Attica Prison Riot and the Issue of Diversity


  1. The Attica prison riot was one of the most terrible events that have occured in the U.S. What makes this even worse is the fact that the fire marshals were more violent than the rioting inmates. So with that being said let's get to the background of Attica Prison. This is a Max facility that housed numerous inmates to the point where a large amount made their own "Governed" City which was mostly segregated to an extent, but most importantly no violence occured most of the time. Unfortunately the living conditions for these inmates were very harsh and cruel to live under. this was going on for so long that the inmates refused to accept it any longer. They believed the guards were "beasts" and were de-humanizing them and they were fed up. That is where this planned riot came into place. The inmates took 10 prison guards hostage and refused to release them unless Rockefeller or Oswald came to negotiate and meet their demands. Oswald agreed to negotiate but they had no plan on accepting their demands but felt agreeing to negotiate would ease tension. Some of the demands stated were better healthcare, better food, better visitations, and an end to physical brutality. While this was going on Rockefeller obviously isn't going to let a bunch of prisoners run the show. So in his mind there's no better way to fight fire than using fire. Speaking about fire why not call in the U.S FIRE Marshals to put an end to this and show the prisoners who run the show. They were vicious and killed everyone in sight including the hostages. A lot of inmates begged and pleaded for mercy but they were not hearing any of it. The Marshals came to kill not to control the situation, and I bet that was an order from Rockefeller. While that may be my opinion i'm sure I dont stand alone. With that being said, after the situation ended the press were told that the inmates slit the throats of the hostages. But you know what they say "Karma is a *bleep*" because forensic specialists confirmed the hostages were killed by projectiles. Of course the press found out and we all know what that meant for Rockefeller and Oswald. Apology time, instead of maybe making up for it or trying to right their wrongs they just apologized. For once I believe the inmates were not necessarily in the wrong. They had a great idea but the execution could have been more peaceful for their sake and their goals. Sorry New York you guys messed up, but hey i'm sure it was a tough decision because i don't know what I would have done. Besides maybe here them out and meet in the middle. -WiseGuy002

    1. Even though prisoners lose most of the rights once convicted nobody can lose their right of dignity. That’s what seemed to be the basis of this problem so they had no choice to revolt and let their demands be heard. I don’t agree that some of the actions were the right thing to do but under the circumstances. The whole idea of the revolt was to make conditions in the prison quality a little more bearable. The result was changes to the prison system to satisfy future demands, reduce hostility, and forestall so phenomenon like this would not happen again. Navy002

    2. I agree with u the Attica prison riot was once of the most terrible events that happen in the world during the civil rights movement. The living conditions were extremely horrible no human, even prisoners should ever have to live in harsh conditions where they could get sick. Prisons are supposed to be designed to help and punish for crimes. I think the demands they were requested were basic needs such as better food, healthcare, and end to physical brutality. It saddens me to see people being treated like non humans. The prison system has since then gotten better. No more dehumanizing of inmates. -Jas002

  2. Prisoners at the Attica Correctional Facility in the early 1970’s started the Attica Prison rebellion or Attica Prison Riot. These prisoners at Attica demanded better living conditions and political rights. Their living conditions were very inadequate. These prisoners were dehumanized. The video we watched in class stated that these prisoners were given a bed once a week. I could not imagine not having a bed to sleep in every night. Attica inmates were allowed one roll of toilet paper per man per month and one shower per week. Prisoners spent 14 to 16 hours a day in their cells, their mail was read, their reading material was restricted, their visits from families were conducted through a mesh screen, their medical care was disgraceful, and their parole system inequitable. Due to this, the inmates made a series of demands to prison administrators and held 42 people as hostages. After four days of negotiating with the inmates, Governor Rockefeller ordered that the prison be retaken. State police and other authorities came in and by the time the uprising was over, at least 43 people were killed, including ten correctional officers and civilian employees, and 33 inmates. 85 inmates, 1 state trooper, and 5 correctional officers were injured. The New York Times newspaper incorrectly reported that during the raid of Attica, all of the hostages were brutally killed by inmates. Evidence soon showed that the hostages were killed by bullets, and none of the inmates had a firearm. This uprising did not come out of nowhere though. The dehumanizing conditions were happening for a while. Attica had a lot of social diversity. As stated in the Article, at the time of the uprising, out of the 2,243 prisoners, 54% were africian american. In the movie we saw in class, all of the prison guards we saw were white men. There was no women seen or mentioned in the video as well. There was also gang related things going one in prison. For example, in the video, we saw a group of African Americans with one white man. We assumed that this white man was “owned” by the group of African Americans. In this period of time, women, African Americans, Native Americans, and gays were continuing to fight for their right for equality. This fight for their right for equality became dangerous in the world at Attica. As stated before, a lot of people were killed because of the riots. JU002

    1. This riot is something that needed to happen. Inmates were treated like animals and killed like animals. There was so much change going on why not change the prison conditions. There were marches and other riots happening all over the United States. Because what if the inmates didn't stand up for what was going on in Attica and things would have stayed the same in the future. A lot of innocent people died in that riot. But you have to stand up for something you believe in no matter the outcome. The people over the prison would have never understood what they wanted until the inmates rioted. Batman002

  3. I also think that the inmates were in the right. I could see this course of action happening if they were torturing the correctional officers they were keeping hostage, but they weren't. The hostages or correctional officers even said they were being treated fairly inside. The inmates were not advocating violence, and were just trying to be seen as human beings. The officers who shot all of the prisoners and the hostages acted as if they were wild animals. Killing people who were surrendering with their hands up was probably the worst possible outcome. I think that there could have been so many different solutions to this where people weren’t killed and injured. -CRJB002

  4. The Attica Prison riot occurred in September 1971, because prisoners wanted to be treated better. Inmates were only able to bathe once a week, and were given very little resources such as toilet paper. This made the inmates feel dehumanized, and as if they were animals. On September 9th 1971 prisoners took control of the D yard. During this time inmates took security guards as hostages, and made them live in the same treatments they’ve been living in for so long. The prisoners would agree to let the correctional officers go if Rockefeller would come to Attica, and negotiate their demands. The media portrayed that the inmates were killing the security guards, when in reality they weren’t harming them at all. The inmates weren’t advocating violence what so ever. In this time of protest there was no racial tension behind the walls. Everyone was getting along and working together to achieve better conditions inside the prison. The inmates wanted better food, medical care, minimum wage, freedom to talk to whoever they want, and just better living conditions as a whole. The assault strike then began on September 13th. This ended up killing 10 correctional officers and 33 inmates. The State Police at the time went in and were killing people who had no way to defend themselves. The State Police were allowed to open fire on the crowded D yard area. Keep in mind that none of the inmates had guns to protect themselves. Many inmates were surrendering and had their hands above their head, but the officers still shot them. To think that an officers would still shoot and kill someone who posed no threat, and were surrendering is terrible to me. Some of the inmates were begging not to be killed, but that didn’t stop the officers from killing them anyways. The correctional officers who were killed in the prison riot were killed by the police officers and not the inmates. The media tried to say that all the correctional officers who died in the riot, died from stab wounds. In reality they all died from gunshot wounds, and later on the media exposed this information. I find it crazy to think that this tragedy actually occurred. I’ve never heard of the Attica Prison riot until class. I think that a major reason I’ve never heard of this before is because it’s something that the United States is ashamed of. I don’t understand how the police officers who shot all those defenseless people got away with no charges. -CRJB002

    1. I agree that the Attica Prison Riot needed to happen. I think that the prisoners were dehumanized and that was not right at all. It is sad to think about everyone who lost their lives due to wanting better living conditions that should of been a given anyways. I think it was crazy that the news media was focusing the blame on the inmates for killing everyone when the evidence later showed that most people were killed by bullets and the inmates did not have any firearms. I do not think the inmates were in the wrong demanding better living conditions, medical care, and everything else. The inmates were treated like animals. JU002

    2. I agree on how you feel about the law enforcement officers shooting at someone who poses no threat, I also think its more terrible because they knew their own kind, the correctional officers, were down there. I agree in the fact that the prison riot needed to happen due to the way the inmates were being treated however I feel that there should've been a better way than just go guns blazing on everyone down there. Overall it was a terrible thing that happened but it seemed like it had a impact on how inmates were treated from there on which is good. -wags002

    3. This was a needed riot for our country to experience to realize just how terrible the conditions were at these institutions. The inmates were treated inhumanely with one shower a week, terrible wages, minimal access to medical help, and terrible educational options that would benefit them once they are released. The riot also showed just how unjust and aggressive our criminal justice system was with the treatment of inmates. Most of the people shown were younger men who had so much life to life and so much to give to the world. They had families too that were drastically affected by these actions. -Gamma002

  5. The Attica Prison uprising happened at Attica, New York Correctional Facility in 1971. The Attica prison riot is something that needs to be talked more about. Even though they were prisoners all they asked were for basic human rights. All together they came up with 27 demands such as better medical treatment, fair visitation rights, and an end to physical brutality. The prisoners also requested better sanitation, improved food quality, and one set of rules for the state among numerous other demands. It’s sad to see that they knew they were prisoners and didn’t want outrageous they just wanted to be treated equally. Which i understand why they rioted. They had blacks and Latinos being treated like animals because of their skin color and whites getting better treatment. Another reason for this was having all white correctional officers. Which would only cause more tension in the jail. I’m sure people were tired of it just like the people who did the marches on Washington. There was really no difference they just wanted to be treated equally. Prisoner or not everyone should always get treated with basic human needs. Even though there was a lot of racial tension the prison still worked together. They all appointed head of security and to take care of the hostages, Frank “Big Black” Smith. They also elected Elliot James Barkley as there public speaker for the negotiations. In one of his speeches he said. “We are men! We are not beasts and we do not intend to be beaten or driven as such. That means each and every one of us here, have set forth to change forever the ruthless brutalization and disregard for the lives of the prisoners here and throughout the United States.” The day that the New York State troopers took back the prison they were told to open fire non stop for town minutes. The troopers used shotguns which led to injuring and the killings of hostages and inmates who were not resisting. Nine hostages and twenty-nine inmate had been killed. How could anyone with any common decency let this happen. Why would you kill people who didn’t resist? It’s sad cause there not looking at why the prisoners took over the prison. There just looking at it as a riot. Not only that but the media tried to make as if the inmates killed the hostages. Even though the media came to see what was going on and seen what demands were being asked. But they still put out false accusations. Batman002

    1. I was appalled at how this was handled. They literally killed people that were not resisting. I think it’s important to point out that they also falsely mislead the inmates into thinking that the negotiations would continue. This resulted is so many countless deaths. LD Barkley served as the voice for the group and eloquently voiced his concerns for basic human rights. His death was literally an assassination. It should have never come to the point where taking hostages was the only way for the group to get their point across. Even though the families won the lawsuit, it still does not compensate for the lives lost. The only consolation is that maybe this action will prevent future riots. – Zen002

  6. In the early 1970's, there was the "most prominent prison riot" in the United States and even still to this date it remains the most prominent. It all started due the dehumanization and the terrible treatment of the inmates at the Attica Correctional Facility in Attica, New York. The inmates were not taken care of like they needed to be, one example being is that some only got a bed once a week. They also got limited supplies such as toilet paper which is a necessity to have. As anyone, they wanted equal rights and wanted the basic needs that they deserve as human beings. Now, the prisoners took the D yard and took 42 staff hostages to make them live like how the prisoners were being treated. They did not want to kill them they just wanted to show why they needed changes in how they were getting treated. They wanted to let them go however only after they negotiate with Rockefeller. It may have been seen through the medias eyes that the inmates were harming the hostages however in reality they did not want any violence, they just all banded together to advocate/protest for what they believed in. In this time period there was the uprising of black empowerment however the black and the whites all came together peacefully for this protest. However, when all the armed officers went to take on the protest all heck broke out. 43 people dead, 10 were the hostage correctional officers or civilian employees and 33 inmates all killed by the dum-dum bullets shot from over 230 riot guns and many more guns. The media also didnt help the situation as all because they were saying that some of those killed had their throats slashed and raped. They made it sound much worse but in reality they all died from gunshot wounds that were fired from the law enforcement weapons. Now what amazes me is that all this terrible stuff happened when it wasnt even a violent protest in the beginning. Like said before, the inmates just wanted things to change within the prison, they never planned to kill or harm any of the hostages yet them and their hostages died from law enforcement officers. I understand that you have to take control of the situation at hand however I do believe there couldve been a more peaceful way. Its also astonishing that they went violent in the fact that these law enforcement officers knew they had there own kind (correctional officers) down there, they should've tried to come up with a different plan that would not harm their own. To me this seems as though it couldve been an easier fix than it was, people did not have to die in order for a change in the treatment of inmates. It seemed like a waste of lives to be taken all because of simple demands of basic human rights. -wags002

    1. After watching the video and seeing how all the inmates were mistreated and how their words were twisted is very frustrating. Several people being interviewed in the video had said that there were ways to solve this peacefully and to negotiate and I agree completely. The fact that the peaceful route was not taken was a waste of lives as you said. No one should ever have to die from asking to be treated like a human being. -arm002

  7. The Attica Prison Riot was an extreme case of injustice, dehumanization, and misinformation. The whole ordeal led to such a terrible outcome when the preexisting problems could have been solved so easily. The riot had happened in the year of 1971 and there was quite a bit of social unrest. Many different groups within our country were speaking up and looking for the basic human rights they deserve. These issues within society were reflected in the prisons as well during that time. Every group including: race, sex, sexual orientation, and so on were divided. Besides not having many women in prisons in that time, there was plenty of diversity among the male inmates, but diversity among guards was basically nonexistent. How could they have expected a group of middle aged, white men to be correctional officers to such a diverse group? Those men most likely could not relate to the struggles of their inmates and did not know the best ways to speak with them either. The prisoners were being heavily oppressed and discriminated against. Hearing from the video that white inmates got two rolls of toilet paper and black inmates got one for every two weeks was absolutely horrible. It was also shocking that they were only showered once a week. I would not have lasted very long in those conditions and I feel extremely sorry for those who had to. The prisoners wanted better, reasonable treatment. They did not have very extravagant demands, but demands that seemed like should have already been in place. They did not want to be treated like animals anymore and I don't think anyone could blame them. In the video, I found it very interesting that there was news coverage inside of the prison yard and I thought it was very cool listening to each of the inmates that had spoken. When the government officials decided to come inside and negotiate, I thought they had good intentions, but to find out the official listened to their demands and then turned it all around and told everyone that the prisoners wanted the world was crazy. To imagine how frustrated the inmates were once they had found this out is heartbreaking. They thought they had a good opportunity for humane treatment and it turned into no hope. All those inmates did not deserve any of the inhumane treatment, accusations of murdering the hostages, or being killed.I am amazed that this sort of thing able to happen in our country not too long ago. The Attica Prison Riot was a terrible part of our history, but I know we have learned and improved from it. -arm002

    1. I totally agree with you as you state how the negative effects of the prison system on the inside caused the riot to happen. When you have middle age white men being gaurds with different races there is no way they could fully understand them. I like how and agree with you on how the prisoners just wanted better living conditions just to survive. This was a bad aprt in our history that shouldn't have happen, but by having this happen hopefully the prison system changes for the better. -zw002

  8. In 1971, there was a prison riot. This riot happened in Attica, New York. The riot was known as the Attica Prison rebellion. The people that were in the riot were Attica inmates, New York Police, New York State Department of Corrections, and New York Army National Guard. The prisoner’s was demanding for a better life and political rights. After the killing of an inmate at San Quentin State Prison, 2,200 inmates in Attica prison's riot and took control of the prison. They took 42 staff hostage. Governor Nelson Rockefeller order that the state police takes control of the prison. When the riot was over, 43 people were dead. This includes 10 correctional officers and civilian employees, and 33 inmates. There was 1, 281 inmates, 74 correctional officers that escaped from becoming hostages, 550 state troopers, and 42 correctional officers and civilian workers that was taken hostage. The social diversity was odd in the prison. The guards were white males and there was more black male inmates but there were white inmates too. They need to have black guards to deal with the white inmates and the white guards will deal with the black inmates. If white guards was dealing with white inmates then the blacks inmates will be rioting. The reasons why is because then the black inmates won't be judging by saying “ oh he is white so he gets more freedom than I do.” This could go the other way round with black guard dealing with black inmates. Some correctional officers were racist and they assaulted the prisoners to beat them with their batons. 62 inmates had been charged in 42 indictments with 1,289 separate counts. Only one state trooper had been indicted with reckless endangerment. The inmates and families of the inmates that were killed in the riot sued the State of New York for civil rights violation. In 2000, New York paid $8 million to settle the case. They also gave to the families of the prison employees $12 million financial settlement. The riot changed the New York prison system to satisfy the prisoners' demands. This reduces the tension and prevented incidents in the future. There were several things that affected on the New York State prison system. The New York Department of Corrections started a grievance procedure, began each prison programs, and now allow year- round for inmates to get packages. Attica is still well known prison riot that occurred in the U.S.A. Softball002

  9. On September 9, 1971 this one prison riot changed the way prison’s changed forever. It pointed out that the system was flawed in racial discrimination . This prison showed not everyone was equal inside. White prisoners seem to have more rights and access to more supplies then the black prisoners. It began to a breaking boiling point to where the prisoners demanded a change . So they decided a revolt while on their way to breakfast. It seems later 2,200 inmates joined in and then took over one of the prison yards known as Times Square. Some things that I noticed from the way prisons are now to what they were that the guards were white and in the mid adult. From when they took over the yard they decided to take on hostages of 42 people. This made headlines because of the mistakes on both the police and retaking the prisoners behavior. Over the next few days the prisoners seemed to get along in a tent city and the racial tension was at a truce even though in the yard they still were segregated in their own racial units. Even though the prisoner demanded demands such as more freedom among other things it seemed like the governor at the time wasn’t going to agree to the demands because them being prisoners they really seem they didn’t have any power for demands since they lost all their rights being convicted felons. But then he decided to order the state police and the military to take back the prison. But things didn’t go as planned. Because of these actions reported by the media didn’t make things look good for the police. The military seemed to be shooting everyone that was moving prisoners and the hostages. But I can understand how are they suppose to know who are the hostages when all the hostilities and actions going on when the hostages were wearing the same clothing as the prisoners. I can see an easily mistake of identification. From after an inquiry it was concluded that the authorities were using ammunition again the prisoners that not even the military would use because of the Geneva Convention. After everything was over when the media began reporting stories from where they weren’t even getting their facts straight . Not even one apology came from the authorities. Some inmates got shot while surrendering on the ground with their hands on their head and seem to still die from getting shot. Things like this shouldn't happen. At the end their were lawsuits and payments to correct some of the mistakes that were made. This was a wake up call to the prison system. Navy002

    1. I agree that is is hard to tell the difference between hostages an inmates. I think that there was a better way to take back the prison. They could have come to an agreement before shooting the place up and killing so many people in the meantime. The riot was needed in my opinion, things needed to change. The prisoners deserved to be treated as humans. The officers could have taken the prison back without so many fatalities. The day and age we live in now with social media there is no way something like this could happen. -wb002

  10. The Attica Prison Riot was the result of a killing of a former inmate . Taking place in 1971 at 4:20 am is when the riot happens. Being in prison is not a wonderful experience at the point of being in prison. Yet that dosen't give the right for people in higher authority to treat people in a foul, degreading way. It all start by the prisoners protesting against the officers, then thats when the madness began. When it came to the negotiations they seem very fair stating that they just wanted to be treated like men and not animals, not only just them but for all prisoners in the United States. Which is very fair and just to want as a human being. The demands in its self is sad to hear because they are basic needs that everyone wants to feel like a person. Thing such as better health care, rights to visits and the most important not being beaten on by the officers or police. It was only right to listen or even comply to their needs.There was several key people that were apart of this riot. One being Govenor Rockefeller who refused to show up. Which this caused the riot to become more worser then it had began. These inmates were so desperate to regain who they were as people made this event to happen, and when their needs were not meet this casue them to retake the prison. By the state police doing this with the ok by the Governor, this was a mistake on thier end. At 9am is end it really started, they came into the prison which led to mass murders of inmates, gaurds and inmates who were not event apart of the riot. Leading to 9 hostages, 29 inmates, being killed. The subject of race plays a huge role that took place in this riot. Being beaten by batons and told to crawl through mud naked while you are beaten by what they call a "nigger stick " would make anyone want to uprise. The killings of this riot was the cause by how the system failed these inmates. Just because someone commits a crime yet they are punished for it, dosen't mean you have to treat people like animals. Lawsuits were filled against the city of New York for what they decided to do wrong by retaking the prison. Which I thing is a good thing that they have hold the state responsible . By this happing should be a wakeup call for prison systems all over to make ajustments to how they treat thier inmates. One main thing people in the system that need to realize is that this effects these people in the long run. As they get out and return to society, they are really not who they once were going in. The way you treat them on the inside determines how they are mentally as they come out, which is a worser problem in its self. Asking for something simple like healthcare as I mentioned earlier is shouldn't cause a riot it should just be a basic human need. This type of treatment needs to change fast in order for the prison system to get better. -zw002

  11. The uprising at Attica prison was undoubtedly one of the most deadly, horrific riots to ever take place. In the aftermath, it left 33 prisoners dead, 10 correctional officers dead, 85 prisoners wounded, 5 corrections officers wounded and 1 state trooper wounded. The astonishing fact is that almost all of these injuries occurred during the process of the state police “taking back” the prison. The inmates’ protests arose from their demands for basic human rights. Being incarcerated does not mean that all rights of the individual are lost. The prisoners demanded adequate medical care, fair visitations, and ends to physical abuse. Many of the inmates equated their treatment as the equivalent of slavery. The inmates claimed the corrections officers were more like overseers, beating inmates with batons. I think we can all agree that prison should not be like a country club. The inmates are there to pay a debt to society. However, they do have the right to be treated fairly. There were several instances where the inmates displayed humanity in protecting the hostages and they made legitimate attempts for their demands to be met. What is reprehensible is the actions of the state trooper in an attempt to take control of the situation. Initially the media reported that the inmates were out of control and killing hostages and inmates in cold blood. The reality was that only one officer and four inmates were killed by the inmates. All of the remaining thirty eight deaths were attributed to the police. According to eye witness accounts, the police shot everyone regardless if they were prisoners or hostage. What makes this more atrocious was the actual hunting down and assassination of L.D Barkley one of the primary negotiator for the inmates. He was due to be released within days of the riots. After the police took control, L.D. was shot in the back after he had surrendered. The prisoners sincerely believed that the negotiations were continuing while the police were planning on the action that resulted in the mass amount of casualties. Because of the brutal nature of this entire offensive, it has been described as brutal and as damaging as the slaughter of Native Americans. There were also instances of vigilantism as the guards that had escaped being hostages were allowed to participate in the police raid. While this was a tragic and unfortunate set of events, it did make an impact on prison reforms. The inmates were able to negotiate for several changes; however there were continued retaliations against the inmates still incarcerated. In the end, as tragic as the events were, they did bring about several changes to the prison system.-Zen002

    1. I personally think that the state troopers were to blame for how they handled the Attica incident. They basically came in, shooting anyone in sight, even people who were on the ground begging for their life. The retaking process was handled poorly by police and there really should have been some better planning. This was a truly sad event that shouldn’t have ended that way that it did, but we should take this as a lesson that really needed to be learned to prevent this from ever happening again. If we take the time to analyze what went wrong, then we can be sure to never let something like this to never occur again. -OUTATIME002

    2. In turn of this article, I think somewhat of the government and Rockefeller played a big role in not responding to the inmates. This made the inmates feel like they were nothing compared to the governor. That is why I also think this is one of the main reasons that they took the correctional officers hostage. Later, what irritated me was how they blamed the 19 hostage killings of stabbings of necks, when in reality, those were only injuries and not causes of death. Instead the causes of deaths were the bullets that came from their own. In which, the bullets were completely illegal. -as002

  12. On September 9th, 1971 Attica prison riot was one of the worst riots in the United States. A background about Attica Prison. This prison is a maximum security prison which held 2,220. 1,281 of these inmates went into the field “D yard” and they held 42 employees and prison guards hostage. The reason why is because these inmates were living in poor conditions. The prison was falling apart. Some of the inmates stated that there sometimes wasn't any running water. The inmates just wanted to be treated like humans. They requested things like a library, drug treatment, better food, better living conditions, and more than 25 cents a day working. The inmates felt like the prison guards were dehumanizing them. I think that the inmates request were very reasonable. It took at least 4 four days for a negotiation. The prison was completely out of control at this point because the inmates completely took over the prison. Nelson Rockefeller was the governor at the time. He wanted to do something fast to get the inmates under control and the prison back to normal. Rockerfeller was in fact invited to Attica prison, but denied the request. He felt that is was too dangerous to go into a prison where people are being held hostage. Since everything was getting out of control, but the order of Nelson Rockerfeller he sent in state police, and even sheriffs to take back control. When everything was over at least 43 people died including employees officers and inmates. According to the article, “Rockerfeller, who refused to visit the prisoners during the rebellion stated that the prisoners “carried out the cold-blooded killings they had threatened from the outset,” despite only one of the officers and four inmated killed being attributed to the prisoners. The New York Times writer Fred Ferretti said the rebellion concluded in “mass deaths that four days and taut negotiations had sought to avert. Basically Rockerfeller tried to blame this mass killing on the inmates. I think that Rockerfeller or the officers that were assigned to go into the prison aggressively had no right to kill all of those inmates. Even though the inmates did not have the right to hold anyone hostage, the officers should have went into the situation differently. During this time there was the civil rights movement going on and alot of racial tension. Frank ward was an inmate there who stood out the most to me saying he thought he was going to die they were shooting people like a bunch of wild animals. Jas002

  13. The Attica prison riot was a terrible event in criminal justice history and should be a cornerstone in the topic of criminal justice reform. The events that unfolded during the prison riots were not only sad but disturbingly surreal. It all started on September 9, 1917 when about 1,281 inmates took control of the prison courtyard and took 42 hostages. It all started when a prison guard was assaulted by a group of inmates lead by inmate William Ortiz. The rioting inmates had set up a sort of miniature city in the prison courtyard, using bed sheets, cloth, and whatever they could find to make tents and makeshift structures. They also set up a PA system and they all made unanimous together as a whole, announcing their plans with the PA system. The most interesting aspect of this small city was the fact that there was no racial tension between any of the prisoners. There was a lot of racial tension between the guards and the prisoners before the riot, but it seemed like the prisoners put their differences behind them for one common goal. For the next couple days, the prisoners had started negotiating with the prison staff, most notably Correctional Services Commissioner Russell G. Oswald. Unfortunately, the negotiations had not gone smoothly, and the situation had gotten worse for everyone. This could be due in part to New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller refusing to come to the prison to meet with the inmates. When the demands of the prisoners weren’t met, the prisoners fortified their portion of the prison for an attack. They also threated to kill the hostages if the prison was going to be retaken. On the morning of September 13, 1971, the New York State Police were released into the prison to take Attica by force. After about two minutes of tear gas and gunfire, nine hostages and 29 inmates had been killed. It was later found out that the hostages were killed by gunfire, not by having their throats slit. The backlash after the riot was immense. After years of lawsuits from the families of the slain inmates, the state of New York had paid out $8 million and $12 million to the families of the slain prison employees. This was a horrible incident that should never be forgotten and should be recognized as a turning point for the better in terms of criminal justice reform. Its really sad that this happened but all we can do now is learn from our mistakes and never let this happen again -OUTATIME002

    1. The Attica Prison riot was really uncalled for. We should absolutely use this event as an example of how not to treat a prison "riot". The prisoners were peaceful and wanted things to better their way of life, including mostly basic needs. Things got out of hand when the state troopers decided to intrude on the prison yard. The troopers massacred those men, all who died, died due to a gunshot. As a society we need to remember these events and keep them for happening ever again. It is incredible that these prisoners came together in a calm matter to fight for humanity and hygiene.

  14. The Attica Prison Riot was definitely one of the most interesting and tragic moments in history I have ever learned about. It was slightly inspiring as well seeing the prisoners of all races come together and work for better living environments, wages, medical treatment, education etc. especially considering it was the early 1970s when the racial tensions and civil rights movements were happening during this time. The treatment and lies that the news and Commissioner Oswald told the public about the riots and the inmates were terrible and honestly disgraceful. Our criminal justice system was disgraced during this period of time and it makes me think of all the asylums and institutions, like Pennhurst, in the 1960s that lied about the patients and their illnesses until news footage was released and the truth was revealed.
    One of the biggest shocks to me was the treatment of the correctional officers that were held hostage. When I think of the term hostage, I assume the treatment is terrible and they are just barely kept alive; however, at Attica, the hostages were fed and their medical issues were tended to. They were treated well even though they were held against their will. Sadly, the news reported that the hostages were raped and beaten due to assumptions and never used the word “alleged” in any of the reports leading to the public believing that the correctional officers were being tortured and mistreated. Commissioner Oswald did nothing to correct these reports either.
    Once the troopers got into the prison, they gunned down everyone even if they raised their hands in surrender as instructed. Some deaths were reported to be caused by knives which would lead people to believe that the inmates were fighting back and the troopers had to use hand-to-hand combat to defend themselves; however, the autopsies later found that every death was the cause of a gunshot wound showing that the deaths were more offensive and honestly more vicious. No apologies were ever made to any inmates or their families either.
    A moment that stood out was the interview of a correctional officer’s son who never once blamed the inmates for the death of his father. He instead blamed the troopers and officers for the death of his father due to the aggressive force. I was incredibly disappointed with the actions of our criminal justice system at this institution, and I would assume I would be just as disappointed with the other institutions as well. -Gamma002

    1. I agree with you when you say that you were inspired by the mixed races coming together for the greater good, but we can't forget that some of them were not doing it for themselves. A sad fact about prison is once someone has control over you, they can get you to do just about anything. I would agree to say that a small percentage of the guys involved in the revolt were there on account of someone else, rather than their own beliefs simply to build numbers and make it appear as though there are large amounts of people with the same ideals. FIRE002

  15. When people think of the word Attica, normally one thing or event comes to mind. The Attica Prison Riot in Attica, New York. This si9ngle event happened on September 7, 1971 but the backdrop behind what happened that fay had been brewing for many years before hand. It wasn't easy being an inmate in this time period regardless of where you were located but Attica was just about the worst of the worst. Prisoners made statements saying they were treated like animals and this was especially true for the black inmates held here. They were piled into one cell with one roll of toilet paper which amazes me because i know some men that can use a whole roll of toilet paper in one sitting. It amazes me how the corrections system believed that they could first take away a man's right to use the restroom in peace, but then take away their simple right to wipe their own butt with proper wiping materials. Some people today look at that as a joke but imagine if someone took away your right to use the restroom as you do today. It wouldn't be very fun at all and quite frankly, it would be outright disgusting. Finally, the prisoners had had enough and decided to come together in hopes they would receive reform to policies where reform was needed. 1281 prisoners of all races and ethnicity, came together for one good cause but things didn't go how they thought they would. The general idea behind this was to unite and alert the public and the people who had the ability to make change happen, that there were bad things happening behind those walls that needed to be stopped. The trigger happy guards of this time period saw that as a threat and decided that no prisoner would dare try to stand up to those who are responsible for controlling them. The New York state police along with many other local and county agencies ascended into the prison and took their places as if they were ready to go to war. It just so happens that that's exactly what they did. At 9:46 A.M., shots began to ring out across the yard as the officer opened fire into the large groups of unarmed inmates. As a result, 38 unarmed men were killed, 9 of them being guards who were being held hostage. I 100% believe this was racially motivated due to the time period and the civil rights movements. All the guards had the exact same appearance and ideals and were frightened that they were losing control. FIRE002

    1. The political side of this riot, having to do with Governor Rockefeller, in all honesty made me mad. With him refusing to visit these inmates, made it way worse for the hostages and this symbolized to the inmates that they were going to have to fight for what they wanted and the Prison and the state were not going to give them to it as requested. I would agree to say that a small percentage of the guys involved in the revolt were there on account of someone else, rather than their own beliefs simply to build numbers. But nothing never usually changes. SH002

  16. In Attica, New York on September the ninth, 1971 prisoners took over Attica Prison. The living conditions in this prison were very poor. These men were only allowed to bathe once a week, and were paid wages as little as twenty-five cents a day. Attica Prison and the way it treated is prisoners was designed to dehumanize and destroy these men. The reason the inmates took over part of the prison was in order for them to fight for a better quality of life. On September ninth, 1971, Attica’s 2,000 prisoners took over the D-yard of the prison. This riot went on for four days, September ninth through the thirteenth. In the meanwhile, these men set up D-yard into a city-like community. Amazingly the prisoners all worked with each other without tension, and made decisions as a whole. The prison was relatively peaceful and did not advocate violence. Together the inmates came up with a list of demands. The demands included things such as; better education programs in the facility, adding a library, letting them earn wages more than twenty-five cents a day, better medical care, and being able to talk to each other. These things seem so miniscule, yet they are enough for these prisoners to fight for. The prisoners did not want a war, they just wanted improvements to the prison. Although the prisoners were peaceful they did have thirty-eight hostages as more of a leverage. Hostages were still treated very well, being fed and giving them any medical attention they needed. On September thirteenth, 1971, tear gas was dropped into D-yard and State troopers entered where the opened fire for two continuous minutes into the smoke. After the yard had been taken back they were left with nine hostage casualties and twenty-nine inmates had been killed as well. Lies were spread, claiming that the prisoners had killed the hostages by slitting their throats. This in fact, was not true, all nine died of gunshot wounds, shot from troopers guns. Also I found it interesting how the troopers used “dum-dum” bullets on the prisoners even though they were no longer legal to use. All of this blood shed could have been avoided. The prisoners were peacefully rebelling for better standards to life. The prison fought back and used so much force and violence, which was entirely unnecessary. Maybe a little bit more diversity among the people in charge would not be so horrible.

  17. While watching the video that we watched in class, I was not aware of the severity of the Attica Prison riot. While watching the video, and listening to the inmates and how they were being segregated and treated was awful. Later in the video, the inmates basically “protest” outside, and demand what was already supposed to be given to them. What they were requesting is what already what they were supposed to be given. In my opinion, its irritating to see these correctional officers treat people like animals. I understand that they need to be punished for their crimes, but I don’t believe in treating these individuals like animals. Throughout the video and reading the article what also struck me was when they started the riot. How the inmates were able to come together and how non-segregated they were. This also, explained by an inmate in the video, was not a violent protest. I also questioned that later when they decided to take the correctional officers hostage, all 42 of them. The political side of this riot, having to do with Governor Rockefeller, in all honesty made me mad. With him refusing to visit these inmates, made it way worse for the hostages and this symbolized to the inmates that they were going to have to fight for what they wanted and the Prison and the state were not going to give them to it as requested. While reading the article, I noticed 1281 inmates protested for what they wanted. 1281 inmates were being treated horrible and nobody ever stepped in and that blows my mind. What also confuses me is why they chose to not just work with the inmates? But instead they put all these lives to end because they didn’t want to give these prisoners what they deserved. Instead they chose to kill 10 hostages, 33 prisoners for a riot that wasn’t even violent until they made it violent. They took the lives of men of their own without remorse and in turn, blamed it on the inmates and stated that they died due to a knife in reality, they were killed due to the weapons their own men shot them with. In my opinion, the state did a terrible job in trying to solve this problem. They chose to lead straight to death instead of trying to compromise on a deal, granted the inmates declined every deal given, but I do think what the inmates were asking for was not unconstitutional.-as002

  18. The Attica prison riot was one of the most terrible events that have occurred in the U.S. What makes this even worse is the fact that the fire marshals were more violent than the rioting inmates. So, with that being said let's get to the background of Attica Prison. This is a Max facility that housed numerous inmates to the point where a large amount made their own "Governed" City which was mostly segregated to an extent, but most importantly no violence occurred most of the time. While this was going on Rockefeller obviously isn't going to let a bunch of prisoners run the show. So, in his mind there's no better way to fight fire than using fire. Speaking about fire why not call in the U.S FIRE Marshals to put an end to this and show the prisoners who run the show. They were vicious and killed everyone in sight including the hostages. A lot of inmates begged and pleaded for mercy but they were not hearing any of it. The Marshals came to kill not to control the situation, and I bet that was an order from Rockefeller. State police and other authorities came in and by the time the uprising was over, at least 43 people were killed, including ten correctional officers and civilian employees, and 33 inmates. 85 inmates, 1 state trooper, and 5 correctional officers were injured. The New York Times newspaper incorrectly reported that during the raid of Attica, all of the hostages were brutally killed by inmates. Evidence soon showed that the hostages were killed by bullets, and none of the inmates had a firearm. This uprising did not come out of nowhere though. The dehumanizing conditions were happening for a while. Attica had a lot of social diversity. As stated in the Article, at the time of the uprising, out of the 2,243 prisoners, 54% were African American. All together they came up with 27 demands such as better medical treatment, fair visitation rights, and an end to physical brutality. The prisoners also requested better sanitation, improved food quality, and one set of rules for the state among numerous other demands. It’s sad to see that they knew they were prisoners and didn’t want outrageous they just wanted to be treated equally. Which I understand why they rioted. They had blacks and Latinos being treated like animals because of their skin color and whites getting better treatment. Another reason for this was having all white correctional officers. Which would only cause more tension in the jail. I’m sure people were tired of it just like the people who did the marches on Washington. SH002

    1. I thought it was interesting because we never really taken a look at what is going on in other states prisons. I didn't like how the video just looked and talk about the African Americans more. They should of talked to the other people that was in there also. I liked how they showed how the social diversity was different. There was more white male guards that was dealing with the black inmates and also the Hispanics or the white inmates. They need more black guards that could deal with the white inmates. If this happened then it would be fair. Softball002

  19. On September 9, 1971 one of the worst prison riots of our time happened. Over 1,000 inmates took over the prison and had 35 hostages. The hostages consisted of prison guards, the captain and other civilians. The riot happened because the prisoners of Attica were not being treated as humans. They were being treated worse than animals. When the prisoners took over they gave the hostages a life they had lived for years. Everyone gathered in the courtyard and made their own camps to live in for the next few days. Attica was a very racially divided prison and people did not get along. Once the prison was taken over all the prisoners, despite the race came together. They put all of the racial differences behind them and fought for the better good. Their requests were pretty simple, the asked for better health care, minimum wage, to be politically active, and allow inmates to communicate with anyone, better education, better food, etc. Their requests were to improve prison conditions. Most of their requests were already laws anyway that were not being abided by. The take over lasted for days while the demands were being discussed. On September 13, 1971 the massacre happened. Hundreds of troops surrounded the prison with 232 riot guns, 22 high power rifles, 12 pistols, 2 automatic machine guns, and many other weapons. There was a helicopter flying above the prison and the inmates were asked to surrender. The inmates were asked to surrender a second time and seconds later the troopers opened fire. They were killing prisoners all over the place, even the ones that were giving up. Many hostages died from the gun fire. The officials said that the hostages had, had their throats slit but according to the body examiner he confirmed it was from the bullets. The officers were using “dum dum” rounds that expanded upon impact. Those round were banned during war, so what were they doing using them against a prison riot? The officials blamed the prisoners for the hostages being killed. They told everyone that they had had their throats slit because they knew that they had messed up with the attack. I think that this riot was a milestone in the way that we ran corrections. Even though people in prison could have done horrendous things they are still humans and deserve to be treated that way. The riot really showed the public how mistreated the prisoners actually were and that something needed to be done to change that. -wb002


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