Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention


  1. This website is very informational and consists of numerous helpful links and credible facts, this webpage will be a very useful source in my term paper. The first part of the website I would use is the “Research and Statistics” menu, this will be extremely helpful with facts to prove my various points in the paper. A second helpful area on this website is in the “Research and Statistics” menu, called “Research Projects” in this menu you can find different examples of other people’s projects that can help guide you in the right direction. The third useful area on this website is the “Topic” menu, where you can find a topic similar to your research topic and find information that you may consider in your own paper. A fourth useful area is the “E-News” menu where you can sign up via email, Facebook, and other social media platforms to get updates on the juvenile justice system multiple times a week. A fifth important and helpful area on this site is under the “Events” menu, here it tells you about a number of different events coming up, such as “National Missing Children’s Day,” with a short description describing them. This can be helpful in a paper that an event may be a large part of. Lastly, in the menu “About OJJDP” click on “Listening Sessions,” this menu seems like it could be extremely helpful with any paper on the Juvenile Justice System due to sessions talking about the current trends of the system. In these sessions numerous different professionals talk about the system from practitioners to law enforcement. I am not a huge reader myself so knowing that there is an option to listen to educated people talking about their concern with the Juvenile Justice System seems really helpful. This website is full of great sources to help anyone in Juvenile Delinquency write a credible paper. -LW001

    1. I agree with what you are saying. A lot of this information can be used to help with our research papers. This website talks about so many issues going on. I also looked at "Research and Statistics" area. It does give good examples on how to deal with different ideas. Batman001

    2. I agree with you this website is full of numerous sources able to to look up anything juvenile topic from bullying to drugs. The statistic count is amazing and has all the information you need for research on anything juvenile topic. It seems to fill in all the cosmetics of juvenile trouble. They even have a faith side of things maybe that what the children need these days. Navy001

  2. This website goes more in depth to what the Office of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention does and how they shed light on certain situations. When I looked on the website I wanted to know more about what they did for the community so i clicked on Topics. On that page it shows all the issues that Office of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention deal with and how they can try to fix it. Just to name a few it has child abuse, missing children, drug offenses, hate crimes, and etc. They deal with almost every hot topic issue that America faces. Each of the programs they have listed have publications, funding opportunities, events, and other resources. Which is great because a lot of these issues need to be addressed. A lot of kids go through so many of these issues growing up and it never gets talked about until there in jail, having issues with loved ones, and or health issues is the main reason why it’s so many people in jail because they are not getting the help they need. If not one its more than one issue. The Office of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention are really amazing group because they are trying to raise awareness to all the major issues that are on the website. That no one else is trying to talk about. This can help a lot of people with what is going on in there lives and make them normal people of society and not another statistic. Batman001

  3. This website is a great resource for our research papers! It has numerous helpful links and menus to make our papers as credible possible. I think my favorite menu through this website is the “Research Topics” menu. I really enjoy this menu just because I find it helpful to use examples of other projects to help strengthen my own. -LW001

    1. I would definitely check out the Research and Statistics tab on this site as it holds some very strong numbers that can solidify and point you make in a paper. The numbers also vary differently so there is a lot of opportunity to multiple pieces of information from the page. -Blues001

  4. The website for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has many helpful links that offers research, program, and training initiatives. One thing I didn’t know about OJJDP and its legislation was that in 2018 the Juvenile Justice Reform Act was signed into law and was amending the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974. Another section of the website I thought was interesting, I didn’t know the OJJDP has 7 different divisions within the program and each have important parts they play. The Office of Administrator includes the Administrator and Deputy Administrator, then the Intervention Division, Special Victims and Violent Offenders Division, State Relations and Assistance Division, Communications and Coordination Division, and the Budget Division. Under Core Requirements, it talks about how each state has 28 state requirements to be eligible to receive the Formula Grants program for that year. Within those requirements, there are four main or “core” requirements because the statute says they must reduce 20% of the grant if they don’t meet those four. On the website, it shows what the councils and committees do for the juvenile justice system, one is the Coordinating Council on JJDP and the other is the Federal Advisory Committee. The council has nine members each for federal agencies and practitioners that represent the disciplines that focus on the youth. The website also provides information on different programs to help juveniles, for example, Disproportionate Minority Contact, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program, and Tribal Youth Programs and Services. The website gives many resources and background on what the OJJDP can do for young children and teens that have had problems with the law. -HL001

    1. The, "research topics" area definitely gives some great resources in regards to informed writing, or simply just learning something. Things like this are helpful to me because I tend to learn by comparison. Putting someone else's work next to mine and seeing how differently they may have perceived something than I did is a great way to expand my own knowledge. -psyh001

  5. This website was initially kind of difficult for me to navigate, but once I started to click around I found a lot of great resources for my classmates and I to use. Automatically I went to the research and statistics tab where I saw a couple of interesting things. There were links to specific research projects like the one titled, "A multisite study of variations in local juvenile risk assessment performance." I read up on the study done by Washington State and it provided some great information on juvenile risk assessment. This tab also provided a link to opportunities for funding for people doing research which is super cool. Next I went to the funding tab where it provides grant applications and also a section answering commonly asked questions regarding funding. The tab labeled, "programs," leads you to a page of links regarding certain programs like mentoring, which is something that is of interest to me, specifically. The last tab I went to was the one called, "state contacts." This page is what you would expect an area where they give you ways to contact people of importance in regards to our state's juvenile delinquency. This website is ultimately going to be a very helpful resource for all of us taking this class, and wanting to pursue a career in criminal justice. -psych001

    1. Hey psych001,
      I totally agree with the fact that the site is difficult to navigate. I think it is because we are use to websites going around social media and not government type pages. The last tab you visited, "state contacts," is probably my favorite one because you can actually contact people due to their state and position. This could really help with gaining primary sources if they give you their time and respond to an email or call. I think you should check out the "Topic" tab because it has a variety of very specific topics if you need them for your paper.

    2. I totally agree, the research and statistic tab was very useful! Not only do I feel like this a great page from criminal justice majors but also anyone that is cerious about stuff they the webpage offers. I think that this page is also great because you don't have to pay a subscription fee to use, a lot of websites now a days makes you pay to view their content. -PB001

  6. This is a great website for the help of missing children. What a great use of website full of information to help one another to find and exploit information. Especially with kids in early intervention is the right idea. If we can keep these kids off the streets at an early age we can possibly produce a better society. One problem is the opioid epidemic it needs to be under control. We need to make sure programs are working and using all the tools they need to that is available to them. Nearly five children die daily from abuse and neglect. In 2017, an estimated 1,720 children died from abuse, and 72% of them were younger than three years old. That is just sad. Even though they have long lasting consequences something need to done. I guess now to talk about school safety. There will always be bullying no matter what age group but we do have the tools to combat this nature through police-mental health collaboration and helping victims of mass violence; research on indicators of school crime and safety; and a guide on preventing school-based bullying with related research. Even if you take guns away the violent people will always have access to get a firearm. Where there is a will there will always be away. As of gangs kids without parental support they will succumb to the brotherhood of friendship in gangs providing that nostalgic feeling of a sense of belonging. Therefore cause crime and other misdoing. Thats we need more after school programs and big brothers and big sisters to help mentor the kids and keep them off the wrong path. navy001

    1. This websites information about missing and exploited children caught my eye as well. It was nice that they had a lot of tools available for prevention and detection of abuse. I agree with what you said about the opioid epidemic, it really does need to be under control. Reading those statistics about children dying from abuse was appalling and its good to have a site like this to help address this problem. ~PJWB001

  7. I think one of the most important tabs on this website falls under the Research Tab where you can read through their research projects. This tab will help universally with any paper's topic because of how many different projects are present under this tab. Another great tab is the publications tab. This is where you can find many different articles ranging from trend studies with the numbers of arrests but also other publications that include Amber alert stories as well as their new info regarding those alerts. That will be very helpful especially if your topic could use a real life story to strengthen your evidence. The E-News tab is another great section to search through because of the vast amount of information from across the country. You are able to see how different regions are dealing with crime and what their allocation of funding tends to drift more toward as well through press releases. The E-News tab has another sub tab labeled Blogs. These blogs found here have information regarding programs and statistics that the OJJDP is implementing and how they have been working as well as what their purpose is. The sub tab labeled JUSTINFO mirrors the E-news tab with statistics and numbers but is focused on just those numbers as well as training information which can be crucial if your topic involves anything regarding training for law enforcement across the country. The Topics tab seems to also contain a vast amount of topics regarding most anything involved in the Juvenile Justice System which will greatly help any paper because of how many different topics can be found under this tab. -Blues001

    1. I do agree with you about the Research Tab, and it gives some great resources about research, evaluations, and statistical projects that can help to guide you about your goals and objectives of your paper. Another thing that I find interesting is under Tools tab, Funding Information. It shows where the Office of Justice Programs funding goes, such as mentoring, reforms, programs, initiatives, and grants. -Cancun001

  8. I will be honest: The formatting of this website is not what I am use to and is harder to navigate. I found myself use ctrl+f to find things on the page that I was looking for. My topic revolves around the lines of Gender and Crime. When I looked down the left side of the websites, the first item I clicked on was the “Research and Statistics” tab. I figured why not go there first because I will DEFINITELY need research and statistics for our paper. What is really good about this tab is that you can view different projects. There are other options like “archive or analyze data.” More importantly, there are links on the right side in blue. These are the top 3 recently added projects. Beneath those links, you can view ALL research project. EVEN MORE CONVENIENT is the “State Contacts” Tab. Here you can actually contact staff members of the site based on category and state. I think this may come in handy because you can email them. I might use this to do a sort of email interview or over the phone interview for topics within the paper. When I go deeper in the page, I found a useful section on the “Tools” Tab. Here there is a section just for first time visitors. Finally, my favorite tab - “Topics” The topics tabhas a large list of different topics...starting with child abuse/exploitation and going all the way down to victims of offenses by juveniles. The Categories are: Child Protection, Core Resources, Corrections/Detention, Courts, Gender/Race/Ethnicity, Health, Law Enforcement, Offending by Juveniles, Prevention, Schools, Statistics, and Victims.

    1. I agree with you the formatting of this website was extremely confusing. The "topics" tab helped me quite a bit finding what I was looking for, especially if they had a PDF file. The topics tab listed so many different things and from there the options are endless. Overall I think we just need to explore this website a little more.

  9. When schools provide children with a safe environment they can learn in, and provide them with positive behavior this can highly decrease bullying in children. In an extreme bullying case, the victim may turn to abuse or susicide. Bullying affects school attendance. School truancies can and tend to lead to a gateway for many negative tendencies including; dropping out of school, drug use, and becoming involved in criminal activity. Many of our children are falling victims to violence, weather it be physical, domestic, societal, or mental abuse. Many children that come from abuse suffer from; depression, anxiety, stress, anger, substance abuse, academic failure, are are highly more likely to act out in a violent manner. Treatment is the first step to helping these children. They are in a desperate, dark, lonely place. We must rehabilitate these kids and show them love and how life should be. Many of these children that come from violence ridden homes may repeat the violence because it is what they know. Hate is learned and tossed back and forth,be kind. Children may act hard but they are soft, we need to treat them as children. By finding safe places for these kids we can help them live a happy, productive life. Nature and nurture are very crucial for our youth. We must raise them right in the right environment. How we treat others reflects behavior. To learn kindness in a healthy environment. Bullying and violence go hand in hand and no one deserves either.

  10. The website of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is full of very informative information that offers research, program, and training initiatives. I find it interesting that on the left corner under About OJJDP, you can find their vision and mission. Such as support to states, local communities, and tribal jurisdictions to develop programs for juveniles. Under the E-news section, it can provide information about events and funding opportunities. Also, access to juvenile and criminal justice, public safety, and victim assistance information and resources under the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). You can sign up via email, Facebook, and other social media to get updates. The Topics section is where you can find a different kind of topics for your research topic and information that can help in writing the paper. Under the Research and Statistics section is the Research Projects where can show research, evaluations, and statistical projects that can help to guide you about your goals and objectives of your paper. Publications section is where you search lists of publications from 1980 to 2018 and by topic or subtopics. This section will be beneficial in finding report and statistics. Under Tools, is where it can show you the OJT funding opportunities way back from 2006. It can help if the paper you are writing is more on reforms, programs, initiative, and grants about the Office of Justice Programs. Lastly, under the Programs section, it can provide courts to delinquency prevention to tribal programs to mental health initiatives. The whole website offers a lot of links, excellent sources, and credible facts that can help anyone in writing a paper. -Cancun001

  11. This website will come in handy when writing a report or paper. It is filled with some much knowledgeable information and statistics. The OJJDP has so many different links you can find just about anything you need. They tell about themselves and what they offer. They up to date news you can view. The coolest thing that I found was their topic link. It takes you to a page where you can find everything this pages has to offer. They have main topics such as child protection, law enforcement, course resources, offending by juveniles, corrections\detentions, courts, prevention, schools, gender\race, health, statistics, and victims the list just continues. With each subtitle there are other links that go along with that topic. It talks about different types of funding and programs. Even their tool button makes using this website so much easier, everything is broken down into categories and separate links. It is a very user friendly website and I would highly recommend it. When writing a paper you won’t have to even think twice about how this might not be a credible source because it is. This source even has social media accounts, so if you didn’t want to go to their webpage you can just scroll on their on your phone and get useful information there. I am unsure if it’s every day or every week they have a new focus. Those in focus links would be great for a topic in a discussion board or even a paper. -PB001

    1. This article goes more in depth into what the Office of Justice and Delinquency Prevention. This website talks about so many recurring topics that happen in America. The Office of Justice and Delinquency Prevention talk about the different funding and programs that they have. Which is great because we need to let people know how big corporations are trying to help. Batman001

  12. I found this website to be very informative. The purpose of this site is to both raise public awareness and prevent juvenile’s involvement in crime. The first thing that I noticed on this site were the programs that they offered. They offer programs to prevent child abuse, raise awareness of commercial sexual exploitation of children, and even an anti-gang initiative to list a few. I really appreciate sites like these whose mission is to protect juveniles from crime by raising public awareness. The next part of the website I looked into was the “Research and Statistics” page. The page offers access to the National Archives of Criminal Justice Data which provides a plethora of cases and information about them. I really like this since it makes research for papers and reports much easier. It provides organized and easy to read data for the reader. I plan to use this page as a source for future research papers. This page also lists various research projects that they are currently working on. We need more websites like this to raise public awareness on such issues involving our youth. ENFJA001

  13. I found a couple things on here interesting starting with under E-news and i clicked on National Gang Center: Rescuing Youth, Restoring Communities (March 2019)
    when they talking about this 11 years name Jakeem Everett he lived in Pierce, Florida He was an A student and went to church everyday and has 6 sibilings. At 13 he started smoking and skipping school and drinking he also use to fight and got charged with disturbing the peace and battery. He carried guns around to defend himself because he got tired of being picked on and he also then joine a gang called “V-side” He’s 21 now and works at burger king and he just got him a new scooter. Another thing i found interesting is under the child abuse section they have signs to follow to know and take hint ti if a child is getting abuse at home and what is ways to prevent it. A third thing I found interesting is they have a organization that help people join and find their missing kid. They also have every topic you can think of to prevent your kid from going to juvenile and ways to help keep your kid from RETURNING as well. They also have access to juvenile and criminal justice, public safety, and victim assistance information and resources under the National Criminal Justice Reference Service NCJRS. You can sign up via email, Facebook, and other social media to get updates.-KenzieLand001

  14. This website illustrates the many things the OJJDP does. There is a lot of information to go through and a lot of it will help with our research papers. What caught my attention was all the areas that OJJDP get involved in and gives information about. For example, the link in focus child abuse and prevention. I didn’t know how many children go through something as horrible as abuse much less how many died to maltreatment or neglect; 1,700 in 2017 according to Nation child abuse and Neglect Data System. It’s a tough truth to swallow that people are careless and cruel enough to do such a thing. Looking further down the age I found a link to 2019 Prevention Resource Guide which helps individuals and organizations address and prevent problems and its free for people to read. Another link took me to the missing and exploited children page. The start of the page gave some facts such as in 2018 there were 424,066 reports of missing persons, involving youth, that entered into the Federal Bureau of Investigations NCIC, National Crime Information Center. In 2018 the OJJDP awarded 42 million to support locating missing children, prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation and to provide technical training and assistance. The OJJDP has been in partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for over 30 years and has awarded over 28.3 million to the center in that time. It was interesting to see all this and to look at all the funds being put to these very important efforts. It also illustrates the problems the Youth of America are up against and how OJJDP is using everything in its power to help. ~PJWB001

  15. This website has some great information and will be used when it comes time to write the term paper. All the different links that they have along with the statistics they have provided really help to tie it all together. I really liked how they made it so that we are able to access all the different court cases. The information was laid out nice and was easy to comprehend. But for me especially because we have a paper coming up the research tab will be very important and helpful. I really liked this website and how easy it was to navigate. I also think that the public can find use in the resources that the website talks about and provides. The OJJDP does a really great job in helping open some eyes up about what is going on with the youth in America.-Purdue001


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