Warrior or Guardian....Thoughts?


  1. ghrghrhtgrhtgrhiye5i. Gatsby456

  2. This article provided very interesting information. I believe that him showing the information that his dad was a police officer and he has had many years as not only a police officer but also as a chief shows that he has much knowledge on the subject. When he spoke on how how most officers believe that their job is to enforce the law I agree that what many would believe initially. Not many people talk about how important it is that officers uphold the Constitution. When he spoke on the warrior mindset he was dealing with that particular day it really makes you realize how easily emotion and "first glance" can overtake your actions. I believe it is vitally important to identify overwhelming emotions especially when communicating with someone else. His story about the officer changing the tire is an important show of positive emotion from the officer to the citizen. I can remember when my mom had a flat tire on the interstate. When I had initially arrived there was an officer parked behind her giving me protection from oncoming traffic. Sure he didn't change the tire for her but him having our backs means a lot to people. It was interesting to hear him discuss how much of the training that police officers receive they do not use. I would like to hear more about this and why specifically. Is it because the training itself is outdated with society? I think that would be a step in the right direction if we would fix the training process if it is how he says it is. The warrior guardian mindset should be applied differently to every situation. There really should not be a single process of thinking for all types of scenarios, especially for the police force. There is no "one size fits all." CP3123

    1. I agree with you, there is no one size fits all. We have all been created differently, and no to two people are the same. We all think differently, and see things differently. When it comes to training, I do think we need to take steps in fixing that process. I think we should train officers to have both mindsets. A well-rounded officer is better than one sided officer. Illinigurl456

  3. From what I gathered, training may be one of the largest contributing factors to why officers struggle to toggle between the warrior and guardian mindsets, or better yet, acknowledge both simultaneously. The nature and the dangers of being an investigator requires us to default to a warrior mindset in life or death situations, as if it is muscle memory. Because of this reality, a majority of police training focuses on these highly technical scenarios to prepare for worst case scenarios. In reality, our purpose is to provide service to our community. The majority of the time, that means protecting the people and their rights. The daily life of an officer should lean more towards being a guardian. Although the warrior mindset is crucial, it is not the best approach in most scenarios. It should be instinctual in anything perceived to be a life or death scenario. In any dangerous situation, having this mindset protects not only the people, but the investigator as well. We cannot protect others if we do not protect ourselves. When being a warrior is used appropriately, it protects life and liberty. In our current social climate, with the strained relationship between the people and the police, we see an increase in the warrior mindset. Investigators are defaulting to it more often in the perception that we could be in danger when reality may be different. On the contrary, guardians take the time to develop a rapport with the community and individuals within it. As Robert Peel says in his ninth principle, “the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.” Ideally, we would like for the warrior mindset to be rendered obsolete, although unrealistic. However, if we could steer police training to place a stronger emphasis on the guardian mindset, and striving to give exemplary service even when the situation may not require it, we could rebuild our relationship with the community. In doing so, our need for the warrior mindset would diminish. Gatsby456

    1. I agree with you completely, especially when you stated that both the guardian and the warrior mindset need to be used simultaneously. This is extremely important because although serious dangerous cases that involve the need for a warrior mindset occur, they do not occur near as often as cases or instances where the guardian mindset needs to be utilized. I believe it is important for officers to have the ability to use each of these mindsets, but do it instinctively. -LW456

    2. Reading your comment, I agree with your statement at the beginning. It has been difficult for officers to go back in forth as guardian and warriors, and this has caused a strain on police and the community as well. It has caused the officers to be more overbearing the community to be more un willing to help and or be more rebellious. -as123

  4. I was assigned to watch this video for a class assignment and was kept interested for the duration of the video. However this is not something I would have clicked on if not assigned to it. This topic of warrior mindset and guardian mindset is not a normal topic for someone to consider, unless they are in law enforcement or inspiring to become a LEO. Often times the first thing people think of when they hear the word “police” is punishment or their personal experiences with police officers. Most people often only hear or see the warrior side of policing and you never will see such topics of guardian mindset on an episode of cops or when watching the evening news. You will only hear/see the most action packed stories. With that kind of representation it's quite obvious on why people see the police in a violent manner. But in all actually the guardian mindset that is used probably 90% of the time is often looked over in such programs mainly due to it being the “boring part of the job”. Everyone wants to hear stories of crazy experiences but not everyone wants to hear how a police officer changed someone's tire one the highway and gave someone a warning on a traffic stop. That guardian mindset can improve the lives of both the community and the officer more than any sort of gunfight and car chase could. Now I agree an officer needs both a warrior mindset and a guardian mindset, mainly due to the fact that an officer may find themselves in a violent altercation and have to fight someone or even use a firearm. But I feel that by using the guardian mindset you can often avoid such alterations by being close to the community, along with creating relations with individuals in the community. With these relations comes trust, with trust comes people willing to talk to an officer about the problems in the community. This will then hopefully prevent future crimes or could even help solve crimes committed.

    1. I am interested in your perspective that although the guardian mindset is appropriate for 90% of the police job, it isn’t the situations that make the news. The situations being broadcasted to the general public tends to be those warrior situations, because that is what makes an interesting story. It brings into question our perception of how many cops are warriors vs guardians, if the media tends to only focus on one. Perhaps we have a lot more guardians than we would initially think. Gatsby456

    2. I never thought about the actual fact that people do overlook the guardian officers because you don't hear about it on social media or the news. We only know is when someone tells their experience or posts a picture of the actual great thing they did. Now a days we hear more about the police brutality and the racism that goes on in the world. I definitely agree if the community puts their trust on the law enforcement we will have a better outcome. -Charmed123

  5. Chief Dean Crisp does a great job describing the differences between the warrior and guardian mindsets. Although throughout the video one mindset was more supported than the other, Dean did a good job describing the importance’s and issues with each mindset. After watching this video, it is evident that each and every officer must have both these mindsets, and know when to use them to be successful as a police officer. Most people wanting to be police officers of any kind think of policing as fast paced and dangerous, which it is, but not all the time. The fast-paced kind of policing uses the warrior mindset, where you are going a mile a minute and the obstacles you face may be dangerous. It is very important to have the warrior mindset as a skill you can use whenever the time comes, as Dean says is only 5-10% of the time. The guardian mindset to me is the most important of the two, it is the mindset that focuses more on the safety and service of others. When Dean explains when he was walking in the Walmart parking lot, and saw a young man without handicap plates whip into a handicapped parking lot and how it made him angry and caused him to think with a warrior mindset. This shows that once someone is in a warrior mindset they may become quick to judge and turn out being wrong, but with a guardian mindset you can give people the benefit of the doubt and be more patient until it is evident that the warrior mindset is needed. The Guardian mindset is by far the best mindset any police officer should have especially when it comes to investigations, being able to listen to possible offenders and hear what to have to say, rather than running around blaming people for crimes they may or may not have committed, which can be seen as a warrior mindset. All in all, I believe that the guardian mindset is the best mindset to have a majority of the time while policing, but it is still important to be able to use a warrior mindset when the opportunity arises. -LW456

    1. I also thought that Chief Dean Crisp did a great job explaining the difference between both the warrior and guardian mindset in policing. I like how he used his real life experience to explain how the police mind works in different ways than civilians. –kahilffcj456

  6. In the video the man talks about how much policing has changed over the last few decades. From terrorism to mass shootings to social services. I agree with that policing now a days have more than one job, but what I don’t agree with is that policing has changed. I believe that policing has not changed over the years. They have the almost the same training and hiring process each year. Even the man in the video said that we don’t have a hiring process we have an elimination process. I never really thought about that before. That the police hire whoever is left and those people might not be the best to interact with the community. In the video, the man said that the warrior mindset is used in 5 to 10 percent of the job. Also, that the warrior mindset is used for tactical situations. The man in the video said that police need to “expand their mindset to be inclusive with others in the community. He went on to say that the guardian is a protector of the community. The man also went on to say that police need to have both the guardian and warrior mindset to do their job. To improve relations with the community. Dean, the man in the video, went on to say that the guardian mindset is the more important of the two. Both mindsets are important in investigations because when talking to possible suspects they can’t just jump to conclusions that this person did it because of this or that. When using the warrior mindset investigations, they still have to be serious, but not jump to conclusions about someone. For example, in the incident that happened at Walmart one time. He said that some person with loud music and shades on, etc. Dean was really pissed. He thought to himself ‘oh, I can just call another officer and they can come arrest him’, but he decided against that and went into Walmart. Turns out the man in the car, with the loud music and other things, had a kid who was in a wheelchair. He thought to himself ‘wow, good thing I didn’t do anything stupid’. Good thing he didn’t because this situation could have ended very badly for both parties. This shows how important both the warrior and guardian mindset are. –kahilffcj456

    1. I absolutely agree with what you said about the police hiring process. I think it really needs to be changed to benefit not only the law enforcement system, but also the community as a whole. Just hiring the “leftovers” is not a good way to find good people with the proper mindset of what policing should be about. We need to encourage our legislators to overhaul the hiring process for police officers, to make it more focused on hiring, rather than eliminating. -OUTATIME456

  7. While listening to the Ted Talk, the speaker opens up with a question about who in the audience ever thought about being in Law Enforcement. From what it seems, from there, he begins to talk about his background and then go on to state later how his father, sister and himself were all in Law Enforcement. He then explains the difference between channeling your guardian and or your warrior aspect while on the job. Many types of guardian can mean, lending a helping hand, being a guardian to the people of your community. A warrior can sometimes mean someone who is at war. Now when community policing, and only having that warrior mentality, it can be difficult to community police. This is where the speaker begins to explain his own experiences with being a guardian and a warrior, having that change from being a warrior to a guardian. At this point, this is where I began to understand what he was explaining. The speaker, explains when someone is trained as a warrior, they simply can not treat the community in a guardian and that’s the problem with policing we are having today. You have riots against police, retaliation against other officers, rebelling against officers, and many other sorts of things. The community aspect has been so absent because of the warrior in an officer has been overly trained so they have the mindset of its the Police against the community. The Guardian aspect of the job has been discarded and we are seeing the end results of that with the un trust that the community has against the police. Lastly, I really enjoyed this Ted Talk because without the guardian aspect of policing, we will never fully gain the community on our side, so that makes it difficult for the police to do their job, and difficult on the community to trust in the police. -as123

    1. I also think that because of the warrior mentality communites as a whole are losing their trust in the police force. There are times when this warrior mindset is very important and needs to be used. I think more police officers focusing on having the guardian mindset would really help bring the trust back into the police force. This shows that police officers are people too, and not just warriors. CRJB123

  8. After watching the video it really opened my eyes to what the warrior mindset actually is. From my understanding the warrior mindset is an aggressive approach that will do what it takes to get the job done. This kind of mindset is taught a lot throughout training. This mindset is good in certain situations, but can also lead someone to have tunnel vision. This leads you to assume the worst in people, even when they’re a good person. A good example of having a warrior mindset at the wrong time is when Chief Dean Crisp was at Walmart and saw some guy whip into the handicap parking spot really fast. When this happened he was immediately triggered and assumed it was just some normal guy who didn’t want to walk far. Soon after this Chief Dean Crisp saw him in the store, and realized he was pushing a child in a wheelchair. Having that warrior mindset led Chief Dean Crisp to only think of negative of this man. Having a warrior mindset all the time isn’t good, especially in this day and age. It’s ideal for police officers to also have guardian mindset, which is more open minded and understanding. The trust with communities is at an all time low, due to how the media portrays police officers. I think police officers having the communities support is an absolute must in order to create a safer society. As of 2020 it seems like a war between the police officers and the people, because communities have lost this trust. At the end of the day people need to realize that police officers are people too, and came from the same neighborhoods they did. The changes in society have changed the roles in police officers significantly. Terrorism, increase in mental illnesses, increase in mass shootings, and the increase in homeless people are all reasons why police officers roles have changed.

    1. I agree with what you said about how if you only are taught and have the warrior mindset it could lead to a tunnel vision which is not the best thing to have when you are a police officer. I think his example at Walmart really showed that happening but him realizing the situation it took his mind out of that tunnel vision. Like you said, in 2020 and recent years there has been a lack of trust between the police and the community. I hope that future generations like us and those to come will help to change that for the better. -wags123

    2. I agree with you when you said that there is a lost in trust with the police system. The world has changed so much and with that the police are forced to change as well. The more dangerous the world gets the more the roles of a police officer has to change. The good thing is that there is more mental health training and awareness because of the world changing. sun456

  9. I really found the video interesting and very true on basically all counts of what he had said throughout the 15 minute video. One thing that really stood out to me was saying how having a combination of both warrior and guardian made a good police officer. I one hundred percent agree with that because the guardian aspect will bring a better understanding and better relationship between the police and the community. A better relationship with those citizens will make things go a lot smoother and a lot better because the community won’t have so much of a hatred towards the police. Another thing that he mentioned to be true was that the police are no doubt busy with other calls and such but if you take the time to really try and be a true guardian and exceed the expectations on a certain call that will help the relationship between community and police that much better. Like the example he gave of the flat tire and the different ways the police officer could have handled it made a difference in how just one person viewed the police. Another thing that he mentioned was that police are being trained mainly as warriors which would account for less than half the calls they will encounter. I believe that officers need to have a guardian mindset as well. Either they have to already have that or try to find some way to train that into them. It is quite easy to be taught to be a warrior but to be a guardian it is a lot harder to train. Guardians are those who really change how the police are viewed and I think that is great. One last thing he mentioned was the hiring of officers, I like what he said on how we kind of just pick out of who is left but the ones left are also the ones that trained and took the steps to really get hired however there are some bad apples among those. -wags123

    1. I truly agree with you and the Chief about when he said having a combination of both warrior and guardian made a good police officer. And I have always felt that the police officers should have a good connection with their community. I have had a police officer stop before when my family had a blown out tire on the side of the road and so I know how to feel. He got out and asked if we needed any help but we were already almost done and he ended up sitting there until we were finished. -Smiley123

  10. To be a servant of the public is to have the weight of the entire public on your shoulders and having that weight can be incredibly frightening but also incredibly rewarding. Both of those things go hand in hand with the warrior or guardian mindset. Going into an unknown situation after being trained to expect the unexpected there is no wonder why law enforcement has that warrior mindset but at the same time, I feel that there is this responsibility for police to not always rush into to a place ‘guns a blazing’. There needs to be an element of training deals with those mindsets and when and where to have said mindsets. I feel like with enough training the police force can have a greater sense of certainty when dealing with those different types of situations.
    There is a relationship that needs to be established between a community and it’s police force and the relationship that we have now is not the one that is needed. We are missing an element of communication and respect. With communication, you get a clear understanding of how the police force feels they should act and how the community sees it in reality and with respect, the community needs to respect the police force and vise versa. There is no way to rebuild the relationship between the police and a community if we don’t have those things and the police having both the guardian and warrior mindset is one of the key ingredients to that.
    Finally, I feel that one of the only ways a community knows it will feel safe is if it has someone protecting and helping that community. In the video, he talks about an officer being three different levels when serving and I feel that if the majority of the police force gets on that significant level of service there can be a real change in how the police are viewed. Sun#456

    1. I totally agree with you about having a relationship with the community. We have to have respect from the community if they want to listen to us and cooperate. If we have the community on our side, we also have a community that feels safe with us in power and not like we are going to hurt them or arrest them in every interaction. -Cookie456

    2. I also agree with your last part, however it seems near to impossible, in order to have every police officer on the same level it would require the process of change for a chunk of officers as well as the control of them to maintain that level in every situation. - Moon456

  11. This TED talk was very informative and to-the-point, talking about the two different mindsets and how modern policing is affected by them. The story about the man in the SUV was a great example of how the warrior mindset can obstruct your views about something. Having a warrior mindset is find for some situations but not all the time, the example of the man at Walmart and his blacked-out SUV. You assume that someone with their music blaring and driving like a manic, wouldn’t have someone in a wheelchair with them. It is important that we teach our police officers to have a guardian mindset for their calls and interactions. One of the points I really liked was the flat tire example. Using those three different levels of interaction really tells you how our jobs can have an impact on people, even if it’s something simple as a flat tire. Doing what the third example showed really tells you how you feel about someone, giving them a positive feeling from your interaction with them. What would really help is having the warrior and guardian mindsets working together. Another good point I liked was when he mentioned that if we see our police not doing what they are supposed or overstepping their boundaries, we should say something so that we can get it fixed. This shouldn’t be frowned upon because it would make policing better for everyone. I also like what he said about encompassing the use of training officers with the guardian mindset. Also, what he mentioned about the elimination process is very interesting. Using the recruitment system to find people who truly understand what policing is all about, you could make communities more interested in helping out and giving people a better reason to trust and support our police officers. The big takeaway from this is to support our law enforcement but also understand their mindsets and how we can work together with them to make law enforcement better for everyone. -OUTATIME456

    1. I also felt that his story with the guy in the SUV was a great example, and showed us what the warrior mindset could due to you. You can not judge a book by its covers. He should of waited a minute and watched before he got angry. this TED talk was very informative. -Smiley456

    2. The story of the man in the SUV really stuck with me too because it is something that I think we can all relate too. The fact that we immediately go into warrior mode can be dangerous. I think even as citizens we need to learn how to look at situations differently and more with a guardian mindset in order to be better for ourselves and the affecting people. -wb123

  12. This article gave some intriguing data. I like the fact that he indicated that his father was a cop and he also has had numerous years as a cop as well as a chief show that he has a lot of information regarding this matter. At the point when he talked on how most officers believe that their main responsibility is to uphold the law but in reality, it is important that the officers maintain the Constitution. Chief worked admirably describing the significance and issues with both mindsets. In the wake of watching this video, it is apparent that every single officer must have both of these mindsets, and realize when to utilize them to be effective as a cop. The vast majority wanting to be cops of any sort consider policing quick-paced and perilous, which it is, yet not constantly. I loved his example of him at Walmart. He was judging the guy with his warrior mindset before seeing the final outcome and was thinking to call one of his officer to arrest him or write him a ticket but decided to continue into Walmart and eventually saw the guy walk in pushing a child in a wheelchair and that event has chanced the chiefs mindset and to start seeing the guardian mindset. The community viewpoint has been so absent due to the warrior in an officer has been excessively prepared so they have the mentality of its the Police against the community. The Guardian part of the activity has been disposed of and we are seeing the final products of that with the unbelievable that the community has against the police. I am glad that you picked this video to show us, it made me learn more about the warrior and guardian mindsets and I can relate by seeing them in the everyday word. -Smiley123

    1. I agree with the part about asking a police officer what their job is, and how they overwhelmingly responded with enforcing the laws, when in reality it is protecting peoples Constitution rights was very eye opening for me because yes, police officers do enforce the laws, those laws come from the Constitution which people have rights from.-Legion123

    2. I love when Dean Crisp explained how a police officers job is to protect the community's constitution rights. The warrior mindset is great to have, especially in emergency situations but I think that a guardian mindset is even more great to have. Its extremely important for officers to have a great relationship with the community.-Jas456

    3. I agree that the Walmart example was awesome! I think it really helped get his point across. Also agree with you how in reality police are protecting peoples constitutional rights rather than enforcing the laws. Cops are our guardians and they have that warrior/guardian mindset. Also cops having a good relationship and impression on the community, I think it will help lower crime. -Softball456

  13. This video gave some charming information. I like the way that he demonstrated that his dad was a cop and he additionally has had various years as a cop and as a chief show that he has a great deal of data with respect to this issue. Right when he chatted on how most officers accept that their fundamental obligation is to maintain the law however truly, it is significant that the officers keep up the Constitution. He worked commendably depicting the hugeness and issues with the two mindsets. In the wake of watching this video, it is obvious that each and every officer must have both of these mentalities, and acknowledge when to use them to be compelling as a cop. By far most needing to be cops of any kind consider policing brisk paced and dangerous, which it is, yet not continually. I cherished his case of him at Walmart. He was passing judgment on the person with his warrior mentality before observing the ultimate result and was thinking to call one of his officers to punish him but chose to proceed into Walmart and in the long run observed the person stroll in pushing a youngster in a wheelchair and that occasion has changed the guys outlook and to begin seeing the guardian mindset. The community perspective has been so missing because of the warrior in an official has been unnecessarily arranged so they have the mindset of its the Police against the community. The Guardian part of the movement has been discarded and we are seeing the last results of that with the mind blowing that the community has against the police. Toward the day's end individuals need to understand that cops are individuals as well, and originated from similar neighborhoods they did. The adjustments in the public eye have changed the jobs in cops essentially. -Smiley456

  14. It is important as an officer to have a warrior and a guardian mindset. An officer needs to have a warrior mindset when they are pursuing a criminal. And they must have a guardian mindset when it comes to community policing. Chief Crisp spoke about an incident at Walmart where he jumped the gun, and was upset that a guy had whipped his car into a handicap parking space. His first response was not how can I help this person, but rather he said he got angry at the person for whipping into a handicap parking space. But then he realized that the guy had been pushing a child in a wheel chair. Chief Crisp had simply jumped the gun without waiting to see whether or not there was a handicap person in the vehicle. That actually was his bias kicking in. He thought that the person who whipped their vehicle into the parking space was a non-handicapped person. Because of his bias thinking, he immediately though negatively of the man who got out of the vehicle. I can understand and relate at times when I have the same mindset. And then I think negatively and not highly of the person who gets out of the vehicle. In terms of investigating, one must let the situation play out, and see who gets out of the vehicle, and not jump to conclusions. It is easy to get into this mindset of, I have to arrest the bad guys, and I have to be the strong one. Yes, it is important to have these qualities, but also officers must be transparent. It is imperative for all officers to be able to conduct community policing. It is important that the community’s trust the police especially if there is an investigation happening within the neighborhood. If the community does not trust the police then the investigation will be very difficult. It is hard for the police to be trusted, due to the negative reports from the media. However; it is imperative that we investigate and take steps towards repairing hiring both a warrior and guardian. Illinigurl456

  15. The video that we had to watch really opened up my mind to a lot of things I had never really thought about before, or if I had thought about it, it had never really hit home for me. The list that he explained about the three different types of experiences you can have with a police officer was pretty eye opening. The three levels were survival, successful, and significant. As a police officer you should always shoot for that third level of experience which is significant. That means you should be respectful and make them feel as though you care. You ask them what’s the problem, you help them anyway that you can, and you try to leave a positive impact on them that will last for a very long time. Another thing he talked about was switching between the warrior and guardian mindset. Handling a guardian situation as a warrior would not go over very well. We train police with a warrior mindset because what they do is dangerous and they have to be well disciplined and trained, but as the speaker said that, that is only about ten percent of what they do. So, if do not train them to also be guardians there will be a disconnect between the police and the public. The speaker referenced Sir Robert Peele in his speech about how the police is the community and the community is the police. If we only train police to be warriors they will not be able to have that personal relationship with people in the community that they are policing which will make it harder for them to police the area because there will not be as much trust in them. With the culture right now in regards to police we really need the public to see the guardian side of police. We need to rebuild trust in communities to help out both sides of the table.-Legion123

  16. Chief Dean Crisp did an excellent job explaining the difference between both the warrior and guardian mindset of policing. He did a great job talking about the importance and issues with each mindset. After watching this video, it is very obvious that it is most important for an officer to have both of these to be successful. He did a great job explaining how the police mindset works in different ways with his real-life experiences. I think that the first example that he gave at Walmart really stuck out to me because we have all seen someone do that at the store in our lives. You are going to assume that if someone is young and they are acting a fool that they would not have a handicap, but you cannot tell their situation from just a few seconds. It is important for an officer to have that mindset with their interactions. In that situation, he chooses to wait and think about it and learn more about the situation instead of reacting right away. In today’s world cops and the public are estranged and the guardian mindset is not used when you hear the stories on the news. All you hear about is how an officer did this or that and they acted before they really thought about it and looked into the situation. Being an investigator there is a sense of danger because of the situation they are in and it pushes them into a state of warrior mindset in a life or death situation automatically. When in fact that yes there can be situations that are dangerous, and you need to have your warrior side out, but we should think and look into things first before we act and if we are safe then the guardian mindset needs to be used. If training was focused more on how to be a guardian and seeing things from other perspectives and finding the right intentions, we would be heading down a better track. -Cookie456

  17. I really enjoyed this ted talk with Dean Crisp. He definitely gave me a different outlook on warrior and guardian mindset. How the warrior mindset shapes law enforcement today has been pretty different in the last decade. One of the things that a police officer is equipped with is school shootings. In the last few years or so school shootings have increased tremendously. The warrior mindset is important for police officers to have because they should always protect their community at all cost. If a school shooter starts shooting a kids a police officer should automatically cut on his warrior mindset, act fast and smart. A guardian mindset is completely different. A guardian is a protector of the community. A guardian does not just see the action of policing, he looks out for the community,and is a partner with the community. A person who becomes an officer should always keep in mind that they should always expand their mindset warrior to inclusive being a guardian. A person who is very understanding. People are often scared to connect with police officers because we are scared of them at times. It's very important that the community has a great relationship with the community. Ever encounter with a police officer matters. Officers should not be arresting their way out of the community. The guardian and warrior mindset is important for officers to have. Sometimes officers get so caught up thinking the community deserves the warrior mindset. Dean Crisp also referred to Sir Robert Peele on how the police is the community and the community is the police. I think that police should be more open with the community. The ninth principle says, the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them -Jas456

    1. I agree that the chief really gives you a different mindset even if you had already been aware of the the two separate mindsets. While both are very important the guardian mindset definitely seems to hold the most grounds in regards to community policing as well as investigating crimes. -Blues456

  18. I think this video was very beneficial. It really made me understand that police officers have different mindsets. I do not think many people realize that most police officers have that warrior mindset so they are always thinking of the worst that could happen. I think the story that he told about him going to Walmart really helped me realize that police are always on their toes even when they are off duty. I thought it was interesting when he talked about survival, successful, and significant. You see many cops now a days pull up behind someone with a flat tire and then just call for help and leave them. If an officer is significant he or she will be respected. I also think the way a cop approaches a situation or the way he talks is a big thing when helping someone. I do agree that if a cop shows that he cares and makes you feel comfortable, it shows what type of person that cop is. I also think that people need to respect police officers more because they put their lives on the line everyday to protect us. I also think departments do need to look more into people they hire because there may be people out there that want to be cops but maybe aren’t suitable for the job but they hired anyways because they are the only choice. When he was talking about police officers only using 5-10% of what they learned in training is not good in my opinion. I think police officers should be trained more mentally than physically. The mental part of being a police officer is a big thing. They have to have a wider mindset than just a warrior mindset. There are good cops and there are bad cops, that's just how society goes.

  19. I think this video was very beneficial. It really made me understand that police officers have different mindsets. I do not think many people realize that most police officers have that warrior mindset so they are always thinking of the worst that could happen. I think the story that he told about him going to Walmart really helped me realize that police are always on their toes even when they are off duty. I thought it was interesting when he talked about survival, successful, and significant. You see many cops now a days pull up behind someone with a flat tire and then just call for help and leave them. If an officer is significant he or she will be respected. I also think the way a cop approaches a situation or the way he talks is a big thing when helping someone. I do agree that if a cop shows that he cares and makes you feel comfortable, it shows what type of person that cop is. I also think that people need to respect police officers more because they put their lives on the line everyday to protect us. I also think departments do need to look more into people they hire because there may be people out there that want to be cops but maybe aren’t suitable for the job but they hired anyways because they are the only choice. When he was talking about police officers only using 5-10% of what they learned in training is not good in my opinion. I think police officers should be trained more mentally than physically. The mental part of being a police officer is a big thing. They have to have a wider mindset than just a warrior mindset. There are good cops and there are bad cops, that's just how society goes.
    - Softball456

    1. I agree with the mindset that many officers posses because of the situations they face on a day to day basis can make them think that way. Some officers are always "on-duty" even when they are technically off duty which can show mentally that the warrior mindset of always expecting the worst can mentally harm them. -Blues123

    2. I agree with your comment because cops have changed in the past years for many reasons. They are always on their toes and expecting the worst to come so they also going to choose the worst way to resort to a problem. If police were always the guardian then they would not have to expect the worse they would give someone the benefit of the doubt. Them changing as police officers could be because they have given too many “benefit of the doubt” to where they have to start expecting the worst. But I 100% agree that officers should be trained more on the mental note than physically but then again police need the physical part of training. But, I do believe that the mental aspect should be valued more. -Tumble456

  20. What sticks out to me the most from this video is that the ever present divide we see today between police officers and the community is addressed. Dean Crisp, the speaker and a former police chief, believes that this stems from the warrior mindset taught in training being applied to situations that it shouldn’t be. I agree with this entirely. The warrior mindset is one that has the officer doing a job, not providing a service, like what policing really is. I further concur with his statements regarding the interactions with police and the people, and it’s how officers make the people feel during these interactions that close this divide. By providing what Crisp defines as significant help, officers are working towards improving the trust of the public, and helping them see that what Robert Peel said: “The police are the people, and the people are the police.” This statement needs to actually be what is believed by both law enforcement and communities, and by being able to successfully balance and use each mind set, the warrior and the guardian, officers bring this closer to reality every day. He also points out that training is another contributor to this divide. Our training and hiring system is flawed. According to him, we hired based on what candidates are left not by choosing those best fit. Picking the best of the worst benefits absolutely no one. It is infinitely better to wait for the right person to come along, rather than put someone on a beat that shouldn’t be assigned one in the first place. It’s not only hiring but apparently training compounds to make matters worse. This really surprises me, especially since it’s known that cases of poorly used warrior mindsets which have gone public, via news outlets and social media, work towards separating the police and the people. I would think that special attention would be brought to how and when to adopt and use the warrior mindset. Hopefully this will change.

  21. I definitely agree with everything former chief, Dean Crisp said in this video.The most interesting topic that caught my attention was about how the role of a police officer has changed in so many ways. Some police officers unfortunately, only see and act as a warrior instead of a guardian. Officers in this year are looked down upon. Sadly the officers are not the communities, “role models” as they used to be, so therefore, not many people want to be an officer and if they did families may reject them. I liked how Dean explained the definition of guardian. The police officer is the protector and should care about the actual calls of our community instead of the mentality, “Oh, what am I going to do,” which are the warriors instincts. I believe in giving respect to receive respect. It is true, police officers leaves an impact on the person. It is all about how they react and their first impression to the incident and that person who committed the crime. I feel like if many cops see these people as they are the people, then it would help a lot in the future. For an example, If someone was racing to get to their job because it was there last warning at the job and the only reason they were behind was because their child was sick. If the police officer pulls them over and just communicate with them the outcome can go fast and easy. Communicating is key, if there is a better communication there will be a better outcome on both sides. If the police officer were to judge that person and was disrespectful and just wrote them up a ticket and not even communicate with that person, that will leave an impact on them, they are most likely to remember that outcome instead of the good outcome. I did also enjoy when Dean Crisp was speaking about how we need to step up our training up because police officers are getting trained for the basics but that only comes to 5-10% of the reality of the job. We need our communities corporation and respect so we can all exceed in the line to protect and we need to learn how to protect our communities better. - Charmed123

  22. Chief Crisp does an outstanding job explaining the differences between the two mindsets of the warrior and the guardian. The examples used really go into a deeper thinking with which mindset helps our communities better. As the chief stated, the guardian mindset is used and needs to be used more often. A warrior, while still protecting, may be too aggressive on a community who needs to have positive relations with a community. I agree with the chief that the guardian mindset is more important when dealing with public relations versus dealing with life threatening situations. Officers need to be able to turn the mindset of a warrior off and on when needed. In obvious circumstances involving life and death situations the warrior mindset would be required but those situations do not happen every single day. While the more aggressive approach may result in more arrests as well as having more potential for ridding the streets of firearms it tends to harm a community as well. A community may be targeted more when a warrior constantly patrols their area if that officer finds something illegal once. A guardian, while still actively patrolling, will not always seek arrest as well as super aggressive patrolling, but try and spend more time with the members of the community. The guardian mindset can cause a community to feel protected and positively towards the police versus attacked and over policed. Community relations is what modern policing needs to be centered around more especially today with the public's view of law enforcement. When needed the warrior mindset should be used but officers are to serve the community they patrol, that is why I believe the chief is right that the guardian mindset should be trained more frequently. -Blues123

    1. I agree. I love how intellectually and how deep he thinks because he definitely opened my mind and made me think about the world a little bit differently! Food for thought, honestly! Guardian versus Warrior is definitely a good way to help shape police officers and a good way to help just a little bit on how to engage with the community. It definitely makes you think differently, its something I will carry from now on.

      - Canelo123

  23. Great educational video! I definitely enjoyed Chief Crip’s Ted Talk. He speaks about how police officers are only trained one-way. A rookie officer is sent to the academy, he or she is thought how to dictate situations tactically, which is all fine. Although, he said the expand your world to different possibilities which expands the mindset of a guardian. Being a warrior is fine, absolutely nothing wrong.

    I like his talk even more! He talks about asking police officers today and what their job is, and most will answer “to enforce the law”. Correct, but there is also more to it. I also like how he explains the definition of a warrior and a guardian. He sees the warrior as a “us and them” or against something. He also explains how he understands and comprehends having that mindset because he lived it, but also how contagious it can be as well.

    I like the story about the handicapped boy. Basically, he had a different perception of this individual and when he finally saw him again, it all made sense to him. This goes back to judging people ahead of time and now knowing the reason behind it. We cannot judge someone until we encountered the truth behind it.

    9:17 Chief Crisp talks about the levels of how a police officer talks and engages with the people of the community. I found this part highly interesting because I can definitely relate to this with past experience with police officers, and I can say what and how the police officer dealt with my situation. I love this part so much, because funny enough the same story he told, happened to me! Now in my experience, I can say the officer who engaged towards me was basic in my situation. He was nothing special, he never made me feel special and whatnot, but I didn't really matter to me, but now I can expand my mind differently next time an officer engages towards me or better yet, how I can potentially engage with people too. Really helpful and definitely something I can carry on with the rest of my life!

    He is right! Every time an officer engages people, it should be something to remember. Hopefully in a positive way.

    Now, I know the difference between guardian vs. warrior and it all makes sense to me!

    - Canelo123

    1. I also enjoyed the story of the teenage boy who parks in the parking space all fast, tinted windows, music blaring, and most likely disrupting people around him in the parking lot. But, he said he took the time to stop and observe more, not just "come to the rescue of others around him and put the boy 'in his place.'" Finally, when he saw the boy again helping out a child in a wheelchair this definitely gave him more of a PERSPECTIVE of this teenager. He wasn't just a teenie being reckless, but he also was a boy helping someone out in need. This goes back to what we all learn from our family, loved ones, church, school, a police academy even - DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER. You have to find all the "evidence" and all the sides to the story to act or make a conclusion about a situation (in police terms, a case). As a police officer, not passing judgement and helping someone out OR not passing judgement and solving a case to the best of your ability and having as much facts and evidence as possible is always the best way to enforce the law AND protect the community that police officer is protecting.

  24. I agree with the chief's position in regards to the way he thinks the training and hiring of our officers should be changed. In the mindset of an investigator I believe there is a strong time and place for both the warrior and the guardian. As an officer investigation a crime scene or other incident they may need the warrior mindset in order to aggressively pursue leads or otherwise known suspect information. While investigating the prior usage of a guardian mindset may also have been crucial prior to starting an investigation. If an officer or detective is well known in a community for always helping out, the community may end up coming forward to that officer with information of the crime committed. If an officer with the mindset of a warrior was to attempt to approach his community they would more than likely be less forthcoming with valuable information related to a the crime committed. Another instance of the warrior potentially not always being useful in situations of an investigation would be that they might end up arrested the wrong individual who may match a description but be the completely wrong individual that they would have ignored if they had more information. Placing immediate blame on any individual without first gathering necessary information can also harm your image, just like what the chief's example was with the handicap parking spot. Jumping to conclusions in that situation not only would have looked bad but also angered a member of the public. It is evident that both mindsets are crucial to the field of law enforcement but I tend to lean toward the guardian mindset having a much greater impact on how you conduct yourself as well as the imagine you would retain with the public. -Blues456

    1. I completely agree with you when you say it’s important as an investigator to have a guardian mindset. If the community knows the investigators well and believes they are fair and helpful there is a better chance the public will come forward with information and cooperate with the police better in general.

  25. Dean Crisp has an amazing outlook on how the mindset of a police officer should be. He describes the inner workings of an officer to be a “warrior mindset” a mindset that not only enforces the laws of the country, town, and city but actually protects the constitution and the rights of their citizens. Crisp brought up how police may not have this mindset because our police departments use a system of “process of elimination” instead of process that should look for something like integrity. I have to agree with him because as he shared a story about him going to walmart and noticed that a souped up loud car parked in a handicap stop with no visible handicap signs his first thought was to write him a ticket or even call in an arrest. But he decided to think like a warrior and give this person the benefit of the doubt and because he did that he found out that the guy driving had a little girl who used a wheelchair. And I believe this is important because so many people think that police officers are out looking for someone to arrest but they are really out looking to protect and help us. Crisp explained that the police are also Guardians, which means they are the protectors, and they are a team with the community not separated from the community and I think that is a good way to think of them. Police are around us to be apart of our lives and hold us together as a whole. Without the police what would happen? And not only that but what would happen if the police did not care about the Robert Peel principles, the Constitution, or even the protection of the citizens in their community? The police have to want to work with the community in a way that their mindset is strong and reliable. I believe that you need both of these mindsets to be a police officer and that you need to be able to distinguish the two also. I think we have to be driven and assume the worst during certain situations but I also believe that officers need to be guardians 100% of the time. Always be the guardian but once needed be a warrior. -Tumble456

    1. If a law enforcement agent is a guardian a hundred percent of the time, who is stopping the manipulative criminal from putting one over on the responding law enforcement agent? It goes without saying that one should not immediately try to legally and physically or emotionally pummel a suspect, but do not let the mindset of the warrior completely subside until all facts are gathered and the person in question is deemed not a threat for certain. -HUBRIS456

  26. Chief Crisp did an outstanding job at acknowledging both sides of the mindset warrior or guardian. He used great examples of this mindset such as the Walmart example. He chose the guardian role and he chose the correct role because he was patient enough to let the situation develop. But unlike certain situations you often have to make your choice on the spot without time to think. So I agree with the chief that the guardian role should be introduced and drilled more frequently.-wiseguy456

  27. The warrior mindset is helpful in times of need; in any dangerous situation across the United States I am very thankful police officers are trained to be the warriors they are. As soon as possible, they are trained to handle mass shootings, school shootings, terrorism etc. even though that only covers 5-10% of their job. When it comes to everyday life within the community though, the warrior mindset isn’t necessary and should change to reflect those of a guardian instead; connecting with others is important when you’re trying to gain their respect and trust. Throughout the Ted Talk the speaker explains how his mindset has changed over the years to reflect Sir Robert Peel’s principles more and more. He even says once “the police are the public and the public is the police”. Although an overwhelming amount of police will say their job is to enforce the law, their main goal is to protect the constitutional rights of all people. Very rarely do people encounter a police officer and leave feeling better than before the interaction; most of the time we’re being stopped for speeding or texting and driving and get pulled over to be written a ticket. We think of those things when we think about the police; we don’t think of the police being the good guys when dangerous situations occur or them helping us when we’re stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. A guardian is someone who works to protect the community and partners with the community; it is not someone who is separate from the community and creating the “us vs. them” scenario.

    1. I do agree that it is very important to train officers to be warriors in times of need. During shootings, terrorist threats, etc., the public needs to feel safe and protected in capable hands; however, as you mentioned from the video, these only cover 5-10% of the job. The majority of the job requires understanding, cooperation, and a more patient mindset. The Peel Principle you added to your response is perfect because the police cannot function properly without the cooperation of the public and the public cannot be safe without the cooperation of the police. One cannot be complete without the other helping. -Gamma456

  28. Chief Crisp analyzes both sides of the dichotomous mind of law enforcement agents. On one hand, the warrior mindset is useful in tactical and crisis situations. On the other, it could potentially get an innocent bystander accidentally harmed or caught in a rough situation if the warrior mindset is used without caution. Analyze the situation, look at the subliminal aspects and context of said situation, then react accordingly. Chief Crisp gives a good example of his accidental misuse of his warrior's mind in the Walmart parking lot story. Crisp didn't let his personal emotions get in the way as soon as he understood what was happening. Instead, he appropriately switched to being a guardian, or a people's man who keeps good relations with those he is to protect and serve. Things could have ended very badly for both parties involved if Crisp let his warrior mind affect his decisions. Not only that but Chief Crisp would have risked the reputation of his whole department if he had reacted badly to his aforementioned situation. He clearly indicates and explains what makes a good law enforcement agent in three different tiers of public satisfaction. Going above and beyond to help those within his/her jurisdiction will in the long run create a better public outlook on enforcement agencies and their agents. -HUBRIS456

    1. I like how you explained the different mindsets of police officers because you gave valid examples that have happened before. I also thought that the Walmart story was a good example of how someone can switch the guardian mindset if they take a second to think about the situation. I like how you set up your response because you made it clear and to the point. -HL456

  29. The speaker in this video has had a lot of experience dealing with the mindsets of warriors and guardians so he knows the difference between them and how they function. He explains that a warrior is a person who is at war with something and that they have a mentality to enforce the law no matter what. While he goes on he talks about what a guardian mindset is like. The guardian is more of a protector of the people and worries more about the cause than the action of being a police officer. I enjoyed the story he told about how he has had that warrior mindset before and how you can change it to the guardian mindset if you can be understanding. He explains that every police officer needs to understand the guardian mindset because it is something that will help the officer become better at his job. Having the guardian mindset means the officer is more connected with the community and is helping people when it's needed. I like that he had different examples with police officers and someone stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire because it showed three different ways an officer could respond. If it was me stuck on the side of the road with no help or way to call for help I would very much appreciate a police officer stopping to help me change my tire. I think it would be appreciated by anyone because we don’t see it very often and when people do they see that officer as a guardian. Police officers shouldn’t have a complete mindset on guardian or a complete mindset on warrior. The best way to be a good officer is to have a guardian mindset with a little bit of the warrior mindset. The speaker made very important points on how some police officers act and how police officers should act. The video showed me how the police can find ways to be apart of the community if they choose to be. -HL456

  30. This TED Talk definitely opened my eyes to how police officers can develop the warrior mindset as well as how older and/or retired officers are noticing this and working to help change and educate about this. I never thought about how the academy is the first place the warrior mindset can be taught. Though teaching about tactical operations and what to do in case of danger is extremely important, Chief Crisp made an excellent point that the academy should also teach officers to work and cooperate with the community. It was sad to hear that most officers, when explaining their jobs, described it as “enforcing the law” rather than protecting the rights of the people. I believe simply changing how they define their jobs can really help change an officer’s mindset from warrior to guardian. Regarding the three “S” strategies, I never really considered how simple these are. Just going from doing the bare minimum for someone to completely going out of your despite having more work to do can help to better the relationship between the people and the police. Now I understand that during extreme instances, such as a chase or needing to be at crime in progress, can keep officers from getting to the most exemplary of the strategies due to the circumstances; however, they should still keep these in mind for when they have the time to spare. Overall, I find that a lot of these steps, though small, can really help this issue if kept up. The officers, especially those who have served longer, will have to work hard to change their mindset and remind themselves that they serve to protect not enforce. -Gamma456

    1. I like how you brought up how older or retired officers are seeing the development of the warrior mindset and are trying to help develop the whole character. I also did not realize how important the three S strategy was, and how much it could affect the communities view on the police around them. -Bears123

  31. The video is a great representation of the Warrior or Guardian mindset. Not only does the presenter provide his personal opinion on the matter, but he offers examples as well as his belief of both being needed when you are a police officer. I agree with him, when you are a member of the police force it should be adamant that you have the ability to switch from the warrior mindset to the guardian mindset or vice versa. Doing so with thought and consideration could be the difference between a lawsuit, a conflict, and even death. His relation to how the police see their job makes a lot of sense to their actions. If you watch cop movies and reality cop shows you see the warrior mindset overpower the guardian mindset because that's what people want to see, this provides the future law enforcement with the idea that is suitable. Action and thrill provides someone with an aura of interest, telling everyone you let a guy out of a ticket because you felt bad doesn’t sell as well when it comes to bragging rights. Although it is considered a bad mindset in most situations I think the warrior mindset in his story of the Walmart parking lot fits well. I personally believe it would anger anyone to see someone take that spot in such a way and manner, it would anger me based on the fact that someone who is handicapped would need that spot more so. When under the belief that police are trained for the warrior mindset, it makes sense because of the manner of the training, they are taught the laws and rules, then taught the procedures, but how much time is spent on the medical aspect? Is there even a training exercise for medical in the heat of the situation. - Moon456

  32. This video did a great job on describing and showing the differences in Guardian and Warrior mentalities. The presenter had plenty of experience in the police force and had great examples of Guardian and Warrior mindsets. He presented different scenarios of each and even told about his experiences having to switch between them. I agreed with him saying the polices main goal should not be enforcing the law, but instead protecting the people. It is of upmost importance that an officer can switch between Guardian and Warrior because it can have a substantial change on whatever scenario is happening at the time. The Guardian should be, in my opinion, the main mindset an officer should have. Their most important goal is to make sure the people are safe and can rely on them to trust the officers so that they can do their job to the best of their abilities. But saying this, the Warrior mindset is extremely important as well. If a situation gets out of control and threatens the lives of innocents, the officer should be able to turn the Warrior on and do what they have to do to protect the people. Officers get a bad rap sometimes because there are officers who either focus mostly on Warrior, or do not know how to properly switch between the two. The story he told about his encounter with this at Walmart really showed me how easy it is for officers to forget to switch. Long stressful days can easily make you stay in the Warrior mindset all day, which can cause you to get angry before you see the whole picture. This video also showed me the little things you can do to help build trust with the community, the more you do and more help you give citizens the more they are likely to trust and help you in the future.-Bears123

    1. i agree with everything you guys are saying but what thing is for certain one officerss life cant be replaced. navy456

  33. From watching the video I think he does a great job breaking down the differences between the warrior and the guardian. I feel that the police have become militarized and feel that the officers that come out of the academies nowadays are only trained with a warrior mindset because of the times we are in like the all to often mass shootings, terrorism, and more and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that in particular but when you go into a community thinking everybody is a potiental suspect it leaves little room for understanding and compassion and this goes into Peel’s Nine principles “Police must secure the willing cooperation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public”. You cannot go into someone’s home demanding they respect you if have not shown the behavior of someone who deserves respect. The guardian aspect before entering into my criminal justice class was a foreign ideal to me considering I don't think I have ever encountered a police officer who came into a situation with that mindset before, I have always experienced the warrior aspect and did not know the guardian aspect was something that police officers are trained with but in my experience they have not used such training, they have immediately prosecuted or judged, me and the people around me as if we are the suspects even if we were the person or people who have called for their assistance. I also think that protecting the rights of the people as the speaker said has not been practiced by many in law enforcement and seems that policing is just more of the same as it was before Robert Peel, corrupt, bias and greed. I feel that if anyone has violated the rights of citizens it has been the police. My solution I feel would be best is that more academies train and really emphasis that yes, the warrior is important but the guardian is what the true essence of what a police officer truly is. -Edw123

    1. Your comment that you have never dealt with someone with a guardian mindset is interesting. I really do not recall anytime that I had an interaction with an officer with a guardian mindset either. It makes me really wonder what personal experiences police officers have had to have gone through or maybe it has to do with training to be in a warrior mindset indefinitely. CP3123

  34. first off menatl illnes is a big problem intodays society. With legalization of weed and every other drug bad people can get their medicine of care whatever makes makes them feel good. all i am saying is it takes a strong person to be a police officer in todays world. navy456

  35. In this video the man talks about his father being his inspiration. He told a story about his father in a situation where there was a shootout between the police and a man on his porch. His father and another officer went around back and saw the gunman. The gunman had fired a shot and barely missed his head. His father returned fire and killed the man. He talks about how every police officer has a mind set of a warrior. When officers are being trained they are being taught what to do in shooting and violent situations. So they are having the warrior mindset engraved into their head. He talks about officers need warrior mindset about 10 percent of the time. Warriors are at war with something. He talks about how one day was specifically hard and he went to shop at walmart, there was a guy that was parked in the handicap spot and he said his warrior mindset kicked in and could have gotten the guy arrested. He thought about it and just went inside and shopped. A few minutes later he saw the man pushing a wheelchair in with a child in it. His mindset went from warrior to guardian immediately and thought he would do anything to protect that man and child now. Guardians are a partner with the community and not against them. They see the cause of policing not just the action of policing. Officers need the guardian mindset to be able to connect with people. You use guardian mindset more and it is very important to have. You need both mindsets and need to learn the happy medium between the two. It is good to see the thoughts of a police chief and what he thinks officers need nowadays especially. -wb123

    1. I agree with your statement, it is important to have a good balance of the warrior and guardian mindset. We are all human being with feelings and we have bad days, so on duty or off, going out of your way to truly help people get through their bad day and get to know them can truly make a difference in not only their lives but in the community as well. --Brianna123

  36. This was a very interesting video because it allowed me to understand policing and how to police with two different mindsets. I agree that to be a good police officer, you must have different techniques and outlooks on every situation. It is true that many officers have that warrior mindset, where they are at war with something and there only objective is to protect the constitutional rights. Which yes, I agree you must uphold the constitutional rights, but you also must be a guardian about it. A guardian is a protector of the community and see's the call of policing, not just the action. Having a proper balance of the two will allow for officers to truly connect with the community and partner up. It is crucial that we come together and work together. In order to repair the relationship with the community we must connect with them. If officers serve their people, take the time to hear them out and to help them out, there is no doubt of creating a stronger bond to the people around you. Sir Robert Peel's statement about police are the people and the people are the police. We are one, most of us are living in the same area and want the same thing. Why be against each other when we can work together and accomplish so much more?-- Brianna123

    1. I agree with you in order to be a good police officer you need to have different mindsets in dealing with different situations. A police officer also need to try its hardest to connect with the community because like Sir Robert peel said the police is the people and the people is the police. checo123

  37. From watching the video I understood what the difference between having a warrior mindset and having a guardian mindset is. The video really dissects each mentality. For what I understood watching the video having a warrior mindset is having the technical ways and training to get a task done, get in get out. That is what police officers are being trained on today since the moment the step into police academy and like chief Crisp said that the warrior mind shapes today's law enforcement. Having a warrior mindset is not a bad thing but police officers should also learn when to use a warrior mindset and when not to use that mindset and to be a guardian like having a switch button for different types of scenarios. Chief crisp also talks about the guardian mentality and how policing should move to and expand their mindset and not to only have a warrior mindset but to expand to the guardian mindset. As Chief Crisp explains it there's three levels of service delivered by a police officer basic, satisfactory and exemplary being the the highest level of professionalism shown by a police officer which means to me going above and beyond to complete a task or a call or a traffic stop. That is what being a guardian means taking the time to check up on people treating people how they like to be treated not treating someone differently because an officer has a badge like Sir robert peel said the police is the people and the people is the police. Chief Crisp talks about how the trust in the police and the relationship is not good in the community and how it has been at an all time low in the United States and for that to change the way of policing needs to move away for only dealing with situations with the warrior mindset and move to the guardian mindset and use the warrior mindset when it's needed. checo123

  38. Policing shouldn't just be about Warrior or Guardian. It takes both - Warrior AND Guardian to mold together into the mindset, actions, and causes inside every police officer. A police officer and the public must have a relationship that is constantly being improved and becoming better as police and the public figure out ways to work together, stop crime, find solutions to issues (major and minor), and most of all establish trust and respect. A Warrior mindset helps a police officer develop the view of the tactical and technical things involved with policing. A Guardian mindset helps a police officer develop the view of the solutions and resolutions to the issues and problems the public may have and also into the police department as well. Being a part of the community (mainly in the Guardian mindset) is a key component to establishing a great deal of difference in the community a police officer is protecting. Being the one who is enforcing the law and protecting the citizens from crime (mainly in the Warrior mindset) is the other key component to establishing a great deal of justice and security within the community. The mindset is just the starting point though. This is what I feel this video lacks - the talk about emotions, decision making, and the consequences (good and bad) when lacking one of these mindsets (Warrior and Guardian). Overall, this video is a good starting point to understanding the mindset that is expected of a police officer. Truffles123


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