
Showing posts from April, 2019

13Th....And My Thoughts

13Th....And My Thoughts

Kansas and the Decline of Youth in its Juvenile Facilities

Kansas and Decline in Youth in Facilities Kansas and Decline of Youth in Juvenile Facilities

Sheriff, Undersheriff, Jail and My Thoughts....

Sheriff, Undersheriff, Jail and my Thoughts...

Juvenile Detention Facility and My Thoughts....

Juvenile Detention Facility and My Thoughts....

Stop and Frisk....Your Thoughts?


Terry Basics in the ‘68


Procedural Justice and Its Importance


Never Learned to Cook Like This....Nor Should Anyone

Never Learned to Cook Like This....Nor Should Anyone

Reefer Madness and Investigations.....


Prison Health Care and its Sucess?

Prison Health Care and its Sucess?

My City and The UCR and What This Means....

My City and The UCR and What This Means....

My City and the NCVS and What This Means....

My City and the NCVS and What This Means....