Crime Trends and Illinois


  1. In Peoria county crime in general has decreased from 2010 to 2015, with a bit of an increase in the year 2015. This is amazing to look at considering how high the crime rate was in 2010 compared to how low it got in 2014. As I was looking at this I also noticed that the crime rate from 2015 to present tended to fluctuate up and down, with the highest point at 2017 and the lowest at 2015. Even though the crime rate fluctuates up and down the crime rate the last five years is not even close to what it was ten years ago. Homicide rates in Peoria county increasing dropped from 2011 to 2016. This is a great sign for Peoria county and proves that crime rates are decreasing. With an all-time high in the years 2011 and 2012, followed by all-time lows in the years 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2017. Property crime in Peoria county has also decreased in the last five years which is a good thing to see because most property crimes are committed by younger offenders. All of these statistics are a good sign and they are proof that the crime rate is has dropped and is continuing to drop in Peoria County. -LW789

    1. You did a great job with comparing crimes in Peoria. I find it interesting that homicide rates in Peoria county dropped significantly from 2011 to 2016. The Peoria county police have done a very good job with protecting and serving its community. Further along crime rates are constantly decreasing which is a great sign.-jas456

    2. I agree that this is good news. I feel there is a stigma in Peoria that crime is getting worse and worse. However, the numbers show that it is indeed doing the opposite. The decrease also shows that the money that has gone to agencies who fight crime has been used effectively because crime has decreased significantly. Family789

    3. I agree with this. It is good news to know that their is something that we can do to help drop these rates but Illinois as a whole crime rates are much more higher that what we would think. I also like how you compared the different crimes in Peoria it is very informational and helpful to the people who live here and might eventually want to work here. I think overall you did a nice job. Sunshine 789

    4. It is so good to hear that the crime rate is going down in the Peoria county. It shows that the criminal justice system in Peoria is doing something right. Especially because I feel like we always hear about how bad Peoria is when it comes to crime. Slim789

    5. I really like that you compared the crime rates of peoria, its really interesting seeing that the crime rates have gone done, its really good news seeing that the homicide rates have gone down. checo123

  2. Looking at the crime rates in Illinois is really important to me because it is the state I reside in and plan to work in, in the future. For the sake of my term paper, on mass shooting, I decided to look at the violent crime rate in Illinois. According to this website Illinois’ violent crime rate is significantly higher than that of the United States as a whole. From this data collection ranging from 2008 to 2018 Illinois has been consistently higher than the United States as a whole, but this includes violent crimes as a whole, which can range anywhere from burglary to murder to mass shootings. As I was going through this website, I could not find statistics on mass shootings in the state of Illinois, but I could find the homicide rates of Illinois compared to the homicide rates of the entire United States. Looking at this information of homicide crime date on this website, it is very evident that the state of Illinois’ homicide rates is much higher than that of the United States as a whole. According to the chart on the website Illinois stayed higher than the all the United States at a constant steady level except for four or five years between 2008-2018. In the years 2011, 2016, 2017, and 2018 the homicide levels in Illinois were extremely higher than that of the United States. I believe that this information could be a useful part of my term paper, going off of homicide rates. -LW456

    1. I found the same thing for my findings when I looked at violent crimes in Illinois. This I found to be pretty interesting and would be good data for your term paper. I think this could be because of all the crime that is going on in Chicago and the more worse off areas of the state. I also found that the crime rate went back up in 2014 and stayed at a peak from 2016 and 2017. This is till good data for your paper and I hope the other parts can be useful for you. -OUTATIME456

    2. Although Illinois has a higher crime rate than the rest of the country, I feel like an average may not be the best representation. Chicago may be skewing the overall data, making the whole state seem to have a higher crime rate than is true for the majority of the state. I would love to be able to compare Chicago specifically to the rest of the state. -Gatsby456

    3. Yes, I saw that violent crime as a whole is alot higher than the general United states. This is surprising to me because I'm sure that every state in the world turns on the news and see's that something to the effect of a violent act has occurred. I actually stopped watching the news so often because everyday it's the same thing, violent acts or shootings or robbery. Honestly, way too much. So the data that is collected through the survey's hold very true. Crime waves have been high through 2016 to 2018, and since 2019 has not been collected yet, I'm sure that it will be significantly higher still. And, it's no different for the start of 2020. Police are stepping up there game and trying to get more forces out there to hold the crimes down and prevent them, but it seems that criminals are three steps ahead. Pitbull #789

    4. The significant number of homicide rates is unsettling when compared to the rest of the United States and does need to be focused on; however, all lot of these shootings tend to not affect the general public and are the results of gang violence especially in Chicago. This does not make the issue any less tragic or mean that it should not be a primary focus. -Gamma456

  3. The crime data explorer is a very cool tool that I have come across so far. According to the bar graph there was a decrease in violent crimes from 2014 to 2015 and in 2016 the numbers shot up tremendously. From 2016 to 2018 there was a huge decrease, and from 2018 to 2019 the numbers stated very consisted. Another thing that was very shocking was from 2008 to 2015 the number of homicides in Illinois stayed consisted, and moved all over the place. From 2015 to 2016 there was a huge increase in the Illinois homicide rate. And from 2016 to 2018 there was a slight decrease. I think that police really started to crack down more on homicides in Illinois alone, especially in the chicagoland area which is great. The last helpful statistic from the crime data explorer was from 2008 to 2015 the numbers for rape were all over the place, and from 2015 to 2018 the reported rapes that happened in illinois increased significantly. Researching the crime reports in Illinois is very important to me because I plan on working in Illinois in the next 5 years. I think it's important to know what's going on with crime before I jump right into it.-Jas456

    1. I saw the statistics of homicides being down in the Chicagoland area being very important because people think that Chicago is some lawless place but showing that murders decreased should make people realize that the effort to curb homicides in Chicago have not been useless and that the officers are doing real work and effecting the areas that they police and making it as safe as possible for everyone. -Edw123

    2. I do agree with your statement with this being such a useful tool. We are able to look at crime trends in different cities and their surrounding cities. I also saw a significant amount of rapes in Illinois as well.-as123

    3. Personally I don't like statistics. I feel they are to easy to manipulate and word in ways that are not accurate. I generally try not to get excited when just looking at statistics from year to year. I feel they can be misleading. just because murder or rape are down in say 2019 than 2018 does not necessarily mean we have made progress. It could just be luck or chance or because some when unreported. Or if rape has "gone up" from 2017 to 2019 it may be that 2018 was a good year and the rate hasn't gotten better it is just the same as it was in a previous year -11b123

    4. I also think it's interesting how crime shot up in 2016 and then decreased tremendously. The one question I do that is that when you were talking about the number of homicides you said they stayed consistent and moved all over the place. Which one happened the most? Did it mostly stay consistent or did is jump up and down? sun456

  4. I quite liked the information available through the crime data reporter, although it has proven quote difficult to find data in regards to stop-and-frisks. I decided to explore the ratio of police to population quite a bit, specifically in regards to New York City in the years preceding the uproar about racially biased, excessive searches. What I found was quite interesting. Between 2004-2008, New York had a ratio of 3.1, much higher than the United States average of just over 2.4. In 2011, they were actually much closer, with NY reporting 2.9 and the US reporting 2.5, although still above average. I also looked into the most common races of violent offenders in the United States from between 2007-2011, which proved surprising to me. 892,230 of violent offenders were black, whereas 778,529 were white. Although crime tends to be intraracial, a majority of victims were white (1,006,904) with 582,578 victims being black. Furthermore, a vast majority of these violent crimes involved a personal weapon and the crime occurred in the residents home. These crimes reported overall statistics, not in regards to each races representation to the overall population, which could prove to be very useful in analyzing potential bias in police stop-and-frisks. -Gatsby456

    1. Knowing that we have the same topic I like how you found your information. You exploded out the illinois and searched New York where stop and frisks originated and became more popular. Also, the importance of biases on race from police is also a good topic to bring up when writing your paper. -tumble456

    2. I like how you were still able to find statistics that were useful to your topic since that is a harder topic to pull information for. I also think it was great that you pulled your stats from the state where this all had its beginning with our justice system. -Blues123

  5. While using the crime data explorer, I found that in Illinois all violent crime was on a decrease from 2008 to 2014 and started to come close to the rate for the entire U.S. but had a spike in 2016. The majority of offenders listed 1,964 men and the age that it seems that these men who have commited the crimes range from 19-29 years old. The victims of the crimes are women (1,113) ranging from 19-40. It looks like from the location type that most of the crimes were committed in the home but looking at the data for aggravated assault the rate for aggravated assaults is higher for the entire U.S than in Illinois 2011 to 2015. Looking at statistics for homicide I found that in Illinois the homicide rate is lower than the U.S with it spiking in 2016 with 991. There is a stereotype perpetuated by the media that Illinois, Chicago, specifically is the most violent U.S it also have been given a nickname “Chiraq” combining Chicago and the Middle Eastern country of Iraq. If we actually start addressing the problems in Chicago and stop trying to pathologize the violence that does happen in Chicago then I think that people will realize that Chicago is not ‘Chiraq’ but a place where people that need help. -Edw123

    1. I agree I think that Chicago definitely needs to do better with lowering it's crime rates. Chicago is ranked twenty first on the list of twenty five most dangerous cities in the United States. Another City that also needs help that doesn't get as much attention as Chicago is Rockford. Rockford is ranked eight on the list of twenty five most dangerous cities in the United States. -CRJB123

  6. When looking at crime trends over the course of 10 (2008-2018) years in Illinois, some interesting things are found. Robbery and Homicide are much higher than the national crime rate of the respective offenses. In 2016, there was a very large spike in Homicide especially, jumping from 6.0 to 8.5 homicides per 100,000 people. In the few years following, the rate has steadily decreased down to 7.0.Robbery has decreased steadily over the past 10 years, however it has been higher that the national average every year. Robbery, too, spiked in the year 2016 but it failed to spike significantly and has also decreased steadily over 2017 and 2018. Property crimes in Illinois have all been below the national average besides arson. Illinois saw a significant rise in arson from 2008 to 2012, rising from 12 to 25 arsons per 100,000 people.finally in 2018, the rate decreased below the national average. In Illinois most crimes have been committed by African American males between the age of 20 and 29. Most crimes have been committed in residence homes with victims having an unknown relationship with the offender, or being complete strangers., This may be due to the amount of robberies committed also. For the most part, Illinois has kept up or returned to the national average for all crime. This is promising as it shows there are actions being taken against crime in Illinois. Family789

    1. As I was going through this website looking at the trends and charts pertaining to various crimes in Illinois, I noticed that Illinois was always higher than that of the rest of the United States. I also noticed that the crime rate for women has increased and is progressively higher than that of men, this information will be very useful in my term paper over women incarceration. -LW789

  7. On the “crime data explorer” I discovered the link to “police employment data.” My term paper this year is over “stop and frisk” and I believe that the employment of police places a big role in why some police thought “stop and frisk” was necessary. Also, according to the chart police employment dropped dramatically from 2016 to 2017 which could also drop the crime of stop and frisk because police officers will be solving bigger crimes than walking the streets. Also I came across the chart stating the amount of victims due to race and black or african americans have the most reported with americans or white, right behind them. This could be useful for my paper because this data could also be true for stop and frisk victims being Americans, afterican americans, black, or white. The last link I found helpful is the location type of the violent crime. The second leading crime location is “highway/alley/street/sidewalk” and this is helpful because stop and frisk offences occur on the street. Not only that but the third leading location are parking garages or parking lots and those could also very well be locations for stop and frisks. -tumble456

  8. I chose to look at three crimes and their rates between 2014 to 2018. The crimes that I chose were Homicide, Robbery, and Burglary. These are the incident based reports of the past 5 years. For Homicide we start off in 2014 with only 14 incidents then it spikes to 23 in 2016 with a slow trickle down to 19 in 2018. This again could be from harsher punishments and with the help of deterrence. Along with the use of crime mapping to find the areas to put more police activity. Regarding Robbery we start off in 2014 with 419 incidents. In 2016 it raises to 542 incidents. And in 2018 a huge decrease to 349. Burglary in 2014 had 1,675 incidents. In 2016, it was 1,409. And, in 2018 1,197. With these numbers we can see that 2014 to 2016 we had spikes in our crime rates in general on all levels, except Burglary. Burglary started off high in 2014 and has been steadily dropping in numbers. It is nice to see that the numbers are declining because that means we are doing something right. Using this data gives people the sense that we have stood our ground and that the world or state is becoming safer. Also, like I said before, police can use this information to find out where they need to place extra security and help deter further actions. We have come along way since 2014 in dropping our numbers and I hope that the steady decline keeps happening. Pitbull#789

    1. I feel like that crime mapping helps big time in the decrease in the number of Homicides. Crime mapping is always useful since it can help place there extra police officers or where to have more on parole. Its always nice to see any numbers drop in this type of work. that just means that everyone is doing a better job. -Smiley123

    2. I feel like that crime mapping helps big time in the decline in the number of Homicides. crime mapping is constantly valuable since it can help place their additional cops or were to have more on parole. It's constantly pleasant to perceive any numbers drop right now work. that just implies that everybody is making a superior showing. - Smiley456

  9. For my research project, on police brutality, I chose to take a gander at the vicious crime rate in Illinois. As indicated by this site Illinois' rough crime percentage is essentially higher than that of the United States in general. While utilizing the wrongdoing information explorer, I found that in Illinois all vicious wrongdoing was on an abatement from 2008 to 2014 and began to approach the rate for the whole U.S. yet, had a spike in 2016. Most of the guilty parties recorded 1,964 men and the age that it appears that these men who have carried out the wrongdoings run from 19-29 years of age. I imagine that police truly began to break down additional on crimes in Illinois alone, particularly in the Chicago region which is incredible. The last supportive measurement from the wrongdoing information pilgrim was from 2008 to 2015 the numbers for the assault were everywhere, and from 2015 to 2018 the revealed assaults that occurred in Illinois expanded fundamentally. Taking a gander at the crime percentages in Illinois is extremely imperative to me since it is the state I live in and plan to work in, later on. -Smiley123

    1. I looked at the same points as you for my term paper that is over mass shootings. Although there was not a trend on mass shootings on this site, I figured would look at areas close to it. I took a look at violent crimes and homicides, I believe this could also be useful in your paper. These points are very good and will be helpful in most term papers. -LW456

  10. I first looked into the trends of all violent crimes in Illinois an found that they have been on the decline since 2008, but they spiked in 2014. It rose back up till 2016 and lowered again after 2017 to 2018. There were 458.6 violent crimes per 100,000 people in 2008, the number dropped down to 370.9 crimes per 100,000 people in 2014. The crimes went up to 436.7 crimes per 100,000 people in 2016 and 436.2 in 2017. This was all gathered from the UCR in Illinois. I also did some digging around from the NIBRS for violent crimes offender verses victim statistics. I found 75% of the offenders are male and 16% are female. 47% of victims are male and 52% are female. The race of the offenders are 66% African American and 21% are white. The race of the victims are 51% African American and 46% are white. These are reported crimes for the NIBRS. This is pretty interesting, especially on the race statistics and has got me thinking on why this is. Granted, the data is incomplete because of the fact that because the UCR only covers reported crimes and the NIBRS was submitted by one law enforcement agency. This could be because of how the crime is reported and where it’s coming from or how the crime is reported. -OUTATIME456

    1. I appreciate the way you displayed the fluidity of crime statistics. One year, crime will be at an all-time low while the next may be at an all time high. It is often hard to determine the cause of such spikes especially when we know that 50% of crime does not get reported to the UCR. Nacho 123, 456

  11. Just like the rest of the United States, Illinois is following the same pattern by decreasing the rate of all violent crime offenses. In the last twelve years 2008 had the highest rate of violent crimes. Illinois had 525.4 people per 100,000, and the United States as a whole was at 458.6 people per 100,000. 2014 was the lowest recorded rate of violent crimes with the United States at a rate of 361.6 people per 100,000. Illinois was also at its lowest rate of violent crimes at 370.9 people per 100,000. 2014 was the same year where Illinois was closest to the national average violent crime rates. This all time low didn’t last too long, because in 2018 the rate of violent crimes went back up some. The United States average in 2018 was at 380.6 people per 100,000, and in Illinois the rate went up to 404.1 people per 100,000. Overall this a good look for the future of violent crimes in the United States. Even though this number has had a slight increase from 2014 to 2018, It’s still moving in the right direction. It doesn’t help Illinois’s case that two of the twenty five most dangerous cities in the United States are from Illinois. These cities include Chicago at number twenty one, and Rockford at number eight. -CRJB123

    1. I think it is very interesting that two of our northern cities are both involved on the list for being the most dangerous. It is very interesting to see how the numbers also put our state higher up on the crime list out of all the other states in our country. -Blues456

  12. For my topic involving mass shootings this article goes far in depth of the statistics and when looking at the numbers for 2008-2018 in the City of Peoria, there has been a steady fluctuation between dropping and rising back up. In IL alone we have a very high violent crime rate but when looking at the homicide rates their seems to be a trend with age. The group of 20-29 year old victims has the highest reported homicide deaths. The intriguing statistic there is the fact that the offenders are also in the same age group. I think this definitely reinforces the concept of aging out of crime and the age groups that we see involved in homicides and shootings. Also the stats show that personal weapons are used more than firearms in the majority of the homicides in our state and that handguns are next on that list. This would fall in line with my paper topic of school shootings because the stats show the people involved tend to be older and have no relationship with the offender which can skew the viewpoint of the media in regards to the reasons for school shootings, and the leading factors. -Blues123

    1. Good points! Yes, I find mass shooting very upsetting and I am glad you are doing research to find out what are causing these events! Especially, how you said these are on and off, that's not good at all! Illinois is our state and we should do everything to protect our home and help our fellow partners. Decreasing the amount of violence, even if it's the slightest, it goes a long way too!

      - Canelo123

  13. Very good article!

    So, I chose Illinois because it's where I live and it's the one place I know I am going to start working eventually in the near future. Not only that, I just like to know what is involved in the state that I live in. First, I always found Uniform Crime Report, unique because they're always being mentioned in every criminal justice class I had, just comes to show the importance and how statistically shows what is happening where we live.

    Now, according to the demographics, there were 1,219 violent crimes in home residence, while highway/street with 519. Not only that, 1, 964 male offenders involve, while 410 females. As far as the victim goes, the stats are almost even.

    Basically, the UCR, reports, more males are involved in criminal violence more often with either the victim being male or female and usually is in a household or street. Now, to me, this sounds like possible domestics just because they do happen more often!

    According to the article, in these circumstances, 525 personal weapons are being involved, while 225 handguns coming in second, with knives coming in third with 172.

    Now, I'm connecting the dots and it all makes sense along with the numbers. It's upsetting because people use weapons as a way of resolving issues. When clearly it is not!

    - Canelo123

    1. I was surprised to learn, while reading this article, that the population in Illnois is about 13 million. I always thought it would be lower. I was also surprised to learn that of the 656, 0% of those agencies contribute to the NIBRS. –kahffcj456

    2. I definitely agree with you Canelo123 because weapons should not always be the first thing people think of when trying to resolve an issue or situations they may be going through. Sadly the thought of Illinois just reach that high in the stats is just awful. -Charmed123

  14. Looking into the crime reported in the city I live in, it was not very surprising due to the size of the city and the demographics. What did surprise me, was the fact that our crimes reported, peaked in 2018. In 2017, 9 violent crimes were reported. In 2018, 30 violent crimes were reported. I then began looking into what may have possibly could have changed those numbers, the population in fact decreased. That made it confusing in finding the issue. This website is very useful for being able to see your cities trends and what kind of crime that occurs there. Looking at surrounding cities like East Peoria and Morton, it showed me that east peoria had more violent crimes within their city due to the size and demographics. I also feel this could affect the comparison due to east peoria being next to downtown peoria, attracting out of city guests, especially with hotels in the area. Looking at Mortons, I noticed how their crime rates and reports are significantly smaller than Washington’s. This could be the reason that there is not a lot of attraction to the town, and so a lot of out of town guests really dont go there.-as123

    1. What isn't surprising is the crimes back-n-forth between downtown Peoria and East Peoria, don't you agree? Tons of crimes, especially violent do seem to spike more in the same city (due to lack of transportation, gang rivalry, neighborhood issues, and families living close by one another that commit violent crimes towards one another), but that isn't always the case. There are other ways violent crimes can occur and other relationships that violent crimes happen between, such as - co-workers, gang members who don't live in the same town, the crimes starting in one city and ending in another, etc. These aspects, rations, and demographics can be tricky to map out and come up with due to the starting place of the crime, ending place of the crime, multiple city residents involved, and also many police departments involved as well.
      But, overall, loved your comment and understood your point.

  15. While reading this article, I found out a lot of interesting things about crime in Illinois. First I found out that, Illinois has about 12,810,199 population, with 656 law enforcement agencies, and a 0% of those agencies contributing to the NIBRS. To continue, the CDE, which is also known as the crime data explorer, represents a profound transformation in how data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is presented. The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program provided updated data for 2018 on September 30, 2019. The final thing from this article that I learned is that, to quote the article, “Crime data is dynamic. Offenses occur, arrests are made, and property is recovered every day. The CDE is an attempt to somewhat reflect that fluidity in crime. The data presented here will be updated regularly in a way that UCR publications previously could not. As the data is dynamic, so is this gateway to the data. The CDE’s content and features are updated and expanded continually. So, look for a time stamp that reflects the refresh date of content or statistics. This is especially important to reconcile any differences that may exist between the data that is available on the CDE pages and the data that resides in the datasets for downloading.”. –kahffcj456

  16. For my research venture, on police severity, I decided to look at the horrendous crime percentage in Illinois. As demonstrated by this site Illinois' unpleasant wrongdoing rate is basically higher than that of the United States when all is said in done. While using the bad behavior data adventurer, I found that in Illinois all awful bad behavior was on a reduction from 2008 to 2014 and started to move toward the rate for the entire U.S. however, had a spike in 2016. A large portion of the blameworthy gatherings recorded 1,964 men and the age that apparently these men who have completed the bad behaviors run from 19-29 years old. I envision that police genuinely started to separate extra on violations in Illinois alone, especially in the Chicago district which is inconceivable. The last steady estimation from the bad behavior data traveler was from 2008 to 2015 the numbers for the ambush were all over, and from 2015 to 2018 the uncovered attacks that happened in Illinois extended in a general sense. Looking wrongdoing rates in Illinois is amazingly basic to me since it is the state I live in and plan to work in, later on. - Smiley456

    1. Reading this I had no idea that Illinois was the worst state for this in the country, luckily it went down for a few years but that did not last long. I wish the authorities could find something new to seriously decrease the rate of these crimes to at least nation average, but hopefully lower. -bears123

  17. While trying to configure this website I noticed there is so much different information that you can get and this website can be very helpful when it comes to writing the term paper. But, as I said in the last blog on the NCVS this is actually not as accurate as people may think because there are many different types of crime that are not reported. But as I was looking at the violent crime rates something just did not stick out to me and that was the illinois violent crime rate was actually higher than the United States as a whole. Now violent crimes actually cover more than just a single crime type. Along with violent crime rates being high homicide rate are high as well. Now does this mean that we live and may eventually work in a terrible crime rate state? This website will be extremely helpful when all of us are trying to decide where we want to work. When reading the different statistics I keep questioning why this is happening. Why is our crime rate so much higher compared to the United states as a whole? Mind blowing actually. Sunshine 789

  18. Let me start by expressing my love for this site. I used this site to research for a term paper of mine last year. The well organized and straight forward layout of the site makes it easy to find the data you are looking for. I started by selecting a state that related to my topic, to which I was met with various charts on both offenders and victims (race, gender, age etc.) of crime. For the blog I started by clicking the state of Illinois since I will most likely be working there for the first part of my career. The first thing that I found interesting was the location of crimes compared to each other. For example, in Illinois, the vast majority of violent crime is committed in a residence home. Continuing down the page for violent crime I viewed the characteristics of crime. The most common weapon used in violent crimes in Illinois are personal weapons followed by handguns. Data like this is important for the topics I’m covering in my term paper. One of my term papers is covering terrorism in the U.S. while the other is covering mass shootings. Both tie closely together making research slightly easier. A site like this offers a more specific and detailed look at crime state by state. Nacho 123, 456

    1. I thought this website was very insightful and very informative. I hadn’t realized at how high the crime rates are here in the state of Illinois. I just moved back a little over a year. To see these numbers, it is astonishing. I am writing a paper on Human Trafficking, and I could find any information, so I chose rape crimes. But non the less, this site is very helpful many term papers. Illinigurl456

  19. Illinois’s violent crime rate has been on a very steep decline ever since 2008. The biggest drop bing from 2009 to 2010 from 497.2 down to 444.9 dropping 52.3.This shows that Illinois is doing something right when it comes to dealing with crime that it managed to go down so much within these years. However there was a pretty drastic increase from 2014 to 2016. It dropped from a staggering 525.4 in 2008 all the way down to 370.9 in 2014 just to spike backup in 2016 to 436.7. However, compared to the rest of the United States of America, Illinois is still a little on the higher side of crime.Over the years the type of offenders has remained rather consistent with males making up the majority of offenders from 2008 all the way to 2018. On the other hand The type of victim has varied slightly over the years. Females have slowly become the majority of victims in violent crimes. In 2008 males were the majority with 59% but, over the years it has slowly decreased till 2018 females made up 52% of victims. Slim789

    1. I agree with this, the number from 2008 to 2014 dropped a considerable amount but, still went back up around the middle of 2014 to 2016. And it is interesting to see that in Illinois the number is higher in terms of violent crimes than the rest of the United States. -Cubs789

  20. I found it interesting in this article that the rate of violent crimes in Illinois was at such a high number around 2008 but then started to slowly decrease as we started to get closer to 2014. But, as it reached 2014 the rate started to increase quite a bit between 2014 and the middle of 2016, but then dropped again after this time. Also as we get into the violent crime demographics portion of the article it is sad to see many of the violent crimes happened in the own residences’ home. Even though many of the relationships of the offenders to the victims are unknown, it is easy to assume some if not many of them were related to the offenders of these crimes. The rate of violent crimes in Illinois per 100,000 persons is even higher than the rate of violent crimes per 100,000 persons in the entire United States. It’s surprising to see that this number is higher, because there are so many more places to look at that Illinois is higher than the average.- Cubs789

  21. For my topic involving school shootings this article goes far in depth of the statistics and when looking at the numbers for 2008-2018 in the City of Peoria, there has been a steady fluctuation between dropping and rising back up. Although the city has not scene any mass murders we have had a fairly high murder rate over the past few years. In IL alone we have a very high violent crime rate but when looking at the homicide rates their seems to be a trend with age. The group of 20-29 year old victims has the highest reported homicide deaths. The intriguing statistic there is the fact that the offenders are also in the same age group. I think this definitely reinforces the concept of aging out of crime and the age groups that we see involved in homicides and shootings. Also the stats show that personal weapons are used more than firearms in the majority of the homicides in our state and that handguns are next on that list. This would fall in line with my paper topic of mass shootings because the stats show the people involved tend to be older and have no relationship with the offender which can skew the viewpoint of the media in regards to the reasons for mass shootings, and the leading factors or motives. -Blues456

    1. I agree that the media can skew people’s perception of mass shootings and school shootings. People definitely age out of crime as you stated in your paragraph and that is definitely clear when you look at the statistics provided. With having the same paper topic this website really helped and will help in the paper.-Legion123

    2. I also looked at how in IL the use of personal weapons is the highest followed by handguns. I wonder just how much IL's stricter gun control has helped, or for lack there of, for the violent crime rates, especially homicide. I also agree how the media can be manipulative in terms of its use for showing motives in these atrocities. -Rock123,456

  22. As I look through this website, I am amazed at how many agencies we have in the state of Illinois. I am writing my term paper on Human Trafficking and I wasn’t able to find any numbers and or data about it. So, I chose to look at rape crimes. As I read through the graph, it seems like rape is on the rise, which doesn’t really surprise me. According to NIBRIS, in 2018 there was 132 rape incidents and 135 incidents reported in Illinois by 1 law enforcement agency. That is rather shocking to see that 1 agency had reported 135 incidents. Majority of sex offenders were male at 156 and majority of the victims were female at 124. As one can see that majority of men are the perpetrators and females are nine out of ten to be a victim. A rape victim is typically raped in a residence, and they typically know who their attacker is. The attacker is someone who is an acquaintance. Typically, a weapon is not used, but when a weapon is used, it is a personal weapon, such as a knife, duct tape, or a gun. This website has been very eye opening, and a good read. Illinigurl456

    1. I totally agree with you! I think it is crazy how many agencies there are in the United States. This website does have good statistic on human trafficking and it would be a good website to help you write your paper! I also agree that it is cool to see how many crimes an agency has reported.-softball456

  23. This is a really cool website that has crime statistics by state and that you can compare them with the rest of the country. It is interesting to see that Illinois violent crime rate is higher than the rest of the country, but is going up and down consistently throughout the country. The overall trend of crime in the United States and in the state of Illinois is in an overall downward trend with some upward spikes. It is interesting to see the weapons statistics used in homicides in Illinois. Contrary to popular belief “assault rifles” are not the go to weapon for crime. Automatic pistols were the leading cause of homicide in Illinois. These are already illegal. This goes to show that you can push all the gun control in the world and criminals will still use weapons whether they are legal or not. Rifles only made up one reported homicide in Illinois. That does not specify if it was an AR-15 platform or not. Automatic weapons made up zero homicides. Normal semi-automatic handguns made up four reported homicides and we do not hear people calling for banning of those. This shows they do not go look at the statistics they only go for emotion and what looks scary.-Legion123

  24. I found it deeply upsetting that the Violent Crime Rates in Illinois are higher than the nations rates. I find it upsetting that the races aspects of the violent crimes mainly are - black offenders offending another black person (victim). This means that the "race-bond" many people talk about is diminishing. This means no matter your gender, race, age, location of your resident - you are more likely to offend someone of the same race. How sad is that? We are a nation filled with multiple ethnicities, cultures, religious beliefs, and lifestyles; yet we cannot seem to get past that and come into an atmosphere of understanding, love, and care for another human being, even one of the same race as us. I hope the state of Illinois does better with decreasing violent crimes and realizes how sad it is for me, as an Illinois resident to see this and how hard it is to be proud of the state I come from.

    1. I do agree with you on how sad it is to see the crime rates in Illinois compared to other places. I wish that it was not like that but since it is a lot of people need to realize this and try to change it somehow. I also have realized that a lot of violent crimes are between the same race which reminds me of gangs. -wags123

  25. After looking around on the website given about the crime data explorer I looked at Illinois data compared to other states data. One I looked at was the relationship between Michigan and Illinois. I wanted to see the crime rates, mostly homicide, between two states there were similar in population size. Illinois had a population size of about 12,810,199 and then Michigan had 10,460,399. I compared both states and their homicide rates in 2016 there were 8.4 homicides per 100,000 people and then that dropped to 6.8 im 2018. Now, in Michigan there were 6.2 per 100,000 people in 2016 and then dropped in 2018 to 5.5. The thing that I was trying to figure out was why Illinois has more homicides compared to Michigan who is close in size and population. The first thought was that maybe since Illinois has Chicago which is a pretty high crime city that is why the rates are higher compared to Michigan. I also feel that we never really hear about crimes in Michigan like we do for places in Illinois. Like I said before I think it is because we have Chicago to make our homicide rates higher than Michigan. -wags123

    1. I think the fa that we have Chicago it raises is homicide rates significantly because all the killings that happen every day. I know that Michigan has Detroit which is also a violent city but Chicago is arguably one of the most violent cities in the US. I do like how you compared the two states though it is an interesting observation.

  26. A UCR or Uniform Crime Report is the FBI’s way of collecting data on committed crimes. The only downside to this crime report is that not all crime is reported so that means that the data can not be one hundred percent. In 2018 there was data collected from 650 to 930 agencies in Illinois. There were 1,652 violent crimes and 2,087 crimes reported in the state of Illinois. In Illinois, it shows that the majority of the crimes are committed by white ad African American males. Men committed almost double the crimes that females did. Females and males are almost 50/50 for the victim in reported crimes. I think the statistics in Illinois show that it is mostly white and African American males is because of the population in Illinois. Illinois is mostly white and black but if you were to look at studies done in California or another state where the ethnicity of their population is more diverse. The studies also show that most of the violent crimes in Illinois are done with some sort of weapon, personal weapons being the most predominant and handguns being the second most used. The data shows us a lot about crimes and what crimes are most committed and the weapons they use in said crimes. When I looked deeper into the crimes that have been committed in Illinois nothing really stood out to me except that the violent crimes are pretty high. Since these records were from 2018 I would like to see where Illinois stands in 2020. -wb123

  27. I really like how this website has all the stats and numbers from each state compared to each other. It is disappointing to see that Illinois has the highest violent crime rate in the nation. Most people believe most shootings are done with rifles since some of the biggest tragedies are done so, but this is not the case since pistols are actually used much more often. I believe that is the case because pistols are much easier to hide and conceal because of how much smaller they are. It was interesting to see the stats for these crimes sorted into topics such as race, sex, ethnicity, and age. For race, majority of the offenders were African American, while the victims were almost equal between whites and African Americans. An overwhelming number of these offenders were males and over half of the victims were also male. The biggest age group from these crimes did not surprise me, it was a majority of 20-29 in both the offenders and victims. Most of these crimes were committed either in a residential home or on the street, around half of these crimes that occurred did not have a known relationship between the offenders and the victims. -bears123

  28. The CDE is a testament to how computers cooperate and communicate with each other all across the map to bring valuable information on violent offenders and high profile criminals. The cities in Illinois near and three hours away in Chicago are known to have more violent crime rates than most others in the nation due to tense climates between civilians and the police. With the Watts' style rioting that have been present in Illinois and on the border over the past ten years, it is no wonder why crime rates are going up as the disrespect of the police and authority personnel increases too. As a person who has grown up in Illinois for the duration of their whole life, it's noticeable how Illinois violent crime levels have increased exponentially in the past ten years. Illinois could be due for a change in authority personnel and/or new practices to combat this civilian discord and violence.

  29. Starting with a 10 year gap from 2008 to 2018, I saw that Illinois has had a higher rate of violent crimes than the rest of the United States. The gap is significant in certain years, like 2008-2014 and 2016-2018, and is steadily closing to the national numbers more recently. I was actually surprised to see when it came to where the crimes happened and the relationship to the victim, it tended to be unrelated. Most of the violent crimes happened within a home, but the victim and offender tended to have no known relation. This possibly points to the crime being less about murder or rape and more about robbery and theft. I found it interesting that the race of the victims highly offended were both white and black and in close numbers. I expected black and/or African Americans to be victimized more than white people due to the fact that those of color tend to populate lower income areas more than Caucasians. Reading on, my guess that burglary was more frequent than homicide in Illinois was incorrect. Illinois has a much higher rate of death than the rest of the United States, and with my background knowledge of gang violence in Chicago, this is no surprise to me. -Gamma456

    1. It is sad that Illinois has the highest violent crime rate than the rest of the United States. I honestly was expecting it to be more California since there is so many gangs and high poverty rates there, but I guess I do forget that Chicago is so big and there is a big violence problem there. Brianna123

  30. Well to begin with, it blows my mind how many agencies each state has. I didn’t realize Illinois has 656 agencies. That is a lot of you think about it. Rhode Island has the least agencies at 49. The crime rate in Illinois is like a roller coaster. In 2008 it was very high and then it started dropping until 2016, it began to rise and then dropped again in 2018. I am writing my paper on domestic violence and this crime data explorer shows me the number of violent crimes for each category. I think this will be very helpful for my paper because I can get the right statistics from a reliable source. It blows my mind how evil people are in this world. But I guess that is the way life is. I honestly think crime might drop a little due to weed becoming legal in Illinois. If I ever want to know statistics about crime, I am going to come to this website because it seems very helpful and reliable. It has statistics for each state and tells how many agencies and population for each state also.-softball456

    1. I didn't realize how many were in IL either! I was so surprised, but it got me looking at other states too to see how many there were! I think from what i was going through it looked like Texas had the most with 1,138.

  31. I have noticed that living in Peoria the racial profiling does indeed exist for the African American community. From the interviews and conversations I've had with all my African American friends and acquaintances they have indeed been at one point or another a victim of racial profiling criminal or not.

  32. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a very helpful and informative cite to use. I love that you can choose any state or states you want and compare their crime rates or you can compare it to the overall nations crime rates. Also, it is interesting that you can choose any police department/ county you want. I learned that Illinois has a population of 12,810,199 with 656 Law Enforcement agencies and the violent crime rates are higher than the nations rates. In correlation to my term paper about gang violence, I learned that gangland killings were 311 and juvenile gang killings were 308. Which is interesting that the numbers are so close to the juvenile gang killings. I also learned that number of handguns used were 6,698 and firearms were 3,018 than compared to any other weapons. It is very interesting to compare the different states and years that crimes took place and will be using this cite more in the future. Brianna123

  33. The Crime Data explorer website is the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports. On this site, the data has been updated to 2018 and has expanded the “Homicide Data Explorer page. This is interesting to me because that page actually shows the specific type of firearms that were used in the murders which is a smart tool to add to the crime data explorer. This website could be a very helpful guide while writing my term paper. My term paper will be about domestic violence and I could use this website by finding reports about domestic violence cases. I could see if they have been increasing or decreasing in the last decade or so. In my paper, I can use this website to figure out who is more likely to create the violence in each relationship. The explorer also provides documents and downloads of different reports. For example, one document is called arrest data and it has the reported number of adult arrests by crime. There are also charts on the explorer and they show Victim Demographics which can be the victims relationship to the offender. With violent crimes the offender is mostly unknown to the victim but with domestic it is usually girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse. Overall, this website will definitely help me with my term paper. -HL456

    1. My paper is also domestic violence and I think that this is a great place to find information about domestic violence and assault cases within a relationship between two people. I thought that it was super interesting that most of the cases in this study had no relationship to the offender, but it is usually a significant other.

  34. The number of aggravated assault victims with a relationship with to the offender is over 60% the demographic and most of the aggravated assaults take place in the residence. There a lot of the victims are a significant other in some sort of way. Most of the offenders are male but the victim’s numbers are neck and neck and are split between male and female. Back ten years ago most of the offenders and victims were all male and there were not as many reported domestic situations. These statistics are from one single law enforcement agency in the state of Illinois. But it is across the board in every state that most of the victims are in some way a significant other to the offender. Even in the state of Texas which about five times bigger than the state of Illinois the same percentages show up in the calculations. In Illinois 1 and 3 women and 1 and 4 men in the united states have experienced some sort of violence from a partner. Around 35 percent of men and women in both Illinois and Texas experience intimate partner physical violence, rape, or stalking in their lifetime. Which with all of these numbers it is clear that most of the issues are the same across each state, but they have decreased by thousands from what they were ten years ago. -Cookie456

    1. I noticed the difference in gender roles over the years as well. It seems like as the times change the crimes change too in gender roles. To the point of the victim being in some relation to the offender not only was that interesting but it was also kind of awakening. -Moon#456

  35. The crime data explorer is going to be a good resource to use in my research paper because it gives close to exact data reported on crime. This will help me so much because I could find trends regarding my topic. This website shows the percentage of those who committed a crime the percentage of what crime was committed. This website shows the demographic of the offenders and the victims. It's really interesting exploring the page I really think it will be helpfull with my research paper. Checo123

  36. I was checking on the rates of the homicide and the aggravated assault to find a tie into my paper and I was surprised to see how it reflected. Based on the graphs I was surprised by the fact our homicide rate is higher than the average in the United States as a whole, and also surprised our aggravated assault rate looks like it’s tied directly to the United States rate. I think this would tie into my paper on police brutality. I do not personally remember hearing about half of these events that it describes or shows on the data but it really is an eye opener. Another area that showed height over the United States was Illinois’ robbery rate status. And the final third point I found was the relationship to the victim. It was surprising how close some of the victims are to the offenders, most of the crimes look like it is coming from family. Or neighborhood friends and/or acquaintances. Just goes to show who you have to watch out for and be careful on and know who to trust. -Moon#456

  37. My term paper this semester is about police brutality and one thing that I found that might be useful is where the incident actually takes place. I infer that most of these crimes occur on highways or on sidewalks or in alleyways. From 2018 there have been 591 violent offenses that have happened in or on Highways Alleys Streets and Sidewalks in Illinois alone How many of those are because of police brutality? The next bit of information that I’ve found to be helpful is the type of weapon that was used during the violent attack. 525 attacks involve a personal weapon, which could have been an officer’s weapon. I feel that learning more about personal weapons and what specific weapons they are would help. One last thing I’ve found to be helpful is that “the data reflects the hierarchy rule, which requires that only the most serious offense in a case be counted.” How many cases where police brutality are even counted in statistics because something worse happened to the victim? -sun456

  38. There are several methods for the measuring of crime. Public surveys are occasionally conducted to estimate the amount of crime that has not been reported to police. Such surveys are usually more reliable for assessing trends.The Crime Data Explorer represents a profound transformation in how data from the FBI’s.Crime data is dynamic. Offenses occur, arrests are made, and property is recovered every day. The CDE is an attempt to somewhat reflect that fluidity in crime.Crime rates have varied over time, with a sharp rise after 1963, reaching a broad peak between the 1970s and early 1990s. Since then, crime has declined significantly in the United States, and current crime rates are approximately the same as those of the 1960s. Minimum#025

  39. The Crime Data Explorer is a very good way to see what types of crimes happen in specific areas. in Peoria in a time span of 5 years from 2014-2018 it looked like violent crime has been on the rise with a little dip from 2017-2018. Property crimes also look like they have a trend of rising from 2014, but it also fell in 2017. So it may look like Peoria County will maybe see a decrease going from 2018 to 2019 in both violent and property crimes. This website could be very useful for lots of different reasons depending on what you are researching. Steelers789

  40. With the discussion of the UCR, I believe that it is an effective tool but it is not a thing that is credible alone. I feel with the combination of the UCR and the NVCS would be a better solution to finding out how much crime there is in any areas of the U.S. Unfortunately both systems of leave out certain crimes, This also leaves out the crime of police brutality which is what my paper is on. But with the help of the UCR I can figure out if there is a correlation between high crime rates is a factor to high police brutality or vise versa. I was really impressed that I could type in any major or even minor police department in the U.S. and see their crime reports. This helps me in cases such as in Illinois where I can look up Chicago P.D. and compare them to departments as small as Chillicothe P.D., or go even further and compare a large department to another department across the nation and compare the two behemoths together and how they handle police brutality differently. The UCR will help me in ways in my personal life as well. By looking up my areas department I know that hey if the main crime of my area is burglary or another form of theft, I can go around my community volunteer me time cleaning the place up and rebuilding things on peoples homes that may lead others to use to their advantages such as a broken window, replacing doors and other things. With the help of community policing, it can also play a huge factor in the UCR. Creating a bond with people creates trust leading to more people to report crimes that were commited making the UCR more reliable and accurate in the long run.

  41. While reading through the crime reports for Illinois, it was crazy to see how low crime had gotten from 2008 to 2014. I believe a major contributing factor was the housing crisis of 2008. I am a firm believer crime reported has a strong correlation to the socio-economics of a certain area or city. Another important aspect is that almost all crimes has taken place in a residence home. I think that this is extremely important when discussing police tactics to prevent criminal activity. The victim's relationship statistic seems something more to be thought after. A huge category of this was "Unknown." The second most was a stranger. I believe that this is an important statistic to know especially when you are talking about crimes like human trafficking. One last point that I had taken away from these statistic is that the total rifles involved in offenses was 9 out of 1,614. This to me shows that many politicians need to stop focusing on rifles and maybe concentrate their efforts of the weapons that are more likely to be used in the commission of a crime. CP3123

    1. Recidivism is a word that references when a person is released from prison and offends again or violates probation. We had just talked about this subject in another of my criminal justice classes. I think it's interesting. We talked specifically about recidivism in regards to juveniles. Juveniles are even more likely to reoffend. How as people get older they do get less likely to reoffend this is called the aging out process. The idea is as people get older they mature and the idea of crime is not worth committing over the risk. It has been proven that people who are put in prison and released with no backup plan or skills are very likely to be back in prison. This is why if we teach people in prison a skill or give them a class they may have a reason to not default back to what they did to be put in prison or give them a little push back into society. We can't expect a person with no job who has been locked away for years to come out with lots of ways to make a reliable living and life plan. This is why we need to offer classes or teach a trade to these people while they are incarcerated. This will make their transition back into society easier for them and maybe lessen the likelihood of them reoffending. -11b123

    2. I really like what you said about rifles being used in crimes and how surprisingly few times a rifle is really used. I believe the reason that politicians go after weapons like the AR-15 so hard is because people are scared of it. Politicians use misleading or wrong words like "assault rifle" and "military style" and "high powered" to make them seem worse than they are. AR means Armalite Rifle the company that made it not assault rifle. The AR-15 is not a military rifle. It is the civilian variant of a platform the military uses. It is not really a powerful weapon the 5.56 is a small round. I believe if people understood firearms and how they really work people would be less afraid and know when people talk about them. -11b123

  42. In this crime data explorer for the state of Illinois is higher than the crime rates in the rest of the country. I find that people actually create data so that every year we can see if crime rates either increased or decreased. I believe it definitely helps to see the difference and compare the years. The data is explored by the years from 2008 to 2018. I looked more into the homicide offense courts chart. It looks like starting in 2008 it was pretty steady all until 2015. In 2015 it started to increase a lot more by 2016. After 2016 it started to easily decrease a bit. As I started to search more I found out that the ges through 20-29 was the biggest crime rate over all. Between the offenders and the even including the victims as well. According to the, “All crime rate charts,” most of the crimes happen in homes and often the victims are unknown to the offender. Although, in some cases the only reason that it may not be documented is because often the victim does not communicate to the police or sometimes they drop the charges. -Charmed123

  43. After scrolling around the Crime Data Explorer to get a feel for things, I began looking at more prominent states that that related to my topics, such as crime in states with strict v. loose gun control laws. From here I also found different charts on both offenders and victims along with factors like race and age of the people related. Naturally, I also started looking at the state of Illinois since I will most likely be wanting to work closer to home, however with that said I realize that you must follow where people are hiring regardless. From here I found what was interesting or more unique, was the location of crimes compared to each other. Such as in Illinois, the majority of violent crime is committed in a residence. Continuing down the page for violent crime, I looked for the characteristics of this type of crime. I found that the most common weapon used in Illinois are personal weapons followed by handguns. Data like this is important for the topics I’m covering in my term paper due to it giving information on all states, which could help for cross references when looking at my topics regionally. One of my term papers is covering terrorism in America while the other is over mass shootings. Both tie closely together and overlap making research slightly easier. Sites like this can help because it can show how terrorism and mass shootings can vary so greatly across the nation.-Rock123,456


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