Reentry Assistance.....Thoughts?


  1. Reentry into prisons and jails has always been an issue in the criminal justice system, but luckily some states are willing to pass laws to help make the reentry numbers drop. Reentry happens once an inmate is released from prison or jail, and sent back into the real world with an updated criminal record dragging behind them, this makes things like getting a job very difficult, along with not being able to vote, or sometimes drive. With these new laws it is giving these ex inmates the right to vote, along with curbing driver’s license suspensions, these changes will make it easier for these people to start a successful life. Other states are expanding human rights laws, which allow those with criminal records permission to live in public housing. This is very important because most people do not have a safe, crime free area to go to once they get released. If these people do not have a crime free place to live once released, they will most likely go back to where they were when they were partaking in criminal acts. Finally, “ban the box” laws are being put into place preventing employers from asking interviewers whether or not they have a criminal record, this will help increase the possibility of these men and women getting jobs, and ultimately staying away from crime. -LW789

    1. I agree that the expansion of public housing to include those with criminal records is very progressive. This may help to keep one time offenders from becoming habitual offenders. Although these changes will not directly change the behavior of an ex prisoners, it will reduce the chances they come into contact with other criminal behavior.

  2. When transitioning from prison back into normal society, inmates find it extremely difficult to reintegrate back into society. As if the lack of social skills and education is not a disadvantage in itself, prisoners find that there tend to be reentry barriers that make it very difficult to find work and go about their daily lives. There is often a stigma surrounding those with criminal records, that they may be incompetent or unable to show up and hold a job. Some inmates are scrutinized for their “criminal records' ', which are often small offenses, like marijuana possession. In America, one in three adults have a criminal record. Luckily many states have begun to pass reentry laws. In fact, I found it very interesting that Illinois was among the top states when it came to passing laws to counter reentry barriers. Illinois expanded its human rights law, which expanded access to public housing for former inmates. Prosecutors in most states are beginning to realize that this reform movement of the criminal records is important to public safety. Based on the amount of ground gained in 2019, 2020 looks to be a very optimistic year in this progressive movement. Family789

    1. I agree and believe that it can be really hard for people who are coming back into society. and you are right because of there restrictions it is a lot harder to find a work place and to go about their daily lives and I really wish that there was something more that us people in the society could do for them and to try and help them. Overall I think that your statement is very true and they you put it works really well. Sunshine 789

  3. when you are first getting out of prison and reentering the life of a normal person so to say it can be extremely difficult, especially is that person or persons did get the proper help that they needed, which is the case in most cases. while reading this article i became very pleased to hear that there are some states that are trying to do more to get the number to drop for people who a re-offending and ending up back in facilities. And the fact that the state that we live is in one of the top that are passing the reentry barriers. the restriction that people have with reentry to the community is outrageous if you ask me and I honestly believe that is should not be so intense. Overall I believe that this article was very interesting and it actually caught my attention. Sunshine789

    1. It is really nice to hear that certain states are striving and working to help ex-convicts get back onto their feet once they are released from jail or prison. With this being said the new laws that are being passed are some of the best ones to help a ex-convict become successful, like voting and easier job availability. These laws are some great steps forward for released prisoners, and I am certain the number of re-offenders will be affected for the good. -LW789

    2. I agree that it is great that the states are striving to help past offenders become more successful upon their reentry into society. When it is harder to reenter into society we are just setting them up to fail and more than likely re-offend. Silm789

  4. Prisoners have always had trouble when it comes to reentry. Reentry refers to a prisoner’s release from jail or prison back into society. It can be even more difficult when you factor in the fact that a lot of offenders have less education, less social skills from being isolated from society, and losing privileges from being a convicted offender. However, now most states are trying to help past offenders with laws and resources to help make the transition from prisoners back into everyday people is a great change. Allowing them to regain privileges that had been taken away from being convicted such as the ability to vote and making it easier for past offenders to find jobs. This news is even better when you consider the fact that most past offenders were convicted of nonviolent crimes and have served their time. These people have done the crime and have done their time so the punishment should be over. Slim 789

    1. It is good to see that states are finally passing laws to help convicted offenders to become integrated into society easier. These are still people and when they do their time they deserve to have their rights back. So, this is good especially for the people who were convicted for nonviolent crimes, like you said. -Jwilliejack789

  5. All across the nation states are passing laws to help people with criminal records. The states have passed a combined 152 new laws that help break the barriers that have been placed on these people that make it harder for them to reenter society and live a normal life. The Collateral Consequences Resource Center called this an “extraordinary fruitful period of law reform in the United States.” This is just the start of the trend that will help millions of Americans with criminal records to become integrated into society easier. This is important because 1 in every 3 adults in America have a criminal record. New Jersey was named by the CCRC, “Reintegration Champion” because they passed three key laws. One law they passed offered people to have a clean record if they have not committed a crime in ten years. Also, those who are still in prison are the only people who will be banned from voting. Other states are also passing laws to help people with criminal records become productive members of society. This only a step in the right direction to help many Americans who are suffering from a crooked system. Jwilliejack789

  6. I believe this is a very good start in the right direction. I always thought it was unfair how offenders had to resort to working low end jobs because of their record offences getting in their way. This does give them a chance to change themselves and begin the aging out process. Most people end up doing a stupid thing or get caught up in drama but that doesn't mean that they are incapible of being smart and working a well paid job. Also, with the housing expansion, this is great . Most people who get out of jail or prison, have nothing left. They end up staying with the wrong crowd or with family members. Some end up back on the streets. It's important that we help them get reintergrated back into their environment so that they can succeed. Voting is very important. If you see the stats on how many people are locked up to what the population is, then you know that that's alot of votes and opinions being mis accounted for. Everyone has the freedom of speech. I understand that when you are incarcerated your rights are taken away, but when you get out, you start regaining your rights. We try so hard to get the younger generations on board to vote and how important it is, so why not give that choice to people who have slipped up and are trying to make better of themselves.


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