Showing posts from February, 2012
Retired NYPD Officer Frank Serpico: American Drug War is A Lie, Just Like 9/11! 1/3
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LVMPD Corrections Recruitment Video
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Upgrade to the latest Flash Player for improved playback performance. Upgrade now or more info . Close The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Recruitment Team presents our Corrections Officer Recruitment Video. See the dedicated men and women of the Clark County Detention Center in action as they complete academy training in Use of Force, Post Observation, Physical Fitness, and Inspection. Your thoughts?
Cayman Islands Criminality Retreat
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In the face of increasing local crime levels, some 85 representatives from government, the private sector, civic organisations and churches recently met to discuss short, medium and long-term crime prevention strategies based on the Yolande Forde Study on Pre-disposing Factors to Criminality in the Cayman Islands. Find out what was considered, and how this retreat will form the basis for a pro-active, community-based crime prevention scheme.
Cayman Islands Survey Report - 2009 High School Student Concerns - Involvement Survey
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The 2009 Student Concerns & Involvement Survey was called for by the National Youth Commission with an aim to update data on young people for the National Youth Stakeholders Meeting scheduled for October 17, 2009. It is to be run in September every three years to capture data for senior high students at least once in their senior high school tenure.
Human Rights Conference in the Cayman Islands
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As a representative of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, I served on a Human Rights Conference Board. The main evening where the public attended was quite interesting and the responses, from the public and panel, were engaging and enlightening at the very least. To say that law enforcement must be involved in the whole process and implementation of these rights may be an understatement as many global violations of these rights are committed by the law enforcement entities. The same agencies who should protect and hold dear those rights. Further, a Bill of Rights was discussed.,2401598&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Perceptions of Caymanian Young People Concerning Their Challenges and Opportunities
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Eyes & Voices to the Future - Juvenile Study in the Cayman Islands
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Crime in the Caribbean has been researched thoroughly. Hear what juveniles in the Cayman Islands have to say. For more of the study, see link below. Where now? INTRODUCTION This qualitative study on the aspirations, visions and dreams of young people in the Cayman Islands is part of several studies that are simultaneously being replicated throughout the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). It is one component of an inclusive regional analysis of the situation of Caribbean youth aged 15-29 years of age. The study is being undertaken by the CARICOM Commission on Youth Development. The Commission on Youth Development, through a directive by the CARICOM Heads of Government, was charged to explore and analyze the perceptions of young people concerning their challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, based on the findings of the study, the Commission was to provide recommendations to alleviate identified detrimental factors and also to empower young people in the CARICOM Sin...
One Fourth of World Murders in the Caribbean? Reasons and Solutions Discussed.
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The Caribbean is often viewed as the 'fun in the sun' hiatus. One devoid of the elements we describe as criminogenic. For the most part it is. Like other global locations, crime is predominately isolated to specific demographics, geographic areas and life styles. As a criminologist who has over the years studied prison populations, juvenile delinquency and causation of crime in the region, this came as no surprise. In the article, you will discover that some of the mentioned correlates for the crime situation were evident for at least a decade and previous literature has indicated this. See the article:
The Effects of Twitter in an Online Learning Environment
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- Other Apps Twitter Iphone UberCurrent provides a unique Twitter experience. It permits you to follow the people, blogs and other media sources. There is the potential for the experience to be an educational one. You follow the blogs and people in your personal and academic learning environment. The simplicity of the tool enhances your resolve to master it.
How to Create and Use an Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game
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- Other Apps The educational skills and goals to be accomplished by the tool could be tied to the stated objectives and so the students would know what is being sought when they use this assessment tool. They would not be merely exercises in the mundane or simply interesting for the student, they would engage the student. A s many online learners are mature learners and are relevancy oriented , the powerpoint hyperlinks could be used to steer learners to internet blogs or wikis that explain the correct answer to their response but in real world time and circumstance.
The Top 100 Criminal Justice Blogs
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For criminal justice professionals, students or those with a hidden desire to secretly play cops and robbers, here is the link to the top 100 Criminal Justice Blogs. Access to these blogs from one area permits you keep your hand on the pulse of the criminal justice system. You can create your own personal learning environments or simply follows the current trends in the field. The possibilities are what you create.
What the Best Online Teachers Should Do
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Online teaching while similar to face to face or the traditional courseroom instruction is different. For the teacher and the student there are many minor nuances and potential pitfalls for those unprepared. This becomes evident from the onset. An example of this difference is there no physical presence for the immediate feedback that many students and teachers accept as the norm. This then moves from the synchronous to the asynchronous learning environment. This is not exactly an easy task for all who undertake the experience. To make the switch and experience less daunting, view the article below. What the Best Online Teachers Should Do
Culture and Learning? We need to know more in order to accomplish more.
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There is no doubt a sense of community is essential and needed if the learning experience is to be enhanced in online instruction. My f2f has the benefit of ‘seeing’ me actively participate in the courseroom discussion. They have my physical presence of simply being there. They are able to gauge my reactions to subject matter and discussion even if my reactions are subtle. The online learner is at a disadvantage here. Their sense of community must be created and sustained by me. This group does not have my physical presence nor can they instantaneously read my physical response to subject matter. This has to be transmitted to them in the courseroom. As a result I have to present and maintain a sense of presence during their online experience more so than in the f2f. This means I have to continually respond to learners, give feedback, social presence and initiate community learning more than the f2f class if I’m to succeed. Now intertwine all this will culture. There is new ...
Perceptions of Interactions in Online Courses
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A sense of community needs to be created and maintained in order for the true online experience to be attained. What I perceive is what I believe. Essentially, an individual's perception is their reality. This is simple to understand and yet at times it poses difficulties in the online environment. Teachers must be aware of properly interacting in the online courseroom We know that community/communication/feedback must be created and fostered by the institution/facilitator and that: 1. The three italicized are critical for the success of the online student 2. The absence of the three can predispose the students to frustration and isolation 3. Poor or lack of communication is one of the major detriments to successful matriculation Review the article for a further insight.