After Speaking to the Police Service Professionals....My Thoughts


  1. The Peoria Police Department’s speech was very interesting and informative. I really enjoyed hearing all the different officers speak about their background with law enforcement and the Peoria Police Department. After listening to everything the different officers said I understood that this is definitely the field for me. It was very eye-opening hearing all the different stories told by the officers, on how they found their way to law enforcement. I really enjoyed listening to the cadets, with these young officers being around the same age and maturity as myself. Listening to them speak about everything they have learned and how much they have while doing so, just gets me more and more excited to further my journey in law enforcement. I also found it very interesting that every police officer is trained the same way, but each officer receives and shows training in different ways. As the cadets were explaining each officer has a different way of doing things, at different intensities. Along with that one of the cadets also stated that being a cadet can help you decide what your passion or end goal is in law enforcement. I also found it helpful with all the tips they gave the audience. How to show up to an interview, what to say at the interview, along with telling us to be confident in ourselves and to over sell ourselves to the interviewer. This is extremely helpful to understand not only in law enforcement, but in any path, someone may choose to go in. Today the officers also went over the new law changes with the legalization of cannabis and cleared up the laws for civilians and police officers. Officers also explained the hiring process, which includes the P.O.W.E.R test and what you may see in the academy. All in all, the Peoria Police Department went over some very helpful information, and did a great job getting me excited to begin my career in the criminal justice field. -LW456

    1. I also was very interested in the cadets speech about how nobody's training manifests in the same exact way. Everyone’s personal experiences allow them to interpret situations and responses in their own unique way, which I very much appreciate. Obviously, with the amount of training everyone consistently receives, they are capable of adequately dealing with situations. However, the different thought processes behind each individual and their actions allow the department to be more well rounded in training and the real world. -Gatsby456

    2. I also found it very interesting that the cadets told us about their experiences, and how each person is trained the same, but everyone uses those techniques differently in the end. It was nice hearing things from them since they’re closer to our age and still in school as well.

  2. Today I attended the meeting with the Police Department. They talked about the department and really hit on the resume and interview to get a job especially a law enforcement job. I interned at this police department and I actually really liked it. I was able to see all of the different departments and get a glimpse of what a day looks like. I personally would not like to go to this certain PD just because I don’t want to stay in this state, it’s too cold. Even though I don’t want to be on the force in this state, they did give me very useful information on how I can better my chances to be in any department. They first gave a little insight into what they did before joining the force and then they talked about how their life has changed since being in the department. You could tell they all really enjoyed their jobs and it was refreshing to see police officers in a violent city still loving their job. They talked about doing volunteer work and having extra-curriculum activities on your resume and how it helps to make you stand out. They talked about when you go into your interview to really show yourself off and tell the interviewers all about yourself. They kind of hit on the hiring process of an officer and what you should start doing now to better prepare yourself for our future jobs. They gave insight into their department and that they do a lot more than just catch bad guys. I’m glad I attended this meeting, it gave me a little more information about things I had never really thought about. They made me think more about how to build my resume and how to really stand out from the crowd. -wb123

    1. I agree with you, it was really nice how the officers made everything they talked about relate to any law enforcement job, anywhere. Also they were helpful in explaining the interview process for not only law enforcement, but any other job someone my be interested in. I really enjoyed this meeting and found it very helpful. -LW456

    2. I agree, I really think they helped us with how to really stand out from others when we go to interview and I really liked how they gave us those tips. I like what you said about how you noticed how they really love their jobs despite all the misery and despair they see on a daily basis. I also noticed that as well and I think that really showed how much fun you can have as an officer as well. -wags123

    3. I agree with what you said, they really did cover all the major topics to know about. I really like that you can do so much with this career, whether it is volunteer work, overtime opportunities, or moving up in rank. Even if you didn't want to stay in Peoria the department will help you find and transfer to another department best suit for your needs. There are so many opportunities that the Peoria Police Department can offer. Brianna123

  3. I think the Peoria Police Department did an excellent job of marketing themselves to the Criminal Justice majors of Illinois Central College. I had no idea how many different departments they had, and how short of a period they have for being able to transfer into one of them. I talked to an officer after the meeting, who told me that by the time you are off of probation, you only have about six months of patrol before you are able to apply to the department of your desires. I was happy to hear about a lot of departments in Peoria that I know I would be very interested in, including homicide, crimestoppers, etc. In my opinion, the most insightful segment of the presentation was the job interview tips. I personally would not have thought to discuss non school or work related activities during an interview, but if what you do in your free time adds to desirable characteristics for your employer, there are only benefits to discussing it. It hadn’t crossed my mind that an employer may not look over your resume before an interview, which is also great to know regardless of the job I pursue. As someone new to the criminal justice field, I also wasn’t aware of the specific physical requirements for application and consideration, which is a crucial aspect in hiring should I apply in the future. Furthermore I appreciated that, in terms of social media presence, they seemed to have a reasonable policy. From the point that you decide to be a cop, reflect that behavior at all times. That way, if an employer decided to check your social media’s for professionalism, they will not be disappointed. One officer mentioned cleaning all of your questionable behaviors up from the time you make that decision. During hiring, you should never lie, but your truthful answers should reflect the dedication you have made to the job you are applying for. -Gatsby456

    1. Before this presentation, I also forgot that they had added more departments. They were extremely informative about each of their jobs and what they specifically do. I also liked that most of them actually went to ICC before they got their jobs at the Peoria Police Department. It made them seem more relatable. –kahilffcj456

    2. I feel your last part of your post was very important for everyone to hear because of how you need to have integrity as well as honesty in order to pursue this field because there is no room for individuals who will not hold themselves to those high standards and morals.-Blues456

  4. My class and I were able to attend a meeting with the Officers and Cadets of the Peoria Police Department. I personally was really excited for this meeting and being able to talk to them because my dad who was on the force for 33 years in total and about 25 of those years with the Peoria Police. With that being said, I have a love and respect for their department and the people who work there. I have been able to get to know a lot of the officers that are still there like Captain Todd Green and Amy Dotson who were at the meeting talking to us and I also got to know some that are now retired like my dad. Anyways, I really found the meeting very informative and it really just showed me that I really want to be a police officer and especially a police officer for Peoria. One thing that really stood out to me was when Amy Dotson was giving us all tips on the interview process, I think that was such a nice tip for all of us and it will really be useful when we go to interview. Another thing was when one of the officers who is a residential officer in the south side talked about how he helps the community. I like the idea of having that officer there for problems and that way they do not necessarily have to use patrol units for those little things. One thing that Captain Todd Green mentioned about the power test I think is really important. Those who want to go into law enforcement need to train and be in shape and it’s so important to pass that test to get the job. Going along with that I found it interesting that if you fail the psychological or any part of a test you take to get the job that you can retake it later the next time they hire. I like how they don’t just send you away forever if you don't pass a certain part but with that being said I feel that no one should fail the power test because I have heard a lot of people lose these good paying jobs because they fail the power test. The last thing I want to mention is how I really enjoyed listening to the cadets talk about the department and their experiences. Overall, I really enjoyed the meeting and talking with the officers and cadets. -wags123

    1. I did not know that if you fail one of the tests to become an officer you can just wait a little bit and retake it. I hadn't really thought about failing any of the tests but I'm glad they said something about it so now I have more knowledge about it. Overall the whole thing was very informative and made me want to be in law enforcement even more than I already had. -wb123

    2. I like how you incorporated the information and the background about your dad who also was in the Peoria Police Department. I think it shows that he was a special mentor in your life and that he inspired you to become a police officer. I also liked that you brought up the interview tips Amy Dotson gave us because that was very important for when we decide to start our careers those tips will help us in the long run.-HL456

  5. I found the Peoria Police Department’s presentation extremely interesting and informative. They covered topics I didn’t even think about. They covered topics like the police living in certain neighborhoods, marijuana, and education that are needed. I found that the two police officers who lived in certain neighborhoods interesting. I had seen something about this on the news, a few weeks ago. I really didn’t know anything about that program. The only down side I see to that is that you have to be available at all times of the night or day. I also liked when the first officer spoke, that he was telling the audience what they have to stop doing that second, if they wanted to work with the Peoria Police Department. I also liked how he said he would put his officers against any department in the state or the nation. It really showed that he had confidence in how much he believed in his department. All the officers seemed like they were happy with their jobs. Also, they were very honest about what it’s like being a police officer is like. I remember someone saying that you will lose some friends and family because of what you do, and that hit me hard. It’s also very true. My sister is not too happy with me going into the criminal justice field. But, also some of your friends might be happy about your job. I remember one officer saying that someone introduced them as, “my friend ______ the police officer” or something like that. If I’m being honest I kind of didn’t want to go to the presentation. I had gone to it in past years and thought it would just be the same presentation. But I’m glad I went. Since last year the Peoria Police Department had add some new departments that I know little to nothing about. Again it was very informative and I’m glad I went. Also, can’t wait to see what they have added next year.Also, all the officers seemed to actually want to be there and answered all our questions -kahilffcj456

    1. I was also surprised by some of the topics the department was talking about. This being my first time attending I really didn’t know what to expect in the first place, but I didn’t know they had police officers living in certain neighborhoods. I also think that the police officers not sugar coating their jobs is important, because a lot of people can’t handle that kind of work. -CRJB123

    2. I agree that this was very interesting and full of information. I feel like all of the information was very crucial to hear directly from the source. Understanding what is expected of the new recruits and seasoned officers can really reassure someone who may have been on the fence about applying. -Blues123

  6. After speaking to the police service professionals, I learned a lot about the police hiring process and some benefits police officers have. They touched on their rate of pay, their health insurance benefits, and furthering our education at the police academy. In a way, it was relieving that the officers who ran the presentation said repeatedly how they would put the Peoria Police Department above any other department in the nation. They seemed confident in their department and fellow officers and gave us all the impression they loved their jobs. It was helpful to hear from some police officers themselves what they do and don’t expect of a potential officer. It was nice to hear that they aren’t necessarily looking for someone who has had multiple law enforcement related jobs, but someone who has worked in customer service and knows how to deal with people and think critically on their feet. One of the cadets mentioned that they even have an orientation that deals with how to handle the interviewing process, how to stand out, and even helps with what to wear to impress them. I found it interesting that cadets get to learn hands on training by going on ride-alongs with officers; it would be cool to learn from multiple different officers and form your own way of doing things in certain situations. One of the cadets said that no one’s training manifests in the same way; every cadet is trained the same things, but each person uses those techniques differently. I personally do not want to be a police officer, but I can see how meeting some of the Peoria officers can be very interesting and inspiring for my classmates. I’m grateful the Peoria Police Department took time out of their busy schedule to come talk to us at ICC.

  7. I found listening to the Peoria Police Department very informative and interesting. One thing that really caught my attention was their pay rate. The Peoria Police Department takes pride in their high pay rate at twenty eight dollars an hour. They have a lot of good benefits including a pension they take pride in. When an officer has been working for twenty years they could retire and receive half their pay of their last paycheck. When an officer has been working for 30 years they then could retire and receive 75% of their last paycheck. If you have retired and so happen to die before your wife or husband they will then receive your pension. I thought it was interesting listening to the different police officers backgrounds. One officer was working with an airline before he decided to switch careers. He was thirty five years old once he made the switch. Another officer started out in paramedics before making the switch over. Personally I’ve never considered trying to join the Peoria Police Department, because I want to move away and do more State Police work. I didn’t realize that this Police Department had so much too it, such as a lab. I think the opportunity to be a cadet is really cool, because it gives you the hands on training before becoming an officer. From what the cadets were saying they all seemed to really enjoy it. I also think that being a cadet will give you a good idea if you want to continue in this career path. I found it helpful yet intimidating how they talked about interviews. I found it helpful, because they hinted at what they want in officers. I also found it intimidating, because they said that they interview around sixty people, but only fourteen or fifteen would make the cut. Overall I found it to be a very interesting experience.

    1. In the seminar, I attended they didn’t go too deep into pay so I find that really interesting. It makes me feel better knowing that if I went to into that department that I wouldn’t have to worry about retirement. I also found the talk about the interviewing process to be intimidating but now I have a better knowledge of what to expect in an interview and not just an interview with the department. sun456

  8. The Peoria Police offered some very valuable information to many of us students that we may not have known before! It was great that they offered time of their days to come and speak with us students about what to expect as well as help us understand different concepts. One of the largest things I took away from the presentation was the discussion of "community" and what that really means. Community is not just where you live or the people who live in an area. Community is about how you interact and get along with those people, forming a sense of family companionship. In today's times this seems to be a very crucial thing for many people to focus on. Public interaction has always been something the police have focused on because sometimes they may be the only ones to help you out in a situation. When there is no trust in the community between law enforcement and its citizens it can cause a vast amount of tension which has sadly been rising with the past few years. I am happy to see the NSU (Neighborhood Service Unit) in action and how it can really help pull a community back together with their relationship with the police. The Cadet program also seems to be very beneficial to those who are dead set on pursuing a career in law enforcement. They all seem to be very adamant on their career choice but the other positive thing is if they decide this isn't the path they want, they can step away much easier than if they were a sworn officer. They are able to be test driven by the department as well to see what their potential recruits will be and fine comb them to be much better officers in the long run. -Blues123

    1. I agree with you about the Neighborhood Service Units being a really helpful tool in trying to rebuild the communities trust with the police. It tries to show them that the police are just like them and that they are part of the community they are trying to police. It brings the community together. -Legion123

  9. The Peoria Police offered some very valuable information to many of us students that we may not have known before! It was great that they offered time of their days to come and speak with us students about what to expect as well as help us understand different concepts. One of the largest things I took away from the presentation was the discussion of "community" and what that really means. Community is not just where you live or the people who live in an area. Community is about how you interact and get along with those people, forming a sense of family companionship. In today's times this seems to be a very crucial thing for many people to focus on. Public interaction has always been something the police have focused on because sometimes they may be the only ones to help you out in a situation. When there is no trust in the community between law enforcement and its citizens it can cause a vast amount of tension which has sadly been rising with the past few years. I am happy to see the NSU (Neighborhood Service Unit) in action and how it can really help pull a community back together with their relationship with the police. The Cadet program also seems to be very beneficial to those who are dead set on pursuing a career in law enforcement. They all seem to be very adamant on their career choice but the other positive thing is if they decide this isn't the path they want, they can step away much easier than if they were a sworn officer. They are able to be test driven by the department as well to see what their potential recruits will be and fine comb them to be much better officers in the long run. -Blues123

    1. I liked the fact that they talked about Community and what Community actually means, after we just talked about that in class. Being in with your community makes the job and everything just that much better I feel. I never knew they had officers that lived in the bad neighborhoods and I feel like that a great idea that they do. -Smiley123

    2. I strongly agree with you in this seminar the peoria police put on for us, their main intention and goal within the department is building relationships and working with the community and not against them. The Peoria Police have shown us as a department that with every new hire, they are looking for community officers, to make Peoria better, as a community. -as123

  10. I think this was a very special opportunity to experience because of all of the first hand information we were able to hear from Captain Green and Officers. If you were on the fence about applying they certainly gave everyone information for success with not only their department, but other departments nationwide. The interview advice is applicable to any job and will most definitely allow for yourself to stand out against other applicants. Many other bits of information stood out such as the cadets and the knowledge they gave everyone about styles of policing. They do ride-a longs with officers and have the opportunity to learn so many different styles of policing and essentially create their own image of the type of officer they would like to become. No officer is the same because they all have their own styles despite having the one main similar goal of protecting and serving. The neighborhood officers also have a very important job not only as officers but as community leaders. These officers are placed into certain communities to directly serve and work to try and make a community a much stronger one. All officers have the ability to impact a community for the better and so do the NSU officers, but in a different capacity. They are the go to men and women for their neighborhoods and want to rebuild the relationship between the police and the citizens and have a much stronger chance too. The officers, captain, cadets and sergeants all had very valuable information and I am certain each small piece spoke to each student differently. It is not very often us students are granted the opportunity to hear the police speak in a classroom setting about steps for success and that is why I learned so much from this presentation. -Blues456

    1. I agree with you it was a very special opportunity to experience. We did learn that there a different policing styles from every cop. I also enjoyed the interviewing advice. I think that was very beneficial. I also thought it was nice to learn that they all have a relationship with the community and that how you build trust within the community. -softball456

  11. The discussion we had with the Peoria Police Department was very enlightening and informative. It was a good experience to have because people who want to go into the police department were able to see and hear how the officers act. I liked how each officer was able to talk about their own experiences in law enforcement and how long they have been with the Peoria Police Department. When each officer talked about their experiences it was very interesting because everyone has different skills within each department. For example, they explained to us that two of the officers were residential officers which meant they actually live in parts of peoria where they think has the most crime or has the most population. I did not know that they specifically put officers in parts of the city to help with the community before attending this meeting. That was probably one of my favorite parts about the meeting because it was something I never heard of. Another interesting part was learning more about the cadettes because I only knew a little bit about what role they play within the department but after hearing them talk about their participation in the program it gave me more information on what they can actually do. I enjoyed the meeting because I was able to learn more about the Peoria Police Officers and how they try to make the community as safe as possible. The discussion also involved learning more about how even though cannabis is legal now the laws involving it really haven’t changed. For example, it would just be like having an open beer in the front seat of your car, it would be the same for cannabis because it needs to be out of reach. Overall, the discussion was very knowledgeable and the department showed how much they care about our future careers.

  12. Having the police talk to the class was very beneficial in my opinion. It really made us understand what the Peoria Police Department was all about and how they worked. When each officer told us about their lives and how they became a police officer, it made me realize anyone can do it if they have the heart for it. Most of them didn't even have a degree for criminal justice. It was good to know that you can degree in anything and still become a police officer. I liked how the cadets gave their input on what they do and see. One guy said that each police officer has a different way of approaching situations. A police officer can think a situation is more serious or not. Being told about how to be interviwed with the peoria police department and what they are looking for was very helpful. You really have to sell yourself when they ask "Tell me who you are" and "why you would make a good fit for the Peoria Police Department" You don't want to sell yourself short. You need to expand on your background and tell things about yourself and accomplishments that have helped you get where you are today. I also learned that each police officer has their own special skill and at Peoria Police, they help you find that special skill that you have. Also I learned that Peoria Police Department will help pay for your schooling if you want to go back and get your degree. I think that is awesome because sometimes its hard to pay for school and be motivated to get through school and I think that opportunity would help push you to accomplish what you want. Overall, I think this was an awesome opportunity to listen to the Peoria Police and it was very nice of them to take the time out of their day to do that for us. -Softball456

    1. I also feel that the meeting was very beneficial and it made me see that I am also not the only person that just decided one day that I wanted to go into law enforcement, and I have a lot of people doubting me but they said that anyone can do it if they try hard enough. -Smiley456

    2. I love how you talked about the interview here because I also think that was a great topic for them to talk about. The interview is how you get the job in the first place so you have to explain to them that you are worthy of the job and this is what you want. Also, I like how you brought up that most of them did not need a criminal justice degree to be on the police force and everyone usually thinks you do but this is honestly a job for everyone who has the passion to become an officer even if they did not go to school to become a police officer.

  13. On Thursday I attended an informational meeting that was put on by the Peoria Police Department. They discussed the department and truly hit on the resume and interview to help get a job particularly a law requirement work. I was able to see all of the different departments that they offer inside of there department and get a glimpse of what a day looks like for them. It was very educational hearing all the various stories told by the officials, on how they found their approach to law authorization. I truly appreciated tuning in to the cadets, with these youthful officers being around a similar age and development like myself. One thing that truly grabbed my eye was their pay rate. The Peoria Police Department invests heavily in their significant salary rate. They have a lot of good benefits including a pension they invest wholeheartedly in. At the point when an officer has been working for a long time. Probably the biggest thing I detracted from the meeting was the conversation of community and what that truly implies. Community isn't exactly where you live or the individuals who live in a territory. Community is about how you collaborate and coexist with those individuals, framing a feeling of family friendship. On the present occasions this is by all accounts a vital thing for some individuals to concentrate on. At the point when each officer discussed their experiences, it was exceptionally fascinating in light of the fact that everybody includes various abilities inside every department. For instance, they informed us that two of the officials were residential officers which implied they, in reality, live in parts of Peoria where they think has the most crime. I didn't have the foggiest idea that they explicitly put officers in parts of the city to help with the community before going to this meeting. I am be on thankful for having this great experience being able to have the Peoria police Department talk to us and answer any questions that we had. -Smiley123

    1. I also really liked how they told various stories from different departments to show exactly how different their jobs and lives are. I like how you brought up the reisdential officers living in the bad areas of town, I did not realize they did that but it seems like a good idea and looks like it works. -Bears123

  14. On Thursday I went to an enlightening gathering that was put on by the Peoria Police Department. They talked about the department and genuinely hit on the resume and interview to help find a new line of work especially law enforcement work. I had the option to see the entirety of the various divisions that they offer within their department and get a look at what daily resembles for them. It was exceptionally instructive hearing all the different stories told by the authorities, on how they found their way to deal with law authorization. I really refreshing checking out the cadets, with these young officers being around a comparative age and advancement such as myself. One thing that genuinely got my eye was their compensation rate. The Peoria Police Department puts vigorously in their critical pay rate. They have a lot of good benefits including a pension they put wholeheartedly in. Exactly when an officer has been working for quite a while. Most likely the greatest thing I diminished the gathering was the discussion of community and what that genuinely infers. community isn't actually where you live or the people who live in a region. community is about how your team up and exist together with those people, confining a sentiment of family companionship. On the present events this is apparently an indispensable thing for certain people to focus on. Exactly when each officer examined their encounters, it was particularly entrancing considering the way that everyone incorporates different capacities inside each division. For example, they educated us that two of the authorities were private officers which suggested they live in parts of Peoria where they think has the most wrongdoing. I didn't have the foggiest thought that they expressly put officials in parts of the city to help with the network before setting off to this gathering. I am be on grateful for having this extraordinary experience having the option to have the Peoria police Department converse with us and answer any inquiries that we had. - Smiley456

    1. I was really surprised at how they gave us so many tips that would help us get the job for their department because it is so competitive but i think that shows how no matter what they would like to see us all succeed no matter the field we go into. -Edw123

  15. At the informational meeting for the Peoria Police Department, I learned things about the department I had never known. As someone who was born and raised in Peoria County it was interesting to know that our officers are the highest paid officers in the entire state. Also, I am very happy with the fact the police have good health insurance because they have dangerous jobs so it is important that they are able to take care of themselves. I learned that the process of becoming an officer was not as quick as I thought it was and that it is actually a year long and that this field is very competitive I also appreciate the fact that one of the officers mentioned that the department had a very low turnover rate which means that once officers get the job that they really enjoy it and it shows that the Peoria Police Department has a great working environment. I thought it was great how they made it known that they don't have officers who just work the beat but they have their own forensics team, cyber security task force, and more it made it feel more inclusive to those like myself who are interested in science and technology. I think the way they gave us tips for the actual interview to become an officer was great the way Officer Dotson stated that she wanted us talk ourselves up more and talk about our experience outside of policing was important and how she made the comment about being an officer is about customer service and how the two parallel and working non-law enforcement jobs could make you a better police officer. I feel as though this seminar was a great learning experience because it let civilians in on the day to day operations of the police department and showed that the police want to educate us on how they better the community and they encouraged us also by giving us information on how to become an officer here in Peoria. - Edw123

  16. When I went to the information meeting hosted by the Peoria Police Department, they told me many things that I did not previously know. Living next to Peoria my whole life, I had no idea that the Peoria officers were the highest paid officers in the state. They also explained that they had one of, if not the best, insurance plans in the state as well. They said people come from, not just the Peoria area, but the entire Midwest to try and get a job with the Peoria Police Department. They have almost any job you could want in policing with the Peoria department, They said they have SWAT, Technological jobs, labs, and investigation departments. I did not know the process to become a police officer took so long. They said just the testing phase of paperwork and interviews could takes months if not longer. I also did not know that they only have around 2 academies each year so if you do not get lucky it could take a very long time. One of the Officers said that they have a very low turnover rate, which is very good meaning that officers enjoy their jobs and decide to stay there and not leave. Officer Dotson was very helpful by giving us interview tips as well, said they want to know who we are as a person, so to talk yourself up as much as you can and really try to get the interviewer to know who you are. I liked how they brought in an officer who lives in the community, he talked about how he connects to the community which in turn, lets him do his job better. They talked about how you can come from any background, that it does not matter what you did before deciding to join the Police Force. -Bears123

    1. You make several great points. I also thought Ofc. Amy Dotson was very specific and informative with interview tips and advice. She made it feel with ease, and not intimidating. Also, just like we are learning in class, the officers were big on building community relationships and connecting with people.

      - Canelo123

    2. I also like the different opportunities the department offers theres something for everybody. What really caught my was was the k-9 unit and also what one of the officers did where they live in a part of town and build relationships with the community I forgot what that position was called but it really caught my attention. checo123

  17. My overall initial thoughts on the police presentation were informative and quite motivational. First, I thought it was nice meeting some of the police officers and explained briefly how they got started, motivated them, and how they are now. It just comes to show that police officers, in general, are human too! I already know of them, like Ofc. Amy Dotson, a great person too! Again very encouraging and helpful. They couldn't stress the Peoria Police Department should be our first choice to apply because of not only the pay but the overall job satisfaction working with the Peoria Police Department. I cannot remember one of the officer’s names, but he said, even though tons of other applicants may apply, we should not shy away from ourselves because of the competition and the other individual’s backgrounds. Us as applicants should only be focused on ourselves, our strengths, making the best first impression, knowing what we can offer. I'm glad to know that it doesn't matter where we worked because we carry things that we learned and also want to know what we do on a day to day basis too. Basically, a well-rounded individual. I felt a lot more at ease with the process, and they give tips and advice on how to tackle each step when applying for the department. Helpful!

    - Canelo123

    1. I agree that no matter our background and where we come from and what we have been through, everyone has the chance to shape up, study, get the knowledge and wisdom, and passion to become a police officer if they want it bad enough.

      I am happy to know you can have a past career before becoming a police officer. That the police department is willing and wanting to train the right people for the job. That isn't desperation; that is determination.

  18. After speaking to the police professionals I was very intrigued with everything they had to say. They started off by telling us their stories and I love hearing about their stories and what made them want to inter this field. I am not really interested in being a cop or cadet but I also don't exactly know what branch I want to go into but I do know I want to be part of the criminal justice system. But for those who do want to be on the police force I believe that these police officers did provide a great amount of detail on how to make that happen. They had four cadets there too tell us about their program. The cadets are students who are looking to become Police but are too young. It shows insights into what it is like to be an officer, they have a lot of training and I honestly think that is the best part of being a cadet. If I were to be interested in becoming a police officer I would definitely try to become apart of this program because they provide the training you need to become a police officer and also provide ride alongs with current police officers so you can become familiar with what it is like in the field and to begin studying the layout of the city. They also provided students with applications on if they wanted the on the police force and I think that is extremely helpful because applications are not always easy to fine. So, if i was interested in becoming a police officer they would have provided me with excellent information and even though it is not something I want to be they still gave me advice on how to properly pass and interview and that is very important for everyone. -tumble456

    1. I'm curious why you think the cadets are young, usually people in their age range are shooting so to speak for these careers as quick as they can. The truth about the job is that it can be more stressful in today's climate with evolving technology. The life expectancy for dedicated officers or high ranking officials within these departments is to the middle ages or anywhere twenty five years after. I think the cadets are on the right track if they want to get in and make something of themselves fast.

  19. I learned a lot from the presentation on Thursday from the Peoria Police Department. I did not know about all of the benefits that the Peoria Police Department had to offer. It is really interesting how they added a fourth shift. I never even knew that that was a thing. Where you only work so many days a week and get so many days off depending on your schedule. I also really liked hearing about how two of the officers that were at the presentation had no intentions of getting into law enforcement ended up going into law enforcement. One of them worked in the airline industry and was very high up in the area. His love for helping people and community outreach ended him up in law enforcement and he loves his job and always wanting to help others and get a lot of community support. The other I do not remember a lot of his story, but he was going to school to do elementary education and somehow ended up in law enforcement. It was interesting to hear about what they look for in a candidate. Some things that they look for in a candidate is someone that does community service, or helps at their church. Someone that has a relatively clean record, and most importantly, is someone that has a love for serving people and wants to make peoples lives better. They want people with good grades and can work good under pressure. They talked about the cadet program a little bit. They let the cadets speak and tell us about their experience so far in the program and what it has taught them about the field they are trying to get in to. It was surreal to hear them talk about how you will most likely fail portions of the testing and that is okay.-Legion123

    1. I agree it definitely was a good thing learning about how they added a fourth shift. You're correct, most of us didn't even know that was an option and that could benefit many officers. -Charmed123

  20. Beginning the presentation, Captain green spoke to us about the benefits of joining the police department, & that was, being open to many different divisions within the department, many different opportunities & chances to move up. He stated a lot of spots within the department were opening up due to many retirements. Like him, & many others , a lot of Peoria police officers have been there for quite some time. So with many different officers retiring, it’s time they start flooding in new hires & that’s why they were there speaking with us today. The next speaker was Sgt. Rummins, I really took a lot away from him speaking due to being able to relate to a lot of what he said. He, just like all of us, started at ICC. I really enjoyed hearing that considering it made me feel as if we were all taking a big step in the right direction. He also stated how he studied something that was not law enforcement related and he also did not finish school. When he went into the interview for the police department he explained his fears going up against former military and alums of colleges. Just like all of us, is something we all would have been afraid of to compete against. The next speaker that spoke to us were both of the residential officers & I really enjoyed their seminar. First, officer Hodges spoke to us about his prior experience in the workforce, and it was in the airline business. Something That was totally different compared to Law enforcement. He then explains the benefits of being a residential officer, I really took a lot of away from his speaking because it sounds like a good division to be apart of. To live in the community that you protect & serve in everyday. You give a safe feeling to the residents of the community & you build those relationships within the community, creating that bridge that allows officers & the community to hold onto.-as123

  21. On Thursday I went to the 11 am Peoria police seminar and I thought that it was really informative. It helped me learn more about the police force in general but what happens in Proia specifically. I won’t be working on the police for my career but hopefully, I will be working alongside them and learning about the local police and the way they run things is really helpful. Just because I won’t be a police officer doesn’t mean I won’t need to know the inner workings. It’s always helpful to know what your coworkers or colleagues go through on a daily basis so you can make their lives easier and be more productive.
    I felt that the tips for the interviews were the most helpful for me. No matter what background you have worked there’s always something that you’ve learned and gained experience from whether it be waitressing or working retail you learn customer service and a special skill set from every job you work. I’m a waitress and I think I’ve learned great customer service skills and knowledge about real life experience that I couldn’t have gotten from an office job or something else.
    I also liked hearing about the residential police officers. My significant other is becoming a police officer and that’s exactly the thing I see him going into. Work with the community, creating a relationship and being there for someone at a moment’s notice. It’s nice to be able to see the different jobs of a police officer and not just highway patrol. I think just knowing that the Peoria police would take time out of their day to come and talk to us is really great and the information they gave was so helpful and inspiring. I hope one day to be able to work with a force like the Peoria department. sun 456

    1. I agree with your belief that you should know certain things in order to have a relative connection to your police, could even be the key to a strong bond between community and police. - Moon#456

  22. The Peoria Police Seminar was extremely beneficial, and was so fortunate that Professor White allowed for us to go during class hours. During this seminar I had a bunch of mixed emotions. At first scared because I didn't know what to expect, scared turned to nervousness that I would say the wrong thing, then my nervousness turned to excitement. During the seminar I did feel discouraged because everyone is fresh out of high school and I'm over here 25 about to be 26, have already started my own family, and I'm just now going to apply for the police department. I felt like I was not as good of a candidate since everyone else is getting a head start on everything. Then I got to personally talk to Officer Amy Dotson, and she put all my doubts at ease. She went out of her to make sure I got out of time for work, so she personally answered all the questions I had. Officer Dotson is a lot like me, she started off as a server, a single mom, and wasn't until she was around my age that she changed her career to be a Police Officer. Officer Dotson knew that my main concern is my daughter because she also felt the same. She told me that the 14 week training process goes by fast and that I come back on the weekends to see my daughter and that this would be the best decision to make for my family. Officer Dotson told me how becoming an officer not only bettered her life, but bettered her children lives as well. She was able to give her children a life that she couldn't before. Then she went on saying that I am very qualified. She said being a server allows you to deal with every type of person and gives you great people skills. Then told me not to be discouraged about my age, because with age comes maturity and knowledge. Officer Dotson gave me her personal information card and told me to contact her with any other questions I may have, and that she will be keeping an eye out for when I turn in my application. I left that seminar feeling on top of the world. All my questions were answered and got to personally connect with an Officer. Now my excitement is through the roof and can't wait to put my application in. Brianna123

  23. Thursday’s presentation from the Peoria Police Department was very interesting to hear about and listen to what all of the difference officers had to say. We really got to hear what the Peoria Police Department was all about and all of the different things that they have to offer. I really liked hearing about the interview process as well, which helps you think of things you can do to prepare for an interview with almost any job but they also talked about the things that we should be doing to prepare our resumes, doing volunteer group things that look great when they ask about us. But they also talked about what jobs we should have right now before we even try and get into police departments; taking jobs that would be beneficial for us in the long run. I thought that it was especially cool that they put officers in residential areas so that they can be a part of the community and help if something arises. I think that is really cool especially because it allows the city to trust you and come to you about things. I did not know that Peoria had this program until they talked about it. I also did not know that Peoria had their own branch of FBI to work in, I have always looked into FBI related fields and think that is cool that Peoria has that available. Another interesting thing was getting to learn about the cadets and hear their perspectives of all of the officers and the program. One of the men said that all of the police officers are different from each other and they all react differently in each situation. I also really liked that the cadets talked about how the program helped them to figure out what they want to do for a living. I really liked all of the tips that were given to the audience, I learned lots of valuable information and it got me excited for a career in the criminal justice field.-Cookie456

  24. The peoria police presentation that we had on thursday was really interesting. I really got some questions and thoughts clarified, I learned that we actually have a great police department with a lot of opportunities that if you have the will to commit to that carrer it is really beneficial. One thing that really caught my attention was that there's a lot of different jobs one can do on the department based on what they like to do like their k-9 unit that really caught my attention and like they said it is very competitive to get hired by them so I know if I try hard enough and if I dedicate myself and my number one priority to get hired by them it a big possibility that it could happen. The officers that gave the presentation really made it sound that the their department was a good department to work for, the officers really looked like they enjoyed their line of work they looked happy with what they do and that is another reason why i want to apply and take on the challenge to get hired by the department. I still have two years until I become 21 and I'm going to the the really good advice they gave us to build our resumes up and try to help out the community so we can stand out from the other applicants. I really was convinced that the department was a really good opportunity for a lifelong career. checo123

    1. I agree that their presentations were very informative and encouraging for those going into any aspect of criminal justice. All the different areas in the department give a wide-range of career and knowledge opportunities for future officers to learn and develop in. I hope you the best in getting into the department and becoming a phenomenal officer. -Gamma456

  25. After this presentation provided by the Peoria City Police, I can see more options then what I previously knew about. Something that caught my attention was the use of residential police, living in the communities that need more police strength and being responsible for that community. I found that this could be something I would be interested in. I appreciated their process of showing us how to apply for their department as well as showing general interest in all of us as candidates, going up and beyond even to tell us what would make us stand out compared to other candidates applying for the job. Something else that caught my eye was the Peoria Police Cadet program, not only is it the experience that was interesting but at one point they mentioned that the city would pay for our ICC education tuition. That could end up being a huge thing for people who either struggle with the costs or simply do not have the money to spare. They also mentioned being in their cadet program put you at a higher viewing point when it came to applying later on down the road. I found it amusing with what they told us to expect at an interview, they shined some light on areas I was curious about such as the use of now legalized marijuana while on the force, and if it was still illegal in some ways. This in addition to the fact they told us what questions they would most likely ask us, the situations we would find ourselves in and even telling us how not to answer the questions so we don’t end up making a fool of ourselves. Overall a good productive presentation by the Peoria City Police and I am looking forward to catching another one sometime in the future. - Moon#456

    1. I hadn’t realized that the Peoria Police Department used residential police officers. I think that it is good, because it shows the communities that the Police do care about them and their safety. I also really enjoyed hearing from the cadets, because they all sounded passionate about what they are learning and doing as a cadet. I am thankful that the department has the finances to have this wonderful program. Illinigurl456

  26. The Peoria Police Department recruitment presentation was very informative. It was interesting to learn everything they had to offer. I thought it was interesting to learn that the Peoria Police Department was a "one stop shop" for your policing needs. They really had a lot of different aspects to offer. It was interesting to learn all of the different backgrounds the officers had come from. It really makes me rethink the steps it takes to be an officer. It was good to hear that beyond someone who fits the job they are looking for good community members. I think the program that they have where you live in a certain neighborhood is interesting. I would like to learn what all extra actions he does for that community. It was also interesting to hear the cadets talk about the different aspects of training and how they take away different pieces from every officer that they think is correct. I already knew what there pay was but it is still interesting to hear how much more they pay compared to other departments. It seemed as though the Peoria Police Department actually cares and shows they care about who they serve. It was interesting to hear them talk about the long process when hiring an officer. I have a friend at work who has tried to become an officer for a long time and the process is very time consuming and repetitive. I suppose this is at least a good system to weed out those not committed enough to become an officer. Being someone who gets to the final step and then not making it must be very disheartening especially if it is someone's first time through. CP3123

  27. For the Peoria Police Department Panel I learned that everyone from all kinds of backgrounds can become a decent, well-rounded, and honest police officer. I enjoyed listening to the cadets that were in the Police Academy currently because they are in the midst of gaining knowledge and experience from all different kinds of police officers - all different kinds of past careers, ethnicities, life-styles, discretion levels, and etc. This made me realize that I want to be apart of helping the police officers do their job the best that they can - by becoming a 9-1-1 operator, dispatcher. I, honestly didn't think about this as a career, even my mom was a dispatcher. But hearing the need of people in the criminal justice career pathway in Peoria and realizing my parents both were a part of this made me realize I want to be too.

    I admired Resident Officer Hodge, for stepping up and living in a neighborhood needing watch, going out on the streets and getting involved in the community one-on-one, and helping to decrease the drug and gang activity by having the courage to be someone that the community can depend on to protect and serve that neighborhood he is currently living in and the community around it.

  28. The most important fact that I thought was the most interesting was how there are not that many bilingual police officers. There is a big latin community here in Peoria. Half of them may be friends and family that I may have. Normally, a lot of hispanic people get scared when they get stopped by a cop because it could either be that the cop may not understand what they are saying since their accent may be too strong. Another reason why they may be scared is because they do not have any legal documents. I feel like we need more bilingual officers on the PPD. I did find interesting about how the cadets are able to get paid by the PPD and do ride alongs and experience what it’s like to be in their world. One of the cadets says it’s nice to see different officers how they handle different things so they are able to create their own ways to handle and what to do differently from what the officer is teaching them. I am hoping to be a cadet once I turn 21. I like how all the officers actually live in the community and try to go out and build a rapport with everyone and greet everyone as they say. Every single one of their stories are inspiring because one officer was a waitress and the other dropped out of college and then went back and failed the first test, it tells me to never give up and to keep trying to get where I want to be. I also believe that the questions that they ask you in your interview should be the best answers. Like the officer said, “That is your time to shine.” Being prepared for that interview and knowing what you will be saying and them giving us pointers of what we should expect was very helpful. -Charmed123

  29. troubleshooting blogspot errors...

  30. I really enjoyed listening to the peoria police department talk about the department law enforcement the job and their experiences. The insight they gave on what to do in an interview and how to make yourself more hireable was good to hear. I've always known I want to be a police officer but I hadn't really thought about the hiring process all that much. I learned more about the way they hire the things they look for and how long the process is. I did not realize the process was so long. I definitely will take the entry exam as soon as possible. They talked about the different kinds of positions and opportunities within the department. I didn't realize there were so many different positions available in the department. It would be really cool to work for a department with so much room for advancement and variety in the career. Listening to the officers talk got me excited to begin my law enforcement career. After the presentation I got a chance to talk to one of the sergeants who is also in the Army National Guard and we talked about how that helps him in his career and hiring. It was good to talk to someone who knows how the National Guard works and how possible it is to be a police officer while still being a National Guard soldier and maintaining that career. The things he told me were helpful and encouraging. One of the reasons I enlisted was to help in a law enforcement career and it was nice to know it was a good choice not only the enlistment but the MOS I choose as well. We also talked about ride alongs and things I can do to get a first hand look at the job. I am definitely interested in a ride along. The presentation was very good. I'm glad I got the opportunity to listen in. -11b123

  31. After listening to the officers and cadets of the Peoria Police Department, I learned a lot more about being an officer. Though my career path is still aiming towards being a forensic pathologist, I am definitely more interested in the job and what they do. I had a definite interest in the officers that lived in certain sectors and worked directly with that community to improve the quality of life and safety. It seems like it would be a little scary and dangerous being an officer in areas where police may be seen as people to fear and rebel against; however, it is completely worth it to build a lasting and healthy relationship with all communities. Being as fascinated with forensics as I am, I enjoyed listening to the officer’s perspective on being a crime scene investigator and how worthwhile it is. I am happy that the Peoria Police Department works so hard to train in all aspects and follows strict rules and regulations to make them such an outstanding police department not only within the state but also within the country. Up until recently, I had no idea that the Cadet Program even existed because I had no interest in becoming a police officer. This program sounds like an amazing and beneficial opportunity for future officers to get the hands-on training necessary to furthering their careers as well as expanding their knowledge in every area of police work. Even though I do not intend on becoming an officer, a part of me wishes I had the time to become a cadet because it would be beneficial to get an understanding of police work considering I do want a criminal justice/forensics-based career. I learned that cadets can work in the forensics part of policing, while monitored of course, and learn about crime scene investigating from professionals early on. I am thoroughly impressed with the Peoria Police Department and encourage them to keep up their great work. –Gamma456

  32. On Thursday, I had the opportunity to listen and learn from Peoria County Police Department. The Chief of Police did state that not everyone on the force has a degree in Law Enforcement. Every officer has a different background, which makes them unique and standout from everybody else on the force. Before the presentation on Thursday, I did not know that we had residential police officers. This means officers who live and police in certain communities. The officers that live in those communities are required to answer phone calls, check things out if a neighbor comes knocking on their door, and simply just serve those in their communities. One of the officers gave wonderful feedback about the interview process. As we interview for a job, we always must set ourselves apart from other candidates. This means, we must brag about ourselves. We need to communicate to the company what we intent to offer them. If we want the job, we have to sell ourselves to the company. It was awesome hearing from the cadets. All of them seemed very passionate and proud for whom they work for. They all seemed to take their jobs seriously. I have no intentions on being a police officer, but it is wonderful to see Peoria Police Department working with young Cadets and training them early. Just the knowledge alone from the officers who came and spoke today was just great. It showed me just how passionate they are about their jobs, and teaching possible new officers. I wasn’t surprised when the Chief had talked about retirement. It definitely is good for those whom are getting ready to graduate from college. To know that the department is going to be hiring at least ten people this year, is amazing. I want to thank you all for your time, the information that was shared was very helpful. Illinigurl456

  33. The meeting Thursday with the Peoria Police Department was a very eye opening one on the local level or idea on being instated as an officer. To be transparent, the idea of having to be recruited as a cadet and wear those uniforms for two years is kind of intimidating. The role feels very hands off, and one that is more full of servitude towards the up and coming officers of interest. If you are not in the military, want some experience and discipline this is definitely the place for you, Peoria Police Dept. will make or break an officer's career on the path to greener pastures. I very much enjoyed the testimony of some of the more aged officers in there who have a lot of personality and heart. The officer who has the patience, nobility, and skill can doubtless make a top spot in the department with some years of hard dedication. Other than that, I could feel the product that was being sold to the group as a whole. Instead of telling students that you would put your investigators and or department against any in the nation, bring the accomplishments of your investigators to the table, and what can be accomplished with hard work and goals. The Peoria Police Department is not for the weak or feeble minded, so before a career is sought within, cross your t's and dot your i's. This is not a "company" and their vehicles are not "company cars". These are government bodies and vessels and their role should not be considered in the same field as a typical office pencil pusher.


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