they marijuana was an extremely deadly drug. It is just funny because compared to now we know that marijuana is not really that bad at all. It is really still an over reacted drug charge today but I think that everyone really knows that it is not that bad. In a lot of cases this drug does a lot more good than harm to a lot of people. I am not going to sit here and say that marijuana is a great thing to do because it affects everyone in a different way. In the movie they depict these people of acting pretty crazy after they smoke the marijuana and it is definitely over the top. Like how the man started driving after he smoked and was flying around in the car and then killed that one guy by running him over. I am sure that this could happen but I don't know if you can blame the marijuana for making him do that. Also when all of the people got together at a party, these people were acting insane and it was kind of funny also. To see movies such as this one that try to show you how bad weed really is and that it is a super deadly drug, to moving forward to the time we live in now where everyone is thinking that we should make it legal to use because of all of the good things that it can do for people. Really myself i hear a lot more good things about weed than i hear bad, and it is illegal. There are a few states now that have it legal. -Steel003

  13. This video was interesting to watch just because how many people were so uneducated to the effects of marijuana. They assumed that this drug was the worst of the worst, they made it seem as bad as Hell. This video shows how people saw and hated marijuana back in the 30s. They thought this drug was so dangerous that it would make you go nuts and kill people. They thought it was the worst drug out there, the side effects that they gave on what marijuana does not you when you take it sounds like someone on heroin or meth. It just goes to show you what time can do to change peoples mind about something. This drug has shown to do more good than bad, back in the day they were using worse drugs to treat illnesses, even today they are still prescribing drugs that do more harm than marijuana. Back in the day they were using cocaine in Coke Cola and people were loving it. Time changed that real quick now it would be crazy for someone to put cocaine in a drink. One of the things that I like about this video is how they showed how easy it was to sneak into school and it was really hard to detect. Have they never smelled marijuana before you can almost tell instantly if someone has marijuana or has been using it because they smell like it. One of the ways that the narrator stated that females were sneaking in this horrible drug is that there are hiding it in there heals. That to me seems to be a little unsafe but interesting to know. Another way people where sneaking marijuana in is by making a false book. Stated around the middle of the video was a speaker stating that this drug was available in almost all the states. It is grown in the wild and easily accessible. In Brooklyn is was in a back field being tended to. That was in the city, I cannot imagine that happening today. -ClarkKent003

  14. Being that the movie was set in the 1930’s I understand the extreme response the people in the film had on the “marihuana” epidemic. Categorizing it with opium and heroin. The way it was describes as being a soul destroying and ghastly menace you would think it was crack or some other addictive narcotic. I m assuming due to the era and the newest of the drug the response people had when under the influence of “refer” is what startled a lot of people. But looking at it now one would assume the person was only drunk. Understanding this was something that could lead to stronger forms of drugs “marihuana” was the least of their worries. I can say that a lot of the responses to the drug are still happening today. With parents wanting to confront drug dealers regarding supplying their child or children with drugs. But this day and age you will get more that just a “get out of here.” I also found it odd and quiet comical that they felt it harmful and listed “violent laughter” as one of the side effects. This movie portrays marijuana as public enemy number one and to be honest being in law enforce I still feel as though this is a drug that shouldn’t be listed as such. Just my opinion. They also state how you can die from the drug I am not sure how true this is. Maybe people died from their actions while under the influence but not the drug itself. Seeing marijuana today and how it has evolved and has helped many people suffering from different medical issues I just don’t find it as harmful as other drugs. Though I have never tried it, I have seen family member who have used to aide in relieving pain from Cancer to Lupus. I am currently suffering from an autoimmune disease and was offered by my Rheumatologist, but cannot due to my current position. From what I have heard of how helpful it is with none of the side effected as most prescribed medications I would rather have something like that any day. Jadist003

  15. I have never seen a video like this before but after watching it, it showed what people really thought about marijuana affects back then. People in the 1930’s really hated the fact of teenagers using marijuana. So they made it seem like something it really was not. This video makes marijuana seem like some crazy, outrageous drug that makes you act out in a ridiculous way. They make it sound like it just takes over your body and you can not control anything you do after doing marijuana. During the video there were a few clips that showed a person smoking marijuana and then after they went crazy. They made marijuana seem like such a deadly drug basically and that is definitely not true at all. I haven't heard many in fact any stories of people being high and doing a major crime. But since then our view on drugs have for sure changed. I think that was for the better because marijuana in fact is able to help people. Generally most people act the same after smoking marijuana. The common effects are sleeping, eating and just sitting there chilling. Marijuana helps people with medical conditions like cancer, anxiety and depression. It does not make you act crazy like the video made it seem like. For example, I know someone who does marijuana for a medical reason. They have been on it for about 3 years now and they say it really helped. He was in hospice then decided to try medical marijuana and he ended up going back home. Marijuana gave him the ability to drive again, be more responsive and many more things. Marijuana definitely did not cure his illness but it sure did help a whole lot. I dislike the way this video makes marijuana seem to be this terrible drug that can basically kill you because it totally the opposite. Marijuana is able to help many people and it isn't as bad as the video says. -brooklyn003

  16. So after watching Reefer madness it showed the lack of study of the affects of marijuana. The video made it seem that marijuana was something evil and took over your body. Certain scenes showed how the marijuana took control which entailed you to act out crazy. This reminds me of the early 2000 commercials were if you smoked marijuana you were no longer the same person you were before. One part of the video which threw me off was the scene where the gentleman and woman were smoking and he just flipped and started assaulting her. I guess back then they wanted to show if you smoke marijuana you are willing to do anything and resort back to animal instincts. I feel that this video fits that time though. They didn’t really have the tools to help study the effects of marijuana on the human mind or body. Compared to now where marijuana oils are being used for seizures and other medical dilemmas. With the passing of marijuana legalization in certain states really puts this video in the trash. However like i said before it fits that time back then. However nowadays depending on the generation you ask some will probably still abide by this video. I say this video was used a lot through schools back in the late 30s all the way up until the 50s to keep people from smoking marijuana. Keeping at fear tactic back then had the upper hand on most youths or adolescents. Maybe that fear tactic still has a hold on most people because they are scared that the smallest ounce of marijuana can affect their whole life. These outrages accusations made by the video are one big fear factor. It seems to me that fear then and now are the biggest player in trying to keep people from smoking it either it be by internal effects or external effects. The videos -MrWadewilson003

  17. Marijuana has always been a topic that people never want to get too involved in talking about in detail because it seems to spark many arguments. People will use marijuana for medical situations which is a much newer use for it all since it has recently been proven to aid in the help of people with epilespy or other medical conditions that may be very serious and medications are unable to do as much for them anymore and that may be due to various reasons. A lot of people have had their lives completely ruined as well over a small baggy of marijuana or something so small that an officer could simply step on or place in water and just dispose of it for someone to prevent them from their lives being flipped upside down or in every other direction all because they decided to smoke some pot. Marijuana is illegal but is it really a bad drug? Is it one that we should severely punish people for? There are people locked up for child pornography with less time serving versus someone that had marijuana. Marijuana does not have killer side effects and will ultimately not kill you. Weed has been around for a very long time and has produced no problems thus far resulting in death or anything such. People used to think marijuana was a killer drug and if you did it you were an animal and you would kill people and do all these horrible things, assaulting others freely. When in reality, that was not the case. Now, marijuana can be cut and mixed with other drugs or other things that could cause a lot of issues for a person. Drugs mixed with others or having things thrown in with and then being smoked can truly harm someone. But marijuana itself is not a harmful drug which as common sense people now, we are aware of. I thought this was such an interesting movie/video. Very eye opening. -holywaffles003


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